Exemplo n.º 1
    ('bau', 'result_urban_exo.gdx'),
    ('3', 'result_cint_n_3.gdx'),
    ('4', 'result_cint_n_4.gdx'),
    ('5', 'result_cint_n_5.gdx'),
    ('bau_lo', 'result_urban_exo_lessGDP.gdx'),
    ('3_lo', 'result_cint_n_3_lessGDP.gdx'),
    ('4_lo', 'result_cint_n_4_lessGDP.gdx'),
    ('5_lo', 'result_cint_n_5_lessGDP.gdx'),

raw = OrderedDict()
extra = dict()
for case, fn in FILES:
    raw[case] = gdx.File(join(GDX_DIR, fn))
    extra[case] = gdx.File(join(GDX_DIR, fn.replace('.gdx', '_extra.gdx')))

CREM = raw['bau']
cases = pd.Index(raw.keys(), name='case')
time = pd.Index(filter(lambda t: int(t) <= 2030, CREM.set('t')))

# Cell:

# List all the parameters available in each file

# Temporary container for read-in data
arrays = {}
Exemplo n.º 2
def import_data(data_path, metadata_path):
    # # Construct the countries-regions mapping
    # country_map(join(path, '..', 'downscale'))

    # Read the metadata
    with open(join(metadata_path, "variables.yaml")) as vars_f:
        vars = yaml.safe_load(vars_f)

    ureg = pint.UnitRegistry()
    for unit in vars["_units"]:

    # Read the raw data
        import gdx

        if gdx.__version__ > "4":
            f = gdx.open_dataset(data_path)
            f = gdx.File(data_path)
    except ImportError:
        # py-gdx not installed
        return None, None

    data = []

    # Iterate over variables
    for var in sorted(vars.keys()):
        if var.startswith("_"):
            attrs = vars[var]
        log("  loading: %s" % var)

        # Attributes of the variable to import
        # Unit conversion
        convert = tuple(map(ureg, attrs.get("convert", [0, 0])))
        exponent = 1
        if not convert[0].dimensionless:
            log("    converting %s → %s" % convert)
            if convert[0].dimensionality**-1 == convert[1].dimensionality:
                exponent = -1
                log("    values to be inverted")
        factor = (convert[0]**exponent / convert[1]).to_base_units()
        log("    values to be multiplied by %f" % factor)

        # Sub-selection from a larger variable
        select = attrs.get("select", {})

        # Time and region dimensions
        time_dim = attrs.get("time", "T")
        region_dim = attrs.get("region", "R")
        if isinstance(region_dim, int):
            region_dim = "_%s_%d" % (var, region_dim)

        # Aggregation
        agg = attrs.get("agg", "sum")

        # Extract the variable from the GDX file as an xr.DataArray and change
        # units
        da = f[var]**exponent * factor

        if len(select):
            # Select a subset of dimensions
            log("    selecting: " +
                ", ".join(["%s=%s" % kv for kv in select.items()]))
            da = da.sel(**select)

        # Determine one or more quantities to unpack from *da*
        qties = attrs["item"]["quantity"]
            dim = qties.pop("_dim")
            quantities = [({dim: k}, v) for k, v in qties.items()]
            agg = False
        except TypeError:
            quantities = [({}, qties)]

        # Retrieve quantities
        for sub, qty in quantities:
            log("    %sto %s" %
                (["%s=%s " % kv
                  for kv in sub.items()][0] if len(sub) else "", qty))
            # Convert to pd.DataFrame, unstack the time dimension to columns,
            # convert the region dimension to a column named 'Region'
            df = (da.sel(**sub).to_dataframe()[var].unstack(
                time_dim).reset_index().rename(columns={region_dim: "region"}))

            if agg is not False:
                # Aggregate this set of rows, e.g. take a sum
                log("    aggregating using .%s()" % agg)
                aggregate = getattr(df, agg)()
                aggregate["region"] = "Global"
                df = df.append(aggregate, ignore_index=True)

            # Fill the other index columns
            df["variable"], df["mode"], df["technology"], df["fuel"] = qty
            df["unit"] = attrs["item"]["unit"]


    # Combine all data
    data = pd.concat(data)
    data["Model"] = "EPPA5"
    data["Scenario"] = "Outlook 2015"

    return data, None
Exemplo n.º 3
#    named `*foo*_extra.gdx` with the pyGDX-friendly variables `ptcarb_t(t)`,
#    `pe_t(e,r,t)` and `cons_t(r,t)`.
# 3. Read the GDX files
raw = OrderedDict()
extra = dict()
for case, fn, label in CASE_INFO:
    print(case, '--', label)

    # Preprocess
    fn = GDX_DIR / fn
    run(['gams', 'pre.gms', '--file={}'.format(fn)])

    # Read the GDX files
    fn = fn.with_suffix('.gdx')
        raw[case] = gdx.File(fn)
        extra[case] = gdx.File(str(fn).replace('.gdx', '_extra.gdx'))
    except FileNotFoundError:

# Use the BAU file to reference dimensions, sets etc.
CREM = raw['bau']

# Indices for result objects
cases = pd.Index(raw.keys(), name='case')
time = pd.Index(filter(lambda t: int(t) <= 2030, CREM.set('t')))

# Description of the scenarios being loaded
scenarios_desc = pd.Series({case[0]: case[2] for case in CASE_INFO})[cases]

# for debugging:
Exemplo n.º 4
def gdxfile_explicit(rawgdx):
    """A gdx.File fixture, instantiated with implicit=False."""
    return gdx.File(rawgdx, implicit=False)
Exemplo n.º 5
def gdxfile(rawgdx):
    """A gdx.File fixture."""
    return gdx.File(rawgdx)
Exemplo n.º 6
 def test_info2(self, rawgdx):
     # Use a File where p1 is guaranteed to not have been loaded:
     assert (gdx.File(rawgdx).info('p1') == 'unknown parameter p1(s), 1 '
             'records: Example parameter with animal data')
Exemplo n.º 7
 def test_init(self, rawgdx):
     gdx.File(rawgdx, lazy=False)
     with pytest.raises(FileNotFoundError):