Exemplo n.º 1
def crop(shapefile_full, raster_full, raster2_full=None, raster3_full=None, prefix="new_", new_projcode=None, shapefile_tmpDir="tmp2"):
    shapefile = gcswift.get_raw_file_name(shapefile_full)
    raster = gcswift.get_raw_file_name(raster_full)
    layername =  shapefile.split(".")[0]
    if not new_projcode:
        new_projcode = get_projection(raster_full)
    new_shapefile = reproject_shapefile(shapefile_full, shapefile, new_projcode, shapefile_tmpDir)

    command = "ogrinfo  %s %s" % (new_shapefile,layername)
    # print "Getting shape info", command
    p = subprocess.Popen(command, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
    # p.wait()
    out, err = p.communicate()
    #print out
    assert "Geometry: Polygon" in out, "Problem reading the shapefile"
    lines = out.split("\n")
    line = [x for x in lines if x.startswith("Extent: ")][0]
    bb = re.findall(r"[0-9.]*[0-9]+", line)
    bb = [bb[0], bb[3], bb[2], bb[1]]
    bb_str = " ".join(bb)
    dir_name = gcswift.get_dir_name(raster_full)
    full_prefix = dir_name + "/" + prefix

    command_prefix = "gdal_translate -projwin " + bb_str + " -of GTiff "
    command = command_prefix + raster_full + " " + full_prefix + raster
    # print "Crop command", command
    p = subprocess.Popen(command, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE,  stderr=subprocess.PIPE)

    if raster2_full:
        raster2 = gcswift.get_raw_file_name(raster2_full)
        command2 = command_prefix + raster2_full + " "+ full_prefix+raster2
        # print "Crop command", command2
        q = subprocess.Popen(command2, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE,  stderr=subprocess.PIPE)

    if raster3_full:
        raster3 = gcswift.get_raw_file_name(raster3_full)
        command3 = command_prefix + raster3_full + " "+full_prefix+raster3
        # print "Crop command", command3
        r = subprocess.Popen(command3, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE,  stderr=subprocess.PIPE)

    assert p.returncode == 0, "Failed with %s"%(p.communicate()[0])
    if raster2_full:
        assert q.returncode == 0
    if raster3_full:
        assert r.returncode == 0
    out, err = p.communicate()
Exemplo n.º 2
def combine_bands(allfiles, file_manager, gid="new"):
    target = []
    dirName = gcswift.get_dir_name(allfiles[0])
    assert dirName == file_manager.tmp_file_dir, "band directory " + dirName + " ought to be equal to " + file_manager.tmp_file_dir
    if gid != "new" and os.path.exists(dirName + "/" + gid+"_b03.tif"):
        prefix = dirName + "/" + gid
        return [prefix + "_b03.tif", prefix + "_b04.tif", prefix + "_b07.tif"]

    assert dirName == file_manager.tmp_file_dir, "band directory " + dirName + " ought to be equal to " + file_manager.tmp_file_dir

    for full_name in allfiles:
        fname = gcswift.get_raw_file_name(full_name)
        info = grab_pathrow_band_time(fname)
        if info[3] != '7dt' and info[3] != '5dt':
            log("Skipping non-landsat 5/7 image" + fname)
            target.append((fname, info))
    cwd = os.getcwd()

    # all operations now are local to dirName
    temps = {'b03':tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix='landsatb03', dir=file_manager.tmp_file_dir),
             'b04':tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix='landsatb04', dir=file_manager.tmp_file_dir),
             'b07':tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix='landsatb07', dir=file_manager.tmp_file_dir)}

    for f in target:
        shutil.copy(f[0], temps[f[1][1]]+"/"+f[0])

    done = []
    for d in temps.items():
        new = _compose_tiff(gid+d[0], d[1])
    # return done
    # Return the absolute paths
    result = []
    for item in done:
        result.append(dirName + "/" + item)
    return result
Exemplo n.º 3
    def combineIntoPng(self):
        """ """


        def getMostRecentSet(fnames):
            """ """
            dates = []
            for f in fnames:
                # we are always encounter 'dt' before the date
                fdate = f.split('t')[1].split('.')[0]
                if fdate not in dates:

            maxdate = str(max(dates))
            newfiles = []
            for f in fnames:
                if maxdate in f:

            log(" in getMostRecentSet, newfiles are " + " ".join(newfiles))

            return newfiles

        def decompressTiffs(files):
            """ """
            import zlib
            tiffs = []
            cwd = os.getcwd()
            log("In decompressTiffs, cwd is " + cwd)
            log("Decompressing files")
                for f in files:
                    # tname = f.rstrip('.gz')
                    tname = self.file_manager.get_tiff_name(f)
                    # print "In decompress_tiffs: file is " + f + " tname is " + tname
                    if not os.path.exists(tname):
                        # inf = gzip.GzipFile(os.path.join(cwd, f), 'rb')
                        inf = gzip.GzipFile(f, 'rb')
                        dcmpdata = inf.read()
                        outf = open(tname, "w") # try catches????
            except IOError as e:
                # might be corrupt - delete now so not cached
                for f in files:
                    print "Corrupt files, unlinking:", f
                raise AssertionError(e)
            except zlib.error as e:
                # might be corrupt - delete now so not cached
                for f in files:
                    print "Corrupt files, unlinking:", f
                raise AssertionError(e)
            log(" At the end of decompressTiffs, files are: "  + " ".join(files) + ".  Tiffs are:" + " ".join(tiffs))
            log("Decompressing files done")
            return tiffs


        # get raster 3 band images for each prefix
        fnames = decompressTiffs(self.files)
        #print fnames

        if len(fnames) > 3:
            log("Combining images")
            fnames = combine.combine_bands(fnames, self.file_manager, str(self.gid))

        log("Getting shapefile for", str(self.gid))

        shpname = trim.getShapefile(self.file_manager.tmp_file_dir, self.gid)
        log("Shapefile is " + shpname)
        trim.crop(shpname, fnames[0], fnames[1], fnames[2], prefix="trim_", shapefile_tmpDir = self.file_manager.shapefile_tmpDir)
        dir_name = gcswift.get_dir_name(fnames[0])
        fnames = [dir_name + "/trim_"+gcswift.get_raw_file_name(name) for name in fnames]
        log("New fnames are: " + " ".join(fnames))
        #except AssertionError as e:
        #    print e

        namesAndBands = [(fname, getBand(fname)) for fname in fnames]
        namesAndBands = sorted(namesAndBands, key=itemgetter(1), reverse=True)
        fnames = [fname for (fname, band) in namesAndBands]

        pre = self.file_manager.tmp_file_dir + "/" + str(self.gid)
        allbandsTIF = pre +"_allbands.tif"
        allbandsPNG = pre +"_allbands.png"

        mergeCmd = '/usr/local/bin/gdal_merge.py -n -9999 -a_nodata -9999 -separate  -o '

        mergeCmd += allbandsTIF

        for filename in fnames: mergeCmd += ' ' + filename

        log("creating... " + allbandsTIF +  " with "+ mergeCmd)

        p = Popen(mergeCmd, shell=True, stdin=PIPE, stdout=PIPE, stderr=STDOUT, close_fds=True)
        output = p.stdout.read()
        assert p.returncode == 0, "Creation of merged bands Failed"

        # Now convert to PNG

        translateCmd = "/usr/local/bin/gdal_translate -of png -ot Byte -scale %s %s" % (allbandsTIF, allbandsPNG)
        log("creating... " +  allbandsPNG + " with " + translateCmd)

        p = Popen(translateCmd, shell=True, stdin=PIPE, stdout=PIPE, stderr=STDOUT, close_fds=True)
        output = p.stdout.read()
        assert p.returncode == 0, "Creation of png  Failed"

        # we give it 1) the name of the png created from grass 
        #  and 2) the name the greenspace calc will create
        # and 3) the directory where they will be stored
        pngimg = pngImg(allbandsPNG, str(self.gid) + ".png", self.file_manager.tmp_file_dir)
        pngimg.bbox = self.bbox
        self.img = pngimg