Exemplo n.º 1
def setup_parser():
	parser = Options(usage = '%s [OPTIONS] <config file / work directory>')
	parser.section('disc', 'Discovery options - ignored in case dbs input file is specified')
	# options that are used as config settings for InfoScanners
	parser.addText('disc', 'n', 'dataset-name-pattern', default = '',
		help = 'Specify dbs path name - Example: DataSet_@NICK@_@VAR@')
	parser.addText('disc', 'H', 'dataset-hash-keys',    default = '',
		help = 'Included additional variables in dataset hash calculation')
	parser.addText('disc', 'J', 'source-job-selector',  default = '',
		help = 'Specify dataset(s) to process')
	parser.addBool('disc', 'm', 'merge-parents',        default = False,
		help = 'Merge output files from different parent blocks into a single block [Default: Keep boundaries]')
	parser.addText('disc', 'P', 'parent-source',        default = '',
		help = 'Override parent information source - to bootstrap a reprocessing on local files')
	# options directly used by this script
	parser.addText('disc', 'T', 'datatype',             default = None,
		help = 'Supply dataset type in case cmssw report did not specify it - valid values: "mc" or "data"')
	parser.addBool('disc', 'j', 'jobhash',              default = False,
		help = 'Use hash of all config files in job for dataset key calculation')
	parser.addBool('disc', 'u', 'unique-cfg',           default = False,
		help = 'Circumvent edmConfigHash collisions so each dataset is stored with unique config information')
	parser.addText('disc', 'G', 'globaltag',          default = 'crab2_tag',
		help = 'Specify global tag')

	parser.section('proc', 'Processing mode')
	parser.addBool('proc', 'd', 'discovery',            default = False,
		help = 'Enable discovery mode - just collect file information and exit')
	parser.addText('proc', ' ', 'tempdir',              default = '',
		help = 'Override temp directory')
	parser.addBool('proc', 'i', 'no-import',            default = True, dest = 'do_import',
		help = 'Disable import of new datasets into target DBS instance - only temporary json files are created')
	parser.addBool('proc', 'I', 'incremental',          default = False,
		help = 'Skip import of existing files - Warning: this destroys coherent block structure!')
	parser.addBool('proc', 'o', 'open-blocks',          default = True, dest = 'do_close_blocks',
		help = 'Keep blocks open for addition of further files [Default: Close blocks]')
#	parser.addBool('proc', 'b', 'batch',                default = False,
#		help = 'Enable non-interactive batch mode [Default: Interactive mode]')

	parser.section('dbsi', 'DBS instance handling')
	parser.addText('dbsi', 't', 'target-instance',      default = 'https://cmsweb.cern.ch/dbs/prod/phys03',
		help = 'Specify target dbs instance url')
	parser.addText('dbsi', 's', 'source-instance',      default = 'https://cmsweb.cern.ch/dbs/prod/global',
		help = 'Specify source dbs instance url(s), where parent datasets are taken from')

	parser.addText(None, 'F', 'input-file',         default = None,
		help = 'Specify dbs input file to use instead of scanning job output')
	parser.addBool(None, 'c', 'continue-migration', default = False,
		help = 'Continue an already started migration')
#	parser.addText(None, 'D', 'display-dataset',    default = None,
#		help = 'Display information associated with dataset key(s) (accepts "all")')
#	parser.addText(None, 'C', 'display-config',     default = None,
#		help = 'Display information associated with config hash(es) (accepts "all")')
#	parser.addText(None, 'k', 'dataset-key-select', default = '',
#		help = 'Specify dataset keys to process')

	return scriptOptions(parser)
Exemplo n.º 2
def setup_parser():
	parser = Options(usage = '%s [OPTIONS] <config file / work directory>')
	parser.section('disc', 'Discovery options - ignored in case dbs input file is specified')
	# options that are used as config settings for InfoScanners
	parser.addText('disc', 'n', 'dataset-name-pattern', default = '',
		help = 'Specify dbs path name - Example: DataSet_@NICK@_@VAR@')
	parser.addText('disc', 'H', 'dataset-hash-keys',    default = '',
		help = 'Included additional variables in dataset hash calculation')
	parser.addText('disc', 'J', 'source-job-selector',  default = '',
		help = 'Specify dataset(s) to process')
	parser.addBool('disc', 'm', 'merge-parents',        default = False,
		help = 'Merge output files from different parent blocks into a single block [Default: Keep boundaries]')
	parser.addText('disc', 'P', 'parent-source',        default = '',
		help = 'Override parent information source - to bootstrap a reprocessing on local files')
	# options directly used by this script
	parser.addText('disc', 'T', 'datatype',             default = None,
		help = 'Supply dataset type in case cmssw report did not specify it - valid values: "mc" or "data"')
	parser.addBool('disc', 'j', 'jobhash',              default = False,
		help = 'Use hash of all config files in job for dataset key calculation')
	parser.addBool('disc', 'u', 'unique-cfg',           default = False,
		help = 'Circumvent edmConfigHash collisions so each dataset is stored with unique config information')
	parser.addText('disc', 'G', 'globaltag',          default = 'crab2_tag',
		help = 'Specify global tag')

	parser.section('proc', 'Processing mode')
	parser.addBool('proc', 'd', 'discovery',            default = False,
		help = 'Enable discovery mode - just collect file information and exit')
	parser.addText('proc', ' ', 'tempdir',              default = '',
		help = 'Override temp directory')
	parser.addBool('proc', 'i', 'no-import',            default = True, dest = 'do_import',
		help = 'Disable import of new datasets into target DBS instance - only temporary json files are created')
	parser.addBool('proc', 'I', 'incremental',          default = False,
		help = 'Skip import of existing files - Warning: this destroys coherent block structure!')
	parser.addBool('proc', 'o', 'open-blocks',          default = True, dest = 'do_close_blocks',
		help = 'Keep blocks open for addition of further files [Default: Close blocks]')
#	parser.addBool('proc', 'b', 'batch',                default = False,
#		help = 'Enable non-interactive batch mode [Default: Interactive mode]')

	parser.section('dbsi', 'DBS instance handling')
	parser.addText('dbsi', 't', 'target-instance',      default = 'https://cmsweb.cern.ch/dbs/prod/phys03',
		help = 'Specify target dbs instance url')
	parser.addText('dbsi', 's', 'source-instance',      default = 'https://cmsweb.cern.ch/dbs/prod/global',
		help = 'Specify source dbs instance url(s), where parent datasets are taken from')

	parser.addText(None, 'F', 'input-file',         default = None,
		help = 'Specify dbs input file to use instead of scanning job output')
	parser.addBool(None, 'c', 'continue-migration', default = False,
		help = 'Continue an already started migration')
#	parser.addText(None, 'D', 'display-dataset',    default = None,
#		help = 'Display information associated with dataset key(s) (accepts "all")')
#	parser.addText(None, 'C', 'display-config',     default = None,
#		help = 'Display information associated with config hash(es) (accepts "all")')
#	parser.addText(None, 'k', 'dataset-key-select', default = '',
#		help = 'Specify dataset keys to process')

	return scriptOptions(parser)
Exemplo n.º 3
parser.addText('part', '', 'partition-list',         default=None,  help='Select dataset partition information to display')
parser.addBool('part', '', 'partition-list-invalid', default=False, help='List invalidated dataset partitions')
parser.addBool('part', '', 'partition-check',        default=None,  help='Check dataset partition in specified work directory')

parser.section('jobs', 'Jobs debugging', '%s <config file / job file> ... ')
parser.addText('jobs', '', 'job-selector',           default='',    help='Display jobs matching selector')
parser.addBool('jobs', '', 'job-reset-attempts',     default=False, help='Reset the attempt counter')
parser.addText('jobs', '', 'job-force-state',        default='',    help='Force new job state')
parser.addText('jobs', '', 'job-show-jdl',           default='',    help='Show JDL file if available')

parser.section('data', 'Dataset debugging', '%s <dataset file> <dataset file> ...')
parser.addText('data', '', 'dataset-show-diff',      default='',    help='Show difference between datasets')
parser.addText('data', '', 'dataset-show-removed',   default='',    help='Find removed dataset blocks')

parser.addText(None,  'd', 'logfile-decode',         default='',    help='Decode log files')
options = scriptOptions(parser)
(opts, args) = (options.opts, options.args)


if opts.backend_list_nodes or opts.backend_list_queues:
	config = getConfig()
	backend = str.join(' ', args) or 'local'
	wms = Plugin.getClass('WMS').createInstance(backend, config, backend)
	if opts.backend_list_nodes:
	if opts.backend_list_queues:

Exemplo n.º 4
# | limitations under the License.

import sys
from datasetListFromX import addDatasetListOptions, discoverDataset
from gcSupport import Options, scriptOptions, utils

parser = Options(usage = '%s [OPTIONS] <config file / work directory>')
parser.addText(None, 'J', 'job-selector', dest = 'external job selector', default = '',
	help = 'Specify which jobs to process')
parser.addText(None, 'i', 'info-scanner',
	help = 'Specify which info scanner to run')
parser.addText(None, 'm', 'event-mode',   dest = 'mode',                  default = 'CMSSW-Out',
	help = 'Specify how to determine events - available: [CMSSW-Out], CMSSW-In, DataMod')
parser.addText(None, 'l', 'lfn',          dest = 'lfn marker',            default = '/store/',
	help = 'Assume everything starting with marker to be a logical file name')
parser.addBool(None, 'c', 'config',       dest = 'include config infos',  default = False,
	help = 'CMSSW specific: Add configuration data to metadata')
parser.addBool(None, 'p', 'parents',      dest = 'include parent infos',  default = False,
	help = 'CMSSW specific: Add parent infos to metadata')
options = scriptOptions(parser, arg_keys = ['dataset'])

# Positional parameters override options
if len(options.args) == 0:
tmp = {'cmssw-out': 'CMSSW_EVENTS_WRITE', 'cmssw-in': 'CMSSW_EVENTS_READ', 'datamod': 'MAX_EVENTS'}
if options.opts.info_scanner:
	options.config_dict['scanner'] = options.opts.info_scanner.replace(',', ' ')
options.config_dict['events key'] = tmp.get(options.config_dict['mode'].lower(), '')
sys.exit(discoverDataset('GCProvider', options.config_dict))
# | Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# | distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# | WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
# | See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# | limitations under the License.

import sys
from datasetListFromX import addDatasetListOptions, discoverDataset
from gcSupport import Options, scriptOptions, utils

parser = Options(usage = '%s [OPTIONS] <config file / work directory>')
parser.addText(None, 'J', 'job-selector', dest = 'external job selector', default = '',
	help = 'Specify which jobs to process')
parser.addText(None, 'm', 'event-mode',   dest = 'mode',                  default = 'CMSSW-Out',
	help = 'Specify how to determine events - available: [CMSSW-Out], CMSSW-In, DataMod')
parser.addText(None, 'l', 'lfn',          dest = 'lfn marker',            default = '/store/',
	help = 'Assume everything starting with marker to be a logical file name')
parser.addBool(None, 'c', 'config',       dest = 'include config infos',  default = False,
	help = 'CMSSW specific: Add configuration data to metadata')
parser.addBool(None, 'p', 'parents',      dest = 'include parent infos',  default = False,
	help = 'CMSSW specific: Add parent infos to metadata')
options = scriptOptions(parser, arg_keys = ['dataset'])

# Positional parameters override options
if len(options.args) == 0:
tmp = {'cmssw-out': 'CMSSW_EVENTS_WRITE', 'cmssw-in': 'CMSSW_EVENTS_READ', 'datamod': 'MAX_EVENTS'}
options.config_dict['events key'] = tmp.get(options.config_dict['mode'].lower(), '')
sys.exit(discoverDataset('GCProvider', options.config_dict))
Exemplo n.º 6
# | Copyright 2010-2016 Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
# |
# | Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# | you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# | You may obtain a copy of the License at
# |
# |     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# |
# | Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# | distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# | WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
# | See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# | limitations under the License.

import sys, logging
from datasetListFromX import addDatasetListOptions, discoverDataset
from gcSupport import Options, scriptOptions

parser = Options(usage = '%s [OPTIONS] <data path> <dataset name> <pattern (*.root) / files>')
parser.addText(None, 'p', 'path', dest = 'dataset', default = '.', help = 'Path to dataset files')
options = scriptOptions(parser, arg_keys = ['dataset', 'dataset name pattern', 'filename filter'])

def conditionalSet(name, source, sourceKey):
	if options.config_dict.get(source) and not options.config_dict.get(name):
		options.config_dict[name] = options.config_dict[source]
conditionalSet('dataset name pattern', 'delimeter dataset key', '/PRIVATE/@DELIMETER_DS@')
conditionalSet('block name pattern', 'delimeter block key', '@DELIMETER_B@')
sys.exit(discoverDataset('ScanProvider', options.config_dict))