Exemplo n.º 1
    def authorize_code(self,
        """Trade an identity assertion for an oauth authorization code.

        This method takes an identity assertion for a user and uses it to
        generate an oauth authentication code.  This code can in turn be
        traded for a full-blown oauth token.

        Note that the authorize_token() method does the same thing but skips
        the intermediate step of using a short-lived code.  You should prefer
        that method if the registered OAuth client_id has `canGrant` permission.

        :param sessionOrAssertion: an identity assertion for the target user,
                                   or an auth session to use to make one.
        :param scope: optional scope to be provided by the token.
        :param client_id: the string generated during FxA client registration.
        :param code_challenge: optional PKCE code challenge.
        if client_id is None:
            client_id = self.client_id
        assertion = self._get_identity_assertion(sessionOrAssertion, client_id)
        url = "/authorization"
        body = {
            "client_id": client_id,
            "assertion": assertion,
            "state": "x",  # state is required, but we don't use it
        if scope is not None:
            body["scope"] = scope
        if code_challenge is not None:
            body["code_challenge"] = code_challenge
            body["code_challenge_method"] = code_challenge_method or "S256"
        resp = self.apiclient.post(url, body)

        if "redirect" not in resp:
            error_msg = "redirect missing in OAuth response"
            raise OutOfProtocolError(error_msg)

        # This flow is designed for web-based redirects.
        # In order to get the code we must parse it from the redirect url.
        query_params = parse_qs(urlparse(resp["redirect"]).query)
            return query_params["code"][0]
        except (KeyError, IndexError, ValueError):
            error_msg = "code missing in OAuth redirect url"
            raise OutOfProtocolError(error_msg)
Exemplo n.º 2
    def trade_code(self, code, client_id=None, client_secret=None,
                   code_verifier=None, ttl=None):
        """Trade the authentication code for a longer lived token.

        :param code: the authentication code from the oauth redirect dance.
        :param client_id: the string generated during FxA client registration.
        :param client_secret: the related secret string.
        :param code_verifier: optional PKCE code verifier.
        :param ttl: optional ttl in seconds, the access token is valid for.
        :returns: a dict with user id and authorized scopes for this token.
        if client_id is None:
            client_id = self.client_id
        if client_secret is None:
            client_secret = self.client_secret
        url = '/token'
        body = {
            'code': code,
            'client_id': client_id,
        if client_secret is not None:
            body["client_secret"] = client_secret
        if code_verifier is not None:
            body["code_verifier"] = code_verifier
        if ttl is not None:
            body["ttl"] = ttl
        resp = self.apiclient.post(url, body)

        if 'access_token' not in resp:
            error_msg = 'access_token missing in OAuth response'
            raise OutOfProtocolError(error_msg)

        return resp
Exemplo n.º 3
    def authorize_token(self, sessionOrAssertion, scope=None, client_id=None):
        """Trade an identity assertion for an oauth token.

        This method takes an identity assertion for a user and uses it to
        generate an oauth token. The client_id must have implicit grant

        :param sessionOrAssertion: an identity assertion for the target user,
                                   or an auth session to use to make one.
        :param scope: optional scope to be provided by the token.
        :param client_id: the string generated during FxA client registration.
        if client_id is None:
            client_id = self.client_id
        assertion = self._get_identity_assertion(sessionOrAssertion, client_id)
        url = "/authorization"
        body = {
            "client_id": client_id,
            "assertion": assertion,
            "response_type": "token",
            "state": "x",  # state is required, but we don't use it
        if scope is not None:
            body["scope"] = scope
        resp = self.apiclient.post(url, body)

        if 'access_token' not in resp:
            error_msg = 'access_token missing in OAuth response'
            raise OutOfProtocolError(error_msg)

        return resp['access_token']
Exemplo n.º 4
    def trade_code(self, code, client_id=None, client_secret=None):
        """Trade the authentication code for a longer lived token.

        :param code: the authentication code from the oauth redirect dance.
        :param client_id: the string generated during FxA client registration.
        :param client_secret: the related secret string.
        :returns: a dict with user id and authorized scopes for this token.
        if client_id is None:
            client_id = self.client_id
        if client_secret is None:
            client_secret = self.client_secret
        url = '/token'
        body = {
            'code': code,
            'client_id': client_id,
            'client_secret': client_secret
        resp = self.apiclient.post(url, body)

        if 'access_token' not in resp:
            error_msg = 'access_token missing in OAuth response'
            raise OutOfProtocolError(error_msg)

        return resp['access_token']
Exemplo n.º 5
Arquivo: oauth.py Projeto: Natim/PyFxA
    def verify_token(self, token, scope=None):
        """Verify an OAuth token, and retrieve user id and scopes.

        :param token: the string to verify.
        :param scope: optional scope expected to be provided for this token.
        :returns: a dict with user id and authorized scopes for this token.
        :raises fxa.errors.ClientError: if the provided token is invalid.
        :raises fxa.errors.TrustError: if the token scopes do not match.
        url = '/v1/verify'
        body = {'token': token}
        resp = self.apiclient.post(url, body)

        missing_attrs = ", ".join(
            [k for k in ('user', 'scope', 'client_id') if k not in resp])
        if missing_attrs:
            error_msg = '{0} missing in OAuth response'.format(missing_attrs)
            raise OutOfProtocolError(error_msg)

        if scope is not None:
            authorized_scope = resp['scope']
            if not scope_matches(authorized_scope, scope):
                raise ScopeMismatchError(authorized_scope, scope)

        return resp
Exemplo n.º 6
 def get_avatar_url(self, token):
     """Get the url for a user's avatar picture."""
     url = '/avatar'
     resp = self.apiclient.get(url, auth=BearerTokenAuth(token))
         return resp["url"]
     except KeyError:
         error_msg = "url missing in profile response"
         raise OutOfProtocolError(error_msg)
Exemplo n.º 7
 def get_uid(self, token):
     """Get the account uid for the user associated with this token."""
     url = '/uid'
     resp = self.apiclient.get(url, auth=BearerTokenAuth(token))
         return resp["uid"]
     except KeyError:
         error_msg = "uid missing in profile response"
         raise OutOfProtocolError(error_msg)
Exemplo n.º 8
 def get_email(self, token):
     """Get the email address for the user associated with this token."""
     url = '/email'
     resp = self.apiclient.get(url, auth=BearerTokenAuth(token))
         return resp["email"]
     except KeyError:
         error_msg = "email missing in profile response"
         raise OutOfProtocolError(error_msg)
Exemplo n.º 9
    def authorize_code(self, assertion, scope=None, client_id=None):
        """Trade an identity assertion for an oauth authorization code.

        This method takes an identity assertion for a user and uses it to
        generate an oauth authentication code.  This code can in turn be
        traded for a full-blown oauth token.

        Note that the authorize_token() method does the same thing but skips
        the intermediate step of using a short-lived code, and hence this
        method is likely only useful for testing purposes.

        :param assertion: an identity assertion for the target user.
        :param scope: optional scope to be provided by the token.
        :param client_id: the string generated during FxA client registration.
        if client_id is None:
            client_id = self.client_id
        url = "/authorization"
        body = {
            "client_id": client_id,
            "assertion": assertion,
            "state": "x",  # state is required, but we don't use it
        if scope is not None:
            body["scope"] = scope
        resp = self.apiclient.post(url, body)

        if "redirect" not in resp:
            error_msg = "redirect missing in OAuth response"
            raise OutOfProtocolError(error_msg)

        # This flow is designed for web-based redirects.
        # In order to get the code we must parse it from the redirect url.
        query_params = parse_qs(urlparse(resp["redirect"]).query)
            return query_params["code"][0]
        except (KeyError, IndexError, ValueError):
            error_msg = "code missing in OAuth redirect url"
            raise OutOfProtocolError(error_msg)
Exemplo n.º 10
    def verify_token(self, token, scope=None):
        """Verify an OAuth token, and retrieve user id and scopes.

        :param token: the string to verify.
        :param scope: optional scope expected to be provided for this token.
        :returns: a dict with user id and authorized scopes for this token.
        :raises fxa.errors.ClientError: if the provided token is invalid.
        :raises fxa.errors.TrustError: if the token scopes do not match.
        key = 'fxa.oauth.verify_token:%s:%s' % (get_hmac(
            token, TOKEN_HMAC_SECRET), scope)
        if self.cache is not None:
            resp = self.cache.get(key)
            resp = None

        if resp is None:
            url = '/verify'
            body = {'token': token}
            resp = self.apiclient.post(url, body)

            missing_attrs = ", ".join(
                [k for k in ('user', 'scope', 'client_id') if k not in resp])
            if missing_attrs:
                error_msg = '{0} missing in OAuth response'.format(
                raise OutOfProtocolError(error_msg)

            if scope is not None:
                authorized_scope = resp['scope']
                if not scope_matches(authorized_scope, scope):
                    raise ScopeMismatchError(authorized_scope, scope)

            if self.cache is not None:
                self.cache.set(key, json.dumps(resp))
            resp = json.loads(resp)

        return resp
Exemplo n.º 11
    def verify_token(self, token, scope=None):
        """Verify an OAuth token, and retrieve user id and scopes.

        :param token: the string to verify.
        :param scope: optional scope expected to be provided for this token.
        :returns: a dict with user id and authorized scopes for this token.
        :raises fxa.errors.ClientError: if the provided token is invalid.
        :raises fxa.errors.TrustError: if the token scopes do not match.
        key = 'fxa.oauth.verify_token:%s:%s' % (
            get_hmac(token, TOKEN_HMAC_SECRET), scope)
        if self.cache is not None:
            resp = self.cache.get(key)
            resp = None

        if resp is None:
            # We want to fetch
            # https://oauth.accounts.firefox.com/.well-known/openid-configuration
            # and then get the jwks_uri key to get the /jwks url, but we'll
            # just hardcodes it like this for now; our /jwks url will never
            # change.
            # https://github.com/mozilla/PyFxA/issues/81 is an issue about
            # getting the jwks url out of the openid-configuration.

            keys = self.apiclient.get('/jwks').get('keys', [])
            resp = None
                for k in keys:
                        resp = self._verify_jwt_token(json.dumps(k), token)
                    except jwt.exceptions.InvalidSignatureError:
                        # It's only worth trying other keys in the event of
                        # `InvalidSignature`; if it was invalid for other reasons
                        # (e.g. it's expired) then using a different key won't
                        # help.
                    # It's a well-formed JWT, but not signed by any of the advertized keys.
                    # We can immediately surface this as an error.
                    if len(keys) > 0:
                        raise TrustError({"error": "invalid signature"})
            except (jwt.exceptions.DecodeError, jwt.exceptions.InvalidKeyError):
                # It wasn't a JWT at all, or it was signed using a key type we
                # don't support. Fall back to asking the FxA server to verify.
            except jwt.exceptions.PyJWTError as e:
                # Any other JWT-related failure (e.g. expired token) can
                # immediately surface as a trust error.
                raise TrustError({"error": str(e)})
            if resp is None:
                resp = self.apiclient.post('/verify', {'token': token})
            missing_attrs = ", ".join([
                k for k in ('user', 'scope', 'client_id')
                if resp.get(k) is None
            if missing_attrs:
                error_msg = '{0} missing in OAuth response'.format(
                raise OutOfProtocolError(error_msg)

            if scope is not None:
                authorized_scope = resp['scope']
                if not scope_matches(authorized_scope, scope):
                    raise ScopeMismatchError(authorized_scope, scope)

            if self.cache is not None:
                self.cache.set(key, json.dumps(resp))
            resp = json.loads(resp)

        return resp
Exemplo n.º 12
    def authorize_code(self, sessionOrAssertion, scope=None, client_id=None,
                       code_challenge=None, code_challenge_method=None):
        """Trade an identity assertion for an oauth authorization code.

        This method takes an identity assertion for a user and uses it to
        generate an oauth authentication code.  This code can in turn be
        traded for a full-blown oauth token.

        Note that the authorize_token() method does the same thing but skips
        the intermediate step of using a short-lived code.  You should prefer
        that method if the registered OAuth client_id has `canGrant` permission.

        :param sessionOrAssertion: an identity assertion for the target user,
                                   or an auth session to use to make one.
        :param scope: optional scope to be provided by the token.
        :param client_id: the string generated during FxA client registration.
        :param code_challenge: optional PKCE code challenge.
        if client_id is None:
            client_id = self.client_id
        assertion = self._get_identity_assertion(sessionOrAssertion, client_id)
        url = "/authorization"

        # Although not relevant in this scenario from a security perspective,
        # we generate a random 'state' and check the returned redirect URL
        # for completeness.
        state = base64.urlsafe_b64encode(os.urandom(24)).decode('utf-8')

        body = {
            "client_id": client_id,
            "assertion": assertion,
            "state": state
        if scope is not None:
            body["scope"] = scope
        if code_challenge is not None:
            body["code_challenge"] = code_challenge
            body["code_challenge_method"] = code_challenge_method or "S256"
        resp = self.apiclient.post(url, body)

        if "redirect" not in resp:
            error_msg = "redirect missing in OAuth response"
            raise OutOfProtocolError(error_msg)

        # This flow is designed for web-based redirects.
        # In order to get the code we must parse it from the redirect url.
        query_params = parse_qs(urlparse(resp["redirect"]).query)

        # Check that the 'state' parameter is present and the same we provided
        if "state" not in query_params:
            error_msg = "state missing in OAuth response"
            raise OutOfProtocolError(error_msg)

        if state != query_params["state"][0]:
            error_msg = "state mismatch in OAuth response (wanted: '{}', got: '{}')".format(
                state, query_params["state"][0])
            raise OutOfProtocolError(error_msg)

            return query_params["code"][0]
        except (KeyError, IndexError, ValueError):
            error_msg = "code missing in OAuth redirect url"
            raise OutOfProtocolError(error_msg)