Exemplo n.º 1
def test_from_iodata():
    """Test gbasis.wrapper.from_iodata."""
    from iodata import load_one

    mol = load_one(find_datafile("data_iodata_water_sto3g_hf_g03.fchk"))

    basis, coord_types = from_iodata(mol)

    assert coord_types == ["cartesian"] * 5
    assert all(isinstance(i, GeneralizedContractionShell) for i in basis)
    assert basis[0].angmom == 0
    assert np.allclose(basis[0].coord, mol.atcoords[0])
    assert np.allclose(basis[0].exps,
                       np.array([130.7093214, 23.80886605, 6.443608313]))
    assert np.allclose(
        np.array([0.1543289673, 0.5353281423, 0.4446345422]).reshape(-1, 1))
    assert np.allclose(basis[0].norm_cont, 1.0)

    assert basis[1].angmom == 0
    assert np.allclose(basis[1].coord, mol.atcoords[0])
    assert np.allclose(basis[1].exps,
                       np.array([5.033151319, 1.169596125, 0.3803889600]))
    assert np.allclose(
        np.array([-0.09996722919, 0.3995128261, 0.7001154689]).reshape(-1, 1))
    assert np.allclose(basis[1].norm_cont, 1.0)

    assert basis[2].angmom == 1
    assert np.allclose(basis[2].coord, mol.atcoords[0])
    assert np.allclose(basis[2].exps,
                       np.array([5.033151319, 1.169596125, 0.3803889600]))
    assert np.allclose(
        np.array([0.1559162750, 0.6076837186, 0.3919573931]).reshape(-1, 1))
    assert np.allclose(basis[2].norm_cont, 1.0)

    assert basis[3].angmom == 0
    assert np.allclose(basis[3].coord, mol.atcoords[1])
    assert np.allclose(basis[3].exps,
                       np.array([3.425250914, 0.6239137298, 0.1688554040]))
    assert np.allclose(
        np.array([0.1543289673, 0.5353281423, 0.4446345422]).reshape(-1, 1))
    assert np.allclose(basis[3].norm_cont, 1.0)

    assert basis[4].angmom == 0
    assert np.allclose(basis[4].coord, mol.atcoords[2])
    assert np.allclose(basis[4].exps,
                       np.array([3.425250914, 0.6239137298, 0.1688554040]))
    assert np.allclose(
        np.array([0.1543289673, 0.5353281423, 0.4446345422]).reshape(-1, 1))
    assert np.allclose(basis[4].norm_cont, 1.0)

    # Artificially change angular momentum.
    # The following few lines are commented out deliberately. The file
    # "data_iodata_water_sto3g_hf_g03.fchk" does not contain "spherical"
    # functions for angular momenta 0 and 1, so there is no need to have
    # conventions for them. (This is a fairly common pattern in most QC codes.)
    # basis[2].angmom = 0
    # assert basis[2].angmom_components_sph == (0,)
    # basis[2].angmom = 1
    # assert basis[2].angmom_components_sph == (1, -1, 0)
    basis[2].angmom = 2
    assert basis[2].angmom_components_sph == ("c0", "c1", "s1", "c2", "s2")
    basis[2].angmom = 3
    assert basis[2].angmom_components_sph == ("c0", "c1", "s1", "c2", "s2",
                                              "c3", "s3")

    # NOTE: you shouldn't actually change the magnetic quantum number that is not compatible with
    # the angular momentum, but we do so here to check that user input is accepted
    mol.obasis.conventions[(0, "p")] = ["c1"]
    basis, coord_types = from_iodata(mol)
    basis[2].angmom = 0
    assert coord_types == ["cartesian"] * 5
    assert basis[2].angmom_components_sph == ("c1", )
    assert np.allclose(basis[2].norm_cont, 1.0)

    mol.obasis.conventions[(1, "p")] = ["c1", "c0", "s1"]
    basis, coord_types = from_iodata(mol)
    basis[2].angmom = 1
    assert coord_types == ["cartesian"] * 5
    assert basis[2].angmom_components_sph == ("c1", "c0", "s1")
    assert np.allclose(basis[2].norm_cont, 1.0)

    mol.obasis.conventions[(1, "c")] = ["z", "y", "x"]
    basis, coord_types = from_iodata(mol)
    basis[2].angmom = 1
    assert np.allclose(np.array([[0, 0, 1], [0, 1, 0], [1, 0, 0]]),

    # Test Cartesian convention generation for missing angmom
    # Needed for cases when only spherical basis is used in basis set
    del mol.obasis.conventions[(1, "c")]
    basis, coord_types = from_iodata(mol)
    basis[2].angmom = 1
    assert np.allclose(np.array([[1, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0], [0, 0, 1]]),

    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        basis[2].angmom = 10

    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        mol.obasis = mol.obasis._replace(primitive_normalization="L1")
        basis, coord_types = from_iodata(mol)
Exemplo n.º 2
from gbasis.integrals.point_charge import point_charge_integral
from Alchemical_tools import Alchemical_tools
import pylibxc
from gbasis.evals.density import evaluate_density
from gbasis.evals.eval import evaluate_basis
from gbasis.integrals.electron_repulsion import electron_repulsion_integral
from grid.onedgrid import GaussChebyshev
from grid.rtransform import BeckeTF
from grid.utils import get_cov_radii
from grid.atomic_grid import AtomicGrid
from grid.molgrid import MolGrid
from iodata import load_one
from gbasis.wrappers import from_iodata

molecule = load_one("h2o.fchk")
basis = from_iodata(molecule)
q = np.array([0.1])
R = np.array([[2.574156, -0.181816, -2.453822]])
alc_hf = Alchemical_tools(
r0 = 1e-10
radii = get_cov_radii(molecule.atnums)
n_rad_points = 100
deg = 5
onedgrid = GaussChebyshev(n_rad_points)
Exemplo n.º 3
def test_from_iodata():
    """Test gbasis.wrapper.from_iodata."""
    from iodata import load_one

    mol = load_one(find_datafile("data_iodata_water_sto3g_hf_g03.fchk"))

    basis = from_iodata(mol)

    assert all(isinstance(i, GeneralizedContractionShell) for i in basis)
    assert basis[0].angmom == 0
    assert np.allclose(basis[0].coord, mol.atcoords[0])
    assert np.allclose(basis[0].exps,
                       np.array([130.7093214, 23.80886605, 6.443608313]))
    assert np.allclose(
        np.array([0.1543289673, 0.5353281423, 0.4446345422]).reshape(-1, 1))

    assert basis[1].angmom == 0
    assert np.allclose(basis[1].coord, mol.atcoords[0])
    assert np.allclose(basis[1].exps,
                       np.array([5.033151319, 1.169596125, 0.3803889600]))
    assert np.allclose(
        np.array([-0.09996722919, 0.3995128261, 0.7001154689]).reshape(-1, 1))

    assert basis[2].angmom == 1
    assert np.allclose(basis[2].coord, mol.atcoords[0])
    assert np.allclose(basis[2].exps,
                       np.array([5.033151319, 1.169596125, 0.3803889600]))
    assert np.allclose(
        np.array([0.1559162750, 0.6076837186, 0.3919573931]).reshape(-1, 1))

    assert basis[3].angmom == 0
    assert np.allclose(basis[3].coord, mol.atcoords[1])
    assert np.allclose(basis[3].exps,
                       np.array([3.425250914, 0.6239137298, 0.1688554040]))
    assert np.allclose(
        np.array([0.1543289673, 0.5353281423, 0.4446345422]).reshape(-1, 1))

    assert basis[4].angmom == 0
    assert np.allclose(basis[4].coord, mol.atcoords[2])
    assert np.allclose(basis[4].exps,
                       np.array([3.425250914, 0.6239137298, 0.1688554040]))
    assert np.allclose(
        np.array([0.1543289673, 0.5353281423, 0.4446345422]).reshape(-1, 1))

    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        basis[2].angmom_components_sph  # pylint: disable=W0104
    # artificially change angular momentum
    basis[2].angmom = 2
    assert basis[2].angmom_components_sph == (0, 1, -1, 2, -2)
    basis[2].angmom = 3
    assert basis[2].angmom_components_sph == (0, 1, -1, 2, -2, 3, -3)

    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        mol.obasis = mol.obasis._replace(primitive_normalization="L1")
        basis = from_iodata(mol)
Exemplo n.º 4
def get_one_dm(mol, mole, verb_lvl=0):
    """Function to pass the one-particle density matrix
    from a molecule IOdata object
    to the format that PySCF uses. 
    Should work for restricted and unrestricted 
    The MO information is used to generate the density matrix.

        IOdata molecule object.
        PySCF mole object with the same or different basis set. 
        Verbosity level integer flag.

        One-particle density matrix understood by IOdata 
        projected and formatted in a PySCF-compatible way 
        (single 2d array or list for a,b 2d arrays)
        AO coefficient matrix understood by IOdata 
        projected and formatted in a PySCF-compatible way 
        (single 2d array or list for a,b 2d arrays)
        Occupation numbers formatted in a PySCF-compatible way 
        (single 1d array or list for a,b 1d arrays)
        MO energies formatted in a PySCF-compatible way 
        (single 1d array or list for a,b 1d arrays)

        If the mol.mo information is not understood. Can be set manually by modifying the
        mol.mo attribute in the mol object passed from IOData.

    basis_1 = from_iodata(mol)
    basis_2 = from_pyscf(mole)
    proj, s_2, s_1 = project(basis_2, basis_1)
        if mol.mo[0] == "unrestricted":
            one_dm_a_1, one_dm_b_1, one_dm_1 = spin_dm(mol)
            one_dm_a_2 = proj @ one_dm_a_1 @ np.linalg.inv(proj)
            if verb_lvl > 0:
                print("Total number of alpha electrons is {0}".format(
                    checkrdm(one_dm_a_2, s_2)))
            one_dm_b_2 = proj @ one_dm_b_1 @ np.linalg.inv(proj)
            if verb_lvl > 0:
                print("Total number of beta  electrons is {0}".format(
                    checkrdm(one_dm_b_2, s_2)))
            one_dm_2 = one_dm_a_2 + one_dm_b_2
            if verb_lvl > 0:
                print("Total number of electrons is {0}".format(
                    checkrdm(one_dm_2, s_2)))
            if np.allclose(one_dm_a_2, one_dm_b_2):
                if verb_lvl > 1:
                        "This will be treated a restricted wave function, alpha and beta orbitals are the same."
                coeffs = proj @ mol.mo.coeffsa
                energies = np.asarray(mol.mo.energies[:mol.mo.norba])
                occs = np.asarray(np.around(mol.mo.occsa) * 2)
                return one_dm_2, coeffs, occs, energies
                if verb_lvl > 2:
                    print("This is a true unrestricted wave function.")
                energies_a = np.asarray(mol.mo.energies[:mol.mo.norba])
                energies_b = np.asarray(mol.mo.energies[mol.mo.norbb:])
                occs_a = np.asarray(np.around(mol.mo.occsa))
                occs_b = np.asarray(np.around(mol.mo.occsb))
                coeffs_a = proj @ mol.mo.coeffsa
                coeffs_b = proj @ mol.mo.coeffsb
                return (
                    np.array((one_dm_a_2, one_dm_b_2)),
                    np.array((coeffs_a, coeffs_b)),
                    np.array((occs_a, occs_b)),
                    np.array((energies_a, energies_b)),
        if mol.mo[0] == "restricted":
            one_dm_1 = spin_dm(mol)[2]
            one_dm_2 = proj @ one_dm_1 @ np.linalg.inv(proj)
            coeffs = np.asarray(proj @ mol.mo.coeffsa)
            occs = np.asarray(np.around(mol.mo.occsa) * 2)
            energies = np.asarray(mol.mo.energies)
            if verb_lvl > 2:
                print("This is a restricted wave function.")
            if verb_lvl > 0:
                print("Total number of electrons is {0}".format(
                    checkrdm(one_dm_2, s_2)))
            return one_dm_2, coeffs, occs, energies
        raise wrappyscferror(
            "Could not understand if the passed data is restricted or unrestricted. You may set it manually."
Exemplo n.º 5
def test_from_iodata():
    """Test gbasis.wrapper.from_iodata."""
    from iodata import load_one

    mol = load_one(find_datafile("data_iodata_water_sto3g_hf_g03.fchk"))

    basis = from_iodata(mol)

    assert all(isinstance(i, GeneralizedContractionShell) for i in basis)
    assert basis[0].angmom == 0
    assert np.allclose(basis[0].coord, mol.atcoords[0])
    assert np.allclose(basis[0].exps,
                       np.array([130.7093214, 23.80886605, 6.443608313]))
    assert np.allclose(
        np.array([0.1543289673, 0.5353281423, 0.4446345422]).reshape(-1, 1))

    assert basis[1].angmom == 0
    assert np.allclose(basis[1].coord, mol.atcoords[0])
    assert np.allclose(basis[1].exps,
                       np.array([5.033151319, 1.169596125, 0.3803889600]))
    assert np.allclose(
        np.array([-0.09996722919, 0.3995128261, 0.7001154689]).reshape(-1, 1))

    assert basis[2].angmom == 1
    assert np.allclose(basis[2].coord, mol.atcoords[0])
    assert np.allclose(basis[2].exps,
                       np.array([5.033151319, 1.169596125, 0.3803889600]))
    assert np.allclose(
        np.array([0.1559162750, 0.6076837186, 0.3919573931]).reshape(-1, 1))

    assert basis[3].angmom == 0
    assert np.allclose(basis[3].coord, mol.atcoords[1])
    assert np.allclose(basis[3].exps,
                       np.array([3.425250914, 0.6239137298, 0.1688554040]))
    assert np.allclose(
        np.array([0.1543289673, 0.5353281423, 0.4446345422]).reshape(-1, 1))

    assert basis[4].angmom == 0
    assert np.allclose(basis[4].coord, mol.atcoords[2])
    assert np.allclose(basis[4].exps,
                       np.array([3.425250914, 0.6239137298, 0.1688554040]))
    assert np.allclose(
        np.array([0.1543289673, 0.5353281423, 0.4446345422]).reshape(-1, 1))

    # artificially change angular momentum
    basis[2].angmom = 0
    assert basis[2].angmom_components_sph == (0, )
    basis[2].angmom = 1
    assert basis[2].angmom_components_sph == (1, -1, 0)
    basis[2].angmom = 2
    assert basis[2].angmom_components_sph == (0, 1, -1, 2, -2)
    basis[2].angmom = 3
    assert basis[2].angmom_components_sph == (0, 1, -1, 2, -2, 3, -3)

    # NOTE: you shouldn't actually change the magnetic quantum number that is not compatible with
    # the angular momentum, but we do so here to check that user input is accepted
    mol.obasis.conventions[(0, "p")] = ["sc1"]
    basis = from_iodata(mol)
    basis[2].angmom = 0
    assert basis[2].angmom_components_sph == (1, )

    mol.obasis.conventions[(1, "p")] = ["pc1", "pc0", "ps1"]
    basis = from_iodata(mol)
    basis[2].angmom = 1
    assert basis[2].angmom_components_sph == (1, 0, -1)

    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        basis[2].angmom = -1

    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        mol.obasis = mol.obasis._replace(primitive_normalization="L1")
        basis = from_iodata(mol)