Exemplo n.º 1
        t = str(pds.GetCurrent().GetTag())
        res = sf.ToStringPair(pds.GetCurrent().GetTag())
        dic2[t] = res[1]
        dic1[res[0]] = res[1]
    #print dic1
    #print dic2
        print "Pixel Representation=", dic2['(0028,0103)']
    except KeyError:
        print "Tag not found in dataset"
    return 0

if __name__ == "__main__":
    success = 0
        filename = os.sys.argv[1]
        success += TestStringFilter(filename, True)
        # loop over all files:
        t = gdcm.Testing()
        nfiles = t.GetNumberOfFileNames()
        for i in range(0, nfiles):
            filename = t.GetFileName(i)
            success += TestStringFilter(filename)

    # Test succeed ?
    sys.exit(success == 0)
Exemplo n.º 2
def TestDCMTKMD5( filename, verbose = False ):
  blacklist = [
  # Get rid of DICOMDIR if any:
  # Unsupported file:
  'gdcm-CR-DCMTK-16-NonSamplePerPix.dcm', # this is not an image
  #'DermaColorLossLess.dcm', # technically I could support this one...
  #'LEADTOOLS_FLOWERS-24-RGB-JpegLossy.dcm', # idem
  'ALOKA_SSD-8-MONO2-RLE-SQ.dcm'] # this one is not supported by dcmtk 3.5.4
  for f in blacklist:
    if f in filename:
      print "%s is on the black list, giving up"%filename
      return 0
  #print filename
  #dcmdump_exec = "dcmdump -dc -E +P 2,10 -s " + filename + " 2> /dev/null"
  # I had to remove the -dc for the following file:
  # GE_GENESIS-16-MONO2-Uncompressed-UnusualVR.dcm there is trailing space instead of \0
  dcmdump_exec = "dcmdump -E +P 2,10 -s " + filename + " 2> /dev/null"
  #print dcmdump_exec
  f = os.popen(dcmdump_exec)
  ret = f.read()
  #assert ret == 0
  #print ret
  jpegre = re.compile('^.*JPEGLossless.*$')
  jpegre2 = re.compile('^.*JPEGExtended.*$')
  jpegre3 = re.compile('^.*JPEGBaseline.*$')
  j2kre = re.compile('^.*JPEG2000.*$')
  rlere = re.compile('^.*RLELossless.*$')
  lexre = re.compile('^.*LittleEndianExplicit.*$')
  leire = re.compile('^.*LittleEndianImplicit.*$')
  beire = re.compile('^.*BigEndianExplicit.*$')
  testing = gdcm.Testing()
  outputdir = testing.GetTempDirectory( "TestDCMTKMD5" )
  gdcm.System.MakeDirectory( outputdir )
  outputfilename = testing.GetTempFilename( filename, "TestDCMTKMD5" )
  executable_output_path = gdcm.GDCM_EXECUTABLE_OUTPUT_PATH
  gdcmraw = executable_output_path + '/gdcmraw -P'

  if not ret:
    #print "empty, problem with:", filename
    return 0
  elif type(ret) != type(''):
    print "problem of type with:", filename
    return 0
  #print ret
  #print ret.__class__
  elif( jpegre.match( ret ) or jpegre2.match(ret) or jpegre3.match(ret) ):
    #print "jpeg: ",filename
    # +cn : conv-never
    # +px : color by pixel
    dcmdjpeg_exec = "dcmdjpeg +cn +px " + filename + " " + outputfilename
    ret = os.system( dcmdjpeg_exec )
    if ret:
      print "dcmdjpeg failed to decompress file. giving up"
      return 0

    gdcmraw_args = ' -i ' + outputfilename + ' -o ' + outputfilename + ".raw"
    gdcmraw += gdcmraw_args
    #print gdcmraw
    ret = os.system( gdcmraw )
    md5 = gdcm.Testing.ComputeFileMD5( outputfilename + ".raw" )
    ref = gdcm.Testing.GetMD5FromFile(filename)
    #print md5
    retval  = 0
    if ref != md5:
      print "md5 are different: %s should be: %s for file %s"%(md5,ref,filename)
      retval = 1
    #print outputfilename
    return retval
  elif( rlere.match( ret ) ):
    #print "rle: ",filename
    dcmdrle_exec = "dcmdrle " + filename + " " + outputfilename
    ret = os.system( dcmdrle_exec )
    if ret:
      print "failed with: ", dcmdrle_exec
      return 1

    gdcmraw_args = ' -i ' + outputfilename + ' -o ' + outputfilename + ".raw"
    gdcmraw += gdcmraw_args
    #print gdcmraw
    ret = os.system( gdcmraw )
    md5 = gdcm.Testing.ComputeFileMD5( outputfilename + ".raw" )
    ref = gdcm.Testing.GetMD5FromFile(filename)
    #print md5
    retval  = 0
    if ref != md5:
      print "md5 are different: %s should be: %s for file %s"%(md5,ref,filename)
      retval = 1
    #print outputfilename
    return retval
  elif( j2kre.match( ret ) ):
    return 0
  elif( lexre.match( ret ) or leire.match(ret) or beire.match(ret) ):
    #print "rle: ",filename
    #dcmdrle_exec = "dcmdrle " + filename + " " + outputfilename
    #ret = os.system( dcmdrle_exec )

    gdcmraw_args = ' -i ' + filename + ' -o ' + outputfilename + ".raw"
    gdcmraw += gdcmraw_args
    #print gdcmraw
    ret = os.system( gdcmraw )
    if ret:
      print "failed with: ", gdcmraw
      return 1
    md5 = gdcm.Testing.ComputeFileMD5( outputfilename + ".raw" )
    ref = gdcm.Testing.GetMD5FromFile(filename)
    #print md5
    retval  = 0
    if ref != md5:
      print "md5 are different: %s should be: %s for file %s"%(md5,ref,filename)
      retval = 1
    #print outputfilename
    return retval
  print "Unhandled:",filename,"with ret=",ret
  return 1