Exemplo n.º 1
def run_replicate(argtuple):
    args, repid, repseed = argtuple
    rng = fp11.GSLrng(repseed)
    NANC = args.N
    locus_boundaries = [(float(i + i * 11), float(i + i * 11 + 11))
                        for i in range(args.nloci)]
    nregions = [[
        fp11.Region(j[0], j[1], args.theta / (4. * float(NANC)), coupled=True)
    ] for i, j in zip(range(args.nloci), locus_boundaries)]
    recregions = [[
        fp11.Region(j[0], j[1], args.rho / (4. * float(NANC)), coupled=True)
    ] for i, j in zip(range(args.nloci), locus_boundaries)]
    sregions = [[
        fp11.GaussianS(j[0] + 5.,
                       j[0] + 6.,
    ] for i, j in zip(range(args.nloci), locus_boundaries)]
    interlocus_rec = fp11ml.binomial_rec(rng, [0.5] * (args.nloci - 1))
    nlist = np.array([NANC] * 20 * NANC, dtype=np.uint32)
    env = [(0, 0, 1), (10 * NANC, args.opt, 1)]
    pdict = {
        fp11ml.MultiLocusGeneticValue([fp11tv.SlocusAdditiveTrait(2.0)] *
        'mutrates_s': [args.mu / float(args.nloci)] * args.nloci,
        'mutrates_n': [10 * args.theta / float(4 * NANC)] * args.nloci,
        'recrates': [10 * args.rho / float(4 * NANC)] * args.nloci,
    params = fp11.model_params.MlocusParamsQ(**pdict)
    ofilename = args.stub + '.rep' + str(repid) + '.pickle.lzma'
    recorder = Pickler(repid, NANC, ofilename)
    pop = fp11.MlocusPop(NANC, args.nloci, locus_boundaries)
    fp11qt.evolve(rng, pop, params, recorder)
    #Make sure last gen got pickled!
    if recorder.last_gen_recorded != pop.generation:
        with open(ofilename, "ab") as f:
            pickle.dump((repid, pop), f, -1)
    return ofilename
Exemplo n.º 2
def evolve_track_wrapper(popsize=1000,
                         dfe=fwdpy11.ConstantS(0, 1, 1, -0.025, 1.0)):
    if isinstance(dfe, fwdpy11.Sregion) is False:
        raise TypeError("dfe must be a fwdpy11.Sregion")

    if dfe.b != 0.0 or dfe.e != 1.0:
        raise ValueError("DFE beg/end must be 0.0/1.0, repsectively")

    pop = fwdpy11.SlocusPop(popsize)
    recrate = float(rho) / (4.0 * float(popsize))

    pdict = {
        'rates': (0.0, mu, recrate),
        'nregions': [],
        'sregions': [dfe],
        'recregions': [fwdpy11.Region(0, 1, 1)],
        'gvalue': fwdpy11.fitness.SlocusMult(2.0),
        'demography': np.array([popsize] * 10 * popsize, dtype=np.uint32)

    params = fwdpy11.model_params.SlocusParams(**pdict)
    rng = fwdpy11.GSLrng(seed)
    ancestry = evolve_track(rng, pop, params, gc_interval)
    return (pop, ancestry)
Exemplo n.º 3
def set_up_quant_trait_model():
    N = 1000
    demography = np.array([N] * 10 * N, dtype=np.uint32)
    rho = 1000.
    r = rho / (4 * N)

    timepoints = np.array([0], dtype=np.uint32)
    ntraits = 4
    optima = np.array(np.zeros(len(timepoints) * ntraits))
    optima = optima.reshape((len(timepoints), ntraits))
    GSSmo = fwdpy11.MultivariateGSSmo(timepoints, optima, 1)
    cmat = np.identity(ntraits)
    np.fill_diagonal(cmat, 0.1)
    a = fwdpy11.StrictAdditiveMultivariateEffects(ntraits, 0, GSSmo)
    p = {
        'nregions': [],
        'sregions': [fwdpy11.MultivariateGaussianEffects(0, 1, 1, cmat)],
        'recregions': [fwdpy11.Region(0, 1, 1)],
        'rates': (0.0, 0.001, r),
        'gvalue': a,
        'prune_selected': False,
        'demography': demography
    params = fwdpy11.ModelParams(**p)
    rng = fwdpy11.GSLrng(101 * 45 * 110 * 210)
    pop = fwdpy11.DiploidPopulation(N, 1.0)
    return params, rng, pop, ntraits
Exemplo n.º 4
 def setUpClass(self):
     from fwdpy11 import ModelParams
     from fwdpy11 import Multiplicative
     self.pop = fp11.DiploidPopulation(1000)
     self.rng = fp11.GSLrng(42)
     self.recorder = GenerationRecorder()
     self.p = ModelParams()
     self.p.rates = (1e-3, 1e-3, 1e-3)
     self.p.demography = np.array([1000] * 100, dtype=np.uint32)
     self.p.nregions = [fp11.Region(0, 1, 1)]
     self.p.sregions = [fp11.ExpS(0, 1, 1, -1e-2)]
     self.p.recregions = self.p.nregions
     self.p.gvalue = Multiplicative(2.0)
Exemplo n.º 5
    def setUp(self):
        import numpy as np
        N = 1000
        demography = np.array([N] * 10 * N, dtype=np.uint32)
        rho = 1.
        r = rho / (4 * N)

        a = fwdpy11.Multiplicative(2.0)
        self.p = {
            'nregions': [],
            'sregions': [fwdpy11.ExpS(0, 1, 1, 0.01)],
            'recregions': [fwdpy11.Region(0, 1, 1)],
            'rates': (0.0, 0.00005, r),
            'gvalue': a,
            'demography': demography
        self.pop = fwdpy11.DiploidPopulation(N)
        self.rng = fwdpy11.GSLrng(101 * 45 * 110 * 210)
def evolve(N, rho, simlen=20, seed=42):
    Evolve without selection and without simplifying.

    :param (int) N: Number of diploids
    :param (float) rho: 4Nr
    :param (int) simlen: (Default: 10) Evolve for simlen*N generations.
    :param (int) seed: (Default: 42) RNG seed.

    :rtype: fwdpy11_arg_example.argsimplifier.ArgSimplifier

    :return: Unsimplified data
    pop = fp11.SlocusPop(N)

    # Set up parameters with defaults
    recrate = rho / (4.0 * float(N))
    mutrate_n = 0.0
    mutrate_s = 0.0

    pdict = {'rates': (mutrate_n, mutrate_s, recrate),
            'nregions': [],
             'sregions': [],
             'recregions': [fp11.Region(0, 1, 1)],
             'gvalue': fp11w.SlocusMult(1.0),
             'demography': np.array([N] * simlen * N, dtype=np.uint32)
    params = fp11mp.SlocusParams(**pdict)

    # Set the gc_interval to be so long that it never happens
    gc_interval = 2 * simlen * N
    simplifier = ArgSimplifier(gc_interval, None)
    atracker = AncestryTracker(pop.N, False, 2*pop.N)
    mm = makeMutationRegions(params.nregions, params.sregions)
    rm = makeRecombinationRegions(params.recregions)
    rng = fp11.GSLrng(seed)
    tsim = evolve_singlepop_regions_track_ancestry(rng, pop, atracker, simplifier,
                                                   params.recrate, mm, rm,
                                                   params.gvalue, params.pself)
    # Reverse time:
    return atracker
Exemplo n.º 7
def runsim(args):
    Run the simulation and deliver output to files.
    pop = fwdpy11.DiploidPopulation(args.popsize, GENOME_LENGTH)

    rng = fwdpy11.GSLrng(args.seed)

    GSSmo = fwdpy11.GSSmo([(0, 0, args.VS),
                           (10 * args.popsize, args.opt, args.VS)])

    popsizes = [args.popsize
                ] * (10 * args.popsize + int(args.time * float(args.popsize)))
    p = {
        'nregions': [],  # No neutral mutations -- add them later!
        'gvalue': fwdpy11.Additive(2.0, GSSmo),
        'sregions': [fwdpy11.GaussianS(0, GENOME_LENGTH, 1, args.sigma)],
        'recregions': [fwdpy11.Region(0, GENOME_LENGTH, 1)],
        'rates': (0.0, args.mu, args.rho / float(4 * args.popsize)),
        # Keep mutations at frequency 1 in the pop if they affect fitness.
        'prune_selected': False,
        'demography': np.array(popsizes, dtype=np.uint32)
    params = fwdpy11.ModelParams(**p)

    r = Recorder(args.record, args.preserve, args.num_ind)
    fwdpy11.evolvets(rng, pop, params, 100, r, suppress_table_indexing=True)

    with lzma.open(args.filename, 'wb') as f:
        pickle.dump(pop, f)

    if args.statfile is not None:
        stats = pd.DataFrame(r.data, columns=DATA._fields)
        # Write the statistics to an sqlite3 database,
        # which can be processed in R via dplyr.
        conn = sqlite3.connect(args.statfile)
        stats.to_sql('data', conn)