Exemplo n.º 1
    def run_fit(self, optimize_opts=None):
        """Run all step for the spectrum fit."""
        fit_range = self.config["fit"].get("fit_range")
        model = self.config["fit"]["model"]

        for obs in self.extraction.spectrum_observations:
            if fit_range is not None:
                obs.mask_fit = obs.counts.energy_mask(fit_range[0],
            obs.model = model

        self.fit = Fit(self.extraction.spectrum_observations)
        self.fit_result = self.fit.run(optimize_opts=optimize_opts)

        model = self.config["fit"]["model"]
        modelname = model.__class__.__name__

        model.parameters.covariance = self.fit_result.parameters.covariance

        filename = make_path(
            self.config["outdir"]) / "fit_result_{}.yaml".format(modelname)


        obs_stacker = SpectrumDatasetOnOffStacker(

        datasets_fp = obs_stacker.stacked_obs
        datasets_fp.model = model
        self.flux_point_estimator = FluxPointsEstimator(
            e_edges=self.config["fp_binning"], datasets=datasets_fp)
        fp = self.flux_point_estimator.run()
        fp.table["is_ul"] = fp.table["ts"] < 4
        self.flux_points = fp
Exemplo n.º 2
 def test_stack_backscal(self):
     """Verify backscal stacking """
     obs_list = make_observation_list()
     obs_stacker = SpectrumDatasetOnOffStacker(obs_list)
     assert_allclose(obs_stacker.stacked_obs.alpha[0], 1.25 / 4.0)
     # When the OFF stack observation counts=0, the alpha is averaged on the total OFF counts for each run.
     assert_allclose(obs_stacker.stacked_obs.alpha[1], 2.5 / 8.0)
Exemplo n.º 3
 def test_stack_gti(self):
     obs_list = make_observation_list()
     obs_stacker = SpectrumDatasetOnOffStacker(obs_list)
     table_gti = Table({
         "START": [1.0, 5.0, 14.0],
         "STOP": [4.0, 8.0, 15.0]
     table_gti_stacked_obs = obs_stacker.stacked_obs.gti.table
     assert_allclose(table_gti_stacked_obs["START"], table_gti["START"])
     assert_allclose(table_gti_stacked_obs["STOP"], table_gti["STOP"])
Exemplo n.º 4
    def setup(self):
        self.obs_list = _read_hess_obs()
        # Change threshold to make stuff more interesting
        self.obs_list[0].mask_safe = self.obs_list[0].counts.energy_mask(
            emin=1.2 * u.TeV, emax=50 * u.TeV)

        self.obs_list[1].mask_safe &= self.obs_list[0].counts.energy_mask(
            emax=20 * u.TeV)

        self.obs_stacker = SpectrumDatasetOnOffStacker(self.obs_list)
Exemplo n.º 5
    def test_stacked_fit(self):
        obs_stacker = SpectrumDatasetOnOffStacker(self.obs_list)

        dataset = obs_stacker.stacked_obs
        dataset.model = self.pwl

        fit = Fit([dataset])
        result = fit.run()
        pars = result.parameters

        assert_allclose(pars["index"].value, 2.7767, rtol=1e-3)
        assert u.Unit(pars["amplitude"].unit) == "cm-2 s-1 TeV-1"
        assert_allclose(pars["amplitude"].value, 5.191e-11, rtol=1e-3)
Exemplo n.º 6
    'time', '',
    'model = models.PowerLaw(\n    index=2, amplitude=1e-11 * u.Unit("cm-2 s-1 TeV-1"), reference=1 * u.TeV\n)\n\nfor dataset in extract.spectrum_observations:\n    dataset.model = model\n\nfit = Fit(extract.spectrum_observations)\nresult = fit.run()\nprint(result)'

# ### Spectral points
# Finally, let's compute spectral points. The method used is to first choose an energy binning, and then to do a 1-dim likelihood fit / profile to compute the flux and flux error.

# In[ ]:

# Flux points are computed on stacked observation
from gammapy.spectrum import SpectrumDatasetOnOffStacker

stacker = SpectrumDatasetOnOffStacker(extract.spectrum_observations)
stacked_obs = stacker.run()


# In[ ]:

e_edges = np.logspace(0, 1.5, 5) * u.TeV

stacked_obs.model = model

fpe = FluxPointsEstimator(datasets=[dataset], e_edges=e_edges)
flux_points = fpe.run()

# ### Plot
Exemplo n.º 7
flux_points_dataset = FluxPointsDataset(data=flux_points,

# In[ ]:

plt.figure(figsize=(8, 6))

# ## Stack observations
# And alternative approach to fitting the spectrum is stacking all observations first and the fitting a model. For this we first stack the individual datasets using the `SpectrumDatasetOnOffStacker` class:

# In[ ]:

stacker = SpectrumDatasetOnOffStacker(datasets_joint)
dataset_stacked = stacker.run()

# Again we set the model on the dataset we would like to fit (in this case it's only a singel one) and pass it to the `Fit` object:

# In[ ]:

dataset_stacked.model = model
stacked_fit = Fit([dataset_stacked])
result_stacked = stacked_fit.run()

# make a copy to compare later
model_best_stacked = model.copy()
model_best_stacked.parameters.covariance = result_stacked.parameters.covariance

# In[ ]:
Exemplo n.º 8
joint_fit = Fit(extraction.spectrum_observations)
joint_result = joint_fit.run()

model.parameters.covariance = joint_result.parameters.covariance

# Now you might want to do the stacking here even if in our case there is only one observation which makes it superfluous.
# We can compute flux points by fitting the norm of the global model in energy bands.

# In[ ]:

e_edges = np.logspace(np.log10(0.04), np.log10(0.4), 7) * u.TeV

from gammapy.spectrum import SpectrumDatasetOnOffStacker

stacker = SpectrumDatasetOnOffStacker(extraction.spectrum_observations)
dataset = stacker.run()

dataset.model = model

fpe = FluxPointsEstimator(datasets=[dataset], e_edges=e_edges)

flux_points = fpe.run()
flux_points.table["is_ul"] = flux_points.table["ts"] < 1

amplitude_ref = 0.57 * 19.4e-14 * u.Unit("1 / (cm2 s MeV)")
spec_model_true = PowerLaw(index=4.5,
                           reference="20 GeV")

flux_points_dataset = FluxPointsDataset(data=flux_points, model=model)
Exemplo n.º 9
class TestSpectrumDatasetOnOffStacker:
    def setup(self):
        self.obs_list = _read_hess_obs()
        # Change threshold to make stuff more interesting
        self.obs_list[0].mask_safe = self.obs_list[0].counts.energy_mask(
            emin=1.2 * u.TeV, emax=50 * u.TeV)

        self.obs_list[1].mask_safe &= self.obs_list[0].counts.energy_mask(
            emax=20 * u.TeV)

        self.obs_stacker = SpectrumDatasetOnOffStacker(self.obs_list)

    def test_basic(self):
        assert "Stacker" in str(self.obs_stacker)
        obs_1, obs_2 = self.obs_list

        counts1 = obs_1.counts.data[obs_1.mask_safe].sum()
        counts2 = obs_2.counts.data[obs_2.mask_safe].sum()
        summed_counts = counts1 + counts2

        obs_stacked = self.obs_stacker.stacked_obs
        stacked_counts = obs_stacked.counts.data.sum()

        assert summed_counts == stacked_counts

    def test_thresholds(self):
        e_min, e_max = self.obs_stacker.stacked_obs.energy_range

        assert e_min.unit == "keV"
        assert_allclose(e_min.value, 8.912509e08, rtol=1e-3)

        assert e_max.unit == "keV"
        assert_allclose(e_max.value, 4.466836e10, rtol=1e-3)

    def test_verify_npred(self):
        """Veryfing npred is preserved during the stacking"""
        pwl = PowerLaw(index=2,
                       amplitude=2e-11 * u.Unit("cm-2 s-1 TeV-1"),
                       reference=1 * u.TeV)
        self.obs_stacker.stacked_obs.model = pwl
        npred_stacked = self.obs_stacker.stacked_obs.npred().data
        npred_summed = np.zeros_like(npred_stacked)

        for obs in self.obs_list:
            obs.model = pwl
            npred_summed[obs.mask_safe] += obs.npred().data[obs.mask_safe]

        assert_allclose(npred_stacked, npred_summed)

    def test_stack_backscal(self):
        """Verify backscal stacking """
        obs_list = make_observation_list()
        obs_stacker = SpectrumDatasetOnOffStacker(obs_list)
        assert_allclose(obs_stacker.stacked_obs.alpha[0], 1.25 / 4.0)
        # When the OFF stack observation counts=0, the alpha is averaged on the total OFF counts for each run.
        assert_allclose(obs_stacker.stacked_obs.alpha[1], 2.5 / 8.0)

    def test_stack_gti(self):
        obs_list = make_observation_list()
        obs_stacker = SpectrumDatasetOnOffStacker(obs_list)
        table_gti = Table({
            "START": [1.0, 5.0, 14.0],
            "STOP": [4.0, 8.0, 15.0]
        table_gti_stacked_obs = obs_stacker.stacked_obs.gti.table
        assert_allclose(table_gti_stacked_obs["START"], table_gti["START"])
        assert_allclose(table_gti_stacked_obs["STOP"], table_gti["STOP"])