def make_VRT(file, directory): sub_directories = [ os.path.join(directory, name, file) for name in os.listdir(directory) if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(directory, name)) ] gdal.BuildVRTOptions(VRTNodata="nan") gdal.BuildVRT(os.path.join(directory, f"{file[:-4]}.vrt"), sub_directories)
def get_tiles(indir, master_tiles, s): dname = os.path.basename(indir.strip(os.path.sep)) # get the actual granule/folder name fprint = get_aster_footprint(indir,, indir=indir, polyout=False) my_proj = pyproj.Proj( if my_proj.is_latlong(): buff = buffer_conversion(fprint, 1000) else: unit = [st.split('=')[-1] for st in my_proj.srs.split(' ') if 'units' in st] if unit[0] == 'm': buff = 1000 else: buff = 1000 # have to figure out what to do with non-meter units... res = s.query(fprint.buffer(buff)) # get only the results that intersect our buffered footprint intersects = [c for c in res if fprint.buffer(buff).intersection(c).area > 0] fnames = [master_tiles['filename'][master_tiles['geometry'] == c].values[0] for c in intersects] paths = [master_tiles['path'][master_tiles['geometry'] == c].values[0] for c in intersects] # subfolders = [master_tiles['subfolder'][master_tiles['geometry'] == c].values[0] for c in intersects] # tilelist = [os.path.sep.join([paths[i], subfolders[i], f]) for i, f in enumerate(fnames)] tilelist = [os.path.sep.join([paths[i], f]) for i, f in enumerate(fnames)] # create a temporary VRT from the tiles # print(os.path.sep.join([os.path.abspath(indir), 'tmp_{}.vrt'.format(dname)])) if len(tilelist)>0: gdal.BuildVRT(os.path.sep.join([indir, 'tmp_{}.vrt'.format(dname)]), tilelist, resampleAlg='bilinear') return os.path.sep.join([os.path.abspath(indir), 'tmp_{}.vrt'.format(dname)]) else: return None
def mosaic_timescan(burst_inventory, processing_dir, temp_dir, ard_parameters): product_list = [ 'BS.HH', 'BS.VV', 'BS.HV', 'BS.VH', 'coh.VV', 'coh.VH', 'Alpha', 'Entropy', 'Anisotropy' ] metrics = ard_parameters['metrics'] os.makedirs(opj(processing_dir, 'Mosaic', 'Timescan'), exist_ok=True) i, list_of_files = 0, [] for product in itertools.product(product_list, metrics): # **** filelist = ''.join( glob.glob( opj(processing_dir, '*', 'Timescan', '*{}.{}.tif'.format(product[0], product[1])))) if filelist: i += 1 outfile = opj(processing_dir, 'Mosaic', 'Timescan', '{}.{}.{}.tif'.format(i, product[0], product[1])) command = ('otbcli_Mosaic -il {} -comp.feather large -tmpdir {}' '-progress 1 -out {} float'.format( filelist, temp_dir, outfile)) os.system(command) list_of_files.append(outfile) # create vrt vrt_options = gdal.BuildVRTOptions(srcNodata=0, separate=True) gdal.BuildVRT(opj(processing_dir, 'Mosaic', 'Timescan', 'Timescan.vrt'), list_of_files, options=vrt_options)
def hdf2tif(hdf, reproject=True): """ Converts hdf files to tiff files :param hdf: HDF file to be processed :param reproject: Will be reprojected by default :return: None """ dataset = gdal.Open(hdf, gdal.GA_ReadOnly) subdatasets = dataset.GetSubDatasets() data_dir = create_output_directory(hdf) convert_to_vrt(subdatasets, data_dir) vrt_options = gdal.BuildVRTOptions(separate=True) vrt_list = list_files(data_dir, 'vrt') vrt_output = hdf.replace('.hdf', '.vrt') gdal.BuildVRT(vrt_output, sorted(vrt_list), options=vrt_options) if reproject: proj = "+proj=sinu +R=6371007.181 +nadgrids=@null +wktext" warp_options = gdal.WarpOptions(srcSRS=proj, dstSRS="EPSG:3857") else: warp_options = "" output_tiff = vrt_output.replace(".vrt", "_reprojected.tif") if not os.path.exists(output_tiff): gdal.Warp(output_tiff, vrt_output, options=warp_options) clear_temp_files(data_dir, vrt_output) return os.path.join(DIRECTORY, output_tiff)
def generate_vrt_and_geotiff(input_file, planet, date): title_pattern = "_geo" aullr = "" srs = "" file_name, ext = os.path.splitext(input_file) output_file_location = "/data/" + planet + "/" + date + "/" output_geo_file = output_file_location + file_name + title_pattern + ext print("INFO:getting geo spatial co-ordinates for planet " + planet) if (planet == "MARS"): aullr = '-180 90 180 -90' srs = 'EPSG:4326' print("INFO:MARS geo spatial co-ordinates found") if (planet == "EARTH"): aullr = '-155.79295349 -80.91002823000001 5.505262509999994 80.29821777' srs = 'EPSG:4326' print("INFO:EARTH geo spatial co-ordinates found") if (planet == "MARS" | planet == "EARTH"): print("INFO:Loading input data set " + input_file) ds = gdal.Open(input_file) print( "INFO:Translating input data set to geo tiff data set with output bounds " + aullr + " output srs " + srs) gdal.Translate(output_geo_file, ds, format='GTiff', outputBounds=aullr, outputSRS=srs) print("INFO:Building vrt for generated geo tiff data set") gdal.BuildVRT(output_file_location + file_name + ".vrt", output_geo_file) create_info_file(output_file_location, file_name) print("INFO:Completed geo tiff, vrt and info files generation") else: print("DEBUG:Unknown planet")
def create_tscan_vrt(timescan_dir, ard_params): # loop through all pontial proucts # a products list product_list = [ 'TC.HH', 'TC.VV', 'TC.HV', 'TC.VH', 'BS.HH', 'BS.VV', 'BS.HV', 'BS.VH', 'coh.VV', 'coh.VH', 'coh.HH', 'coh.HV', 'pol.Entropy', 'pol.Anisotropy', 'pol.Alpha' ] i, outfiles = 0, [] iteration = itertools.product(product_list, ard_params['metrics']) for product, metric in iteration: # get file and add number for outfile infile = opj(timescan_dir, '{}.{}.tif'.format(product, metric)) # if there is no file sto the iteration if not os.path.isfile(infile): continue # else i += 1 outfile = opj(timescan_dir, '{}.{}.{}.tif'.format(i, product, metric)) outfiles.append(outfile) # otherwise rename the file shutil.move(infile, outfile) vrt_options = gdal.BuildVRTOptions(srcNodata=0, separate=True) gdal.BuildVRT(opj(timescan_dir, 'Timescan.vrt'.format()), outfiles, options=vrt_options)
def create_DEM_mosaic(DEM, DEM_dir, dstfile, product="NED", vrt_only=False, format="GTiff"): """ Create a Mosaic from a list of DEM urls or NTS tiles. Missing tiles will be downloaded """ files = download_multiple_DEM(DEM, DEM_dir, product) # build VRT VRT_path = path.join(path.dirname(dstfile), "tmp.VRT") VRT = gdal.BuildVRT(VRT_path, files) VRT.FlushCache() VRT = None # return VRT-only if desired if vrt_only: return (VRT_path) # set warp parameters ds = gdal.Translate(dstfile, VRT_path, format=format) ds.FlushCache() ds = None remove(VRT_path) return (dstfile)
def daily_vrt_jasmin(fnames_date, vrt_dir = None): temp1 = 'HDF4_EOS:EOS_GRID:"%s":MOD_Grid_BRDF:BRDF_Albedo_Band_Mandatory_Quality_%s' temp2 = 'HDF4_EOS:EOS_GRID:"%s":MOD_Grid_BRDF:BRDF_Albedo_Parameters_%s' spatialRef = osr.SpatialReference() spatialRef.ImportFromProj4('+proj=sinu +lon_0=0 +x_0=0 +y_0=0 +R=6371007.181 +units=m +no_defs') fnames, date = fnames_date fnames = list(map(os.path.abspath, fnames)) all_files = fnames ''' this maybe problematic when reading and writing the same time all_files = [] for fname in fnames: all_files += glob(os.path.dirname(fname) + '/MCD43A1.A%s.h??v??.006.*.hdf'%date) ''' if vrt_dir is None: vrt_dir = './MCD43_VRT/' if not os.path.exists(vrt_dir): os.mkdir(vrt_dir) d = datetime.strptime(date, '%Y%j').strftime('%Y-%m-%d') date_dir = vrt_dir + '/' + '%s/'%d if not os.path.exists(date_dir): os.mkdir(date_dir) for temp in [temp1, temp2]: for band in ['Band1','Band2','Band3','Band4','Band5','Band6','Band7', 'vis', 'nir', 'shortwave']: bs = [] for fname in all_files: bs.append(temp%(fname, band)) gdal.BuildVRT(date_dir + '_'.join(['MCD43', date, bs[0].split(':')[-1]])+'.vrt', bs, outputSRS = spatialRef).FlushCache()
def convert_to_vrt(subdatasets, data_dir): """ Loops through the subdatasets and creates vrt files :param subdatasets: Subdataset of every HDF file :param data_dir: Result of create_output_directory method :return: None """ # For every subdataset loop through the subdatasets # Enumerate to keep the bands in order for index, subd in enumerate(subdatasets): # Generate output name from the band names output_name = os.path.join( data_dir, "Band_{}_{}.vrt".format( str(index + 1).zfill(2), subd[0].split(":")[4])) # Create the virtual raster gdal.BuildVRT(output_name, subd[0]) # Check if scale and offset exists scale = get_metadata_item(subd[0], 'scale') modify_vrt(output_name, scale)
def daily_vrt(fnames_date, vrt_dir=None): temp1 = 'HDF4_EOS:EOS_GRID:"%s":MOD_Grid_BRDF:BRDF_Albedo_Band_Mandatory_Quality_%s' temp2 = 'HDF4_EOS:EOS_GRID:"%s":MOD_Grid_BRDF:BRDF_Albedo_Parameters_%s' fnames, date = fnames_date fnames = list(map(os.path.abspath, fnames)) all_files = [] for fname in fnames: all_files += glob( os.path.dirname(fname) + '/MCD43A1.A%s.h??v??.006.*.hdf' % date) if vrt_dir is None: vrt_dir = './MCD43_VRT/' if not os.path.exists(vrt_dir): os.mkdir(vrt_dir) d = datetime.strptime(date, '%Y%j').strftime('%Y-%m-%d') date_dir = vrt_dir + '/' + '%s/' % d if not os.path.exists(date_dir): os.mkdir(date_dir) for temp in [temp1, temp2]: for band in [ 'Band1', 'Band2', 'Band3', 'Band4', 'Band5', 'Band6', 'Band7', 'vis', 'nir', 'shortwave' ]: bs = [] for fname in all_files: bs.append(temp % (fname, band)) gdal.BuildVRT( date_dir + '_'.join(['MCD43', date, bs[0].split(':')[-1]]) + '.vrt', bs).FlushCache()
def copy_evaluation_reef_quads() -> None:'Copying evaluation quads') dirs_reefs = sorted(os.listdir(paths.DIR_DATA_EVAL)) dirs_data_variant = sorted(os.listdir(paths.DIR_DATA_TRAIN)) for dir_reef in dirs_reefs: _logger.debug('Copying evaluation quads for reef {}'.format(dir_reef)) feature = next( iter( os.path.join(paths.DIR_DATA_EVAL, dir_reef, PATH_REEF_MULTIPOLY)))) geometry = shapely.geometry.shape(feature['geometry']) quads_needed = mosaic_quads.determine_mosaic_quads_for_geometry( geometry) _logger.debug('Quads needed: {}'.format(quads_needed)) vrt_srcs = list() for dir_variant in dirs_data_variant: if dir_variant == 'tmp': continue for quad in quads_needed: filename_quad = quad + '_features.tif' filepath_src = os.path.join(paths.DIR_DATA_TRAIN, dir_variant, filename_quad) if not os.path.exists(filepath_src): continue filepath_dest = os.path.join(paths.DIR_DATA_EVAL, dir_reef, dir_variant, filename_quad) if not os.path.exists(os.path.dirname(filepath_dest)): os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(filepath_dest)) shutil.copy(filepath_src, filepath_dest) vrt_srcs.append(filepath_dest) filepath_vrt = os.path.join(paths.DIR_DATA_EVAL, dir_reef, dir_variant, PATH_REEF_VRT) gdal.BuildVRT(filepath_vrt, vrt_srcs)
def single_tif_to_stacked(tif_fold): ''' this function takes a list of single band tifs and transform them into: - first, a stacked .vrt - second, a stacked multiband .tif ---- Parameters: tif_fold -> string ---- Returns: .vrt and .tif ''' # path of files location filenames = [ '01.2007.tif', '02.2007.tif', '03.2007.tif', '04.2007.tif', '05.2007.tif', '06.2007.tif', '07.2007.tif', '08.2007.tif', '09.2007.tif', '10.2007.tif', '11.2007.tif', '12.2007.tif', '01.2008.tif', '02.2008.tif', '03.2008.tif', '04.2008.tif', '05.2008.tif', '06.2008.tif', '07.2008.tif', '08.2008.tif', '09.2008.tif', '10.2008.tif', '11.2008.tif', '12.2008.tif' ] # loop through each tif in the folder tifs = [os.path.join(tif_fold, road) for road in filenames] # output location for vrt file outvrt_fold = os.path.join(tif_fold, 'stacked.vrt') # stack list of tifs into vrt file outvrt = gdal.BuildVRT(outvrt_fold, tifs, separate=True) # output location for tif file outtif_fold = os.path.join(tif_fold, 'stacked.tif') # converts vrt into tif outtif = gdal.Translate(outtif_fold, outvrt)
def get_tiles(bounds, master_tiles, s, name): res = s.query(bounds) # get only the results that intersect our buffered footprint more than 10% of its area intersects = [c for c in res if bounds.intersection(c).area / c.area > 0.1] fnames = [ master_tiles['filename'][master_tiles['geometry'] == c].values[0] for c in intersects ] paths = [ master_tiles['path'][master_tiles['geometry'] == c].values[0] for c in intersects ] subfolders = [ master_tiles['subfolder'][master_tiles['geometry'] == c].values[0] for c in intersects ] tilelist = [ os.path.sep.join([paths[i], subfolders[i], f]) for i, f in enumerate(fnames) ] # create a temporary VRT from the tiles gdal.BuildVRT('{}_ref.vrt'.format(name), tilelist, resampleAlg='bilinear') # print(os.path.sep.join([os.path.abspath(indir), 'tmp_{}.vrt'.format(dname)])) return '{}_ref.vrt'.format(name)
def create_timeseries_mosaic_vrt(list_of_args): ts_dir, product, outfiles = list_of_args gdal.BuildVRT( str(ts_dir.joinpath(f'{product}.Timeseries.vrt')), [str(outfile) for outfile in outfiles], options=gdal.BuildVRTOptions(srcNodata=0, separate=True) )
def merge_hdf_tiles(tile_list): dirname = os.path.dirname(tile_list[0]) target_name = os.path.join(dirname, "example.vrt") gdal.BuildVRT(target_name, tile_list) print target_name return target_name
def mosaic_to_vrt(ts_dir, product, outfiles): vrt_options = gdal.BuildVRTOptions(srcNodata=0, separate=True) if type(outfiles) == str: outfiles = outfiles.replace("'", '').strip('][').split(', ') gdal.BuildVRT(opj(ts_dir, '{}.Timeseries.vrt'.format(product)), outfiles, options=vrt_options)
def make_vrt(data_list, wkt_dst_srs, outputDir, output_vrt_file, outputBounds=None, resolution='average', resampling=gdal.GRA_Bilinear, srcNodata=0, error_threshold=0.125): if len(data_list) == 0: return 0 output_tmp_file_list=[os.path.join(outputDir, os.path.basename(file)+".VRT") for file in data_list] for file, dst_file in zip(data_list, output_tmp_file_list): # Open source dataset and read source SRS gdal_data = gdal.Open(file) data_proj = gdal_data.GetProjection() if data_proj == '': d=dict(gdal.Info(file,format='json')) in_epsg=int(d['metadata']['GEOLOCATION']['SRS'].rsplit('"EPSG","')[-1].split('"')[0]) src_srs = osr.SpatialReference() src_srs.ImportFromEPSG(in_epsg) src_srs = src_srs.ExportToWkt() else: src_srs = None ## Call AutoCreateWarpedVRT() #tmp_ds = gdal.AutoCreateWarpedVRT(gdal_data, src_srs, wkt_dst_srs, resampling, error_threshold) ## Create the final warped raster #dst_ds = gdal.GetDriverByName('VRT').CreateCopy(dst_file, tmp_ds) # Warp to dst_srs dst_ds = gdal.Warp(dst_file, gdal_data, resampleAlg=resampling, srcNodata=srcNodata, dstNodata=srcNodata, srcSRS=src_srs, dstSRS=wkt_dst_srs, errorThreshold=error_threshold) del dst_ds print(os.path.join(outputDir, output_vrt_file)) if outputBounds: vrt_data=gdal.BuildVRT(output_vrt_file, output_tmp_file_list, separate=True, outputBounds=outputBounds, resolution=resolution, srcNodata=srcNodata) else: vrt_data=gdal.BuildVRT(output_vrt_file, output_tmp_file_list, separate=True, resolution=resolution, srcNodata=srcNodata) bands = vrt_data.RasterCount # to force gdal to write file del vrt_data return bands
def stack_tile(tile, tmp_ref_dir, tmp_aster_dir, tmp_setsm_dir, out_dir): lat, lon = SRTMGL1_naming_to_latlon(tile) epsg, utm = latlon_to_UTM(lat, lon) outfile = os.path.join(out_dir, utm, tile + '.nc') if not os.path.exists(outfile): print('Stacking tile: ' + tile + ' in UTM zone ' + utm) # reference DEM ref_utm_dir = os.path.join(tmp_ref_dir, utm) ref_vrt = os.path.join(ref_utm_dir, 'tmp_' + utm + '.vrt') ref_list = glob(os.path.join(ref_utm_dir, '**/*.tif'), recursive=True) if not os.path.exists(ref_vrt): gdal.BuildVRT(ref_vrt, ref_list, resampleAlg='bilinear') # DEMs to stack flist1 = glob(os.path.join(tmp_aster_dir, '**/*'), recursive=True) if os.path.exists(tmp_setsm_dir): flist2 = glob(os.path.join(tmp_setsm_dir, '**/*.tif'), recursive=True) else: flist2 = [] flist = flist1 + flist2 extent = niceextent_utm_latlontile(tile, utm, res) bobformat_extent = [extent[0], extent[2], extent[1], extent[3]] print('Nice extent is:') print(extent) if len(flist) > 0: nco = create_mmaster_stack(flist, extent=bobformat_extent, epsg=int(epsg), mst_tiles=ref_vrt, res=res, outfile=outfile, coreg=False, uncert=True, clobber=True, add_ref=True, add_corr=True, latlontile_nodata=tile, filt_mm_corr=False, l1a_zipped=True, y0=y0, tmptag=tile) nco.close() else: print('No DEM intersecting tile found. Skipping...') else: print('Tile ' + tile + ' already exists.')
def stitchModisDate(year=2019,doy=1,sds='Lai_500m',timeout=None,\ tile=['h17v03','h18v03'],verbose=False,\ product='MCD15A3H'): ''' function called stitchModisDate with arguments: year doy keywords/defaults: sds : 'Lai_500m' tile : ['h17v03','h18v03'] product : 'MCD15A3H' generates a stitched VRT file with the appropriate data, returns VRT filename for this dataset. Options: timeout : None verbose : False ''' kwargs = { 'product': product, 'tile': tile, 'year': year, 'doys': [doy], 'sds': [sds] } data = getModisFiles(verbose=verbose, timeout=1000, **kwargs) ofiles = [] for sds, sds_v in data.items(): if verbose: print('sds', sds) for doy, doy_v in sds_v.items(): if verbose: print('doy', doy) # build a VRT tiles = doy_v.keys() ofile = f"work/stitch_{sds}_{kwargs['year']}_{doy:03d}_{'Tiles_'+'_'.join(tiles)}.vrt" if verbose: print(f'saving to {ofile}') stitch_vrt = gdal.BuildVRT(ofile, list(doy_v.values())) del stitch_vrt ofiles.append(ofile) if len(ofiles): return ofiles[0] else: print(f'error in stitchModisDate: {data}\n{kwargs}') return None
def one_subset(supplierId, filename, polygon, tilepath, tifpath, size,sentinel=2): """ Creates one subsetted image from the large sentinel tile :param supplierId: supplierId (also the name) of the Sentinel 2 tile (str) :param filename: Filename of output image (str) :param polygon: Shapely polygon of desired bla :param tilepath: Path to Sentinel tiles :param tifpath: Path to output images :param size: Length of one side of the output image in pixels :return: none """ # gdalwarp inputs polygons as a csv file. This code creates that csv file so that we can run gdalwarp csvData = [["", "WKT"], [str(1), polygon.wkt]] csvname = './%s.csv' % filename[:-4] with open(csvname, 'w') as csvFile: writer = csv.writer(csvFile) writer.writerows(csvData) csvFile.close() # TODO: Change this in verbose mode #gdal.PushErrorHandler('CPLQuietErrorHandler') os.environ["PROJ_LIB"]="C:/Users/danie/Anaconda3/envs/oilrig/Library/share/proj" # Finds all the image bands as jp2 files and sorts them alphabetically to retain correct order dir = os.path.join(tilepath, supplierId) dir = os.path.abspath(dir) dir = dir.replace('\\', '/') if sentinel == 1: file: ZipFile = ZipFile(dir + '.zip', 'r') fulllist = sorted([name for name in file.namelist() if name.endswith('.tiff') or name.endswith('.dat')]) for tif in fulllist: if not os.path.exists(dir+".SAFE"): file.extract(tif,path=tilepath) fulllist = [os.path.join(tilepath,tif).replace('\\', '/') for tif in fulllist] else: fulllist = sorted(glob.glob(dir + '/*.jp2')) # Builds VRT dataset to speed up conversion vrtname = './%s.vrt' % filename[:-4] buildvrt_options = gdal.BuildVRTOptions(separate=True, xRes=10, yRes=10) vrt_dataset = gdal.BuildVRT(destName=vrtname, srcDSOrSrcDSTab=fulllist, options=buildvrt_options) try: # Subsets image using gdalwarp warp_output = os.path.join(tifpath, filename + ".tif") warp_options = gdal.WarpOptions(cropToCutline=True, cutlineDSName=csvname, srcSRS="EPSG:4326", dstSRS="EPSG:4326", width=size, height=size,multithread=True) gdal.Warp(warp_output, vrt_dataset, options=warp_options) except SystemError as e: os.remove(csvname) return # removes the temporary csv file os.remove(csvname) return
def make_vrt(data_list, wkt_dst_srs, outputDir, output_vrt_file, outputBounds=None, resolution='average', resampling=gdal.GRA_Bilinear, srcNodata=0, error_threshold=0.125): if len(data_list) == 0: return 0 output_tmp_file_list=[os.path.join(outputDir, os.path.basename(file)+".VRT") for file in data_list] output_tmp_file_list2=[] for file, dst_file in zip(data_list, output_tmp_file_list): # Open source dataset and read source SRS gdal_data = gdal.Open(file) data_proj = gdal_data.GetProjection() if data_proj == '': print("Data without geoprojection info. DISCARDED!") else: # Warp to dst_srs dst_ds = gdal.Warp(dst_file, gdal_data, resampleAlg=resampling, srcNodata=srcNodata, dstNodata=srcNodata, dstSRS=wkt_dst_srs, errorThreshold=error_threshold) del dst_ds output_tmp_file_list2.append(dst_file) print(os.path.join(outputDir, output_vrt_file)) if outputBounds: vrt_data=gdal.BuildVRT(output_vrt_file, output_tmp_file_list2, separate=True, outputBounds=outputBounds, resolution=resolution, srcNodata=srcNodata) else: vrt_data=gdal.BuildVRT(output_vrt_file, output_tmp_file_list2, separate=True, resolution=resolution, srcNodata=srcNodata) bands = vrt_data.RasterCount if bands > 0: del vrt_data vrt_data = gdal.Open(output_vrt_file) xml = et.ElementTree(file=output_vrt_file) for band_num in range(1, bands+1): filename = xml.xpath('//VRTRasterBand[@band=%d]//SourceFilename/text()' % band_num)[0] band = vrt_data.GetRasterBand(band_num) band.SetDescription(filename) # to force gdal to write file del vrt_data return bands
def stack_bands(self, files, outpath): """ Stacks a file list into a single file with multiple bands """ outvrt = '/vsimem/stacked.vrt' outds = gdal.BuildVRT(outvrt, files, separate=True) outds = gdal.Translate(outpath, outds) outds = None return os.path.exists(outpath)
def make_vrt(in_folder, patterns, out_name, opts=None): import gdal import glob from geotools.utils import glob_multipattern files = glob_multipattern(in_folder, patterns) vrt = gdal.BuildVRT(out_name, files, separate=False) vrt = None return None
def __build_vrts(self): """ Generate VRT files to bind together the individual geotiffs so that we can reference them all together in xarrays :return: """ # define universal options for the VRT files vrt_options = gdal.BuildVRTOptions(separate=True) for param in self.parameters: for var in ['', '_unc']: # define the name for the vrt file vrt_filename = f"{self.data_directory}/{param}{var}.vrt" # check to see whether the file already exists if not os.path.isfile(vrt_filename): # Get an ordered list of all the filenames # Todo test that the system is robust to these values not being sorted. filenames = sorted( glob.glob( f'{self.data_directory}/{param}_A???????{var}.tif') ) # BUild the file gd = gdal.BuildVRT(vrt_filename, filenames, options=vrt_options) gd = None # flush else: # File exists already pass # As a second step, produce warped VRTs vrt_filename_warp = f"{self.data_directory}/{param}{var}_warped.vrt" # check to see whether the file already exists if not os.path.isfile(vrt_filename_warp): # convert to lat/lon gd = gdal.Warp( srcDSOrSrcDSTab=vrt_filename, destNameOrDestDS=vrt_filename_warp, format='VRT', dstSRS='+proj=longlat +ellps=WGS84 +datum=WGS84 +no_defs' ) # remove this to use native coordinates gd = None # flush the file else: # File exists already pass
def JP2totif(L2A10dirs, outdir): fold_10mdir = search_file(L2A10dirs, ".jp2") file10dir, firstname10 = get_10tif(fold_10mdir) filevrt_10m = os.path.join(outdir, firstname10 + ".vrt") gdal.BuildVRT(filevrt_10m, file10dir, separate=True) # 查询清楚VRT filename = os.path.split(firstname10)[1] driver = gdal.GetDriverByName("GTiff") file_10m = os.path.join(outdir, filename + "_layer.tif") outds10 = driver.CreateCopy(file_10m, gdal.Open(filevrt_10m)) outds10 = None
def mt_layover(filelist, outfile, extent): ''' This function is usally used in the time-series workflow of OST. A list of the filepaths layover/shadow masks :param filelist - list of files :param out_dir - directory where the output file will be stored :return path to the multi-temporal layover/shadow mask file generated ''' # get the start time for Info on processing time start = time.time() with TemporaryDirectory() as temp: # create path to out file ls_layer = opj(temp, os.path.basename(outfile)) # create a vrt-stack out of logger.debug('INFO: Creating common Layover/Shadow Mask') vrt_options = gdal.BuildVRTOptions(srcNodata=0, separate=True) gdal.BuildVRT(opj(temp, 'ls.vrt'), filelist, options=vrt_options) with, 'ls.vrt')) as src: # get metadata meta = src.meta # update driver and reduced band count meta.update(driver='GTiff', count=1, dtype='uint8') # create outfiles with, 'w', **meta) as out_min: # loop through blocks for _, window in src.block_windows(1): # read array with all bands stack =, src.count + 1), window=window) # get stats arr_max = np.nanmax(stack, axis=0) arr = arr_max / arr_max out_min.write(np.uint8(arr), window=window, indexes=1) ras.mask_by_shape(ls_layer, outfile, extent, to_db=False, datatype='uint8', rescale=False, ndv=0) # os.remove(ls_layer) h.timer(start) return outfile
def main(argv): # Reference files for f in os.listdir(SRC_FOLDER): if 'img' in f: bands[f.split("_")[3]].append(SRC_FOLDER + f) vrt_options = gdal.BuildVRTOptions(resolution='lowest') for b in bands: if (len(bands[b]) > 0): gdal.BuildVRT(SRC_FOLDER + 'sentinel2_' + b + '.vrt', bands[b], options=vrt_options)
def mosaic_images(folderpath): imgs_list = glob.glob(os.path.join(folderpath, "*.tif")) mosvrt = os.path.join(folderpath, '/vsimem/mosaic.vrt') # /vsimem is special in-memory virtual "directory" outtif = os.path.join(folderpath, 'clipped-mos.tif') outds = gdal.BuildVRT(mosvrt, imgs_list) gdal.Translate(outtif, outds) # Close datasets outds = None print("---------------------------------------------") print("Made mosaic")
def main(argv): # Reference files src_dss = [f for f in os.listdir(SRC_FOLDER) if ".img" in f] for f in src_dss: bands[f.split(".")[0]].append(SRC_FOLDER + f) vrt_options = gdal.BuildVRTOptions(resolution='lowest') for b in bands: if (len(bands[b]) > 0): gdal.BuildVRT(SRC_FOLDER + 'sentinel1_' + b + '.vrt', bands[b], options=vrt_options)
def create_tscan_vrt(timescan_dir, config_file): # load ard parameters if isinstance(config_file, dict): config_dict = config_file else: config_file = open(config_file, 'r') config_dict = json.load(config_file) config_file.close() ard_tscan = config_dict['processing']['time-scan_ARD'] # loop through all potential products # a products list product_list = [ 'bs.HH', 'bs.VV', 'bs.HV', 'bs.VH', 'coh.VV', 'coh.VH', 'coh.HH', 'coh.HV', 'pol.Entropy', 'pol.Anisotropy', 'pol.Alpha' ] metrics = ard_tscan['metrics'] if 'percentiles' in metrics: metrics.remove('percentiles') metrics.extend(['p95', 'p5']) if 'harmonics' in metrics: metrics.remove('harmonics') metrics.extend(['amplitude', 'phase', 'residuals']) i, outfiles = 0, [] iteration = itertools.product(product_list, metrics) for product, metric in iteration: # get file and add number for outfile infile = timescan_dir.joinpath(f'{product}.{metric}.tif') # if there is no file sto the iteration if not infile.exists(): continue i += 1 # create namespace for output file and add to list for vrt creation outfile = timescan_dir.joinpath(f'{i:02d}.{product}.{metric}.tif') outfiles.append(str(outfile)) # otherwise rename the file infile.replace(outfile) # build vrt gdal.BuildVRT(str(timescan_dir.joinpath('Timescan.vrt')), outfiles, options=gdal.BuildVRTOptions(srcNodata=0, separate=True))