Exemplo n.º 1
 def test_dihedral_special_cases(self):
     a = Position(random(), random(), random())
     # not sure what it should be in such undefined cases
     #self.assertTrue(isnan(gemmi.calculate_dihedral(a, a, a, a)))
     self.assertEqual(gemmi.calculate_dihedral(a, a, a, a), 0.0)
     # Special cases from scitbx tst_math.py
     # atan2 is guaranteed to give exact values (I think)
     p000 = Position(0, 0, 0)
     p100 = Position(1, 0, 0)
     p010 = Position(0, 1, 0)
     def xy_dihedral(last_point):
         return gemmi.calculate_dihedral(p100, p000, p010, last_point)
     self.assertEqual(xy_dihedral(Position(1, 1, 0)), 0.0)
     self.assertEqual(xy_dihedral(Position(-1, 1, 0)), pi)
     p01_ = Position(0, 1, -1)
     self.assertEqual(xy_dihedral(p01_), pi/2)
     p01_.z = 1
     self.assertEqual(xy_dihedral(p01_), -pi/2)
def calculate_dihedral_angles(seq1: SequenceVariant, seq2: SequenceVariant, atom_names_seq1: [str],
                              atom_names_seq2: [str]):
    calculates a dihedral angles of given points from two following sequences.
    The arrays may be empty, but it should be 4 points all together
    :param seq1: dict structure of the first sequence
    :param seq2: dict structure of the first sequence
    :param atom_names_seq1: the atoms that are needed from the first sequence
    :param atom_names_seq2: the atoms that are needed from the second sequence
    :return: an dihedral angle

    points = [make_gemmi_position_format_from_coords(seq1.atoms[atom_name].coords) for atom_name in atom_names_seq1] + \
             [make_gemmi_position_format_from_coords(seq2.atoms[atom_name].coords) for atom_name in atom_names_seq2]
    if len(points) == 4:
        result = degrees(gemmi.calculate_dihedral(points[0], points[1], points[2], points[3]))
        return round(result, 1) if result >= 0 else round(360 + result, 1)  # angles should be > 0
        raise WrongNumberOfArgumentsException(len(points))
Exemplo n.º 3
 def check_dihedral(a, b, c, d, angle):
     deg = gemmi.calculate_dihedral(a, b, c, d) * 180 / pi
     self.assertAlmostEqual(deg, angle, places=4)
Exemplo n.º 4
 def xy_dihedral(last_point):
     return gemmi.calculate_dihedral(p100, p000, p010, last_point)