Exemplo n.º 1
def eager_binary_tensor_tensor(op, lhs, rhs):
    # Compute inputs and outputs.
    dtype = find_domain(op, lhs.output, rhs.output).dtype
    if lhs.inputs == rhs.inputs:
        inputs = lhs.inputs
        lhs_data, rhs_data = lhs.data, rhs.data
        inputs, (lhs_data, rhs_data) = align_tensors(lhs, rhs)
    if len(lhs.shape) == 1:
        lhs_data = ops.unsqueeze(lhs_data, -2)
    if len(rhs.shape) == 1:
        rhs_data = ops.unsqueeze(rhs_data, -1)

    # Reshape to support broadcasting of output shape.
    if inputs:
        lhs_dim = max(2, len(lhs.shape))
        rhs_dim = max(2, len(rhs.shape))
        if lhs_dim < rhs_dim:
            cut = len(lhs_data.shape) - lhs_dim
            shape = lhs_data.shape
            shape = shape[:cut] + (1, ) * (rhs_dim - lhs_dim) + shape[cut:]
            lhs_data = lhs_data.reshape(shape)
        elif rhs_dim < lhs_dim:
            cut = len(rhs_data.shape) - rhs_dim
            shape = rhs_data.shape
            shape = shape[:cut] + (1, ) * (lhs_dim - rhs_dim) + shape[cut:]
            rhs_data = rhs_data.reshape(shape)

    data = op(lhs_data, rhs_data)
    if len(lhs.shape) == 1:
        data = data.squeeze(-2)
    if len(rhs.shape) == 1:
        data = data.squeeze(-1)
    return Tensor(data, inputs, dtype)
Exemplo n.º 2
def test_reduce_moment_matching_univariate():
    int_inputs = [('i', bint(2))]
    real_inputs = [('x', reals())]
    inputs = OrderedDict(int_inputs + real_inputs)
    int_inputs = OrderedDict(int_inputs)
    real_inputs = OrderedDict(real_inputs)

    p = 0.8
    t = 1.234
    s1, s2, s3 = 2.0, 3.0, 4.0
    loc = numeric_array([[-s1], [s1]])
    precision = numeric_array([[[s2**-2]], [[s3**-2]]])
    info_vec = (precision @ ops.unsqueeze(loc, -1)).squeeze(-1)
    discrete = Tensor(ops.log(numeric_array([1 - p, p])) + t, int_inputs)
    gaussian = Gaussian(info_vec, precision, inputs)
    gaussian -= gaussian.log_normalizer
    joint = discrete + gaussian
    with interpretation(moment_matching):
        actual = joint.reduce(ops.logaddexp, 'i')
    assert_close(actual.reduce(ops.logaddexp), joint.reduce(ops.logaddexp))

    expected_loc = numeric_array([(2 * p - 1) * s1])
    expected_variance = (4 * p * (1 - p) * s1**2 + (1 - p) * s2**2 + p * s3**2)
    expected_precision = numeric_array([[1 / expected_variance]])
    expected_info_vec = (
        expected_precision @ ops.unsqueeze(expected_loc, -1)).squeeze(-1)
    expected_gaussian = Gaussian(expected_info_vec, expected_precision,
    expected_gaussian -= expected_gaussian.log_normalizer
    expected_discrete = Tensor(numeric_array(t))
    expected = expected_discrete + expected_gaussian
    assert_close(actual, expected, atol=1e-5, rtol=None)
Exemplo n.º 3
def eager_integrate(log_measure, integrand, reduced_vars):
    real_vars = frozenset(k for k in reduced_vars if log_measure.inputs[k].dtype == 'real')
    if real_vars == frozenset([integrand.name]):
        loc = ops.cholesky_solve(ops.unsqueeze(log_measure.info_vec, -1), log_measure._precision_chol).squeeze(-1)
        data = loc * ops.unsqueeze(ops.exp(log_measure.log_normalizer.data), -1)
        data = data.reshape(loc.shape[:-1] + integrand.output.shape)
        inputs = OrderedDict((k, d) for k, d in log_measure.inputs.items() if d.dtype != 'real')
        result = Tensor(data, inputs)
        return result.reduce(ops.add, reduced_vars - real_vars)
    return None  # defer to default implementation
Exemplo n.º 4
def eager_integrate(log_measure, integrand, reduced_vars):
    real_vars = frozenset(k for k in reduced_vars if log_measure.inputs[k].dtype == 'real')
    if real_vars:

        lhs_reals = frozenset(k for k, d in log_measure.inputs.items() if d.dtype == 'real')
        rhs_reals = frozenset(k for k, d in integrand.inputs.items() if d.dtype == 'real')
        if lhs_reals == real_vars and rhs_reals <= real_vars:
            inputs = OrderedDict((k, d) for t in (log_measure, integrand)
                                 for k, d in t.inputs.items())
            lhs_info_vec, lhs_precision = align_gaussian(inputs, log_measure)
            rhs_info_vec, rhs_precision = align_gaussian(inputs, integrand)
            lhs = Gaussian(lhs_info_vec, lhs_precision, inputs)

            # Compute the expectation of a non-normalized quadratic form.
            # See "The Matrix Cookbook" (November 15, 2012) ss. 8.2.2 eq. 380.
            # http://www.math.uwaterloo.ca/~hwolkowi/matrixcookbook.pdf
            norm = ops.exp(lhs.log_normalizer.data)
            lhs_cov = ops.cholesky_inverse(lhs._precision_chol)
            lhs_loc = ops.cholesky_solve(ops.unsqueeze(lhs.info_vec, -1), lhs._precision_chol).squeeze(-1)
            vmv_term = _vv(lhs_loc, rhs_info_vec - 0.5 * _mv(rhs_precision, lhs_loc))
            data = norm * (vmv_term - 0.5 * _trace_mm(rhs_precision, lhs_cov))
            inputs = OrderedDict((k, d) for k, d in inputs.items() if k not in reduced_vars)
            result = Tensor(data, inputs)
            return result.reduce(ops.add, reduced_vars - real_vars)

        raise NotImplementedError('TODO implement partial integration')

    return None  # defer to default implementation
Exemplo n.º 5
    def unscaled_sample(self, sampled_vars, sample_inputs, rng_key=None):
        sampled_vars = sampled_vars.intersection(self.inputs)
        if not sampled_vars:
            return self
        if any(self.inputs[k].dtype != 'real' for k in sampled_vars):
            raise ValueError(
                'Sampling from non-normalized Gaussian mixtures is intentionally '
                'not implemented. You probably want to normalize. To work around, '
                'add a zero Tensor/Array with given inputs.')

        # Partition inputs into sample_inputs + int_inputs + real_inputs.
        sample_inputs = OrderedDict(
            (k, d) for k, d in sample_inputs.items() if k not in self.inputs)
        sample_shape = tuple(int(d.dtype) for d in sample_inputs.values())
        int_inputs = OrderedDict(
            (k, d) for k, d in self.inputs.items() if d.dtype != 'real')
        real_inputs = OrderedDict(
            (k, d) for k, d in self.inputs.items() if d.dtype == 'real')
        inputs = sample_inputs.copy()

        if sampled_vars == frozenset(real_inputs):
            shape = sample_shape + self.info_vec.shape
            backend = get_backend()
            if backend != "numpy":
                from importlib import import_module
                dist = import_module(funsor.distribution.
                sample_args = (shape, ) if rng_key is None else (rng_key,
                white_noise = dist.Normal.dist_class(0, 1).sample(*sample_args)
                white_noise = np.random.randn(*shape)
            white_noise = ops.unsqueeze(white_noise, -1)

            white_vec = ops.triangular_solve(self.info_vec[..., None],
            sample = ops.triangular_solve(white_noise + white_vec,
                                          transpose=True)[..., 0]
            offsets, _ = _compute_offsets(real_inputs)
            results = []
            for key, domain in real_inputs.items():
                data = sample[...,
                              offsets[key]:offsets[key] + domain.num_elements]
                data = data.reshape(shape[:-1] + domain.shape)
                point = Tensor(data, inputs)
                assert point.output == domain
                results.append(Delta(key, point))
            return reduce(ops.add, results)

        raise NotImplementedError(
            'TODO implement partial sampling of real variables')
Exemplo n.º 6
def random_gaussian(inputs):
    Creates a random :class:`funsor.gaussian.Gaussian` with given inputs.
    assert isinstance(inputs, OrderedDict)
    batch_shape = tuple(d.dtype for d in inputs.values() if d.dtype != 'real')
    event_shape = (sum(d.num_elements for d in inputs.values()
                       if d.dtype == 'real'), )
    prec_sqrt = randn(batch_shape + event_shape + event_shape)
    precision = ops.matmul(prec_sqrt, ops.transpose(prec_sqrt, -1, -2))
    precision = precision + 0.5 * ops.new_eye(precision, event_shape[:1])
    loc = randn(batch_shape + event_shape)
    info_vec = ops.matmul(precision, ops.unsqueeze(loc, -1)).squeeze(-1)
    return Gaussian(info_vec, precision, inputs)
Exemplo n.º 7
def gaussian_to_data(funsor_dist, name_to_dim=None, normalized=False):
    if normalized:
        return to_data(funsor_dist.log_normalizer + funsor_dist,
    loc = ops.cholesky_solve(ops.unsqueeze(funsor_dist.info_vec, -1),
    int_inputs = OrderedDict(
        (k, d) for k, d in funsor_dist.inputs.items() if d.dtype != "real")
    loc = to_data(Tensor(loc, int_inputs), name_to_dim)
    precision = to_data(Tensor(funsor_dist.precision, int_inputs), name_to_dim)
    backend_dist = import_module(
    return backend_dist.MultivariateNormal.dist_class(
        loc, precision_matrix=precision)
Exemplo n.º 8
def _parse_slices(index, value):
    if not isinstance(index, tuple):
        index = (index, )
    if index[0] is Ellipsis:
        index = index[1:]
    start_stops = []
    for pos, i in reversed(list(enumerate(index))):
        if isinstance(i, slice):
            start_stops.append((i.start, i.stop))
        elif isinstance(i, int):
            start_stops.append((i, i + 1))
            value = ops.unsqueeze(value, pos - len(index))
            raise ValueError("invalid index: {}".format(i))
    return start_stops, value
Exemplo n.º 9
def _mv(mat, vec):
    return ops.matmul(mat, ops.unsqueeze(vec, -1)).squeeze(-1)
Exemplo n.º 10
def _vv(vec1, vec2):
    Computes the inner product ``< vec1 | vec 2 >``.
    return ops.matmul(ops.unsqueeze(vec1, -2),
                      ops.unsqueeze(vec2, -1)).squeeze(-1).squeeze(-1)
Exemplo n.º 11
def moment_matching_contract_joint(red_op, bin_op, reduced_vars, discrete,

    approx_vars = frozenset(
        k for k in reduced_vars
        if k in gaussian.inputs and gaussian.inputs[k].dtype != 'real')
    exact_vars = reduced_vars - approx_vars

    if exact_vars and approx_vars:
        return Contraction(red_op, bin_op, exact_vars, discrete,
                           gaussian).reduce(red_op, approx_vars)

    if approx_vars and not exact_vars:
        discrete += gaussian.log_normalizer
        new_discrete = discrete.reduce(
            ops.logaddexp, approx_vars.intersection(discrete.inputs))
        new_discrete = discrete.reduce(
            ops.logaddexp, approx_vars.intersection(discrete.inputs))
        num_elements = reduce(ops.mul, [
            for k in approx_vars.difference(discrete.inputs)
        ], 1)
        if num_elements != 1:
            new_discrete -= math.log(num_elements)

        int_inputs = OrderedDict(
            (k, d) for k, d in gaussian.inputs.items() if d.dtype != 'real')
        probs = (discrete - new_discrete.clamp_finite()).exp()

        old_loc = Tensor(
            ops.cholesky_solve(ops.unsqueeze(gaussian.info_vec, -1),
        new_loc = (probs * old_loc).reduce(ops.add, approx_vars)
        old_cov = Tensor(ops.cholesky_inverse(gaussian._precision_chol),
        diff = old_loc - new_loc
        outers = Tensor(
            ops.unsqueeze(diff.data, -1) * ops.unsqueeze(diff.data, -2),
        new_cov = ((probs * old_cov).reduce(ops.add, approx_vars) +
                   (probs * outers).reduce(ops.add, approx_vars))

        # Numerically stabilize by adding bogus precision to empty components.
        total = probs.reduce(ops.add, approx_vars)
        mask = ops.unsqueeze(ops.unsqueeze((total.data == 0), -1), -1)
        new_cov.data = new_cov.data + mask * ops.new_eye(
            new_cov.data, new_cov.data.shape[-1:])

        new_precision = Tensor(
            ops.cholesky_inverse(ops.cholesky(new_cov.data)), new_cov.inputs)
        new_info_vec = (
            new_precision.data @ ops.unsqueeze(new_loc.data, -1)).squeeze(-1)
        new_inputs = new_loc.inputs.copy()
            (k, d) for k, d in gaussian.inputs.items() if d.dtype == 'real')
        new_gaussian = Gaussian(new_info_vec, new_precision.data, new_inputs)
        new_discrete -= new_gaussian.log_normalizer

        return new_discrete + new_gaussian

    return None