Exemplo n.º 1
def inspect_dpayd_implementation():
    """ Compare implemented methods with current live deployment of dpayd. """
    _apis = distinct(pluck('api', api_methods))
    _methods = set(pluck('method', api_methods))

    avail_methods = []
    s = DPay(re_raise=False)
    for api in _apis:
        err = s.exec('nonexistentmethodcall', api=api)
            for x in err['data']['stack'][0]['data']['api'].keys()

    avail_methods = set(avail_methods)

    print("\nMissing Methods:")
    pprint(avail_methods - _methods)

    print("\nLikely Deprecated Methods:")
    pprint(_methods - avail_methods)
Exemplo n.º 2
async def load_sub_questionnaire(client, root_elements, parent_item, item):
    if "subQuestionnaire" in item:
        sub = await client.resources("Questionnaire").get(

        variables = prepare_variables(item)
        if validate_assemble_context(sub, variables):
            sub = prepare_link_ids(sub, variables)

        propagate = project(dict(sub), PROPAGATE_ELEMENTS)
        dict.update(parent_item, propagate)

        root = project(dict(sub), WHITELISTED_ROOT_ELEMENTS.keys())
        for key, value in root.items():
            uniqueness = WHITELISTED_ROOT_ELEMENTS[key]
            current = root_elements.get(key, [])
            new = concat(current, value)
            root_elements[key] = distinct(new, uniqueness)
        return sub["item"]

    return item
Exemplo n.º 3
async def load_sub_questionanire(root_elements, parent_item, item):
    if "subQuestionnaire" in item:
        sub = await sdk.client.resources("Questionnaire").get(

        varaibles = prepare_varaibles(item)

        sub = prepare_bundle(sub, varaibles)

        propogate = project(dict(sub), PROPOGATE_ELEMENTS)
        dict.update(parent_item, propogate)

        root = project(dict(sub), WHITELISTED_ROOT_ELEMENTS.keys())
        for key, value in root.items():
            uniqness = WHITELISTED_ROOT_ELEMENTS[key]
            current = root_elements.get(key, [])
            new = concat(current, value)
            root_elements[key] = distinct(new, uniqness)
        return sub["item"]

    return item
Exemplo n.º 4
def inspect_steemd_implementation():
    """ Compare implemented methods with current live deployment of steemd. """
    _apis = distinct(pluck('api', api_methods))
    _methods = set(pluck('method', api_methods))

    avail_methods = []
    s = Steem(re_raise=False)
    for api in _apis:
        err = s.exec('nonexistentmethodcall', api=api)
            for x in err['data']['stack'][0]['data']['api'].keys()

    avail_methods = set(avail_methods)

    print("\nMissing Methods:")
    pprint(avail_methods - _methods)

    print("\nLikely Deprecated Methods:")
    pprint(_methods - avail_methods)
Exemplo n.º 5
def post_basic(post):
    """Basic post normalization: json-md, tags, and flags."""
    md = {}
    # At least one case where jsonMetadata was double-encoded: condenser#895
    # jsonMetadata = JSON.parse(jsonMetadata);
        md = json.loads(post['json_metadata'])
        if not isinstance(md, dict):
            md = {}
    except Exception:

    thumb_url = ''
    if md and 'image' in md:
        if md['image']:
            if not isinstance(md['image'], list):
                md['image'] = [md['image']]
            md['image'] = list(filter(None, map(safe_img_url, md['image'])))
        if md['image']:
            thumb_url = md['image'][0]
            del md['image']

    # clean up tags, check if nsfw
    tags = [post['category']]
    # if (typeof tags == 'string') tags = tags.split(' '); # legacy condenser compat
    if md and 'tags' in md and isinstance(md['tags'], list):
        tags = tags + md['tags']
    tags = map(lambda tag: (str(tag) or '').strip('# ').lower()[:32], tags)
    tags = filter(None, tags)
    tags = list(distinct(tags))[:5]
    is_nsfw = 'nsfw' in tags

    body = post['body']
    if body.find('\x00') > -1:
        #url = post['author'] + '/' + post['permlink']
        body = body.replace('\x00', '[NUL]')

    # payout date is last_payout if paid, and cashout_time if pending.
    is_paidout = (post['cashout_time'][0:4] == '1969')
    payout_at = post['last_payout'] if is_paidout else post['cashout_time']

    # payout is declined if max_payout = 0, or if 100% is burned
    is_payout_declined = False
    if sbd_amount(post['max_accepted_payout']) == 0:
        is_payout_declined = True
    elif len(post['beneficiaries']) == 1:
        benny = first(post['beneficiaries'])
        if benny['account'] == 'null' and int(benny['weight']) == 10000:
            is_payout_declined = True

    # payout entirely in SP
    is_full_power = int(post['percent_steem_dollars']) == 0

    return {
        'json_metadata': md,
        'image': thumb_url,
        'tags': tags,
        'is_nsfw': is_nsfw,
        'body': body,
        'preview': body[0:1024],
        'payout_at': payout_at,
        'is_paidout': is_paidout,
        'is_payout_declined': is_payout_declined,
        'is_full_power': is_full_power,