Exemplo n.º 1
	def _generate_action_form(self, action, content, clazz, attrs):
		action_name, action_args = self._parse_call(action)
		widget_url = self.widget.get_action_url(action_name, action_args)
		return tag('form', style='display:inline', action=widget_url, method='post',
				tag('button', type='submit', children=self.visit(content), clazz=clazz,
					fw_action_url=widget_url, attrs=attrs)
Exemplo n.º 2
	def visit_links(self, elem):
		clazz = 'fw-link' if elem.name == 'a' else 'fw-button'
		nattrs = elem.attrs.copy()
		if 'class' in elem.attrs:
			clazz += ' ' + elem.attrs['class']
		if 'action' in elem.attrs:
			return self._generate_action_form(elem.attrs['action'], self.visit(elem.children), clazz, nattrs)
		elif 'href' in elem.attrs:
			href = elem.attrs['href']
			if '://' in href:
				return elem
			return self._generate_href_form(href, self.visit(elem.children), clazz, elem.attrs.get('target'), nattrs)
		elif 'submit' in elem.attrs:
			return tag(elem.name, self.visit(elem.children), type='submit', clazz=clazz + ' fw-submit')
			return tag(elem.name, self.visit(elem.children), self.process_attrs(elem.attrs))
Exemplo n.º 3
	def _generate_href_form(self, action, content, clazz, target, attrs):
		url = self._parse_href(action)
		if target == '$this':
			del attrs['target']
			if not isinstance(url, tuple):
				raise ValueError('link with target==$this not a tuple')
			top_name = self.fwml.widget.top.widget._widget_name
			widget, args = url
			str_url = fw.util.url(widget, args)
			if widget != self.fwml.widget._widget_name:
				raise ValueError('link with target==$this has to have same widget')
			href = fw.util.url(top_name, self._get_href_target_args(args))
			return tag('a', href=href,
					   children=content, clazz=clazz + ' fw-widget-link',
					   fw_link_target=self.fwml.widget.get_path(), attrs=attrs)
			if isinstance(url, tuple):
				url = fw.util.url(*url)
			return tag('a', href=url, children=content, clazz=clazz + ' fw-widget-link', attrs=attrs)
Exemplo n.º 4
	def visit_form(self, elem):
		if 'action' in elem.attrs and '(' in elem.attrs['action']:
			action = elem.attrs['action']
			name, args = parse_call(action)
			std_args = {}
			form_args = {}
			for key, val in args.items():
					std_args[key] = self.fwml._process_value(val)
				except (AttributeError, KeyError):
					form_args[key] = val[1:]
			url = self.widget.get_action_url(name, std_args, form_args)
			attrs = self.process_attrs(elem.attrs)
			if 'file' in elem.attrs:
				attrs.update(enctype="multipart/form-data", fw_no_js="true")
			attrs.update(action=url, method='post')
			return tag('form', self.visit(elem.children), attrs=attrs)
		return tag('form', children=self.visit(elem.children), attrs=self.process_attrs(elem.attrs))
Exemplo n.º 5
	def visit_script(self, elem):
		# Google Chrome sometimes behaves strangely when using script elements
		if elem.attrs.get('type', '').startswith('fw/'):
			return tag('fwscript', self.visit(elem.children), elem.attrs)
			return elem
Exemplo n.º 6
	def visit_root(self, elem):
		return tag('span', fw_widget_path=self.widget.get_path(),
Exemplo n.º 7
	def visit_input(self, elem):
		attrs = self.process_attrs(elem.attrs)
		if 'name' in attrs:
			attrs['name'] = '_field_' + attrs['name']
		return tag(elem.name, self.visit(elem.children), attrs=attrs)