Exemplo n.º 1
def test_eq()->None:
  assert let_('a', num(33), lambda x: x) == let_('a', num(33), lambda x: x)
  assert intrin(MethodName("add"), [('a',num(1)),('b',num(2))]) == \
         intrin(MethodName("add"), [('a',num(1)),('b',num(2))])
  assert ap(ref('a'),ref('b')) == ap(ref('a'),ref('b'))
  assert lam('a',lambda x:num(44)) == lam('a',lambda x:num(44))
  assert lam('a',lambda x:num(44)) != lam('a',lambda x:num(0))
  assert lam('a',lambda x:num(44)) != lam('b',lambda x:num(44))
Exemplo n.º 2
def test_gather()->None:
  mn = MethodName
  mem = Mem({
    Ref('a'): num(33),
    Ref('b'): intrin(mn('neg'),[('a',ref('i'))]),
    Ref('c'): intrin(mn('add'),[('a',ref('a')),('b',ref('b'))])
  expr = gather(Ref('c'), mem)
  assert extrefs(expr)==set([Ref('i')])
  iexpr,_ = interp(expr, lib_arith, mkmap({Ref('i'):ival(32)}))
  assert iexpr == IVal(1)
Exemplo n.º 3
def test_refs()->None:
  e = let_('a', num(33), lambda a:
      let_('b', num(42), lambda b:
          intrin(MethodName("add"), [('a',a),('c',ref('c'))])))
  assert refs_(e)==set([Ref('a'),Ref('b'),Ref('c')])
  assert refs(e)==set([Ref('a'),Ref('c')])
  assert decls(e)==set([Ref('a'),Ref('b')])
Exemplo n.º 4
def bin2expr(j: BIN) -> Expr:
    typ = j.tag
    if typ == Tag.val:
        vtyp = j.value.node.tag
        if vtyp == Tag.const:
            return num(j.value.node.value.int64)
        elif vtyp == Tag.ref:
            return ref(j.value.node.value.string)
            raise ValueError(f"Invalid value expression {_flat(j)}")
    elif typ == Tag.lam:
        return lam(j.value.tuple.v1.string,
                   lambda _: bin2expr(j.value.tuple.v2.node))
    elif typ == Tag.let:
        return let_(j.value.tuple.v1.string,
                    lambda _: bin2expr(j.value.tuple.v2.tuple.v2.node))
    elif typ == Tag.ap:
        return ap(bin2expr(j.value.tuple.v1.node),
    elif typ == Tag.intrin:
        return intrin(MethodName(str(j.value.tuple.v1.string)),
                      [(str(v.tuple.v1.string), bin2expr(v.tuple.v2.node))
                       for v in j.value.tuple.v2.list.list])
        raise ValueError(f"Invalid expression {_flat(j)}")
Exemplo n.º 5
def test_let2()->None:
  e = let(num(33), lambda a:
      let(num(42), lambda b:
          intrin(MethodName("add"), [('a',a),('b',b)])))

  v,_ = interp(e, lib_arith, mkmap())
  assert isinstance(v, IVal)
  assert v.val==33+42
Exemplo n.º 6
def test_seriexpr():
  def _test(ie):
    assert ie == bin2iexpr(iexpr2bin(ie))
    assert ie == jstr2iexpr(iexpr2jstr(ie))
  _test(IAp(ILam("pat", intrin(MethodName('neg'),[('a',ref('pat'))])), IVal(42)))
  _test(IError("the message"))
Exemplo n.º 7
def test_serexpr():
  def _test(ie):
    assert ie == jstr2expr(expr2jstr(ie))
    assert ie == bin2expr(expr2bin(ie))
  _test(lam('b',lambda x:num(44)))
  _test(let_('a', num(33), lambda x: x))
Exemplo n.º 8
def test_gengather()->None:
  mn = MethodName
  mem = Mem({
    Ref('a'): num(33),
    Ref('b'): intrin(mn('neg'),[('a',ref('i'))]),
    Ref('c'): intrin(mn('add'),[('a',ref('a')),('b',ref('b'))])
  imem = IMem({
    Ref('i'): IVal(32),
    Ref('a'): IVal(33),
    Ref('b'): IVal(-32),
    Ref('c'): IVal(1)
  exprs = gengather(Ref('c'), mem)
  for e in exprs:
    inps = IMem({k:v for k,v in imem.items() if k in extrefs(e)})
    iexpr,_ = interp(e, lib_arith, inps)
    print(print_expr(e), iexpr, inps.dict)
    assert iexpr == imem[Ref('c')]
Exemplo n.º 9
def json2expr(j: dict) -> Expr:
    typ = j['t']
    if typ == 'val':
        vtyp = j['val']['t']
        if vtyp == 'const':
            return num(j['val']['val'])
        elif vtyp == 'ref':
            return ref(j['val']['val'])
            raise ValueError(f"Invalid value expression {j}")
    elif typ == 'lam':
        return lam(j['name'], lambda _: json2expr(j['body']))
    elif typ == 'let':
        return let_(j['ref'], json2expr(j['expr']),
                    lambda _: json2expr(j['body']))
    elif typ == 'ap':
        return ap(json2expr(j['func']), json2expr(j['arg']))
    elif typ == 'intrin':
        return intrin(MethodName(j['name']),
                      [(k, json2expr(v)) for k, v in j['args']])
        raise ValueError(f"Invalid expression {j}")
Exemplo n.º 10
def test_freqs()->None:
  e = let(num(33), lambda a:
      let(num(42), lambda b:
          intrin(MethodName("add"), [('a',a),('b',b)])))
  assert freqs(e)[MethodName("add")]==1
  assert len(freqs(e))==1
Exemplo n.º 11
def test_print()->None:
  assert print_expr(intrin(MethodName("add"), [('a',num(0)),('b',ref('1'))])) == "add(a=0,b=1)"
  assert print_expr(let_('a',num(33),lambda a: num(42))) == "let a = 33 in 42"
  assert print_expr(ap(lam('a',lambda a: num(42)), num(33))) == "((a -> 42) 33)"
Exemplo n.º 12
  with Pool(2) as p:
    accs=p.map(_test_tmap_pickle, list(range(100)), chunksize=2)
  assert len(accs)==100
  assert all([accs[i][i]==str(i) for i in range(100)])

def test_refs()->None:
  e = let_('a', num(33), lambda a:
      let_('b', num(42), lambda b:
          intrin(MethodName("add"), [('a',a),('c',ref('c'))])))
  assert refs_(e)==set([Ref('a'),Ref('b'),Ref('c')])
  assert refs(e)==set([Ref('a'),Ref('c')])
  assert decls(e)==set([Ref('a'),Ref('b')])

  intrin(MethodName("add"), [('a',num(0)),('b',ref('1'))]),
  let_('a',num(33),lambda a: num(42)),
  ap(lam('a',lambda a: num(42)), num(33))

def test_print()->None:
  assert print_expr(intrin(MethodName("add"), [('a',num(0)),('b',ref('1'))])) == "add(a=0,b=1)"
  assert print_expr(let_('a',num(33),lambda a: num(42))) == "let a = 33 in 42"
  assert print_expr(ap(lam('a',lambda a: num(42)), num(33))) == "((a -> 42) 33)"

def test_gather()->None:
  mn = MethodName
  mem = Mem({
    Ref('a'): num(33),
    Ref('b'): intrin(mn('neg'),[('a',ref('i'))]),
    Ref('c'): intrin(mn('add'),[('a',ref('a')),('b',ref('b'))])
Exemplo n.º 13
def genexpr(
    wlib: WLib, inputs: List[IMem]
) -> Iterator[Tuple[Ref, TMap[Ref, Expr], List[IMem], Dict[Ref, int]]]:
    """ Iterate over space of lambda-expressions with `len(inputs[0])` input
  arguments. For every expression visited, provide results of
  it's evaluation on every input of the `intputs` list.

  * `wlib`: Weighted library of primitive operations. See also `mkwlib`.
  * `inputs`: Collection of the inputs on which to grow the expression. All
    inputs in list should be of the same size and use same names.

  Yields a tuple of:
  * Top-level reference `Ref`
  * Map of `Ref -> Intrin`. Where `Intrin`s may contain more refs from the same
  * List of output expressions. Size of this list is equal to the size of
    list of `inputs`.
  * Current weight of the expression.

    # All inputs should provide the same input names
    assert all([i.keys() == inputs[0].keys() for i in inputs])
    nbatch = len(inputs)

    lib = {k: wl[0] for k, wl in wlib.items()}
    libws = {k: wl[1] for k, wl in wlib.items()}

    exprcache: Dict[Ref, Expr] = {}
    exprw: Dict[Ref, int] = {k: 1 for k in inputs[0].keys()}
    valcache: List[Dict[Ref, IExpr]] = [OrderedDict(i.dict) for i in inputs]

    W = 0
    while True:
        W += 1
        for op in lib.values():
            w = libws[op.name]
            nargs = len(op.argnames)
            vws: List[Tuple[Ref, int]] = list(exprw.items())
            for valindices in permute(weights=[a[1] for a in vws],
                                      target_weight=W - w):
                argrefs: List[Ref] = [vws[i][0] for i in valindices]
                assert len(op.argnames) == len(argrefs)
                e2name = Ref(mkname('val'))
                e2expr = intrin(op.name,
                                [(nm, Val(ai))
                                 for nm, ai in zip(op.argnames, argrefs)])

                # TODO: Make this block customizable via callbacks
                err = False
                acc: List[IExpr] = []
                for b in range(nbatch):
                    e2val, _ = interp(e2expr, TMap(lib), TMap(valcache[b]))
                    if isinstance(e2val, IError):
                        err = True
                    if isinstance(e2val, IVal) and isinstance(e2val.val, int):
                        if abs(e2val.val) > 10000 or abs(e2val.val) < -10000:
                            err = True
                if err:

                for b in range(nbatch):
                    valcache[b][e2name] = acc[b]

                exprcache[e2name] = e2expr
                exprw[e2name] = W
                yield (e2name, TMap(exprcache), [TMap(fd)
                                                 for fd in valcache], exprw)