Exemplo n.º 1
 def _check_access(self, trans, is_admin, item, current_user_roles):
     if isinstance(item, trans.model.HistoryDatasetAssociation):
         # Make sure the user has the DATASET_ACCESS permission on the history_dataset_association.
         if not item:
             message = f"Invalid history dataset ({escape(str(item))}) specified."
             raise ObjectNotFound(message)
         elif not trans.app.security_agent.can_access_dataset(
                 item.dataset) and item.history.user == trans.user:
             message = f"You do not have permission to access the history dataset with id ({str(item.id)})."
             raise ItemAccessibilityException(message)
         # Make sure the user has the LIBRARY_ACCESS permission on the library item.
         if not item:
             message = f"Invalid library item ({escape(str(item))}) specified."
             raise ObjectNotFound(message)
         elif not (is_admin
                   or trans.app.security_agent.can_access_library_item(
                       current_user_roles, item, trans.user)):
             if isinstance(item, trans.model.Library):
                 item_type = 'data library'
             elif isinstance(item, trans.model.LibraryFolder):
                 item_type = 'folder'
                 item_type = '(unknown item type)'
             message = f"You do not have permission to access the {escape(item_type)} with id ({str(item.id)})."
             raise ItemAccessibilityException(message)
Exemplo n.º 2
 def get_accessible_job(self, trans, decoded_job_id):
     job = trans.sa_session.query(trans.app.model.Job).filter(trans.app.model.Job.id == decoded_job_id).first()
     if job is None:
         raise ObjectNotFound()
     belongs_to_user = (job.user == trans.user) if job.user else (job.session_id == trans.get_galaxy_session().id)
     if not trans.user_is_admin and not belongs_to_user:
         # Check access granted via output datasets.
         if not job.output_datasets:
             raise ItemAccessibilityException("Job has no output datasets.")
         for data_assoc in job.output_datasets:
             if not self.dataset_manager.is_accessible(data_assoc.dataset.dataset, trans.user):
                 raise ItemAccessibilityException("You are not allowed to rerun this job.")
     return job
Exemplo n.º 3
    def index( self, trans, **kwargs ):
        GET /api/visualizations:
        #TODO: search for vizsesses that apply to an object (sending model class and id? - how to do this?)
        rval = []
            if not trans.user:
                raise ItemAccessibilityException( 'You must be logged in to access visualizations' )
            user = trans.user

            #TODO: search for: title, made by user, creation time range, type (vis name), dbkey, etc.
            #TODO: limit, offset, order_by
            #TODO: deleted

            # this is the default search - user's vis, vis shared with user, published vis
            visualizations  = self.get_visualizations_by_user( trans, user )
            visualizations += self.get_visualizations_shared_with_user( trans, user )
            visualizations += self.get_published_visualizations( trans, exclude_user=user )
            #TODO: the admin case - everything

            for visualization in visualizations:
                item = self.get_visualization_summary_dict( visualization )
                item = trans.security.encode_dict_ids( item )
                item[ 'url' ] = web.url_for( 'visualization', id=item[ 'id' ] )
                rval.append( item )

        except ItemAccessibilityException, exception:
            trans.response.status = 403
            rval = { 'error': str( exception ) }
            if trans.debug:
                log.exception( str( exception ) )
Exemplo n.º 4
    def update(self, trans, folder, name=None, description=None):
        Update the given folder's name or description.

        :param  folder:        the model object
        :type   folder:        LibraryFolder
        :param  name:          new name for the library folder
        :type   name:          str
        :param  description:   new description for the library folder
        :type   description:   str

        :returns:   the folder
        :rtype:     LibraryFolder

        :raises: ItemAccessibilityException, InsufficientPermissionsException
        changed = False
        if not trans.user_is_admin:
            folder = self.check_modifyable(trans, folder)
        if folder.deleted is True:
            raise ItemAccessibilityException("You cannot update a deleted library folder. Undelete it first.")
        if name is not None and name != folder.name:
            folder.name = name
            changed = True
        if description is not None and description != folder.description:
            folder.description = description
            changed = True
        if changed:
        return folder
Exemplo n.º 5
    def _check_user_access(self, user_context):
        """Raises an exception if the given user doesn't have the rights to access this file source.

        Warning: if the user_context is None, then the check is skipped. This is due to tool executions context
        not having access to the user_context. The validation will be done when checking the tool parameters.
        if user_context is not None and not self.user_has_access(user_context):
            raise ItemAccessibilityException(f"User {user_context.username} has no access to file source.")
Exemplo n.º 6
 def __get_library_collection_instance( self, trans, id, check_ownership=False, check_accessible=True ):
     if check_ownership:
         raise NotImplemented( "Functionality (getting library dataset collection with ownership check) unimplemented." )
     instance_id = int( trans.security.decode_id( id ) )
     collection_instance = trans.sa_session.query( trans.app.model.LibraryDatasetCollectionAssociation ).get( instance_id )
     if check_accessible:
         if not trans.app.security_agent.can_access_library_item( trans.get_current_user_roles(), collection_instance, trans.user ):
             raise ItemAccessibilityException( "LibraryDatasetCollectionAssociation is not accessible to the current user", type='error' )
     return collection_instance
Exemplo n.º 7
    def __authorize_job_access(self, encoded_job_id, **kwargs):
        key = "job_key"
        if key not in kwargs:
            error_message = "Job files action requires a valid '%s'." % key
            raise ObjectAttributeMissingException(error_message)

        job_id = self._security.decode_id(encoded_job_id)
        job_key = self._security.encode_id(job_id, kind="jobs_files")
        if not util.safe_str_cmp(kwargs["job_key"], job_key):
            raise ItemAccessibilityException("Invalid job_key supplied.")

        # Verify job is active. Don't update the contents of complete jobs.
        sa_session = self._app.model.context.current
        job = sa_session.query(model.Job).get(job_id)
        if not job.running:
            error_message = "Attempting to read or modify the files of a job that has already completed."
            raise ItemAccessibilityException(error_message)
        return job
Exemplo n.º 8
 def delete(self, trans, group, undelete=False):
     Mark given group deleted/undeleted based on the flag.
     if not trans.user_is_admin():
         raise ItemAccessibilityException('Only administrators can delete and undelete groups.')
     if undelete:
         group.deleted = False
         group.deleted = True
     return group
Exemplo n.º 9
 def create(self, trans, name, description=''):
     Create a new group.
     if not trans.user_is_admin():
         raise ItemAccessibilityException('Only administrators can create groups.')
         if self.get(trans, name=name):
             raise Conflict('Group with the given name already exists. Name: ' + str(name))
         # TODO add description field to the model
         group = trans.app.model.Group(name=name)
         return group
Exemplo n.º 10
 def update(self, trans, group, name=None, description=None):
     Update the given group
     changed = False
     if not trans.user_is_admin():
         raise ItemAccessibilityException('Only administrators can update groups.')
     if group.deleted:
         raise RequestParameterInvalidException('You cannot modify a deleted group. Undelete it first.')
     if name is not None:
         group.name = name
         changed = True
     if description is not None:
         group.description = description
         changed = True
     if changed:
     return group
Exemplo n.º 11
    def get(self,
        Implements the logic of getting a file from a cloud-based storage (e.g., Amazon S3)
        and persisting it as a Galaxy dataset.

        This manager does NOT require use credentials, instead, it uses a more secure method,
        which leverages CloudAuthz (https://github.com/galaxyproject/cloudauthz) and automatically
        requests temporary credentials to access the defined resources.

        :type  trans:       galaxy.webapps.base.webapp.GalaxyWebTransaction
        :param trans:       Galaxy web transaction

        :type  history_id:  string
        :param history_id:  the (decoded) id of history to which the object should be received to.

        :type  bucket_name: string
        :param bucket_name: the name of a bucket from which data should be fetched (e.g., a bucket name on AWS S3).

        :type  objects:     list of string
        :param objects:     the name of objects to be fetched.

        :type  authz_id:    int
        :param authz_id:    the ID of CloudAuthz to be used for authorizing access to the resource provider. You may
                            get a list of the defined authorizations sending GET to `/api/cloud/authz`. Also, you can
                            POST to `/api/cloud/authz` to define a new authorization.

        :type  input_args:  dict
        :param input_args:  a [Optional] a dictionary of input parameters:
                            dbkey, file_type, space_to_tab, to_posix_lines (see galaxy/webapps/galaxy/api/cloud.py)

        :rtype:             list of galaxy.model.Dataset
        :return:            a list of datasets created for the fetched files.
        if CloudProviderFactory is None:
            raise Exception(NO_CLOUDBRIDGE_ERROR_MESSAGE)

        if input_args is None:
            input_args = {}

        if not hasattr(trans.app, 'authnz_manager'):
            err_msg = "The OpenID Connect protocol, a required feature for getting data from cloud, " \
                      "is not enabled on this Galaxy instance."
            raise MessageException(err_msg)

        cloudauthz = trans.app.authnz_manager.try_get_authz_config(
            trans.sa_session, trans.user.id, authz_id)
        credentials = trans.app.authnz_manager.get_cloud_access_credentials(
            cloudauthz, trans.sa_session, trans.user.id, trans.request)
        connection = self.configure_provider(cloudauthz.provider, credentials)
            bucket = connection.storage.buckets.get(bucket_name)
            if bucket is None:
                raise RequestParameterInvalidException(
                    f"The bucket `{bucket_name}` not found.")
        except Exception as e:
            raise ItemAccessibilityException(
                "Could not get the bucket `{}`: {}".format(
                    bucket_name, util.unicodify(e)))

        datasets = []
        for obj in objects:
                key = bucket.objects.get(obj)
            except Exception as e:
                raise MessageException(
                    "The following error occurred while getting the object {}: {}"
                    .format(obj, util.unicodify(e)))
            if key is None:
                    "Could not get object `{}` for user `{}`. Object may not exist, or the provided credentials are "
                    "invalid or not authorized to read the bucket/object.".
                    format(obj, trans.user.id))
                raise ObjectNotFound(
                    "Could not get the object `{}`. Please check if the object exists, and credentials are valid and "
                    "authorized to read the bucket and object. ".format(obj))

            params = Params(self._get_inputs(obj, key, input_args),
            incoming = params.__dict__
            history = trans.sa_session.query(
            if not history:
                raise ObjectNotFound("History with ID `{}` not found.".format(
            output = trans.app.toolbox.get_tool('upload1').handle_input(
                trans, incoming, history=history)

            job_errors = output.get('job_errors', [])
            if job_errors:
                raise ValueError(
                    'Following error occurred while getting the given object(s) from {}: {}'
                    .format(cloudauthz.provider, job_errors))
                for d in output['out_data']:

        return datasets
Exemplo n.º 12
 def _check_user_access(self, user_context):
     """Raises an exception if the given user doesn't have the rights to access this file source."""
     if user_context is not None and not self.user_has_access(user_context):
         raise ItemAccessibilityException(
             f"User {user_context.username} has no access to file source.")
Exemplo n.º 13
 def _check_add(self, trans, is_admin, item, current_user_roles):
     # Deny access if the user is not an admin and does not have the LIBRARY_ADD permission.
     if not (is_admin or trans.app.security_agent.can_add_library_item(current_user_roles, item)):
         message = f"You are not authorized to add an item to ({escape(item.name)})."
         raise ItemAccessibilityException(message)
Exemplo n.º 14
    def upload(self,
        Implements the logic of uploading a file from a cloud-based storage (e.g., Amazon S3)
        and persisting it as a Galaxy dataset.

        :type  trans:       galaxy.web.framework.webapp.GalaxyWebTransaction
        :param trans:       Galaxy web transaction

        :type  history_id:  string
        :param history_id:  the (decoded) id of history to which the object should be uploaded to.

        :type  provider:    string
        :param provider:    the name of cloud-based resource provided. A list of supported providers is given in
                            `SUPPORTED_PROVIDERS` variable.

        :type  bucket_name: string
        :param bucket_name: the name of a bucket from which data should be uploaded (e.g., a bucket name on AWS S3).

        :type  objects:     list of string
        :param objects:     the name of objects to be uploaded.

        :type  credentials: dict
        :param credentials: a dictionary containing all the credentials required to authenticated to the
                            specified provider (e.g., {"secret_key": YOUR_AWS_SECRET_TOKEN,
                            "access_key": YOUR_AWS_ACCESS_TOKEN}).

        :type  input_args:  dict
        :param input_args:  a [Optional] a dictionary of input parameters:
                            dbkey, file_type, space_to_tab, to_posix_lines (see galaxy/webapps/galaxy/api/cloud.py)

        :rtype:             list of galaxy.model.Dataset
        :return:            a list of datasets created for the uploaded files.
        if CloudProviderFactory is None:
            raise Exception(NO_CLOUDBRIDGE_ERROR_MESSAGE)

        if input_args is None:
            input_args = {}

        connection = self._configure_provider(provider, credentials)
            bucket = connection.storage.buckets.get(bucket_name)
            if bucket is None:
                raise RequestParameterInvalidException(
                    "The bucket `{}` not found.".format(bucket_name))
        except Exception as e:
            raise ItemAccessibilityException(
                "Could not get the bucket `{}`: {}".format(
                    bucket_name, str(e)))

        datasets = []
        for obj in objects:
                key = bucket.objects.get(obj)
            except Exception as e:
                raise MessageException(
                    "The following error occurred while getting the object {}: {}"
                    .format(obj, str(e)))
            if key is None:
                raise ObjectNotFound(
                    "Could not get the object `{}`.".format(obj))

            params = Params(self._get_inputs(obj, key, input_args),
            incoming = params.__dict__
            history = trans.sa_session.query(
            if not history:
                raise ObjectNotFound("History with ID `{}` not found.".format(
            output = trans.app.toolbox.get_tool('upload1').handle_input(
                trans, incoming, history=history)

            job_errors = output.get('job_errors', [])
            if job_errors:
                raise ValueError(
                    'Following error occurred while uploading the given object(s) from {}: {}'
                    .format(provider, job_errors))
                for d in output['out_data']:

        return datasets