Exemplo n.º 1
def test_isotropic_hernquist_unittransfer():
    from galpy.util import conversion
    ro, vo= 9., 210.
    pot= potential.HernquistPotential(amp=2.,a=1.3,ro=ro,vo=vo)
    dfh= isotropicHernquistdf(pot=pot)
    phys= conversion.get_physical(dfh,include_set=True)
    assert phys['roSet'], "sphericaldf's ro not set when that of the underlying potential is set"
    assert phys['voSet'], "sphericaldf's vo not set when that of the underlying potential is set"
    assert numpy.fabs(phys['ro']-ro) < 1e-8, "Potential's unit system not correctly transfered to sphericaldf's"
    assert numpy.fabs(phys['vo']-vo) < 1e-8, "Potential's unit system not correctly transfered to sphericaldf's"
    # Following should not be on
    pot= potential.HernquistPotential(amp=2.,a=1.3)
    dfh= isotropicHernquistdf(pot=pot)
    phys= conversion.get_physical(dfh,include_set=True)
    assert not phys['roSet'], "sphericaldf's ro set when that of the underlying potential is not set"
    assert not phys['voSet'], "sphericaldf's vo set when that of the underlying potential is not set"
    return None
Exemplo n.º 2
def test_isotropic_hernquist_unitsofsamples():
    from galpy.util import conversion
    ro, vo= 9., 210.
    pot= potential.HernquistPotential(amp=2.,a=1.3,ro=ro,vo=vo)
    dfh= isotropicHernquistdf(pot=pot)
    samp= dfh.sample(n=100)
    assert conversion.get_physical(samp,include_set=True)['roSet'], 'Orbit samples from spherical DF with units on do not have units on'
    assert conversion.get_physical(samp,include_set=True)['voSet'], 'Orbit samples from spherical DF with units on do not have units on'
    assert numpy.fabs(conversion.get_physical(samp,include_set=True)['ro']-ro) < 1e-8, 'Orbit samples from spherical DF with units on do not have correct ro'
    assert numpy.fabs(conversion.get_physical(samp,include_set=True)['vo']-vo) < 1e-8, 'Orbit samples from spherical DF with units on do not have correct vo'
    # Also test a case where they should be off
    pot= potential.HernquistPotential(amp=2.,a=1.3)
    dfh= isotropicHernquistdf(pot=pot)
    samp= dfh.sample(n=100)
    assert not conversion.get_physical(samp,include_set=True)['roSet'], 'Orbit samples from spherical DF with units off do not have units off'
    assert not conversion.get_physical(samp,include_set=True)['voSet'], 'Orbit samples from spherical DF with units off do not have units off'
    return None
Exemplo n.º 3
def test_get_physical():
    #Test that the get_physical function returns the right scaling parameters
    from galpy.util.conversion import get_physical
    # Potential and variations thereof
    from galpy.potential import MWPotential2014, DehnenBarPotential
    dp = DehnenBarPotential
    assert numpy.fabs(
        get_physical(MWPotential2014[0]).get('ro') - 8.
    ) < 1e-10, 'get_physical does not return the correct unit conversion parameter for a Potential'
    assert numpy.fabs(
        get_physical(MWPotential2014[0]).get('vo') - 220.
    ) < 1e-10, 'get_physical does not return the correct unit conversion parameter for a Potential'
    ro, vo = 9., 230.
    dp = DehnenBarPotential(ro=ro, vo=vo)
    assert numpy.fabs(
        get_physical(dp).get('ro') - ro
    ) < 1e-10, 'get_physical does not return the correct unit conversion parameter for a Potential'
    assert numpy.fabs(
        get_physical(dp).get('vo') - vo
    ) < 1e-10, 'get_physical does not return the correct unit conversion parameter for a Potential'
    assert numpy.fabs(
        get_physical(MWPotential2014).get('ro') - 8.
    ) < 1e-10, 'get_physical does not return the correct unit conversion parameter for a Potential'
    assert numpy.fabs(
        get_physical(MWPotential2014).get('vo') - 220.
    ) < 1e-10, 'get_physical does not return the correct unit conversion parameter for a Potential'
    assert numpy.fabs(
        get_physical(MWPotential2014 + dp).get('ro') - 8.
    ) < 1e-10, 'get_physical does not return the correct unit conversion parameter for a Potential'
    assert numpy.fabs(
        get_physical(MWPotential2014 + dp).get('vo') - 220.
    ) < 1e-10, 'get_physical does not return the correct unit conversion parameter for a Potential'
    assert numpy.fabs(
        get_physical(MWPotential2014 + dp).get('ro') - 8.
    ) < 1e-10, 'get_physical does not return the correct unit conversion parameter for a Potential'
    assert numpy.fabs(
        get_physical(MWPotential2014 + dp).get('vo') - 220.
    ) < 1e-10, 'get_physical does not return the correct unit conversion parameter for a Potential'
    # Orbits
    from galpy.orbit import Orbit
    ro, vo = 10., 210.
    o = Orbit(ro=ro, vo=vo)
    assert numpy.fabs(
        get_physical(o).get('ro') - ro
    ) < 1e-10, 'get_physical does not return the correct unit conversion parameter for an Orbit'
    assert numpy.fabs(
        get_physical(o).get('vo') - vo
    ) < 1e-10, 'get_physical does not return the correct unit conversion parameter for an Orbit'
    # even though one shouldn't do this, let's test a list
    assert numpy.fabs(
        get_physical([o, o]).get('ro') - ro
    ) < 1e-10, 'get_physical does not return the correct unit conversion parameter for an Orbit'
    assert numpy.fabs(
        get_physical([o, o]).get('vo') - vo
    ) < 1e-10, 'get_physical does not return the correct unit conversion parameter for an Orbit'
    # actionAngle
    from galpy.actionAngle import actionAngleStaeckel
    aAS = actionAngleStaeckel(pot=MWPotential2014, delta=0.45)
    assert numpy.fabs(
        get_physical(aAS).get('ro') - 8.
    ) < 1e-10, 'get_physical does not return the correct unit conversion parameter for an actionAngle instance'
    assert numpy.fabs(
        get_physical(aAS).get('vo') - 220.
    ) < 1e-10, 'get_physical does not return the correct unit conversion parameter for an actionAngle instance'
    # This doesn't make much sense, but let's test...
    ro, vo = 19., 130.
    dp = DehnenBarPotential(ro=ro, vo=vo)
    aAS = actionAngleStaeckel(pot=dp, delta=0.45, ro=ro, vo=vo)
    assert numpy.fabs(
        get_physical(aAS).get('ro') - ro
    ) < 1e-10, 'get_physical does not return the correct unit conversion parameter for an actionAngle instance'
    assert numpy.fabs(
        get_physical(aAS).get('vo') - vo
    ) < 1e-10, 'get_physical does not return the correct unit conversion parameter for an actionAngle instance'
    # DF
    from galpy.df import quasiisothermaldf
    aAS = actionAngleStaeckel(pot=MWPotential2014, delta=0.45)
    qdf = quasiisothermaldf(1. / 3.,
    assert numpy.fabs(
        get_physical(qdf).get('ro') - 8.
    ) < 1e-10, 'get_physical does not return the correct unit conversion parameter for a DF instance'
    assert numpy.fabs(
        get_physical(qdf).get('vo') - 220.
    ) < 1e-10, 'get_physical does not return the correct unit conversion parameter for a DF instance'
    # non-standard ro,vo
    from galpy.potential import MiyamotoNagaiPotential
    ro, vo = 4., 330.
    mp = MiyamotoNagaiPotential(a=0.5, b=0.1, ro=ro, vo=vo)
    aAS = actionAngleStaeckel(pot=mp, delta=0.45, ro=ro, vo=vo)
    qdf = quasiisothermaldf(1. / 3.,
    assert numpy.fabs(
        get_physical(qdf).get('ro') - ro
    ) < 1e-10, 'get_physical does not return the correct unit conversion parameter for a DF instance'
    assert numpy.fabs(
        get_physical(qdf).get('vo') - vo
    ) < 1e-10, 'get_physical does not return the correct unit conversion parameter for a DF instance'
    return None