Exemplo n.º 1
def get_errors(request):
    """ Returns all errors that have ever been generated for clusters/vms
    and then sends them to the errors page.
    user = request.user

    if user.is_superuser:
        clusters = Cluster.objects.all()
        clusters = user.get_objects_all_perms(Cluster, ['admin', ])
    admin = user.is_superuser or clusters

    # Get all of the PKs from VMs that this user may administer.
    vms = vm_qs_for_admins(user).values("pk")

    # build list of job errors. Include jobs from any vm the user has access
    # to
    # If the user has admin on any cluster then those clusters and it's objects
    # must be included too.
    # XXX all jobs have the cluster listed, filtering by cluster includes jobs
    # for both the cluster itself and any of its VMs or Nodes
    error_clause = Q(status='error')
    vm_type = ContentType.objects.get_for_model(VirtualMachine)
    select_clause = Q(content_type=vm_type, object_id__in=vms)
    if admin:
        select_clause |= Q(cluster__in=clusters)
    job_errors = Job.objects.filter(error_clause & select_clause)

    # Build the list of job errors. Include jobs from any VMs for which the
    # user has access.
    qs = GanetiError.objects
    ganeti_errors = qs.get_errors(obj=vms)
    # If the user is an admin on any cluster, then include administrated
    # clusters and related objects.
    if admin:
        ganeti_errors |= qs.get_errors(obj=clusters)

    # merge error lists
    errors = merge_errors(ganeti_errors, job_errors)

    return render_to_response("ganeti/errors.html",
                              'admin': admin,
                              'cluster_list': clusters,
                              'user': request.user,
                              'errors': errors,
Exemplo n.º 2
 def test_admin_summary(self):
     Tests that the vm summary for a user with admin permissions on a
     cluster is correct.
     self.client.login(username=self.admin.username, password='******')
     response = self.client.get(self.summary_url)
     vm_summary = response.context['vm_summary']
     vms = vm_qs_for_admins(self.admin)
     expected_summary = {
         unicode(self.cluster.hostname): {
             'total': len(vms),
             'running': len(vms.filter(status='running')),
             'cluster__slug': unicode(self.cluster.slug)
     self.assertEqual(vm_summary, expected_summary)
Exemplo n.º 3
 def test_standard_summary_vm_perms(self):
     Tests that the vm summary for a user with admin permissions on a
     single VM (not cluster) is correct
     self.standard.grant('admin', self.vm2)
     self.client.login(username=self.standard.username, password='******')
     response = self.client.get(self.summary_url)
     vm_summary = response.context['vm_summary']
     vms = vm_qs_for_admins(self.standard)
     expected_summary = {
         unicode(self.cluster.hostname): {
             'total': len(vms),
             'running': len(vms.filter(status='running')),
             'cluster__slug': unicode(self.cluster.slug)
     self.assertEqual(vm_summary, expected_summary)
Exemplo n.º 4
def overview(request, rest=False):
    Status page
    user = request.user

    # Get all clusters a user is an administrator of (admin/create_vm perms)
    if user.is_superuser:
        clusters = Cluster.objects.all()
        clusters = user.get_objects_any_perms(Cluster,
                                              ['admin', 'create_vm', ])
    admin = user.is_superuser or clusters

    #orphaned, ready to import, missing
    if admin:
        # build list of admin tasks for this user's clusters
        orphaned, import_ready, missing = get_vm_counts(clusters)
        orphaned = import_ready = missing = 0

    # Get all of the PKs from VMs that this user may administer.
    vms = vm_qs_for_admins(user).values("pk")

    # build list of job errors.  Include jobs from any vm the user has access
    # to if the user has admin on any cluster then those clusters and it's
    # objects must be included too.

    # XXX all jobs have the cluster listed, filtering by cluster includes jobs
    # for both the cluster itself and any of its VMs or Nodes
    error_clause = Q(status='error')
    vm_type = ContentType.objects.get_for_model(VirtualMachine)
    select_clause = Q(content_type=vm_type, object_id__in=vms)
    if admin:
        select_clause |= Q(cluster__in=clusters)
    job_errors = Job.objects.filter(error_clause & select_clause) \

    # Build the list of job errors. Include jobs from any VMs for which the
    # user has access.
    qs = GanetiError.objects.filter(cleared=False)
    ganeti_errors = qs.get_errors(obj=vms)
    # If the user is an admin on any cluster, then include administrated
    # clusters and related objects.
    if admin:
        ganeti_errors |= qs.get_errors(obj=clusters)

    # merge error lists
    errors = merge_errors(ganeti_errors, job_errors)

    # get vm summary - running and totals need to be done as separate queries
    # and then merged into a single list
    vms_running = (vms.filter(status='running')
                      .values('cluster__hostname', 'cluster__slug')
    vms_total = (vms.order_by()
                    .values('cluster__hostname', 'cluster__slug')
    vm_summary = {}
    for cluster in vms_total:
        name = cluster.pop('cluster__hostname')
        vm_summary[name] = cluster
    for cluster in vms_running:
        name = cluster['cluster__hostname']
        vm_summary[name]['running'] = cluster['running']

    # get list of personas for the user: All groups, plus the user.
    # include the user if they own a vm or have perms on at least one cluster
    profile = user.get_profile()
    personas = list(Organization.objects.filter(group__user=user))
    owns_vm = profile.virtual_machines.count()
    has_perms = user.has_any_perms(Cluster, ['admin', 'create_vm'], False)
    if (owns_vm or has_perms or not personas):
        personas.insert(0, profile)

    # get resources used per cluster from the first persona in the list
    resources = get_used_resources(personas[0])

    if rest:
        return clusters
        context = {
            'admin': admin,
            'cluster_list': clusters,
            'user': request.user,
            'errors': errors,
            'orphaned': orphaned,
            'import_ready': import_ready,
            'missing': missing,
            'resources': resources,
            'vm_summary': vm_summary,
            'personas': personas,
        return render_to_response("ganeti/overview.html", context,