Exemplo n.º 1
    def mosaic_image_data(self, extname='SCI', tile=False, block=None,
          Creates the output mosaic ndarray of the requested IMAGE extension.

          :param extname: (default 'SCI'). Extname from AD to mosaic.

          :param tile: (boolean). If True, the mosaics returned are not 
              corrected for shifting and rotation.

          :param  block: default is (None). 
		  Allows a specific block to be returned as the output 
		  mosaic. The tuple notation is (col,row) (zero-based)
                  where (0,0) is the lower left block.  This is position 
                  of the reference block w/r to mosaic_grid.

          :param return_ROI: (True). Returns the minimum frame size calculated
              from the location of the amplifiers in a given block. If False uses
              the blocksize value.

        # Check if we have already a mosaic_data_array in memory. The user
        # has set this reference. Use this instead of re(creating)
        # it.
        if len(self.mosaic_data_array) != 0:
            # It could be an arbitrary array shape; is up to the user
            # to correct for any implied problem.
            # Return the user supplied array only if it matches the current 
            # extname.
            if extname in self.mosaic_data_array:
                return self.mosaic_data_array[extname]

        # Here as oppose to the as_astrodata method we can handle only one
        # extension name.
        if extname == '' or (extname == None): 
            extname = self.ref_extname
        if (extname != None) and (extname not in self.extnames):
            raise ValueError("mosaic: EXTNAME '"+extname+ \
			"' not found in AD object.")

        # If data_list in memory is different from requested then
        # read data in from the requested extname.

        # Setup attribute for transforming a DQ extension if any.
        # We need to set dq_data here, since the base class method
        # does not know about extension names.
        dq_data = False
        if extname == 'DQ' and self.dq_planes:
             dq_data = True

        # Use the base method. 
        out = Mosaic.mosaic_image_data(self,tile=tile,block=block,\
                 return_ROI=return_ROI, dq_data=dq_data, jfactor=self.jfactor)
        return out
Exemplo n.º 2
def at3():
     Verify that a mosaic is created from a list of ndarrays
    from gempy.library.mosaic import Mosaic, MosaicData
    import numpy

    print '\n at3 REQUIREMENT.......'
    print ('*****When positioning information is not available, Mosaic shall by '
           'default tile horizontally the list of input ndarrays of the same shape')

    #     Make one ndarray with pixel values between 0 and 1000
    data =numpy.linspace(0.,1000.,1024*2048).reshape(2048,1024)

    #     Replicate the ndarray 4 times
    data_list = [data*(-1)**k for k in numpy.arange(4)]

    #     Create a valid object with only a data list
    md = MosaicData(data_list)

    #     Create a Mosaic object using this MosaicData object
    mo = Mosaic(md)

    #     Now produce a mosaic by simply tiling the input 
    #     ndarrays since we do not have geometry information.
    mosaic_data = mo.mosaic_image_data()

    #     If using the above input data list, the output
    #     shloud be (2048,2048).
    print mosaic_data.shape

    list_average=[numpy.average(data_list[k]) for k in range(4)]
    print 'Input data average is:',numpy.average(list_average)
    print ' The expected result is: 0.0'

    print 'Output mosaic average:',numpy.average(mosaic_data)
    print ' The expected result is: 0.0'
Exemplo n.º 3
def at8():
    Create a 2 ndarrays list and mark a strip of the 2nd ndarray with a higher value.
     Set the Geometry dictionary with 'rotate' this ndarray by 5 degrees. Now we create
     the mosaic with  default interpolation function and again with the 'spline' function
     of order 5. We plot a column from each mosaic.
    import numpy as np
    from gempy.library.mosaic import Mosaic,MosaicGeometry, MosaicData
    from matplotlib import pyplot as pl

    print '\n at8 REQUIREMENT.......'
    print ('*****It must be possible to select a different interpolator function')

    geometry = {
    'transformation': {  # shift and magnification will 
                   # have default values
         'rotation':      (0.0,     5.),
    'blocksize':   (100,100),
    'mosaic_grid':  (2,1) 

    mosaic_geometry = MosaicGeometry(geometry)

    #   Make an ndarray
    data = np.zeros((100,100),dtype=np.float32)

    #   put a stripe of 5 rows with value 5
    data[45:50,:] = 5

    #   Make a 2x1 array with this rectangle.
    data_list = [data,data] 
    mosaic_data = MosaicData(data_list)

    #   With these two objects we instantiate a Mosaic object
    mo = Mosaic(mosaic_data, mosaic_geometry)

    #   Finally make the mosaic
    mosaic_linear = mo.mosaic_image_data()

    #   Now reset the interpolator function
    #   Create the mosaic. 
    mosaic_spline = mo.mosaic_image_data()

    #   Now plot one column across the stripes

    #   The transformation of block two to the reference
    #   block (one) was done now using a spline interpolator
    #   of order 5 which will create edge effects as seen in
    #   this plot.
    #   The tester should see the following values:
    #   mosaic_linear[43] is  0.0 
    #   mosaic_spline[43] is -0.3
    #   mosaic_linear[48] is 5.0
    #   mosaic_spline[48] is 5.3
    jj = raw_input("Press Enter to exit the test")
Exemplo n.º 4
def at7():
    AT-mosaic-7 Verify that Mosaic can return a given block.

    The test creates a MosaicGeometry object from just 2 input values a blocksize and 
    mosaic_grid tuples. Then it creates a MosaicData object with 4 data ndarrays
    and a  dictionary names 'coords' with coordinates information about the input data. 
    For Success Criteria 1), we create coords['amp_mosaic_coord'] such that
    we have 1 amplifier per block. 
    For Success Criteria 2), we create coords['amp_mosaic_coord'] such that
    we have 2 amplifiers per block

    import numpy
    from gempy.library.mosaic import Mosaic,MosaicGeometry, MosaicData

    print '\n at7 REQUIREMENT.......'
    print ('*****The system shall return an ndarray from a given block number')

    geometry = {'blocksize':(1024,2048),'mosaic_grid':(4,1)}

    geometry = MosaicGeometry(geometry)

    # Now make four data ndarrays: (2048,1024) with pixel values
    # between 0 and 1000.

    data = numpy.linspace(0.,1000.,1024*2048).reshape(2048,1024)
    data_list = [data*(-1)**k for k in numpy.arange(4)]

    # Here is the coordinates description for each of the data
    # ndarray. The order is (x1,x2,y1,y2).
    # Success Criteria 1.
    # Set 'amp_mosaic_coord' for Success Criteria 1)
    coords = {'amp_mosaic_coord': 
                  [(0, 1024, 0, 2048),   (1024, 2048, 0, 2048),
                   (2048, 3072, 0, 2048), (3072, 4096, 0, 2048)],
                   [(0, 1024, 0, 2048), (0, 1024, 0, 2048),
                    (0, 1024, 0, 2048), (0, 1024, 0, 2048)]}

    #     Now create the data object
    mosaic_data = MosaicData(data_list,coords)
    #    Instantiates Mosaic object with these 2 input objects
    mo = Mosaic(mosaic_data, geometry)

    #      Finally get the given block.
    block_data = mo.mosaic_image_data(block=(1,0)) 
    print 'Success Criteria 1..................'
    print 'Median value of input block(1,0):',numpy.median(data_list[1])
    print 'Median value of output block:', numpy.median(block_data)
    #     Print the shape: (height, width) in pixels. This should be
    #     (2048,1024)
    print 'Output block shape should be(2048,1024):'
    print block_data.shape
    print '\nStarting Criteria 2 ...................'
    # Success Criteria 2.
    # Setting up 'amp_mosaic_coord' 
    # Make 2 amplifiers per block. We need 8 input ndarrays
    data = numpy.linspace(0.,1000.,512*2048).reshape(2048,512)
    data_list = [data*(-1)**k for k in numpy.arange(8)]
    amp_mosaic_coord = []
    amp_block_coord = []
    for k in range(8):
        x1 = 512*k
        bx1 = 512*(k%2)
    coords['amp_mosaic_coord'] = amp_mosaic_coord
    coords['amp_block_coord'] = amp_block_coord

    #     Now create the data object
    mosaic_data = MosaicData(data_list,coords)

    #    Instantiates Mosaic object with these 2 input objects
    mo = Mosaic(mosaic_data, geometry)
    #      Finally get the given block.
    block_data = mo.mosaic_image_data(block=(1,0)) 

    print 'Success Criteria 2..................'
    print 'Median value of input block(1,0):',numpy.median(data_list[1])
    print 'Median value of output block:',numpy.median(block_data)
    #     Print the shape: (height, width) in pixels. This should be
    #     (2048,1024)
    print 'Output block shape should be(2048,1024):'
    print block_data.shape
Exemplo n.º 5
def at5():
    The test instantiates a MosaicGeometry object from an input dictionary,
    a MosaicData object from a set of 4 data ndarrays and with these 2 object
    as input, instantiates a Mosaic object.

    import numpy as np
    from gempy.library.mosaic import Mosaic,MosaicGeometry, MosaicData
        from stsci.numdisplay import display
    except ImportError:
        from numdisplay import display

    print '\n at5 REQUIREMENT.......'
    print ('*****MosaicData shall correctly use the geometry dictionary to mosaic the input ndarrays.')

    geometry = {
    'transformation': {
    'shift':         [(0.,0.), (-10,20), (-10,20), (0,0)],
    'rotation':      (0.0,     0.0,        45.0,       45.),
    'magnification': (1.,      1.,      1.,           .5),
    'interpolator': 'linear',
    'gap_dict': { 'tile_gaps': {(0,0):(20,30),(1,0):(20,30),
            'transform_gaps': {(0,0):(20,30),(1,0):(20,30),
    'blocksize':    (200,300),
    'ref_block':    (0,0),      # 0-based
    'mosaic_grid':  (2,2) }

    mosaic_geometry = MosaicGeometry(geometry)

    #   Make a rectangle (200,300) (wide,high).
    data = np.ones((300,200),dtype=np.float32)
    data = data*20   # make the background 20

    #   Make a 2x2 array with this rectangle
    data_list = [data,data,data,data] 

    # Inside each block, make a small box 50x50
    # starting at (50,50) with value 100
    for k in range(4): 
          data_list[k][50:101,50:101] = 100. 
          # Mark the block borders with value 400
          data_list[k][:,0]  =400 
          data_list[k][0,:]  =400 
    #     Now create the MosaicData object
    mosaic_data = MosaicData(data_list)

    #      With these two objects we instantiate a Mosaic object
    mo = Mosaic(mosaic_data, mosaic_geometry)

    #      Finally make the mosaic
    mosaic_data = mo.mosaic_image_data()

    #  Success Criteria 1.
    ref_block = mo.geometry.ref_block
    blksz_x,blksz_y = mo.geometry.blocksize
    print (int(mosaic_data.shape[0]/blksz_y),  int(mosaic_data.shape[1]/blksz_x))

    #   Success Criteria 2.
    x_gap,y_gap= mo.geometry.gap_dict['tile_gaps'][ref_block]
    nblkx,nblky = mo.geometry.mosaic_grid
    print 'nx:', nblkx*blksz_x + (x_gap)*( nblkx-1)
    print 'ny:', nblky*blksz_y + (y_gap)*( nblky-1)

    #   Success Criteria 3.
    # Now display the mosaic and the mask