Exemplo n.º 1
 def __init__( self, **kwargs ):
     print >> sys.stderr, "python path is: " + ", ".join( sys.path )
     # Read config file and check for errors
     self.config = config.Configuration( **kwargs )
     config.configure_logging( self.config )
     # Set up datatypes registry
     self.datatypes_registry = galaxy.datatypes.registry.Registry( self.config.root, self.config.datatypes_config )
     galaxy.model.set_datatypes_registry( self.datatypes_registry )
     # Determine the database url
     if self.config.database_connection:
         db_url = self.config.database_connection
         db_url = "sqlite:///%s?isolation_level=IMMEDIATE" % self.config.database
     # Initialize database / check for appropriate schema version
     from galaxy.model.migrate.check import create_or_verify_database
     create_or_verify_database( db_url, self.config.database_engine_options )
     # Setup the database engine and ORM
     from galaxy.model import mapping
     self.model = mapping.init( self.config.file_path,
                                self.config.database_engine_options )
     # Security helper
     self.security = security.SecurityHelper( id_secret=self.config.id_secret )
     # Initialize the tools
     self.toolbox = tools.ToolBox( self.config.tool_config, self.config.tool_path, self )
     # Load datatype converters
     self.datatypes_registry.load_datatype_converters( self.toolbox )
     # Load datatype indexers
     self.datatypes_registry.load_datatype_indexers( self.toolbox )
     #Load security policy
     self.security_agent = self.model.security_agent
     # Heartbeat and memdump for thread / heap profiling
     self.heartbeat = None
     self.memdump = None
     self.memory_usage = None
     # Start the heartbeat process if configured and available
     if self.config.use_heartbeat:
         from galaxy.util import heartbeat
         if heartbeat.Heartbeat:
             self.heartbeat = heartbeat.Heartbeat()
     # Enable the memdump signal catcher if configured and available
     if self.config.use_memdump:
         from galaxy.util import memdump
         if memdump.Memdump:
             self.memdump = memdump.Memdump()
     # Enable memory_usage logging if configured
     if self.config.log_memory_usage:
         from galaxy.util import memory_usage
         self.memory_usage = memory_usage
     # Start the job queue
     self.job_manager = jobs.JobManager( self )
     # FIXME: These are exposed directly for backward compatibility
     self.job_queue = self.job_manager.job_queue
     self.job_stop_queue = self.job_manager.job_stop_queue
     # Track Store
     self.track_store = store.TrackStoreManager( self.config.track_store_path )
Exemplo n.º 2
    def _configure_models( self, check_migrate_databases=False, check_migrate_tools=False, config_file=None ):
        Preconditions: object_store must be set on self.
        if self.config.database_connection:
            db_url = self.config.database_connection
            db_url = "sqlite:///%s?isolation_level=IMMEDIATE" % self.config.database
        install_db_url = self.config.install_database_connection
        # TODO: Consider more aggressive check here that this is not the same
        # database file under the hood.
        combined_install_database = not( install_db_url and install_db_url != db_url )
        install_db_url = install_db_url or db_url

        if check_migrate_databases:
            # Initialize database / check for appropriate schema version.  # If this
            # is a new installation, we'll restrict the tool migration messaging.
            from galaxy.model.migrate.check import create_or_verify_database
            create_or_verify_database( db_url, config_file, self.config.database_engine_options, app=self )
            if not combined_install_database:
                from galaxy.model.tool_shed_install.migrate.check import create_or_verify_database as tsi_create_or_verify_database
                tsi_create_or_verify_database( install_db_url, self.config.install_database_engine_options, app=self )

        if check_migrate_tools:
            # Alert the Galaxy admin to tools that have been moved from the distribution to the tool shed.
            from tool_shed.galaxy_install.migrate.check import verify_tools
            if combined_install_database:
                install_database_options = self.config.database_engine_options
                install_database_options = self.config.install_database_engine_options
            verify_tools( self, install_db_url, config_file, install_database_options )

        from galaxy.model import mapping
        self.model = mapping.init( self.config.file_path,
                                   trace_logger=getattr(self, "trace_logger", None),
                                   use_pbkdf2=self.config.get_bool( 'use_pbkdf2', True ) )

        if combined_install_database:
            log.info("Install database targetting Galaxy's database configuration.")
            self.install_model = self.model
            from galaxy.model.tool_shed_install import mapping as install_mapping
            install_db_url = self.config.install_database_connection
            log.info("Install database using its own connection %s" % install_db_url)
            install_db_engine_options = self.config.install_database_engine_options
            self.install_model = install_mapping.init( install_db_url,
                                                       install_db_engine_options )
Exemplo n.º 3
    def _configure_models(self,
        """Preconditions: object_store must be set on self."""
        db_url = self.config.database_connection
        install_db_url = self.config.install_database_connection
        # TODO: Consider more aggressive check here that this is not the same
        # database file under the hood.
        combined_install_database = not (install_db_url
                                         and install_db_url != db_url)
        install_db_url = install_db_url or db_url
        install_database_options = self.config.database_engine_options if combined_install_database else self.config.install_database_engine_options

        if self.config.database_wait:

        if getattr(self.config, "max_metadata_value_size", None):
            custom_types.MAX_METADATA_VALUE_SIZE = self.config.max_metadata_value_size

        if check_migrate_databases:
            # Initialize database / check for appropriate schema version.  # If this
            # is a new installation, we'll restrict the tool migration messaging.
            if not combined_install_database:

        self.model = init_models_from_config(
            trace_logger=getattr(self, "trace_logger", None))
        if combined_install_database:
                "Install database targetting Galaxy's database configuration.")
            self.install_model = self.model
            install_db_url = self.config.install_database_connection
                f"Install database using its own connection {install_db_url}")
            self.install_model = install_mapping.init(
                install_db_url, install_database_options)
Exemplo n.º 4
 def __init__( self, **kwargs ):
     print >> sys.stderr, "python path is: " + ", ".join( sys.path )
     self.new_installation = False
     # Read config file and check for errors
     self.config = config.Configuration( **kwargs )
     config.configure_logging( self.config )
     # Determine the database url
     if self.config.database_connection:
         db_url = self.config.database_connection
         db_url = "sqlite:///%s?isolation_level=IMMEDIATE" % self.config.database
     # Initialize database / check for appropriate schema version.  # If this
     # is a new installation, we'll restrict the tool migration messaging.
     from galaxy.model.migrate.check import create_or_verify_database
     create_or_verify_database( db_url, kwargs.get( 'global_conf', {} ).get( '__file__', None ), self.config.database_engine_options, app=self )
     # Alert the Galaxy admin to tools that have been moved from the distribution to the tool shed.
     from galaxy.tool_shed.migrate.check import verify_tools
     verify_tools( self, db_url, kwargs.get( 'global_conf', {} ).get( '__file__', None ), self.config.database_engine_options )
     # Object store manager
     self.object_store = build_object_store_from_config(self.config)
     # Setup the database engine and ORM
     from galaxy.model import mapping
     self.model = mapping.init( self.config.file_path,
                                database_query_profiling_proxy = self.config.database_query_profiling_proxy,
                                object_store = self.object_store )
     # Set up the tool sheds registry
     if os.path.isfile( self.config.tool_sheds_config ):
         self.tool_shed_registry = galaxy.tool_shed.tool_shed_registry.Registry( self.config.root, self.config.tool_sheds_config )
         self.tool_shed_registry = None
     # Manage installed tool shed repositories.
     self.installed_repository_manager = galaxy.tool_shed.InstalledRepositoryManager( self )
     # Create an empty datatypes registry.
     self.datatypes_registry = galaxy.datatypes.registry.Registry()
     # Load proprietary datatypes defined in datatypes_conf.xml files in all installed tool shed repositories.  We
     # load proprietary datatypes before datatypes in the distribution because Galaxy's default sniffers include some
     # generic sniffers (eg text,xml) which catch anything, so it's impossible for proprietary sniffers to be used.
     # However, if there is a conflict (2 datatypes with the same extension) between a proprietary datatype and a datatype
     # in the Galaxy distribution, the datatype in the Galaxy distribution will take precedence.  If there is a conflict
     # between 2 proprietary datatypes, the datatype from the repository that was installed earliest will take precedence.
     # This will also load proprietary datatype converters and display applications.
     # Load the data types in the Galaxy distribution, which are defined in self.config.datatypes_config.
     self.datatypes_registry.load_datatypes( self.config.root, self.config.datatypes_config )
     galaxy.model.set_datatypes_registry( self.datatypes_registry )
     # Security helper
     self.security = security.SecurityHelper( id_secret=self.config.id_secret )
     # Tag handler
     self.tag_handler = GalaxyTagHandler()
     # Tool data tables
     self.tool_data_tables = galaxy.tools.data.ToolDataTableManager( self.config.tool_data_table_config_path )
     # Initialize the tools, making sure the list of tool configs includes the reserved migrated_tools_conf.xml file.
     tool_configs = self.config.tool_configs
     if self.config.migrated_tools_config not in tool_configs:
         tool_configs.append( self.config.migrated_tools_config )
     self.toolbox = tools.ToolBox( tool_configs, self.config.tool_path, self )
     # Search support for tools
     self.toolbox_search = galaxy.tools.search.ToolBoxSearch( self.toolbox )
     # If enabled, poll respective tool sheds to see if updates are available for any installed tool shed repositories.
     if self.config.get_bool( 'enable_tool_shed_check', False ):
         from tool_shed import update_manager
         self.update_manager = update_manager.UpdateManager( self )
     # Load datatype display applications defined in local datatypes_conf.xml
     # Load datatype converters defined in local datatypes_conf.xml
     self.datatypes_registry.load_datatype_converters( self.toolbox )
     # Load external metadata tool
     self.datatypes_registry.load_external_metadata_tool( self.toolbox )
     # Load history import/export tools.
     load_history_imp_exp_tools( self.toolbox )
     # Load genome indexer tool.
     load_genome_index_tools( self.toolbox )
     # Load security policy.
     self.security_agent = self.model.security_agent
     self.host_security_agent = galaxy.security.HostAgent( model=self.security_agent.model, permitted_actions=self.security_agent.permitted_actions )
     # Load quota management.
     if self.config.enable_quotas:
         self.quota_agent = galaxy.quota.QuotaAgent( self.model )
         self.quota_agent = galaxy.quota.NoQuotaAgent( self.model )
     # Heartbeat and memdump for thread / heap profiling
     self.heartbeat = None
     self.memdump = None
     self.memory_usage = None
     # Container for OpenID authentication routines
     if self.config.enable_openid:
         from galaxy.web.framework import openid_manager
         self.openid_manager = openid_manager.OpenIDManager( self.config.openid_consumer_cache_path )
         self.openid_providers = OpenIDProviders.from_file( self.config.openid_config )
         self.openid_providers = OpenIDProviders()
     # Start the heartbeat process if configured and available
     if self.config.use_heartbeat:
         from galaxy.util import heartbeat
         if heartbeat.Heartbeat:
             self.heartbeat = heartbeat.Heartbeat( fname=self.config.heartbeat_log )
     # Enable the memdump signal catcher if configured and available
     if self.config.use_memdump:
         from galaxy.util import memdump
         if memdump.Memdump:
             self.memdump = memdump.Memdump()
     # Transfer manager client
     if self.config.get_bool( 'enable_beta_job_managers', False ):
         from jobs import transfer_manager
         self.transfer_manager = transfer_manager.TransferManager( self )
     # Start the job manager
     from jobs import manager
     self.job_manager = manager.JobManager( self )
     # FIXME: These are exposed directly for backward compatibility
     self.job_queue = self.job_manager.job_queue
     self.job_stop_queue = self.job_manager.job_stop_queue
     # Initialize the external service types
     self.external_service_types = external_service_types.ExternalServiceTypesCollection( self.config.external_service_type_config_file, self.config.external_service_type_path, self )
Exemplo n.º 5
 def __init__( self, **kwargs ):
     print >> sys.stderr, "python path is: " + ", ".join( sys.path )
     # Read config file and check for errors
     self.config = config.Configuration( **kwargs )
     config.configure_logging( self.config )
     # Set up datatypes registry
     self.datatypes_registry = galaxy.datatypes.registry.Registry( self.config.root, self.config.datatypes_config )
     galaxy.model.set_datatypes_registry( self.datatypes_registry )
     # Determine the database url
     if self.config.database_connection:
         db_url = self.config.database_connection
         db_url = "sqlite:///%s?isolation_level=IMMEDIATE" % self.config.database
     # Initialize database / check for appropriate schema version
     from galaxy.model.migrate.check import create_or_verify_database
     create_or_verify_database( db_url, self.config.database_engine_options )
     # Setup the database engine and ORM
     from galaxy.model import mapping
     self.model = mapping.init( self.config.file_path,
                                self.config.database_engine_options )
     # Security helper
     self.security = security.SecurityHelper( id_secret=self.config.id_secret )
     # Initialize the tools
     self.toolbox = tools.ToolBox( self.config.tool_config, self.config.tool_path, self )
     # Load datatype converters
     self.datatypes_registry.load_datatype_converters( self.toolbox )
     #load external metadata tool
     self.datatypes_registry.load_external_metadata_tool( self.toolbox )
     # Load datatype indexers
     self.datatypes_registry.load_datatype_indexers( self.toolbox )
     #Load security policy
     self.security_agent = self.model.security_agent
     self.host_security_agent = galaxy.security.HostAgent( model=self.security_agent.model, permitted_actions=self.security_agent.permitted_actions )
     # Heartbeat and memdump for thread / heap profiling
     self.heartbeat = None
     self.memdump = None
     self.memory_usage = None
     # Start the heartbeat process if configured and available
     if self.config.use_heartbeat:
         from galaxy.util import heartbeat
         if heartbeat.Heartbeat:
             self.heartbeat = heartbeat.Heartbeat()
     # Enable the memdump signal catcher if configured and available
     if self.config.use_memdump:
         from galaxy.util import memdump
         if memdump.Memdump:
             self.memdump = memdump.Memdump()
     # Enable memory_usage logging if configured
     if self.config.log_memory_usage:
         from galaxy.util import memory_usage
         self.memory_usage = memory_usage
     # Start the job queue
     self.job_manager = jobs.JobManager( self )
     # FIXME: These are exposed directly for backward compatibility
     self.job_queue = self.job_manager.job_queue
     self.job_stop_queue = self.job_manager.job_stop_queue
     # Start the cloud manager
     self.cloud_manager = cloud.CloudManager( self )
Exemplo n.º 6
    def __init__(self, **kwargs):
        print >>sys.stderr, "python path is: " + ", ".join(sys.path)
        self.name = "galaxy"
        self.new_installation = False
        # Read config file and check for errors
        self.config = config.Configuration(**kwargs)
        # Determine the database url
        if self.config.database_connection:
            db_url = self.config.database_connection
            db_url = "sqlite:///%s?isolation_level=IMMEDIATE" % self.config.database
        # Set up the tool sheds registry
        if os.path.isfile(self.config.tool_sheds_config):
            self.tool_shed_registry = tool_shed.tool_shed_registry.Registry(
                self.config.root, self.config.tool_sheds_config
            self.tool_shed_registry = None
        # Initialize database / check for appropriate schema version.  # If this
        # is a new installation, we'll restrict the tool migration messaging.
        from galaxy.model.migrate.check import create_or_verify_database

            db_url, kwargs.get("global_conf", {}).get("__file__", None), self.config.database_engine_options, app=self
        # Alert the Galaxy admin to tools that have been moved from the distribution to the tool shed.
        from tool_shed.galaxy_install.migrate.check import verify_tools

            self, db_url, kwargs.get("global_conf", {}).get("__file__", None), self.config.database_engine_options
        # Object store manager
        self.object_store = build_object_store_from_config(self.config, fsmon=True)
        # Setup the database engine and ORM
        from galaxy.model import mapping

        self.model = mapping.init(
            use_pbkdf2=self.config.get_bool("use_pbkdf2", True),
        # Manage installed tool shed repositories.
        self.installed_repository_manager = tool_shed.galaxy_install.InstalledRepositoryManager(self)
        # Create an empty datatypes registry.
        self.datatypes_registry = galaxy.datatypes.registry.Registry()
        # Load proprietary datatypes defined in datatypes_conf.xml files in all installed tool shed repositories.  We
        # load proprietary datatypes before datatypes in the distribution because Galaxy's default sniffers include some
        # generic sniffers (eg text,xml) which catch anything, so it's impossible for proprietary sniffers to be used.
        # However, if there is a conflict (2 datatypes with the same extension) between a proprietary datatype and a datatype
        # in the Galaxy distribution, the datatype in the Galaxy distribution will take precedence.  If there is a conflict
        # between 2 proprietary datatypes, the datatype from the repository that was installed earliest will take precedence.
        # Load the data types in the Galaxy distribution, which are defined in self.config.datatypes_config.
        self.datatypes_registry.load_datatypes(self.config.root, self.config.datatypes_config)
        # Security helper
        self.security = security.SecurityHelper(id_secret=self.config.id_secret)
        # Tag handler
        self.tag_handler = GalaxyTagHandler()
        # Genomes
        self.genomes = Genomes(self)
        # Data providers registry.
        self.data_provider_registry = DataProviderRegistry()
        # Initialize tool data tables using the config defined by self.config.tool_data_table_config_path.
        self.tool_data_tables = galaxy.tools.data.ToolDataTableManager(
            tool_data_path=self.config.tool_data_path, config_filename=self.config.tool_data_table_config_path
        # Load additional entries defined by self.config.shed_tool_data_table_config into tool data tables.
        # Initialize the job management configuration
        self.job_config = jobs.JobConfiguration(self)
        # Initialize the tools, making sure the list of tool configs includes the reserved migrated_tools_conf.xml file.
        tool_configs = self.config.tool_configs
        if self.config.migrated_tools_config not in tool_configs:
        self.toolbox = tools.ToolBox(tool_configs, self.config.tool_path, self)
        # Search support for tools
        self.toolbox_search = galaxy.tools.search.ToolBoxSearch(self.toolbox)
        # Load Data Manager
        self.data_managers = DataManagers(self)
        # If enabled, poll respective tool sheds to see if updates are available for any installed tool shed repositories.
        if self.config.get_bool("enable_tool_shed_check", False):
            from tool_shed.galaxy_install import update_manager

            self.update_manager = update_manager.UpdateManager(self)
            self.update_manager = None
        # Load proprietary datatype converters and display applications.
        # Load datatype display applications defined in local datatypes_conf.xml
        # Load datatype converters defined in local datatypes_conf.xml
        # Load external metadata tool
        # Load history import/export tools.
        # Load genome indexer tool.
        # visualizations registry: associates resources with visualizations, controls how to render
        self.visualizations_registry = None
        if self.config.visualizations_config_directory:
            self.visualizations_registry = VisualizationsRegistry(
                self.config.root, self.config.visualizations_config_directory
        # Load security policy.
        self.security_agent = self.model.security_agent
        self.host_security_agent = galaxy.security.HostAgent(
            model=self.security_agent.model, permitted_actions=self.security_agent.permitted_actions
        # Load quota management.
        if self.config.enable_quotas:
            self.quota_agent = galaxy.quota.QuotaAgent(self.model)
            self.quota_agent = galaxy.quota.NoQuotaAgent(self.model)
        # Heartbeat and memdump for thread / heap profiling
        self.heartbeat = None
        self.memdump = None
        self.memory_usage = None
        # Container for OpenID authentication routines
        if self.config.enable_openid:
            from galaxy.web.framework import openid_manager

            self.openid_manager = openid_manager.OpenIDManager(self.config.openid_consumer_cache_path)
            self.openid_providers = OpenIDProviders.from_file(self.config.openid_config)
            self.openid_providers = OpenIDProviders()
        # Start the heartbeat process if configured and available
        if self.config.use_heartbeat:
            from galaxy.util import heartbeat

            if heartbeat.Heartbeat:
                self.heartbeat = heartbeat.Heartbeat(fname=self.config.heartbeat_log)
        # Enable the memdump signal catcher if configured and available
        if self.config.use_memdump:
            from galaxy.util import memdump

            if memdump.Memdump:
                self.memdump = memdump.Memdump()
        # Transfer manager client
        if self.config.get_bool("enable_beta_job_managers", False):
            from galaxy.jobs import transfer_manager

            self.transfer_manager = transfer_manager.TransferManager(self)
        # Start the job manager
        from galaxy.jobs import manager

        self.job_manager = manager.JobManager(self)
        # FIXME: These are exposed directly for backward compatibility
        self.job_queue = self.job_manager.job_queue
        self.job_stop_queue = self.job_manager.job_stop_queue
        # Initialize the external service types
        self.external_service_types = external_service_types.ExternalServiceTypesCollection(
            self.config.external_service_type_config_file, self.config.external_service_type_path, self