Exemplo n.º 1
def main():
  print 'Bucket List:'
  for bucket in storage.buckets():
    print bucket.name

  print ''

  print 'Information about datastudio-test bucket:'
  bucket = storage.bucket('datastudio-test')
  bucket_md = bucket.metadata
  print 'Name   : ' + bucket_md.name
  print 'ETag   : ' + bucket_md.etag
  print 'Created: ' + str(bucket_md.created_on)

  print ''

  print 'datastudio-not-existing exists?'
  print storage.buckets().contains('datastudio-non-existing-bucket')

  print ''

  print 'Item List:'
  for item in bucket.items():
    print item.key + ':' + item.metadata().content_type

  print ''

  print 'Filtered Item List:'
  for item in bucket.items(prefix='folder1/', delimiter='/'):
    print item.key + ':' + item.metadata().content_type
Exemplo n.º 2
def main():
    bucket = storage.bucket('datastudio-test')
    items = bucket.items()

    print 'datastudio-test/test.txt exists? ' + str(items.contains('test.txt'))

    item = bucket.item('test.txt')
    item_md = item.metadata
    print 'Name   : ' + item_md.name
    print 'ETag   : ' + item_md.etag
    print 'Updated: ' + str(item_md.updated_on)
    print 'Content: ' + item_md.content_type
    print 'Size   : ' + str(item_md.size)
    print item._info

    print 'Read Item content:'
    text = item.read_from()
    print text

    print ''

    print 'Write Item content:'
    text = text + '\n' + str(dt.datetime.utcnow())
    item.write_to(text, 'text/plain')

    print ''

    print 'datastudio-test/non-existing-file exists? ' + str(

    print 'Moving folder1/test3.txt to foo.txt'
    print 'folder1/test3.txt exists? ' + str(

    item2 = bucket.item('folder1/test3.txt')
    item3 = item2.copy_to('foo.txt')
    print 'foo.txt exists? ' + str(items.contains('foo.txt'))

    print 'folder1/test3.txt exists? ' + str(

    print 'folder1/test3.txt exists? ' + str(
Exemplo n.º 3
def main():
  bucket = storage.bucket('datastudio-test')
  items = bucket.items()

  print 'datastudio-test/test.txt exists? ' + str(items.contains('test.txt'))

  item = bucket.item('test.txt')
  item_md = item.metadata
  print 'Name   : ' + item_md.name
  print 'ETag   : ' + item_md.etag
  print 'Updated: ' + str(item_md.updated_on)
  print 'Content: ' + item_md.content_type
  print 'Size   : ' + str(item_md.size)
  print item._info

  print 'Read Item content:'
  text = item.read_from()
  print text

  print ''

  print 'Write Item content:'
  text = text + '\n' + str(dt.datetime.utcnow())
  item.write_to(text, 'text/plain')

  print ''

  print 'datastudio-test/non-existing-file exists? ' + str(items.contains('non-existing-file'))

  print 'Moving folder1/test3.txt to foo.txt'
  print 'folder1/test3.txt exists? ' + str(items.contains('folder1/test3.txt'))

  item2 = bucket.item('folder1/test3.txt')
  item3 = item2.copy_to('foo.txt')
  print 'foo.txt exists? ' + str(items.contains('foo.txt'))

  print 'folder1/test3.txt exists? ' + str(items.contains('folder1/test3.txt'))

  print 'folder1/test3.txt exists? ' + str(items.contains('folder1/test3.txt'))
Exemplo n.º 4
    def ipynb_to_code(bucket, notebook):
        import gcp
        import gcp.storage as storage
        bucket = storage.bucket('cloud-androidwear-notebooks')
        notebook_json = bucket.item("App Metrics.ipynb").read_from()
        import json as json_parser
        notebook = json_parser.loads(notebook_json)
        cells = notebook["worksheets"][0]["cells"]
        code_inputs = [cell["input"] for cell in cells if cell["cell_type"] == "code"]
        # Handle bq magic
        import re
        # output the bq_sql magic code
        def muggle_bq_sql(symbol, lines):
            return [symbol + ' = gcp.bigquery.query(gcp.bigquery.sql("""\n'] + lines + ['""", **locals()))'];

        # TODO: this would be a good place to handle all the magic
        def muggle(lines):
            # if we've got nothing, bail
            if lines == []: return lines

            # if we've got some bg_sql magic, handle it
            regex = re.compile("^\s*%%bq_sql\s*(?P<symbol>\S*)\s*$", re.IGNORECASE)
            match = regex.match(lines[0])
            if match:
                # if we've got bq_sql w/o a symbol, do nothing
                symbol = match.groups("symbol")[0]
                if symbol == "": return []

                # if we've got a symbol, muggle the bq_sql code
                else: return muggle_bq_sql(symbol, lines[1:])
            # otherwise, let it through
            else: return lines

        muggle_code_inputs = map(muggle, code_inputs)
        flat_code = [item for sublist in muggle_code_inputs for item in sublist]
        imports = ["gcp.bigquery"]
        code = '\n'.join(["import " + i for i in imports]) + '\n' + '\n'.join(flat_code)
        return code