Exemplo n.º 1
    def initialize(self, coordinates=None, color=None, autocolor=None, depth=None, autonormalizable=True):

        if type(coordinates) is tuple:
            coordinates = np.array(coordinates, dtype=np.float32).reshape((1, -1))
        nprimitives = coordinates.shape[0]

        if autocolor is not None:
            color = get_color(autocolor)

        if color is None:
            color = self.default_color

        # If there is one color per rectangle, repeat the color array so
        # that there is one color per vertex.
        if isinstance(color, np.ndarray):
            if color.shape[0] == nprimitives:
                color = np.repeat(color, 4, axis=0)

        # there are four vertices per rectangle
        self.size = 4 * nprimitives
        self.primitive_type = "TRIANGLE_STRIP"
        self.bounds = np.arange(0, self.size + 1, 4)

        position = self.coordinates_compound(coordinates)["position"]

        super(RectanglesVisual, self).initialize(
            position=position, color=color, nprimitives=nprimitives, autonormalizable=autonormalizable
        )  # depth=depth)

        self.add_compound("coordinates", fun=self.coordinates_compound, data=coordinates)

        self.depth = depth
Exemplo n.º 2
    def initialize(self, coordinates=None, color=None, autocolor=None, depth=None):
        if type(coordinates) is tuple:
            coordinates = np.array(coordinates, dtype=np.float32).reshape((1, -1))
        nprimitives = coordinates.shape[0]
        if autocolor is not None:
            color = get_color(autocolor)
        if color is None:
            color = self.default_color
        # there are four vertices per rectangle
        self.size = 4 * nprimitives
        self.primitive_type = 'TRIANGLE_STRIP'
        self.bounds = np.arange(0, self.size + 1, 4)

        position = self.coordinates_compound(coordinates)['position']
        super(RectanglesVisual, self).initialize(position=position, 
            color=color, nprimitives=nprimitives,)# depth=depth)
        self.add_compound("coordinates", fun=self.coordinates_compound, 
        self.depth = depth
Exemplo n.º 3
    def initialize(self, position=None, edges=None, color=None,
        edges_color=None, node_size=None, autocolor=None, **kwargs):
        if autocolor is not None:
            color = get_color(autocolor)
        if node_size is None:
            node_size = 8
        if color is None:
            color = (1., 1., 1., .25)

        # relative indexing
        edges = np.array(edges, dtype=np.int32)
        uedges = np.unique(edges)
        # m = uedges.max()
        # n = len(uedges)
        # indices = np.zeros(m + 1, dtype=np.int32)
        # indices[uedges] = np.arange(n)
        # # indices = np.arange(uedges.max() + 1)
        # # indices[edges.ravel()].reshape((-1, 2))
        # edges = indices[edges]
        for i, u in enumerate(uedges):
            edges[edges == u] = i
        # edges
        self.add_visual(PlotVisual, position=position,
            primitive_type='LINES', color=edges_color,
            index=edges.ravel(), name='edges')
        # nodes
            position=RefVar(self.name + '_edges', 'position'),
            color=color, texture=get_tex(node_size), name='nodes')
Exemplo n.º 4
 def initialize_default(self, **kwargs):
     super(DefaultPaintManager, self).initialize_default(**kwargs)
     # Help
     if self.parent.activate_help:
         self.add_visual(TextVisual, coordinates=(-.95, .95),
                         fontsize=14, color=get_color('w'),
                         interline=37., letter_spacing=320.,
                         depth=-1., background_transparent=False,
                         is_static=True, prevent_constrain=True,
                         text='', name='help', visible=False)
Exemplo n.º 5
 def plot(self, *args, **kwargs):
     # deal with special string argument containing options
     lenargs = len(args)
     opt = ''
     # we look for the index in args such that args[i] is a string
     for i in xrange(lenargs):
         if isinstance(args[i], basestring):
             opt = args[i]
     if opt:
         # we remove the options from the arguments
         l = list(args)
         args = tuple(l)
         kwargs['options'] = opt
     # process marker type, 'o' or 'or'
     marker = kwargs.pop('marker', kwargs.pop('m', None))
     if marker is None:
         if opt and opt[0] in ',.+-|xo':
             marker = opt[0]
     if marker is not None:
         cls = vs.SpriteVisual
         texsize = kwargs.pop('marker_size', kwargs.pop('ms', None))
         # marker string
         if isinstance(marker, basestring): 
             kwargs['texture'] = get_marker_texture(marker, texsize)
         # or custom texture marker
             kwargs['texture'] = marker
         kwargs.pop('options', None)
         # process marker color in options
         if 'color' not in kwargs and len(opt) == 2:
             kwargs['color'] = get_color(opt[1])
         cls = vs.PlotVisual
     self.add_visual(cls, *args, **kwargs)
Exemplo n.º 6
    def initialize(self, x=None, y=None, color=None, point_size=1.0,
            position=None, nprimitives=None, index=None,
            color_array_index=None, thickness=None,
            options=None, autocolor=None):
        # if position is specified, it contains x and y as column vectors
        if position is not None:
            position = np.array(position, dtype=np.float32)
            if thickness:
                shape = (2 * position.shape[0], 1)
                shape = (1, position.shape[0])
            position, shape = process_coordinates(x=x, y=y)
            if thickness:
                shape = (shape[0], 2 * shape[1])
        # register the size of the data
        self.size = np.prod(shape)
        # there is one plot per row
        if not nprimitives:
            nprimitives = shape[0]
            nsamples = shape[1]
            nsamples = self.size // nprimitives
        # handle thickness
        if thickness and position.shape[0] >= 2:
            w = thickness
            n = self.size
            X = position
            Y = np.zeros((n, 2))
            u = np.zeros((n/2, 2))
            X2 = np.vstack((X, 2*X[-1,:]-X[-2,:]))
            u[:,0] = -np.diff(X2[:,1])
            u[:,1] = np.diff(X2[:,0])
            r = (u[:,0] ** 2 + u[:,1] ** 2) ** .5
            rm = r.mean()
            r[r == 0.] = rm
            # print u
            # print r
            # ind = np.nonzero(r == 0.)[0]
            # print ind, ind-1
            # r[ind] = r[ind - 1]
            u[:,0] /= r
            u[:,1] /= r
            Y[::2,:] = X - w * u
            Y[1::2,:] = X + w * u
            position = Y
            x = Y[:,0]
            y = Y[:,1]
            # print x
            # print y
            self.primitive_type = 'TRIANGLE_STRIP'
        # register the bounds
        if nsamples <= 1:
            self.bounds = [0, self.size]
            self.bounds = np.arange(0, self.size + 1, nsamples)
        # normalize position
        # if viewbox:
            # self.add_normalizer('position', viewbox)
        # by default, use the default color
        if color is None:
            if nprimitives <= 1:
                color = self.default_color
        # automatic color with color map
        if autocolor is not None:
            if nprimitives <= 1:
                color = get_next_color(autocolor)
                color = [get_next_color(i + autocolor) for i in xrange(nprimitives)]
        # # handle the case where the color is a string where each character
        # # is a color (eg. 'ry')
        # if isinstance(color, basestring):
            # color = list(color)
        color = get_color(color)
        # handle the case where there is a single color given as a list of
        # RGB components instead of a tuple
        if type(color) is list:
            if color and (type(color[0]) != tuple) and (3 <= len(color) <= 4):
                color = tuple(color)
                color = np.array(color)
        # first, initialize use_color_array to False except if
        # color_array_index is not None
        use_color_array = color_array_index is not None
        if isinstance(color, np.ndarray):
            colors_ndim = color.shape[1]
            # first case: one color per point
            if color.shape[0] == self.size:
                single_color = False
            # second case: use a color array so that each plot has a single
            # color, this saves memory since there is a single color in
            # memory for any plot
                use_color_array = True
                single_color = False
        elif type(color) is tuple:
            single_color = True
            colors_ndim = len(color)
        # set position attribute
        self.add_attribute("position", ndim=2, data=position, autonormalizable=True)
        if index is not None:
            index = np.array(index)
            # self.size = len(index)
            self.add_index("index", data=index)
        # single color case: no need for a color buffer, just use default color
        if single_color and not use_color_array:
            self.add_uniform("color", ndim=colors_ndim, data=color)
            if colors_ndim == 3:
            out_color = vec4(color, 1.0);
            elif colors_ndim == 4:
            out_color = color;
        # multiple colors case: color attribute
        elif not use_color_array:
            self.add_attribute("color", ndim=colors_ndim, data=color)
            self.add_varying("varying_color", vartype="float", ndim=colors_ndim)
            varying_color = color;
            if colors_ndim == 3:
            out_color = vec4(varying_color, 1.0);
            elif colors_ndim == 4:
            out_color = varying_color;
        # multiple colors, but with a color array to save memory
        elif use_color_array:
            if color_array_index is None:
                color_array_index = np.repeat(np.arange(nprimitives), nsamples)
            color_array_index = np.array(color_array_index)
            ncolors = color.shape[0]
            ncomponents = color.shape[1]
            color = color.reshape((1, ncolors, ncomponents))
            dx = 1. / ncolors
            offset = dx / 2.
            self.add_texture('colormap', ncomponents=ncomponents, ndim=1, data=color)
            self.add_attribute('index', ndim=1, vartype='int', data=color_array_index)
            self.add_varying('vindex', vartype='int', ndim=1)
            vindex = index;
            float coord = %.5f + vindex * %.5f;
            vec4 color = texture1D(colormap, coord);
            out_color = color;
            """ % (offset, dx))

        # add point size uniform (when it's not specified, there might be some
        # bugs where its value is obtained from other datasets...)
        self.add_uniform("point_size", data=point_size)
        self.add_vertex_main("""gl_PointSize = point_size;""")
Exemplo n.º 7
 def initialize(self, x=None, y=None, color=None, autocolor=None,
         texture=None, position=None):#, normalize=None):
     # if position is specified, it contains x and y as column vectors
     if position is not None:
         position = np.array(position, dtype=np.float32)
         # shape = (position.shape[0], 1)
         position, shape = process_coordinates(x=x, y=y)
     texsize = float(max(texture.shape[:2]))
     shape = texture.shape
     ncomponents = texture.shape[2]
     self.size = position.shape[0]
     if shape[0] == 1:
         self.ndim = 1
     elif shape[0] > 1:
         self.ndim = 2
     self.primitive_type = 'POINTS'
     # normalize position
     # if viewbox:
         # self.add_normalizer('position', viewbox)
     # self.normalize = normalize
     # default color
     if color is None:
         color = self.default_color
     # automatic color with color map
     if autocolor is not None:
         color = get_next_color(autocolor)
     color = get_color(color)
     # handle the case where there is a single color given as a list of
     # RGB components instead of a tuple
     if type(color) is list:
         if color and (type(color[0]) != tuple) and (3 <= len(color) <= 4):
             color = tuple(color)
             color = np.array(color)
     if isinstance(color, np.ndarray):
         colors_ndim = color.shape[1]
         # one color per point
         single_color = False
     elif type(color) is tuple:
         single_color = True
         colors_ndim = len(color)
     texture_shader = """
     out_color = texture%NDIM%(tex_sampler, gl_PointCoord%POINTCOORD%) * %COLOR%;
     shader_ndim = "%dD" % self.ndim
     if self.ndim == 1:
         shader_pointcoord = ".x"
         shader_pointcoord = ""
     # single color case: no need for a color buffer, just use default color
     if single_color:
         self.add_uniform("color", ndim=colors_ndim, data=color)   
         shader_color_name = "color"
     # multiple colors case: color attribute
         self.add_attribute("color", ndim=colors_ndim, data=color)
         self.add_varying("varying_color", vartype="float", ndim=colors_ndim)
         varying_color = color;
         shader_color_name = "varying_color"
     if colors_ndim == 3:
         shader_color = "vec4(%s, 1.0)" % shader_color_name
     elif colors_ndim == 4:
         shader_color = shader_color_name
     texture_shader = texture_shader.replace('%COLOR%', shader_color)
     texture_shader = texture_shader.replace('%NDIM%', shader_ndim)
     texture_shader = texture_shader.replace('%POINTCOORD%', shader_pointcoord)
     # add variables
     self.add_attribute("position", vartype="float", ndim=2, data=position,
     self.add_texture("tex_sampler", size=shape, ndim=self.ndim,
     self.add_compound("texture", fun=lambda texture: \
                      dict(tex_sampler=texture), data=texture)
     self.add_uniform("point_size", vartype="float", ndim=1, data=texsize)
     # Vertex shader
     gl_PointSize = point_size;
Exemplo n.º 8
 def plot(self, *args, **kwargs):
     """Plot lines, curves, scatter plots, or any sequence of basic
     OpenGL primitives.
       * x, y: 1D vectors of the same size with point coordinates, or
         2D arrays where each row is plotted as an independent plot.
         If only x is provided, then it contains the y coordinates and the
         x coordinates are assumed to be linearly spaced.
       * options: a string with shorcuts for the options: color and marker.
         The color can be any char among: `rgbycmkw`.
         The marker can be any char among: `,.+-|xo`. 
       * color: the color of the line(s), or a list/array of colors for each 
         independent primitive.
       * marker, or m: the type of the marker as a char, or a NxMx3 texture.
       * marker_size, or ms: the size of the marker.
       * thickness: None by default, or the thickness of the line.
       * primitive_type: the OpenGL primitive type of the visual. Can be:
           * `LINES`: a segment is rendered for each pair of successive
           * `LINE_STRIP`: a sequence of segments from one point to the
           * `LINE_LOOP`: like `LINE_STRIP` but closed.
           * `POINTS`: each point is rendered as a pixel.
           * `TRIANGLES`: each successive triplet of points is rendered as
             a triangle.
           * `TRIANGLE_STRIP`: one triangle is rendered from a point to the
             next (i.e. successive triangles share two vertices out of
           * `TRIANGLE_FAN`: the first vertex is shared by all triangles.
     # deal with special string argument containing options
     lenargs = len(args)
     opt = ''
     # we look for the index in args such that args[i] is a string
     for i in xrange(lenargs):
         if isinstance(args[i], basestring):
             opt = args[i]
     if opt:
         # we remove the options from the arguments
         l = list(args)
         args = tuple(l)
         kwargs['options'] = opt
     # process marker type, 'o' or 'or'
     marker = kwargs.pop('marker', kwargs.pop('m', None))
     if marker is None:
         if opt and opt[0] in ',.+-|xo':
             marker = opt[0]
     if marker is not None:
         cls = vs.SpriteVisual
         texsize = kwargs.pop('marker_size', kwargs.pop('ms', None))
         # marker string
         if isinstance(marker, basestring): 
             kwargs['texture'] = get_marker_texture(marker, texsize)
         # or custom texture marker
             kwargs['texture'] = marker
         kwargs.pop('options', None)
         # process marker color in options
         if 'color' not in kwargs and len(opt) == 2:
             kwargs['color'] = get_color(opt[1])
         cls = vs.PlotVisual
     self.add_visual(cls, *args, **kwargs)
Exemplo n.º 9
    def initialize(self, text, coordinates=(0., 0.), font='segoe', fontsize=24,
            color=None, letter_spacing=None, interline=0., autocolor=None,
            prevent_constrain=False, depth=None, posoffset=None):
        """Initialize the text template."""
        if prevent_constrain:
            self.constrain_ratio = False
        if autocolor is not None:
            color = get_color(autocolor)
        if color is None:
            color = self.default_color
        self.size = len(text)
        self.primitive_type = 'POINTS'
        self.interline = interline
        text_length = self.size
        self.initialize_font(font, fontsize)
        self.coordinates = coordinates
        point_size = float(self.matrix[:,4].max() * self.texture.shape[1])

        # template attributes and varyings
        self.add_attribute("position", vartype="float", ndim=2, data=np.zeros((self.size, 2)))
        self.add_attribute("offset", vartype="float", ndim=1)
        self.add_attribute("index", vartype="float", ndim=1)
        self.add_attribute("text_map", vartype="float", ndim=4)
        self.add_varying("flat_text_map", vartype="float", flat=True, ndim=4)
        if posoffset is None:
            posoffset = (0., 0.)
        self.add_uniform('posoffset', vartype='float', ndim=2, data=posoffset)
        # texture
        self.add_texture("tex_sampler", size=self.texture.shape[:2], ndim=2,
        # pure heuristic (probably bogus)
        if letter_spacing is None:
            letter_spacing = (100 + 17. * fontsize)
        self.add_uniform("spacing", vartype="float", ndim=2,
                            data=(letter_spacing, interline))
        self.add_uniform("point_size", vartype="float", ndim=1,
        # one color per
        if isinstance(color, np.ndarray) and color.ndim > 1:
            self.add_attribute('color0', vartype="float", ndim=4, data=color)
            self.add_varying('color', vartype="float", ndim=4)
            self.add_vertex_main('color = color0;')
            self.add_uniform("color", vartype="float", ndim=4, data=color)
        self.add_uniform("text_width", vartype="float", ndim=1)
        # compound variables
        self.add_compound("text", fun=self.text_compound, data=text)
        self.add_compound("coordinates", fun=self.position_compound, data=coordinates)

        # vertex shader
        self.add_vertex_main(VS, after='viewport')

        # fragment shader
        self.depth = depth
Exemplo n.º 10
    def initialize(self, x=None, y=None, color=None, point_size=1.0,
            position=None, nprimitives=None, index=None,
            color_array_index=None, viewbox=None,
        # if position is specified, it contains x and y as column vectors
        if position is not None:
            position = np.array(position, dtype=np.float32)
            shape = (position.shape[0], 1)
            position, shape = process_coordinates(x=x, y=y)
        # register the size of the data
        self.size = np.prod(shape)
        # there is one plot per row
        if not nprimitives:
            nprimitives = shape[0]
            nsamples = shape[1]
            nsamples = self.size // nprimitives
        # register the bounds
        if nsamples <= 1:
            self.bounds = [0, self.size]
            self.bounds = np.arange(0, self.size + 1, nsamples)
        # normalize position
        if viewbox:
            self.add_normalizer('position', viewbox)
        # by default, use the default color
        if color is None:
            color = self.default_color
        # # handle the case where the color is a string where each character
        # # is a color (eg. 'ry')
        # if isinstance(color, basestring):
            # color = list(color)
        color = get_color(color)
        # handle the case where there is a single color given as a list of
        # RGB components instead of a tuple
        if type(color) is list:
            if color and (type(color[0]) != tuple) and (3 <= len(color) <= 4):
                color = tuple(color)
                color = np.array(color)
        # first, initialize use_color_array to False except if
        # color_array_index is not None
        use_color_array = color_array_index is not None
        if isinstance(color, np.ndarray):
            colors_ndim = color.shape[1]
            # first case: one color per point
            if color.shape[0] == self.size:
                single_color = False
            # second case: use a color array so that each plot has a single
            # color, this saves memory since there is a single color in
            # memory for any plot
                use_color_array = True
                single_color = False
        elif type(color) is tuple:
            single_color = True
            colors_ndim = len(color)
        # set position attribute
        self.add_attribute("position", ndim=2, data=position)
        if index is not None:
            index = np.array(index)
            # self.size = len(index)
            self.add_index("index", data=index)
        # single color case: no need for a color buffer, just use default color
        if single_color and not use_color_array:
            self.add_uniform("color", ndim=colors_ndim, data=color)
            if colors_ndim == 3:
            out_color = vec4(color, 1.0);
            elif colors_ndim == 4:
            out_color = color;
        # multiple colors case: color attribute
        elif not use_color_array:
            self.add_attribute("color", ndim=colors_ndim, data=color)
            self.add_varying("varying_color", vartype="float", ndim=colors_ndim)
            varying_color = color;
            if colors_ndim == 3:
            out_color = vec4(varying_color, 1.0);
            elif colors_ndim == 4:
            out_color = varying_color;
        # multiple colors, but with a color array to save memory
        elif use_color_array:
            if color_array_index is None:
                color_array_index = np.repeat(np.arange(nprimitives), nsamples)
            color_array_index = np.array(color_array_index)
            ncolors = color.shape[0]
            ncomponents = color.shape[1]
            color = color.reshape((1, ncolors, ncomponents))
            dx = 1. / ncolors
            offset = dx / 2.
            self.add_texture('colormap', ncomponents=ncomponents, ndim=1, data=color)
            self.add_attribute('index', ndim=1, vartype='int', data=color_array_index)
            self.add_varying('vindex', vartype='int', ndim=1)
            vindex = index;
            float coord = %.5f + vindex * %.5f;
            vec4 color = texture1D(colormap, coord);
            out_color = color;
            """ % (offset, dx))

        # add point size uniform (when it's not specified, there might be some
        # bugs where its value is obtained from other datasets...)
        self.add_uniform("point_size", data=point_size)
        self.add_vertex_main("""gl_PointSize = point_size;""")
Exemplo n.º 11
    def initialize(self,

        # if position is specified, it contains x and y as column vectors
        if position is not None:
            position = np.array(position, dtype=np.float32)
            if thickness:
                shape = (2 * position.shape[0], 1)
                shape = (1, position.shape[0])
            position, shape = process_coordinates(x=x, y=y)
            if thickness:
                shape = (shape[0], 2 * shape[1])

        # register the size of the data
        self.size = np.prod(shape)

        # there is one plot per row
        if not nprimitives:
            nprimitives = shape[0]
            nsamples = shape[1]
            nsamples = self.size // nprimitives

        # handle thickness
        if thickness and position.shape[0] >= 2:
            w = thickness
            n = self.size
            X = position
            Y = np.zeros((n, 2))
            u = np.zeros((n / 2, 2))
            X2 = np.vstack((X, 2 * X[-1, :] - X[-2, :]))
            u[:, 0] = -np.diff(X2[:, 1])
            u[:, 1] = np.diff(X2[:, 0])
            r = (u[:, 0]**2 + u[:, 1]**2)**.5
            rm = r.mean()
            r[r == 0.] = rm
            # print u
            # print r
            # ind = np.nonzero(r == 0.)[0]
            # print ind, ind-1
            # r[ind] = r[ind - 1]
            u[:, 0] /= r
            u[:, 1] /= r
            Y[::2, :] = X - w * u
            Y[1::2, :] = X + w * u
            position = Y
            x = Y[:, 0]
            y = Y[:, 1]
            # print x
            # print y
            self.primitive_type = 'TRIANGLE_STRIP'

        # register the bounds
        if nsamples <= 1:
            self.bounds = [0, self.size]
            self.bounds = np.arange(0, self.size + 1, nsamples)

        # normalize position
        # if viewbox:
        # self.add_normalizer('position', viewbox)

        # by default, use the default color
        if color is None:
            if nprimitives <= 1:
                color = self.default_color

        # automatic color with color map
        if autocolor is not None:
            if nprimitives <= 1:
                color = get_next_color(autocolor)
                color = [
                    get_next_color(i + autocolor) for i in xrange(nprimitives)

        # # handle the case where the color is a string where each character
        # # is a color (eg. 'ry')
        # if isinstance(color, basestring):
        # color = list(color)
        color = get_color(color)
        # handle the case where there is a single color given as a list of
        # RGB components instead of a tuple
        if type(color) is list:
            if color and (type(color[0]) != tuple) and (3 <= len(color) <= 4):
                color = tuple(color)
                color = np.array(color)
        # first, initialize use_color_array to False except if
        # color_array_index is not None
        use_color_array = color_array_index is not None
        if isinstance(color, np.ndarray):
            colors_ndim = color.shape[1]
            # first case: one color per point
            if color.shape[0] == self.size:
                single_color = False
            # second case: use a color array so that each plot has a single
            # color, this saves memory since there is a single color in
            # memory for any plot
                use_color_array = True
                single_color = False
        elif type(color) is tuple:
            single_color = True
            colors_ndim = len(color)

        # set position attribute

        if index is not None:
            index = np.array(index)
            # self.size = len(index)
            self.add_index("index", data=index)

        # single color case: no need for a color buffer, just use default color
        if single_color and not use_color_array:
            self.add_uniform("color", ndim=colors_ndim, data=color)
            if colors_ndim == 3:
            out_color = vec4(color, 1.0);
            elif colors_ndim == 4:
            out_color = color;

        # multiple colors case: color attribute
        elif not use_color_array:
            self.add_attribute("color", ndim=colors_ndim, data=color)

            varying_color = color;

            if colors_ndim == 3:
            out_color = vec4(varying_color, 1.0);
            elif colors_ndim == 4:
            out_color = varying_color;

        # multiple colors, but with a color array to save memory
        elif use_color_array:
            if color_array_index is None:
                color_array_index = np.repeat(np.arange(nprimitives), nsamples)
            color_array_index = np.array(color_array_index)

            ncolors = color.shape[0]
            ncomponents = color.shape[1]
            color = color.reshape((1, ncolors, ncomponents))

            dx = 1. / ncolors
            offset = dx / 2.

            self.add_varying('vindex', vartype='int', ndim=1)

            vindex = index;

            float coord = %.5f + vindex * %.5f;
            vec4 color = texture1D(colormap, coord);
            out_color = color;
            """ % (offset, dx))

        # add point size uniform (when it's not specified, there might be some
        # bugs where its value is obtained from other datasets...)
        self.add_uniform("point_size", data=point_size)
        self.add_vertex_main("""gl_PointSize = point_size;""")
Exemplo n.º 12
Arquivo: pyplot.py Projeto: fiath/test
    def plot(self, *args, **kwargs):
        """Plot lines, curves, scatter plots, or any sequence of basic
        OpenGL primitives.
          * x, y: 1D vectors of the same size with point coordinates, or
            2D arrays where each row is plotted as an independent plot.
            If only x is provided, then it contains the y coordinates and the
            x coordinates are assumed to be linearly spaced.
          * options: a string with shorcuts for the options: color and marker.
            The color can be any char among: `rgbycmkw`.
            The marker can be any char among: `,.+-|xo`. 
          * color: the color of the line(s), or a list/array of colors for each 
            independent primitive.
          * marker, or m: the type of the marker as a char, or a NxMx3 texture.
          * marker_size, or ms: the size of the marker.
          * thickness: None by default, or the thickness of the line.
          * primitive_type: the OpenGL primitive type of the visual. Can be:
              * `LINES`: a segment is rendered for each pair of successive
              * `LINE_STRIP`: a sequence of segments from one point to the
              * `LINE_LOOP`: like `LINE_STRIP` but closed.
              * `POINTS`: each point is rendered as a pixel.
              * `TRIANGLES`: each successive triplet of points is rendered as
                a triangle.
              * `TRIANGLE_STRIP`: one triangle is rendered from a point to the
                next (i.e. successive triangles share two vertices out of
              * `TRIANGLE_FAN`: the first vertex is shared by all triangles.
        # deal with special string argument containing options
        lenargs = len(args)
        opt = ''
        # we look for the index in args such that args[i] is a string
        for i in xrange(lenargs):
            if isinstance(args[i], basestring):
                opt = args[i]
        if opt:
            # we remove the options from the arguments
            l = list(args)
            args = tuple(l)
            kwargs['options'] = opt

        # process marker type, 'o' or 'or'
        marker = kwargs.pop('marker', kwargs.pop('m', None))
        if marker is None:
            if opt and opt[0] in ',.+-|xo':
                marker = opt[0]
        if marker is not None:
            cls = vs.SpriteVisual
            texsize = kwargs.pop('marker_size', kwargs.pop('ms', None))
            # marker string
            if isinstance(marker, basestring):
                kwargs['texture'] = get_marker_texture(marker, texsize)
            # or custom texture marker
                kwargs['texture'] = marker
            kwargs.pop('options', None)
            # process marker color in options
            if 'color' not in kwargs and len(opt) == 2:
                kwargs['color'] = get_color(opt[1])
            cls = vs.PlotVisual

        self.add_visual(cls, *args, **kwargs)
Exemplo n.º 13
    def initialize(self,
                   coordinates=(0., 0.),
        """Initialize the text template."""

        if prevent_constrain:
            self.constrain_ratio = False

        if autocolor is not None:
            color = get_color(autocolor)

        if color is None:
            color = self.default_color

        self.size = len(text)
        self.primitive_type = 'POINTS'
        self.interline = interline

        text_length = self.size
        self.initialize_font(font, fontsize)
        self.coordinates = coordinates

        point_size = float(self.matrix[:, 4].max() * self.texture.shape[1])

        # template attributes and varyings
                           data=np.zeros((self.size, 2)))

        self.add_attribute("offset", vartype="float", ndim=1)
        self.add_attribute("index", vartype="float", ndim=1)
        self.add_attribute("text_map", vartype="float", ndim=4)
        self.add_varying("flat_text_map", vartype="float", flat=True, ndim=4)

        if posoffset is None:
            posoffset = (0., 0.)
        self.add_uniform('posoffset', vartype='float', ndim=2, data=posoffset)

        # texture

        # pure heuristic (probably bogus)
        if letter_spacing is None:
            letter_spacing = (100 + 17. * fontsize)
                         data=(letter_spacing, interline))
        # one color per
        if isinstance(color, np.ndarray) and color.ndim > 1:
            self.add_attribute('color0', vartype="float", ndim=4, data=color)
            self.add_varying('color', vartype="float", ndim=4)
            self.add_vertex_main('color = color0;')
            self.add_uniform("color", vartype="float", ndim=4, data=color)
        self.add_uniform("text_width", vartype="float", ndim=1)

        # compound variables
        self.add_compound("text", fun=self.text_compound, data=text)

        # vertex shader
        self.add_vertex_main(VS, after='viewport')

        # fragment shader

        self.depth = depth
Exemplo n.º 14
 def initialize(self, x=None, y=None, color=None, autocolor=None,
         texture=None, position=None):#, normalize=None):
     # if position is specified, it contains x and y as column vectors
     if position is not None:
         position = np.array(position, dtype=np.float32)
         # shape = (position.shape[0], 1)
         position, shape = process_coordinates(x=x, y=y)
     texsize = float(max(texture.shape[:2]))
     shape = texture.shape
     ncomponents = texture.shape[2]
     self.size = position.shape[0]
     if shape[0] == 1:
         self.ndim = 1
     elif shape[0] > 1:
         self.ndim = 2
     self.primitive_type = 'POINTS'
     # normalize position
     # if viewbox:
         # self.add_normalizer('position', viewbox)
     # self.normalize = normalize
     # default color
     if color is None:
         color = self.default_color
     # automatic color with color map
     if autocolor is not None:
         color = get_next_color(autocolor)
     color = get_color(color)
     # handle the case where there is a single color given as a list of
     # RGB components instead of a tuple
     if type(color) is list:
         if color and (type(color[0]) != tuple) and (3 <= len(color) <= 4):
             color = tuple(color)
             color = np.array(color)
     if isinstance(color, np.ndarray):
         colors_ndim = color.shape[1]
         # one color per point
         single_color = False
     elif type(color) is tuple:
         single_color = True
         colors_ndim = len(color)
     texture_shader = """
     out_color = texture%NDIM%(tex_sampler, gl_PointCoord%POINTCOORD%) * %COLOR%;
     shader_ndim = "%dD" % self.ndim
     if self.ndim == 1:
         shader_pointcoord = ".x"
         shader_pointcoord = ""
     # single color case: no need for a color buffer, just use default color
     if single_color:
         self.add_uniform("color", ndim=colors_ndim, data=color)   
         shader_color_name = "color"
     # multiple colors case: color attribute
         self.add_attribute("color", ndim=colors_ndim, data=color)
         self.add_varying("varying_color", vartype="float", ndim=colors_ndim)
         varying_color = color;
         shader_color_name = "varying_color"
     if colors_ndim == 3:
         shader_color = "vec4(%s, 1.0)" % shader_color_name
     elif colors_ndim == 4:
         shader_color = shader_color_name
     texture_shader = texture_shader.replace('%COLOR%', shader_color)
     texture_shader = texture_shader.replace('%NDIM%', shader_ndim)
     texture_shader = texture_shader.replace('%POINTCOORD%', shader_pointcoord)
     # add variables
     self.add_attribute("position", vartype="float", ndim=2, data=position,
     self.add_texture("tex_sampler", size=shape, ndim=self.ndim,
     self.add_compound("texture", fun=lambda texture: \
                      dict(tex_sampler=texture), data=texture)
     self.add_uniform("point_size", vartype="float", ndim=1, data=texsize)
     # Vertex shader
     gl_PointSize = point_size;
Exemplo n.º 15
 def initialize(self, camera_angle=None, camera_ratio=None, autocolor=None,
     camera_zrange=None, position=None, color=None, normal=None, index=None,
     """Initialize the template.
       * camera_angle: the view angle of the camera, in radians.
       * camera_ratio: the W/H ratio of the camera.
       * camera_zrange: a pair with the far and near z values for the camera
     Template fields are:
       * `position`: an attribute with the positions as 3D vertices,
       * `normal`: an attribute with the normals as 3D vectors,
       * `color`: an attribute with the color of each vertex, as 4D vertices.
       * `projection`: an uniform with the 4x4 projection matrix, returned by
       * `camera`: an uniform with the 4x4 camera matrix, returned by
       * `transform`: an uniform with the 4x4 transform matrix, returned by
         a dot product of `scale_matrix()`, `rotation_matrix()` and
       * `light_direction`: the direction of the diffuse light as a
       * `ambient_light`: the amount of ambient light (white color).
     if autocolor is not None:
         color = get_color(autocolor)
     # default camera parameters
     if camera_angle is None:
         camera_angle = np.pi / 4
     if camera_ratio is None:
         camera_ratio = 4./3.
     if camera_zrange is None:
         camera_zrange = (.5, 10.)
     self.size = position.shape[0]
     if self.primitive_type is None:
         self.primitive_type = 'TRIANGLES'
     # attributes
     self.add_attribute("position", vartype="float", ndim=3, data=position)
     self.add_attribute("normal", vartype="float", ndim=3, data=normal)
     self.add_attribute("color", vartype="float", ndim=4, data=color)
     if index is not None:
         self.add_index("index", data=index)
     # varying color
     self.add_varying("varying_color", vartype="float", ndim=4)
     # default matrices
     projection = projection_matrix(camera_angle, camera_ratio, *camera_zrange)
     camera = camera_matrix(np.array([0., 0., -4.]),  # position
                            np.zeros(3),              # look at
                            np.array([0., 1., 0.]))   # top
     transform = np.eye(4)
     # matrix uniforms
     self.add_uniform("projection", ndim=(4, 4), size=None, data=projection)
     self.add_uniform("camera", ndim=(4, 4), size=None, data=camera)
     self.add_uniform("transform", ndim=(4, 4), size=None, data=transform)
     # diffuse and ambient light
     light_direction = normalize(np.array([0., 0., -1.]))
     ambient_light = .25
     self.add_uniform("light_direction", size=None, ndim=3, data=light_direction)
     self.add_uniform("ambient_light", size=None, ndim=1, data=ambient_light)
     # vertex shader with transformation matrices and basic lighting
     if not vertex_shader:
         vertex_shader = """
         // convert the position from 3D to 4D.
         gl_Position = vec4(position, 1.0);
         // compute the amount of light
         float light = dot(light_direction, normalize(mat3(camera) * mat3(transform) * normal));
         light = clamp(light, 0, 1);
         // add the ambient term
         light = clamp(ambient_light + light, 0, 1);
         // compute the final color
         varying_color = color * light;
         // keep the transparency
         varying_color.w = color.w;
     # basic fragment shader
         out_color = varying_color;
     # self.initialize_viewport(True)
Exemplo n.º 16
 def initialize(self, camera_angle=None, camera_ratio=None, autocolor=None,
     camera_zrange=None, position=None, color=None, normal=None, index=None,
     """Initialize the template.
       * camera_angle: the view angle of the camera, in radians.
       * camera_ratio: the W/H ratio of the camera.
       * camera_zrange: a pair with the far and near z values for the camera
     Template fields are:
       * `position`: an attribute with the positions as 3D vertices,
       * `normal`: an attribute with the normals as 3D vectors,
       * `color`: an attribute with the color of each vertex, as 4D vertices.
       * `projection`: an uniform with the 4x4 projection matrix, returned by
       * `camera`: an uniform with the 4x4 camera matrix, returned by
       * `transform`: an uniform with the 4x4 transform matrix, returned by
         a dot product of `scale_matrix()`, `rotation_matrix()` and
       * `light_direction`: the direction of the diffuse light as a
       * `ambient_light`: the amount of ambient light (white color).
     if autocolor is not None:
         color = get_color(autocolor)
     # default camera parameters
     if camera_angle is None:
         camera_angle = np.pi / 4
     if camera_ratio is None:
         camera_ratio = 4./3.
     if camera_zrange is None:
         camera_zrange = (.5, 10.)
     self.size = position.shape[0]
     if self.primitive_type is None:
         self.primitive_type = 'TRIANGLES'
     # attributes
     self.add_attribute("position", vartype="float", ndim=3, data=position)
     self.add_attribute("normal", vartype="float", ndim=3, data=normal)
     self.add_attribute("color", vartype="float", ndim=4, data=color)
     if index is not None:
         self.add_index("index", data=index)
     # varying color
     self.add_varying("varying_color", vartype="float", ndim=4)
     # default matrices
     projection = projection_matrix(camera_angle, camera_ratio, *camera_zrange)
     camera = camera_matrix(np.array([0., 0., -4.]),  # position
                            np.zeros(3),              # look at
                            np.array([0., 1., 0.]))   # top
     transform = np.eye(4)
     # matrix uniforms
     self.add_uniform("projection", ndim=(4, 4), size=None, data=projection)
     self.add_uniform("camera", ndim=(4, 4), size=None, data=camera)
     self.add_uniform("transform", ndim=(4, 4), size=None, data=transform)
     # diffuse and ambient light
     light_direction = normalize(np.array([0., 0., -1.]))
     ambient_light = .25
     self.add_uniform("light_direction", size=None, ndim=3, data=light_direction)
     self.add_uniform("ambient_light", size=None, ndim=1, data=ambient_light)
     # vertex shader with transformation matrices and basic lighting
     if not vertex_shader:
         vertex_shader = """
         // convert the position from 3D to 4D.
         gl_Position = vec4(position, 1.0);
         // compute the amount of light
         float light = dot(light_direction, normalize(mat3(camera) * mat3(transform) * normal));
         light = clamp(light, 0, 1);
         // add the ambient term
         light = clamp(ambient_light + light, 0, 1);
         // compute the final color
         varying_color = color * light;
         // keep the transparency
         varying_color.w = color.w;
     # basic fragment shader
         out_color = varying_color;
     # self.initialize_viewport(True)