Exemplo n.º 1
class fgShellRepo(Cmd):

    def __init__(self):
        print "Init Repo"
        verbose = True        
        printLogStdout = False
        self._service = IRServiceProxy(verbose, printLogStdout)

    # test
    @options([make_option('-q', '--quick', help='Make things fast'),
              make_option('-s', '--slow', type=int, help='Make things slow')]) 
    def do_repotest(self, args, opts):        
        arg = ''.join(args)      
        print opts.quick
        print opts.slow
        self._log.error("SHElll test in fgshell repo")
    # hist img

    def do_repohistimg(self, args):
        args = self.getArgs(args)

        #connect with the server
        if not self._service.connection():
            print "ERROR: Connection with the server failed"

        if(len(args) == 1):
            imgsList = self._service.histImg(self.user, self.passwd, self.user, args[0])
            imgsList = self._service.histImg(self.user, self.passwd, self.user, "None")
        if imgsList == None:
            print "ERROR: Not image record found"
                imgs = eval(imgsList)            
                for key in imgs.keys():                                
                    print imgs[key]
                print "Server replied: " + str(imgsList)
                print "histimg: Error:" + str(sys.exc_info()) + "\n"
                self._log.error("do_repohistimg: Error interpreting the list of images from Image Repository" + str(sys.exc_info()[0]))

    def help_repohistimg(self):
        msg = "Image Repository histimg command: Return information about the " + \
        " image historical usage. \n"
        self.print_man("histimg [imgId]", msg)

    def do_repohistuser(self, args):
        args = self.getArgs(args)

        #connect with the server
        if not self._service.connection():
            print "ERROR: Connection with the server failed"

        if(len(args) == 1):
            userList = self._service.histUser(self.user, self.passwd, self.user, args[0])
            userList = self._service.histUser(self.user, self.passwd, self.user, "None")

        if userList == None:
            print "ERROR: Not user found"
                users = eval(userList)            
                for key in users.keys():                
                    print users[key]
                print "Server replied: " + str(userList) + "\n"
                print "histuser: Error:" + str(sys.exc_info()) + "\n"
                self._log.error("do_repohistuser: Error interpreting the list of users from Image Repository" + str(sys.exc_info()))

    def help_repohistuser(self):
        msg = "Image Repository histuser command: Return information about the " + \
        "user historical usage."
        self.print_man("histuser [userId]", msg)
    def do_repouser(self, args):        
        argslist = args.split("-")[1:]        

        prefix = ''
        for i in range(len(argslist)):
            if argslist[i] == "":
                prefix = '-'
                newlist = argslist[i].split(" ")
                sys.argv += [prefix+'-'+newlist[0]]
                newlist = newlist [1:]                
                if len(newlist) > 0:                    
                    sys.argv += newlist          
                #sys.argv += [prefix+'-'+argslist[i]]
                prefix = ''

        #TODO: GVL: maybe do some reformating to smaller line length

        parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(prog="repouser", formatter_class=argparse.RawDescriptionHelpFormatter,
                                     description="User command ")            
        group1 = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group()
        group1.add_argument('-a', '--add', dest='usertoAdd', metavar='userId', help='Add new user to the Image Repository')
        group1.add_argument('-d', '--del', dest='usertoDel', metavar='userId', help='Delete an user to the Image Repository')        
        group1.add_argument('-l', '--list', dest='list', action="store_true", help='List users from Image Repository')        
        group1.add_argument('-m', '--modify', dest='modify', nargs=3, metavar=('userId', 'quota/role/status', 'value'), help='Modify quota, role or status of an user')
        args = parser.parse_args()
        used_args = sys.argv[1:]
        if len(used_args) == 0:
        if ('-a' in used_args or '--add' in used_args):
        if ('-d' in used_args or '--del' in used_args):
        if ('-l' in used_args or '--list' in used_args):
        if ('-m' in used_args or '--modify' in used_args):
            if args.modify[1].strip() == "quota":
                print args.modify[0]
                print args.modify[2]
            elif args.modify[1].strip() == "role":
                if not args.modify[2] in IRTypes.IRUser.Role:
                    print "ERROR: third positional parameter must be one of these: " + str(IRTypes.IRUser.Role)
            elif args.modify[1].strip() == "status":
                if not args.modify[2] in IRTypes.IRUser.Status:
                    print "ERROR: third positional parameter must be one of these: " + str(IRTypes.IRUser.Status)
                print "ERROR: second positional parameter must be quota, role or status"
    def help_repouser(self):
        msg = "Repo user command: Manage Image Repository Users "              
        self.print_man("user ", msg)
    # user add

    def repouseradd(self, args):
        '''Image Repository useradd command: Add new user (only Admin
        user can execut it).'''

        args = self.getArgs(args)
        if (len(args) == 1):
            #connect with the server
            if not self._service.connection():
                print "ERROR: Connection with the server failed"
            status = self._service.userAdd(self.user, self.passwd, self.user, args[0])
            if(status == "True"):
                print "User created successfully."
                print "Remember that you still need to activate this user (see user -m command)\n"
                print "The user has not been created. \n" + \
                      "Please verify that you are admin and that the username does not exist \n"

    # user del

    def repouserdel(self, args):
        '''Image Repository userdel command: Remove a user (only Admin
        user can execut it).'''

        args = self.getArgs(args)
        if (len(args) == 1):
            #connect with the server
            if not self._service.connection():
                print "ERROR: Connection with the server failed"
            status = self._service.userDel(self.user, self.passwd, self.user, args[0])
            if(status == "True"):
                print "User deleted successfully."
                print "The user has not been deleted. \n" + \
                      "Please verify that you are admin and that the username exists \n"

    # userlist

    def repouserlist(self, args):
        '''Image Repository userlist command: Get list of users'''
        #connect with the server
        if not self._service.connection():
            print "ERROR: Connection with the server failed"

        userList = self._service.userList(self.user, self.passwd, self.user)

        if(userList.strip() != None):
                imgs = eval(userList)
                print str(len(imgs)) + " users found"
                for key in imgs.keys():
                    print imgs[key]
                print "Server replied: " + str(userList)
                print "do_repouserlist: Error:" + str(sys.exc_info()[0]) + "\n"
                self._log.error("user -l: Error interpreting the list of users from Image Repository" + str(sys.exc_info()[0]))
            print "No list of user returned. \n" + \
                  "Please verify that you are admin \n"

    # setuserquota

    def reposetuserquota(self, userId, value):
        '''Image Repository setuserquota command: Establish disk space
        available for users (this is given in bytes). Quota argument
        allow math expressions like 4*1024'''

        #connect with the server
        if not self._service.connection():
            print "ERROR: Connection with the server failed"
        status = self._service.setUserQuota(self.user, self.passwd, self.user, userId, value)
        if(status == "True"):
            print "User quota changed successfully."
            print "The user quota has not been changed. \n" + \
                  "Please verify that you are admin and that the username exists \n"

    # userrole

    def reposetuserrole(self, userId, value):        
        #connect with the server
        if not self._service.connection():
            print "ERROR: Connection with the server failed"
        status = self._service.setUserRole(self.user, self.passwd, self.user, userId, value)
        if(status == "True"):
            print "User role has been changed successfully."
            print "The user role has not been changed. " + status + "\n"\
                  "Please verify that you are admin and that the username exists \n"

    # userstatus

    def reposetuserstatus(self, userId, value):        
        #connect with the server
        if not self._service.connection():
            print "ERROR: Connection with the server failed"
        status = self._service.setUserStatus(self.user, self.passwd, self.user, userId, value)
        if(status == "True"):
            print "User status has been changed successfully."
            print "The user status has not been changed. " + status + "\n"\
                  "Please verify that you are admin and that the username exists \n"
    # list

    def do_repolist(self, args):
        '''Image Repository list command: Get list of images that meet
        the criteria. If not argument provided it get all
        images. queryString can "be: * ; * where field=XX, field2=YY;
        field1,field2 where field3=XX'''
        #connect with the server
        if not self._service.connection():
            print "ERROR: Connection with the server failed"
        if (args.strip() == ""):
            imgsList = self._service.query(self.user, self.passwd, self.user, "*")
            imgsList = self._service.query(self.user, self.passwd, self.user, args)

        if(imgsList != None):
                imgs = eval(imgsList)
                print str(len(imgs)) + " items found"
                for key in imgs.keys():
                    print imgs[key]
                print "Server replied: " + str(imgsList)
                print "list: Error:" + str(sys.exc_info()) + "\n"
                self._log.error("list: Error interpreting the list of images from Image Repository" + str(sys.exc_info()))
            print "No list of images returned"

    def help_repolist(self):
        '''Help message for the repouserlist command'''
        self.print_man("list [queryString] ", self.do_repolist.__doc__)

    # modify

    def do_repomodify(self, args):
        args = self.getArgs(args)
        second = ""
        if(len(args) > 1):
            for i in range(1, len(args)):
                second += args[i] + " "
        #second = second.replace("&", "|")

        if (len(args) >= 2):
            #connect with the server
            if not self._service.connection():
                print "ERROR: Connection with the server failed"
            status = self._service.updateItem(self.user, self.passwd, self.user, args[0], second)
            if(status == "True"):
                print "The metadata of img " + args[0] + " has been updated"
                print "Error in the update. Please verify that you are the owner or that you introduced the correct arguments"

    def help_repomodify(self):
        msg = "Image Repository modify command: Modify image metadata. Example " + \
        "of all values of attributeString (you do not need to provide all of " + \
        "them): vmtype=xen & imgtype=opennebula & os=linux & arch=x86_64 & " + \
        "description=my image & tag=tag1,tag2 & permission=public & " + \
        "imgStatus=available. Some attributes are controlled:"
        self.print_man("modify <imgId> <Metadata>", msg)

        first = True
        # TODO: GVL: maybe this calls for a function?
        # GVL: _print_first_occurance(self,"vmtype= ", IRTypes.ImgMeta.VmType)
        for line in textwrap.wrap("vmtype= " + str(IRTypes.ImgMeta.VmType), 64):
            if first:
                print "    %s" % (line)
                first = False
                print "      %s" % (line)

        # GVL: _print_first_occurance(self,"imgtype= " + IRTypes.ImgMeta.ImgType)
        first = True
        for line in textwrap.wrap("imgtype= " + str(IRTypes.ImgMeta.ImgType), 64):
            if first:
                print "    %s" % (line)
                first = False
                print "      %s" % (line)
        # GVL: _print_first_occurance(self, "imgStatus", IRTypes.ImgMeta.ImgStatus)
        first = True
        for line in textwrap.wrap("imgStatus= " + str(IRTypes.ImgMeta.ImgStatus), 64):
            if first:
                print "    %s" % (line)
                first = False
                print "      %s" % (line)

        # GVL: _print_first_occurance(self, "Permission", IRTypes.ImgMeta.Permission)

        first = True
        for line in textwrap.wrap("Permission= " + str(IRTypes.ImgMeta.Permission), 64):
            if first:
                print "    %s" % (line)
                first = False
                print "      %s" % (line)
    # GVL:
    #def _print_first_occurance(self, label, type):
    #    " label is in Permission, imgStatus, imagetype, vmtype"
    #    " type is in IRTypes.ImgMeta.Permission"
    #    first = True
    #    for line in textwrap.wrap(label + "= " + str(type), 64):
    #        if first:
    #            print "    %s" % (line)
    #            first = False
    #        else:
    #            print "      %s" % (line)

    # permission

    def do_reposetpermission(self, args):
        args = self.getArgs(args)
        if (len(args) == 2):
            #connect with the server
            if not self._service.connection():
                print "ERROR: Connection with the server failed"
            status = self._service.setPermission(self.user, self.passwd, self.user, args[0], args[1])
            if(status == "True"):
                print "Permission of img " + args[0] + " updated"
                print "The permission have not been changed. " + status

    def help_reposetpermission(self):
        msg = "Image Repository setPermission command: Change image permission." + \
            " Permission= " + str(IRTypes.ImgMeta.Permission)
        self.print_man("setpermission  <imgId> <permission>", msg)

    # get

    def do_repoget(self, args):
        '''Image Repository get command: Get an image or only the URI by id.'''
        args = self.getArgs(args)
        if (len(args) == 1):
            #connect with the server
            if not self._service.connection():
                print "ERROR: Connection with the server failed"
            imgstatus = self._service.get(self.user, self.passwd, self.user, "img", args[0], "./")

            if imgstatus:
                print "The image " + args[0] + " is located in " +imgstatus
                print "Cannot get access to the image with imgId = " + args[0]

    def help_repoget(self):
        '''Help message for the repoget command'''
        self.print_man("get <imgId>", self.do_repoget.__doc__)

    # put

    def do_repoput(self, args):

        args = self.getArgs(args)

        second = ""
        if(len(args) > 1):
            for i in range(1, len(args)):
                second += args[i] + " "

        #second = second.replace("&", "|")

        status = ""
        ok = False
        if (len(args) > 1):
            #connect with the server
            if not self._service.connection():
                print "ERROR: Connection with the server failed"
            status = self._service.put(self.user, self.passwd, self.user, args[0], second)
            ok = True
        elif (len(args) == 1):
            #connect with the server
            if not self._service.connection():
                print "ERROR: Connection with the server failed"
            status = self._service.put(self.user, self.passwd, self.user, args[0], "")
            ok = True
            if (re.search('^ERROR', status)):
                print 'The image has not been uploaded. Exit error: ' + status
                print "The image has been uploaded and registered with id " + str(status)

    def help_repoput(self):
        msg = "Image Repository put command: Upload a new image and its " + \
            "metadata as an attributeString. If no attributeString provided some default values are " + \
            "assigned. Example of all values of attributeString (you do not need to " + \
            "provide all of them): vmtype=xen & imgtype=opennebula & os=linux & " + \
            "arch=x86_64 & description=my image & tag=tag1,tag2 & permission=public & " + \
            "imgStatus=available. Some attributes are controlled:"
        self.print_man("put <imgFile> [attributeString]", msg)

        # TODO: GVL: If labels would be same capitalizatiion, one could
        # simplify the code for finding the first occurance via eval. low priority.
        self.type_print ("vmtype= ", IRTypes.ImgMeta.VmType)
        self.type_print ("imgtype= ", IRTypes.ImgMeta.ImgType)
        self.type_print ("imgStatus= ",IRTypes.ImgMeta.ImgStatus)
        self.type_print ("Permission=" ,IRTypes.ImgMeta.Permission)

    # GVL: ups ;-) I see Javier had the same idea ;-) I suggest to use this in the help_repomodify ...
    def type_print (self, label, irtype):
        first = True
        for line in textwrap.wrap(label + str(irtype), 64):
            if first:
                print "    %s" % (line)
                first = False
                print "      %s" % (line)

    # remove
    def do_reporemove(self, args):
        '''The Image Repository remove command: Remove images from
        the repository.'''
        args = self.getArgs(args)        
        if (len(args) >= 1):
            #connect with the server
            if not self._service.connection():
                print "ERROR: Connection with the server failed"
            output=self._service.remove(self.user, self.passwd, self.user, args)                
            if ( output == "True"):
                print "All images have been removed."
                print "Some images have NOT been removed. Images with imgIds= " + str(output) + " have NOT been removed. Please verify the imgIds and if you are the owner"

    def help_reporemove(self):
        '''Help message for the repremove command'''
        self.print_man("remove <list of imgId>", self.do_reporemove.__doc__)
Exemplo n.º 2
def main():    
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(prog="fg-repo", formatter_class=argparse.RawDescriptionHelpFormatter,
                                     description="FutureGrid Image Repository Help ",
    parser.add_argument('-u', '--user', dest='user', required=True, metavar='user', help='FutureGrid User name')
    parser.add_argument('-d', '--debug', dest='debug', action="store_true", help='Print logs in the screen for debug')
    group = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group(required=True)    
    group.add_argument('-q', '--list', dest='list', nargs='?', default='', metavar='AttributeString',
                        help='Get list of images that meet the criteria.')
    group.add_argument('-g', '--get', dest='get', metavar='imgId',
                        help='Get an image')
    group.add_argument('-p', '--put', dest='put', nargs='+', metavar=('imgFile', 'AttributeString'), help='Upload/Register an image')
    group.add_argument('-m', '--modify', dest='modify', nargs=2, metavar=('imgId', 'AttributeString'), help='Update image metadata')
    group.add_argument('-r', '--remove', dest='remove', metavar='imgId', nargs="+", help='Delete images from the Repository')
    group.add_argument('-s', '--setpermission', dest='setpermission', nargs=2, metavar=('imgId', 'permissionString'),
                       help='Set Access permission')
    group.add_argument('--useradd', dest='useradd', metavar='userId', help='Add a new user to the repository')
    group.add_argument('--userdel', dest='userdel', metavar='userId', help='Delete an user from the repository')
    group.add_argument('--userlist', dest='userlist', action="store_true",  help='List of users')
    group.add_argument('--setuserquota', dest='setuserquota', nargs=2, metavar=('userId', 'quotaExpresion'), help='Modify User Quota')
    group.add_argument('--setuserrole', dest='setuserrole', nargs=2, metavar=('userId', 'role'), help='Modify User Role')
    group.add_argument('--setuserstatus', dest='setuserstatus', nargs=2, metavar=('userId', 'status'), help='Modify User Status')
    group.add_argument('--histimg', dest='histimg', nargs='?', metavar='imgId', default='None', help='Get usage info of an Image')
    group.add_argument('--histuser', dest='histuser', nargs='?', metavar='userId', default='None', help='Get usage info of an User')
    parser.add_argument('--nopasswd', dest='nopasswd', action="store_true", default=False, help='If this option is used, the password is not requested. This is intended for systems daemons like Inca')

    args = parser.parse_args()
    #print sys.argv
    #print args
    if len(sys.argv) == 3:
        print "\nERROR: You need to select and additional option to indicate the operation that you want to do. \n"
    verbose = True  #This is to print the logs in the screen
    service = IRServiceProxy(verbose, args.debug)
    if args.nopasswd == False:    
        print "Please insert the password for the user " + args.user + ""
        m = hashlib.md5()
        passwd = m.hexdigest()
        passwd = "None"
    used_args = sys.argv[1:]

    print "Your request is in the queue to be processed"

    #connect with the server
    if not service.connection():
        print "ERROR: Connection with the server failed"

    if ('-q' in used_args or '--list' in used_args):
        if (args.list == None):
            imgsList = service.query(args.user, passwd, args.user, "*")
            imgsList = service.query(args.user, passwd, args.user, args.list)
        #dict wrapped into a list, convert it first        
        #print imgsList   
        if(imgsList != None):
                imgs = eval(imgsList)
                print str(len(imgs)) + " items found"
                for key in imgs.keys():
                    print imgs[key]                    
                print "Server replied: " + str(imgsList)
                print "list: Error:" + str(sys.exc_info()) + "\n"
                service._log.error("list: Error interpreting the list of images from Image Repository" + str(sys.exc_info()))
            print "No list of images returned"
    elif ('-g' in used_args or '--get' in used_args):        
        #if (args.get[0] == 'img' or args.get[0] == 'uri'):
        img1 = service.get(args.user, passwd, args.user, "img", args.get, "./")                    
        if img1:
            print "The image " + args.get + " is located in " + img1
            print "Cannot get access to the image with imgId = " + args.get
        #    print "Error: First argument of -g/--get must be 'img' or 'uri'"

    elif ('-p' in used_args or '--put' in used_args):
        status = ""
        ok = False
        if (len(args.put) == 2):
            status = service.put(args.user, passwd, args.user, args.put[0], args.put[1])
            ok = True
        elif (len(args.put) == 1):
            status = service.put(args.user, passwd, args.user, args.put[0], "")
            ok = True
            if (re.search('^ERROR', status)):
                print 'The image has not been uploaded. Exit error: ' + status
                print "The image has been uploaded and registered with id " + str(status)
    elif ('-m' in used_args or '--modify' in used_args):        
        success = service.updateItem(args.user, passwd, args.user, args.modify[0], args.modify[1])    
        if (success == "True"):
            print "The item was successfully updated"
            print "Error in the update. Please verify that you are the owner and the attribute string"
    elif ('-r' in used_args or '--remove' in used_args):   
        output = service.remove(args.user, passwd, args.user, args.remove)
        if ( output == "True"):
            print "All images have been removed."
            print "Some images have NOT been removed. Images with imgIds= " + str(output) + " have NOT been removed. Please verify the imgIds and if you are the owner"
    elif('-s' in used_args or '--setpermission' in used_args):        
        status = service.setPermission(args.user, passwd, args.user, args.setpermission[0], args.setpermission[1])
        if(status == "True"):
            print "Permission of img " + args.setpermission[0] + " updated"
            print "The permission have not been changed. " + status
    #This commands only can be used by users with Admin Role.
    elif ('--useradd' in used_args):  #args[0] is the username. It MUST be the same that the system user
        status = service.userAdd(args.user, passwd, args.user, args.useradd)
        if(status == "True"):
            print "User created successfully."
            print "Remember that you still need to activate this user (see --setuserstatus command)\n"
            print "The user has not been created. \n" + \
                  "Please verify that you are admin and that the username does not exist \n"

    elif ('--userdel' in used_args):
        status = service.userDel(args.user, passwd, args.user, args.userdel)
        if(status == "True"):
            print "User deleted successfully."
            print "The user has not been deleted. \n" + \
                  "Please verify that you are admin and that the username \"" + args.userdel + "\" exists \n"
    elif ('--userlist' in used_args):
        userList = service.userList(args.user, passwd, args.user)
        #print userList                
        if(userList != None):
                imgs = eval(userList)
                print str(len(imgs)) + " users found"
                for key in imgs.keys():
                    print imgs[key]
                print "Server replied: " + str(userList)
                print "userlist: Error:" + str(sys.exc_info()[0]) + "\n"
                service._log.error("userlist: Error interpreting the list of users from Image Repository" + str(sys.exc_info()[0]))
            print "No list of user returned. \n" + \
                  "Please verify that you are admin \n"
#LOOK into how to use math ops, maybe we need to put it between ""
    elif ('--setuserquota' in used_args):
        status = service.setUserQuota(args.user, passwd, args.user, args.setuserquota[0], args.setuserquota[1])
        if(status == "True"):
            print "Quota changed successfully."
            print "The user quota has not been changed. \n" + \
                  "Please verify that you are admin and that the username \"" + args.setuserquota[0] + "\" exists \n"

    elif ('--setuserrole' in used_args):
        status = service.setUserRole(args.user, passwd, args.user, args.setuserrole[0], args.setuserrole[1])
        if(status == "True"):
            print "Role changed successfully."
            print "The user role has not been changed. " + status + "\n"+\
          "Please verify that you are admin and that the username \"" + args.setuserrole[0] + "\" exists \n"

    elif ('--setuserstatus' in used_args):
        status = service.setUserStatus(args.user, passwd, args.user, args.setuserstatus[0], args.setuserstatus[1])
        if(status == "True"):
            print "Status changed successfully."
            print "The user status has not been changed. " + status + "\n"+\
                  "Please verify that you are admin and that the username \""+args.setuserstatus[0]+"\"exists \n"
    #these are again for eveyone
    elif ('--histimg' in used_args):
        if( args.histimg != None ):
            imgsList = service.histImg(args.user, passwd, args.user, args.histimg)
            imgsList = service.histImg(args.user, passwd, args.user, "None")
        if imgsList == None:
            print "ERROR: Not image record found"
                imgs = eval(imgsList)            
                for key in imgs.keys():                                
                    print imgs[key]
                print "Server replied: " + str(imgsList)
                print "histimg: Error:" + str(sys.exc_info()) + "\n"
                service._log.error("histimg: Error interpreting the list of images from Image Repository" + str(sys.exc_info()[0]))

    elif('--histuser' in used_args):
        if( args.histuser != None):
            userList = service.histUser(args.user, passwd, args.user, args.histuser)
            userList = service.histUser(args.user, passwd, args.user, "None")
        if userList == None:
            print "ERROR: Not user found"
                users = eval(userList)            
                for key in users.keys():                
                    print users[key]
                print "Server replied: " + str(userList)
                print "histuser: Error:" + str(sys.exc_info()) + "\n"
                service._log.error("histuser: Error interpreting the list of users from Image Repository" + str(sys.exc_info()))