Exemplo n.º 1
    def upload_activity(self, session, activity):
        Upload an activity on Garmin
        Support multiple formats
        assert activity.id is None

        # Upload file as multipart form
        files = {
            "file": (activity.filename, activity.open()),
        url = '{}/{}'.format(URL_UPLOAD, activity.extension)
        res = session.post(url, files=files, headers=self.common_headers)

        # HTTP Status can either be OK or Conflict
        if res.status_code not in (200, 201, 409):
            if res.status_code == 412:
                logger.error('You may have to give explicit consent for uploading files to Garmin')  # noqa
            raise GarminAPIException('Failed to upload {}'.format(activity))

        response = res.json()['detailedImportResult']
        if len(response["successes"]) == 0:
            if len(response["failures"]) > 0:
                if response["failures"][0]["messages"][0]['code'] == 202:
                    # Activity already exists
                    return response["failures"][0]["internalId"], False
                    raise GarminAPIException(response["failures"][0]["messages"])  # noqa
                raise GarminAPIException('Unknown error: {}'.format(response))
            # Upload was successsful
            return response["successes"][0]["internalId"], True
Exemplo n.º 2
    def set_activity_type(self, session, activity):
        Update the activity type
        assert activity.id is not None
        assert activity.type is not None

        # Load the corresponding type key on Garmin Connect
        types = self.load_activity_types()
        type_key = types.get(activity.type)
        if type_key is None:
            logger.error("Activity type '{}' not valid".format(activity.type))
            return False

        url = '{}/{}'.format(URL_ACTIVITY_TYPE, activity.id)
        data = {
            'value': type_key,
        res = session.post(url, data)
        if not res.ok:
            raise GarminAPIException('Activity type not set: {}'.format(
                res.content))  # noqa

        res = res.json()
        if "activityType" not in res or res["activityType"]["key"] != type_key:
            raise GarminAPIException('Activity type not set: {}'.format(
                res.content))  # noqa
def main(action, filename):
    assert os.path.exists(filename)

    if action != "DOWNLOAD":
        return 0

    # Auth with ~/.guploadrc credentials
    user = User()
    if not user.authenticate():
        logger.error("Invalid Garmin Connect credentials")
        return -1

    # Upload the activity
    activity = Activity(filename)
    if not activity.upload(user):
        logger.error("Failed to send activity to Garmin")
        return -1

    return 0
def main(action, filename):
    assert os.path.exists(filename)

    if action != "DOWNLOAD":
        return 0

    # Auth with ~/.guploadrc credentials
    user = User()
    if not user.authenticate():
        logger.error('Invalid Garmin Connect credentials')
        return -1

    # Upload the activity
    activity = Activity(filename)
    if not activity.upload(user):
        logger.error('Failed to send activity to Garmin')
        return -1

    return 0
Exemplo n.º 5
    def set_activity_type(self, session, activity):
        Update the activity type
        assert activity.id is not None
        assert activity.type is not None

        # Load the corresponding type key on Garmin Connect
        types = self.load_activity_types()
        type_key = types.get(activity.type)
        if type_key is None:
            logger.error("Activity type '{}' not valid".format(activity.type))
            return False

        url = '{}/{}'.format(URL_ACTIVITY_BASE, activity.id)
        data = {'activityId': activity.id, 'activityTypeDTO': type_key}
        headers = dict(self.common_headers)  # clone
        headers['X-HTTP-Method-Override'] = 'PUT'  # weird. again.
        res = session.post(url, json=data, headers=headers)
        if not res.ok:
            raise GarminAPIException('Activity type not set: {}'.format(
                res.content))  # noqa