Exemplo n.º 1
 def applier(expr):
     pairs = [(i, j) for i, j in renames if i in expr.free_indices]
     if pairs:
         current, renamed = zip(*pairs)
         return Indexed(ComponentTensor(expr, current), renamed)
         return expr
Exemplo n.º 2
def split_variable(variable_ref, index, multiindices):
    """Splits a flexibly indexed variable along a concatenation index.

    :param variable_ref: flexibly indexed variable to split
    :param index: :py:class:`Concatenate` index to split along
    :param multiindices: one multiindex for each split variable

    :returns: generator of split indexed variables
    assert isinstance(variable_ref, FlexiblyIndexed)
    other_indices = list(variable_ref.index_ordering())
    other_indices = tuple(other_indices)
    data = ComponentTensor(variable_ref, (index, ) + other_indices)
    slices = [slice(None)] * len(other_indices)
    shapes = [(other_index.extent, ) for other_index in other_indices]

    offset = 0
    for multiindex in multiindices:
        shape = tuple(index.extent for index in multiindex)
        size = numpy.prod(shape, dtype=int)
        slice_ = slice(offset, offset + size)
        offset += size

        sub_ref = Indexed(reshape(view(data, slice_, *slices), shape, *shapes),
                          multiindex + other_indices)
        sub_ref, = remove_componenttensors((sub_ref, ))
        yield sub_ref
Exemplo n.º 3
 def substitute(expression, from_, to_):
     if from_ not in expression.free_indices:
         return expression
     elif isinstance(expression, Delta):
         mapper = MemoizerArg(filtered_replace_indices)
         return mapper(expression, ((from_, to_), ))
         return Indexed(ComponentTensor(expression, (from_, )), (to_, ))
Exemplo n.º 4
def _select_expression(expressions, index):
    """Helper function to select an expression from a list of
    expressions with an index.  This function expect sanitised input,
    one should normally call :py:func:`select_expression` instead.

    :arg expressions: a list of expressions
    :arg index: an index (free, fixed or variable)
    :returns: an expression
    expr = expressions[0]
    if all(e == expr for e in expressions):
        return expr

    types = set(map(type, expressions))
    if types <= {Indexed, Zero}:
        multiindex, = set(e.multiindex for e in expressions
                          if isinstance(e, Indexed))
        # Shape only determined by free indices
        shape = tuple(i.extent for i in multiindex if isinstance(i, Index))

        def child(expression):
            if isinstance(expression, Indexed):
                return expression.children[0]
            elif isinstance(expression, Zero):
                return Zero(shape)

        return Indexed(
            _select_expression(list(map(child, expressions)), index),

    if types <= {Literal, Zero, Failure}:
        return partial_indexed(ListTensor(expressions), (index, ))

    if types <= {ComponentTensor, Zero}:
        shape, = set(e.shape for e in expressions)
        multiindex = tuple(Index(extent=d) for d in shape)
        children = remove_componenttensors(
            [Indexed(e, multiindex) for e in expressions])
        return ComponentTensor(_select_expression(children, index), multiindex)

    if len(types) == 1:
        cls, = types
        if cls.__front__ or cls.__back__:
            raise NotImplementedError(
                "How to factorise {} expressions?".format(cls.__name__))
        assert all(len(e.children) == len(expr.children) for e in expressions)
        assert len(expr.children) > 0

        return expr.reconstruct(*[
            _select_expression(nth_children, index)
            for nth_children in zip(*[e.children for e in expressions])

    raise NotImplementedError(
        "No rule for factorising expressions of this kind.")
Exemplo n.º 5
def _(node, self):
    unroll = tuple(filter(self.predicate, node.multiindex))
    if unroll:
        # Unrolling
        summand = self(node.children[0])
        shape = tuple(index.extent for index in unroll)
        unrolled = reduce(Sum,
                          (Indexed(ComponentTensor(summand, unroll), alpha)
                           for alpha in numpy.ndindex(shape)), Zero())
        return IndexSum(
            tuple(index for index in node.multiindex if index not in unroll))
        return reuse_if_untouched(node, self)
Exemplo n.º 6
def contraction(expression):
    """Optimise the contractions of the tensor product at the root of
    the expression, including:

    - IndexSum-Delta cancellation
    - Sum factorisation

    This routine was designed with finite element coefficient
    evaluation in mind.
    # Eliminate annoying ComponentTensors
    expression, = remove_componenttensors([expression])

    # Flatten product tree, eliminate deltas, sum factorise
    def rebuild(expression):
        sum_indices, factors = delta_elimination(*traverse_product(expression))
        factors = remove_componenttensors(factors)
        return sum_factorise(sum_indices, factors)

    # Sometimes the value shape is composed as a ListTensor, which
    # could get in the way of decomposing factors.  In particular,
    # this is the case for H(div) and H(curl) conforming tensor
    # product elements.  So if ListTensors are used, they are pulled
    # out to be outermost, so we can straightforwardly factorise each
    # of its entries.
    lt_fis = OrderedDict()  # ListTensor free indices
    for node in traversal((expression, )):
        if isinstance(node, Indexed):
            child, = node.children
            if isinstance(child, ListTensor):
                lt_fis.update(zip_longest(node.multiindex, ()))
    lt_fis = tuple(index for index in lt_fis
                   if index in expression.free_indices)

    if lt_fis:
        # Rebuild each split component
        tensor = ComponentTensor(expression, lt_fis)
        entries = [
            Indexed(tensor, zeta) for zeta in numpy.ndindex(tensor.shape)
        entries = remove_componenttensors(entries)
        return Indexed(
                                     entries))).reshape(tensor.shape)), lt_fis)
        # Rebuild whole expression at once
        return rebuild(expression)
Exemplo n.º 7
def select_expression(expressions, index):
    """Select an expression from a list of expressions with an index.
    Semantically equivalent to

        partial_indexed(ListTensor(expressions), (index,))

    but has a much more optimised implementation.

    :arg expressions: a list of expressions of the same shape
    :arg index: an index (free, fixed or variable)
    :returns: an expression of the same shape as the given expressions
    # Check arguments
    shape = expressions[0].shape
    assert all(e.shape == shape for e in expressions)

    # Sanitise input expressions
    alpha = tuple(Index() for s in shape)
    exprs = remove_componenttensors([Indexed(e, alpha) for e in expressions])

    # Factor the expressions recursively and convert result
    selected = _select_expression(exprs, index)
    return ComponentTensor(selected, alpha)