def sprint_error_report(error_text="\n"):
    Print a standardized error report that robot programs should print on
    failure.  The report includes useful information like error text, command
    line, pid, userid, program parameters, etc.  Callers must have declared a
    @{parm_list} variable which contains the names of all program parameters.

    # This function is deprecated.  The caller is advised to call the
    # gen_print version of this function directly.

    return gp.sprint_error_report(error_text)
def sprint_error_report(error_text="\n"):
    Print a standardized error report that robot programs should print on
    failure.  The report includes useful information like error text, command
    line, pid, userid, program parameters, etc.  Callers must have declared a
    @{parm_list} variable which contains the names of all program parameters.

    # This function is deprecated.  The caller is advised to call the
    # gen_print version of this function directly.

    return gp.sprint_error_report(error_text)
Exemplo n.º 3
def rvalid_range(var_name, range):
    Validate that a robot integer is within the given range.

    This function is the robot wrapper for gen_valid.svalid_range.

    Description of arguments:
    var_name                        The name of the variable whose value is to
                                    be validated.
    range                           A list comprised of one or two elements
                                    which are the lower and upper ends of a
                                    range.  These values must be integers
                                    except where noted.  Valid specifications
                                    may be of the following forms: [lower,
                                    upper], [lower] or [None, upper].  The
                                    caller may also specify this value as a
                                    string which will then be converted to a
                                    list in the aforementioned format:
                                    lower..upper, lower.. or ..upper.

    Examples of robot calls and corresponding output:

    Robot code...
    Rvalid Range  MY_PARM  5..9

    #(CDT) 2018/05/09 11:45:00.166344 -    0.004252 - **ERROR** The following
    # variable is not within the expected range:
    MY_PARM:                                          4
    valid_range:                                      5..9

    var_value = BuiltIn().get_variable_value("${" + var_name + "}")

    if var_value is None:
        var_value = ""
        error_message = "Variable \"" + var_name +\
                        "\" not found (i.e. it's undefined).\n"
            range = range.split("..")
        except AttributeError:
        if range[0] == "":
            range[0] = None
        range = [x for x in range if x]
        error_message = gv.svalid_range(var_value, range, var_name)
    if not error_message == "":
        error_message = gp.sprint_error_report(error_message)
Exemplo n.º 4
def process_error_message(error_message):
    Process an error message.

    If error_message is non-blank, fail.  Otherwise, do nothing.

    This function is designed solely for use by other functions in this file.

    Description of argument(s):
    error_message                   The error message to be processed.

    if error_message:
        error_message = gp.sprint_error_report(error_message)
Exemplo n.º 5
def rvalid_integer(var_name):
    Validate a robot integer.

    This function is the robot wrapper for gen_valid.svalid_integer.

    Description of arguments:
    var_name                        The name of the variable whose value is to
                                    be validated.

    Examples of robot calls and corresponding output:

    Robot code...
    Rvalid Integer  MY_PARM

    #(CDT) 2016/11/02 10:44:43 - **ERROR** Variable "MY_PARM" not found (i.e.
    #it's undefined).

    or if it is defined but blank:

    #(CDT) 2016/11/02 10:45:37 - **ERROR** Invalid integer value:
    MY_PARM:                     <blank>

    Robot code...
    ${MY_PARM}=  Set Variable  HELLO
    Rvalid Integer  MY_PARM

    #(CDT) 2016/11/02 10:46:18 - **ERROR** Invalid integer value:
    MY_PARM:                     HELLO


    # Note: get_variable_value() seems to have no trouble with local variables.
    var_value = BuiltIn().get_variable_value("${" + var_name + "}")

    if var_value is None:
        var_value = ""
        error_message = "Variable \"" + var_name +\
                        "\" not found (i.e. it's undefined).\n"
        error_message = gv.svalid_integer(var_value, var_name)
    if not error_message == "":
        error_message = gp.sprint_error_report(error_message)
Exemplo n.º 6
def rvalid_value(var_name, invalid_values=[], valid_values=[]):
    Validate a robot value.

    This function is the robot wrapper for gen_valid.svalid_value.

    Description of arguments:
    var_name                        The name of the variable whose value is to
                                    be validated.
    invalid_values                  A list of invalid values.  If var_value is
                                    equal to any of these, it is invalid.
                                    Note that if you specify anything for
                                    invalid_values (below), the valid_values
                                    list is not even processed.
    valid_values                    A list of invalid values.  var_value must
                                    be equal to one of these values to be
                                    considered valid.

    If either the invalid_values or the valid_values parms are not of type
    "list", they will be processed as python code in order to generate a list.
    This allows the robot programmer to essentially specify a list literal.
    For example, the robot code could contain the following:

    Rvalid Value  var1  valid_values=['one', 'two']

    Examples of robot calls and corresponding output:

    Robot code...
    rvalid_value                    MY_PARM

    #(CDT) 2016/11/02 10:04:20 - **ERROR** Variable "MY_PARM" not found (i.e.
    #it's undefined).

    or if it is defined but blank:

    #(CDT) 2016/11/02 10:14:24 - **ERROR** The following variable has an
    #invalid value:

    It must NOT be one of the following values:
      invalid_values[0]:         <blank>

    Robot code...
    ${invalid_values}=  Create List  one  two  three
    ${MY_PARM}=  Set Variable  one
    rvalid_value                    MY_PARM  invalid_values=${invalid_values}

    #(CDT) 2016/11/02 10:20:05 - **ERROR** The following variable has an
    #invalid value:
    MY_PARM:                     one

    It must NOT be one of the following values:
        invalid_values[0]:       one
        invalid_values[1]:       two
        invalid_values[2]:       three


    # Note: get_variable_value() seems to have no trouble with local variables.
    var_value = BuiltIn().get_variable_value("${" + var_name + "}")

    if type(valid_values) is not list:
        # Evaluate python syntax to convert to a list.
        exec("valid_values = " + valid_values)
    if type(invalid_values) is not list:
        # Evaluate python syntax to convert to a list.
        exec("invalid_values = " + invalid_values)

    if var_value is None:
        var_value = ""
        error_message = "Variable \"" + var_name +\
                        "\" not found (i.e. it's undefined).\n"
        error_message = gv.svalid_value(var_value, invalid_values,
                                        valid_values, var_name)
    if not error_message == "":
        error_message = gp.sprint_error_report(error_message)
Exemplo n.º 7
def set_ffdc_defaults(ffdc_dir_path=None, ffdc_prefix=None):
    Set a default value for ffdc_dir_path and ffdc_prefix if they don't
    already have values.  Return both values.

    Description of arguments:
    ffdc_dir_path  The dir path where FFDC data should be put.
    ffdc_prefix    The prefix to be given to each FFDC file name generated.

    NOTE: If global variable ffdc_dir_path_style is set to ${1}, this function
    will create default values in a newer way.  Otherwise, its behavior
    will remain unchanged.

    # Note: Several subordinate functions like 'Get Test Dir and Name' and
    # 'Header Message' expect global variable FFDC_TIME to be set.
    cmd_buf = ["Get Current Time Stamp"]
    FFDC_TIME = BuiltIn().run_keyword(*cmd_buf)
    BuiltIn().set_global_variable("${FFDC_TIME}", FFDC_TIME)

    ffdc_dir_path_style = BuiltIn().get_variable_value(

    if ffdc_dir_path is None:
        if ffdc_dir_path_style:
                ffdc_dir_path = os.environ['FFDC_DIR_PATH']
            except KeyError:
                ffdc_dir_path = os.path.dirname(
                    BuiltIn().get_variable_value("${LOG_FILE}")) + "/"
            FFDC_LOG_PATH = os.getcwd() + "/logs/"
            if FFDC_LOG_PATH is None:
                FFDC_LOG_PATH = ""
            if FFDC_LOG_PATH == "":
                FFDC_LOG_PATH = os.path.dirname(
                    BuiltIn().get_variable_value("${LOG_FILE}")) + "/"
            error_message = gv.valid_value(FFDC_LOG_PATH,
            if error_message != "":
                error_message = gp.sprint_error_report(error_message)
            FFDC_LOG_PATH = os.path.normpath(FFDC_LOG_PATH) + os.sep

            cmd_buf = ["Get Test Dir and Name"]
            suitename, testname = BuiltIn().run_keyword(*cmd_buf)

            ffdc_dir_path = FFDC_LOG_PATH + suitename + "/" + testname + "/"

    # Add trailing slash.
    ffdc_dir_path = os.path.normpath(ffdc_dir_path) + os.sep

    if ffdc_prefix is None:
        FFDC_TIME = BuiltIn().get_variable_value("${FFDC_TIME}")
        if ffdc_prefix is None:
            if ffdc_dir_path_style:
                OPENBMC_HOST = BuiltIn().get_variable_value("${OPENBMC_HOST}")
                OPENBMC_NICKNAME = BuiltIn().get_variable_value(
                    "${OPENBMC_NICKNAME}", default=OPENBMC_HOST)
                ffdc_prefix = OPENBMC_NICKNAME + "." + FFDC_TIME[2:8] + "." +\
                    FFDC_TIME[8:14] + "."
                ffdc_prefix = FFDC_TIME + "_"

    BuiltIn().set_global_variable("${FFDC_DIR_PATH}", ffdc_dir_path)
    BuiltIn().set_global_variable("${FFDC_PREFIX}", ffdc_prefix)

    return ffdc_dir_path, ffdc_prefix
Exemplo n.º 8
def ffdc(ffdc_dir_path=None, ffdc_prefix=None, ffdc_function_list=""):
    Gather First Failure Data Capture (FFDC).

    This includes:
    - Set global FFDC_TIME.
    - Create FFDC work space directory.
    - Write test info details.
    - Call BMC methods to write/collect FFDC data.

    Description of arguments:
    ffdc_dir_path       The dir path where FFDC data should be put.
    ffdc_prefix         The prefix to be given to each FFDC file name
    ffdc_function_list  A colon-delimited list of all the types of FFDC data
                        you wish to have collected.  A blank value means that
                        all possible kinds of FFDC are to be collected.  See
                        FFDC_METHOD_CALL object in lib/
                        for possible choices.

    ffdc_file_list = []

    # Check if Ping and SSH connection is alive
    OPENBMC_HOST = BuiltIn().get_variable_value("${OPENBMC_HOST}")

    state = st.get_state(req_states=['ping', 'uptime', 'rest'])
    if not int(state['ping']):
        gp.print_error("BMC is not ping-able.  Terminating FFDC collection.\n")
        return ffdc_file_list

    if not int(state['rest']):
        gp.print_error("REST commands to the BMC are failing." +
                       "  Terminating FFDC collection.\n")
        return ffdc_file_list

    if state['uptime'] == "":
        gp.print_error("BMC is not communicating via ssh.  Terminating FFDC" +
                       " collection.\n")
        return ffdc_file_list

    gp.qprint_timen("Collecting FFDC.")

    # Get default values for arguments.
    ffdc_dir_path, ffdc_prefix = set_ffdc_defaults(ffdc_dir_path, ffdc_prefix)

    # LOG_PREFIX is used by subordinate functions.
    LOG_PREFIX = ffdc_dir_path + ffdc_prefix
    BuiltIn().set_global_variable("${LOG_PREFIX}", LOG_PREFIX)

    cmd_buf = ["Create Directory", ffdc_dir_path]
    status, output = BuiltIn().run_keyword_and_ignore_error(*cmd_buf)
    if status != "PASS":
        error_message = gp.sprint_error_report("Create Directory failed" +
                                               " with the following" +
                                               " error:\n" + output)

    # FFDC_FILE_PATH is used by Header Message.
    FFDC_FILE_PATH = ffdc_dir_path + ffdc_prefix + "BMC_general.txt"
    BuiltIn().set_global_variable("${FFDC_FILE_PATH}", FFDC_FILE_PATH)

    status, ffdc_file_list = grk.run_key_u("Header Message")
    status, ffdc_file_sub_list = \
        grk.run_key_u("Call FFDC Methods  ffdc_function_list="
                      + ffdc_function_list)

    # Combine lists, remove duplicates and sort.
    ffdc_file_list = sorted(set(ffdc_file_list + ffdc_file_sub_list))

    gp.qprint_timen("Finished collecting FFDC.")

    return ffdc_file_list
Exemplo n.º 9
def shell_cmd(command_string,
    Run the given command string in a shell and return a tuple consisting of
    the shell return code and the output.

    Description of argument(s):
    command_string                  The command string to be run in a shell
                                    (e.g. "ls /tmp").
    quiet                           If set to 0, this function will print
                                    "Issuing: <cmd string>" to stdout.  When
                                    the quiet argument is set to None, this
                                    function will assign a default value by
                                    searching upward in the stack for the
                                    quiet variable value.  If no such value is
                                    found, quiet is set to 0.
    print_output                    If this is set, this function will print
                                    the stdout/stderr generated by the shell
                                    command to stdout.
    show_err                        If show_err is set, this function will
                                    print a standardized error report if the
                                    shell command fails (i.e. if the shell
                                    command returns a shell_rc that is not in
                                    allowed_shell_rcs).  Note: Error text is
                                    only printed if ALL attempts to run the
                                    command_string fail.  In other words, if
                                    the command execution is ultimately
                                    successful, initial failures are hidden.
    test_mode                       If test_mode is set, this function will
                                    not actually run the command.  If
                                    print_output is also set, this function
                                    will print "(test_mode) Issuing: <cmd
                                    string>" to stdout.  A caller should call
                                    shell_cmd directly if they wish to have
                                    the command string run unconditionally.
                                    They should call the t_shell_cmd wrapper
                                    (defined below) if they wish to run the
                                    command string only if the prevailing
                                    test_mode variable is set to 0.
    time_out                        A time-out value expressed in seconds.  If
                                    the command string has not finished
                                    executing within <time_out> seconds, it
                                    will be halted and counted as an error.
    max_attempts                    The max number of attempts that should be
                                    made to run the command string.
    retry_sleep_time                The number of seconds to sleep between
    allowed_shell_rcs               A list of integers indicating which
                                    shell_rc values are not to be considered
    ignore_err                      Ignore error means that a failure
                                    encountered by running the command string
                                    will not be raised as a python exception.
                                    When the ignore_err argument is set to
                                    None, this function will assign a default
                                    value by searching upward in the stack for
                                    the ignore_err variable value.  If no such
                                    value is found, ignore_err is set to 1.
    return_stderr                   If return_stderr is set, this function
                                    will process the stdout and stderr streams
                                    from the shell command separately.  In
                                    such a case, the tuple returned by this
                                    function will consist of three values
                                    rather than just two: rc, stdout, stderr.
    fork                            Run the command string asynchronously
                                    (i.e. don't wait for status of the child
                                    process and don't try to get

    # Assign default values to some of the arguments to this function.
    quiet = int(gm.dft(quiet, gp.get_stack_var('quiet', 0)))
    print_output = int(gm.dft(print_output, not quiet))
    show_err = int(show_err)
    global_ignore_err = gp.get_var_value(ignore_err, 1)
    stack_ignore_err = gp.get_stack_var('ignore_err', global_ignore_err)
    ignore_err = int(gm.dft(ignore_err, gm.dft(stack_ignore_err, 1)))

    err_msg = gv.valid_value(command_string)
    if err_msg != "":
        raise ValueError(err_msg)

    if not quiet:
        gp.print_issuing(command_string, test_mode)

    if test_mode:
        if return_stderr:
            return 0, "", ""
            return 0, ""

    # Convert each list entry to a signed value.
    allowed_shell_rcs = fa.source_to_object(allowed_shell_rcs)
    allowed_shell_rcs = [gm.to_signed(x) for x in allowed_shell_rcs]

    if return_stderr:
        stderr = subprocess.PIPE
        stderr = subprocess.STDOUT

    shell_rc = 0
    out_buf = ""
    err_buf = ""
    # Write all output to func_history_stdout rather than directly to stdout.
    # This allows us to decide what to print after all attempts to run the
    # command string have been made.  func_history_stdout will contain the
    # complete stdout history from the current invocation of this function.
    func_history_stdout = ""
    for attempt_num in range(1, max_attempts + 1):
        sub_proc = subprocess.Popen(command_string,
        out_buf = ""
        err_buf = ""
        # Output from this loop iteration is written to func_stdout for later
        # processing.
        func_stdout = ""
        if fork:
        command_timed_out = False
        if time_out is not None:
            # Designate a SIGALRM handling function and set alarm.
            signal.signal(signal.SIGALRM, shell_cmd_timed_out)
            if return_stderr:
                for line in sub_proc.stderr:
                        err_buf += line
                    except TypeError:
                        line = line.decode("utf-8")
                        err_buf += line
                    if not print_output:
                    func_stdout += line
            for line in sub_proc.stdout:
                    out_buf += line
                except TypeError:
                    line = line.decode("utf-8")
                    out_buf += line
                if not print_output:
                func_stdout += line
        except IOError:
            command_timed_out = True
        shell_rc = sub_proc.returncode
        # Restore the original SIGALRM handler and clear the alarm.
        signal.signal(signal.SIGALRM, original_sigalrm_handler)
        if shell_rc in allowed_shell_rcs:
        err_msg = "The prior shell command failed.\n"
        if quiet:
            err_msg += gp.sprint_var(command_string)
        if command_timed_out:
            err_msg += gp.sprint_var(command_timed_out)
            err_msg += gp.sprint_var(time_out)
            err_msg += gp.sprint_varx("child_pid",
        err_msg += gp.sprint_var(attempt_num)
        err_msg += gp.sprint_var(shell_rc, gp.hexa())
        err_msg += gp.sprint_var(allowed_shell_rcs, gp.hexa())
        if not print_output:
            if return_stderr:
                err_msg += "err_buf:\n" + err_buf
            err_msg += "out_buf:\n" + out_buf
        if show_err:
            func_stdout += gp.sprint_error_report(err_msg)
        func_history_stdout += func_stdout
        if attempt_num < max_attempts:
            func_history_stdout += gp.sprint_issuing("time.sleep(" +
                                                     str(retry_sleep_time) +

    if shell_rc not in allowed_shell_rcs:
        func_stdout = func_history_stdout


    if shell_rc not in allowed_shell_rcs:
        if not ignore_err:
            if robot_env:
                raise ValueError("The prior shell command failed.\n")

    if return_stderr:
        return shell_rc, out_buf, err_buf
        return shell_rc, out_buf
Exemplo n.º 10
    def run(self, func, *args, **kwargs):

        Run the indicated function with the given args and kwargs and return
        the value that the function returns.  If the time_out value expires,
        raise a ValueError exception with a detailed error message.

        This method passes all of the args and kwargs directly to the child
        function with the following important exception: If kwargs contains a
        'time_out' value, it will be used to set the func timer object's
        time_out value and then the kwargs['time_out'] entry will be removed.
        If the time-out expires before the function finishes running, this
        method will raise a ValueError.

        func_timer = func_timer_class(), "sleep 3", time_out=2)

            result =, "parm1", time_out=2)
        except ValueError:
            print("The func timed out but we're handling it.")

        Description of argument(s):
        func                        The function object which is to be called.
        args                        The arguments which are to be passed to
                                    the function object.
        kwargs                      The keyword arguments which are to be
                                    passed to the function object.  As noted
                                    above, kwargs['time_out'] will get special


        # Store method parms as object parms.
        self.__func = func

        # Get self.__time_out value from kwargs.  If kwargs['time_out'] is
        # not present, self.__time_out will default to None.
        self.__time_out = None
        if 'time_out' in kwargs:
            self.__time_out = kwargs['time_out']
            del kwargs['time_out']
            # Convert "none" string to None.
                if self.__time_out.lower() == "none":
                    self.__time_out = None
            except AttributeError:
            if self.__time_out is not None:
                self.__time_out = int(self.__time_out)
                # Ensure that time_out is non-negative.
                message = gv.svalid_range(self.__time_out, [0], "time_out")
                if message != "":
                    raise ValueError("\n"
                                     + gp.sprint_error_report(message,

        gp.lprint_varx("time_out", self.__time_out)
        self.__child_pid = 0
        if self.__time_out is not None:
            # Save the original SIGUSR1 handler for later restoration by this
            # class' methods.
            self.__original_SIGUSR1_handler = signal.getsignal(signal.SIGUSR1)
            # Designate a SIGUSR1 handling function.
            signal.signal(signal.SIGUSR1, self.timed_out)
            parent_pid = os.getpid()
            self.__child_pid = os.fork()
            if self.__child_pid == 0:
                gp.dprint_timen("Child timer pid " + str(os.getpid())
                                + ": Sleeping for " + str(self.__time_out)
                                + " seconds.")
                gp.dprint_timen("Child timer pid " + str(os.getpid())
                                + ": Sending SIGUSR1 to parent pid "
                                + str(parent_pid) + ".")
                os.kill(parent_pid, signal.SIGUSR1)

        # Call the user's function with the user's arguments.
        children = gm.get_child_pids()
        gp.lprint_timen("Calling the user's function.")
        gp.lprint_varx("func_name", func.__name__)
        gp.lprint_vars(args, kwargs)
            result = func(*args, **kwargs)
        except Exception as func_exception:
            # We must handle all exceptions so that we have the chance to
            # cleanup before re-raising the exception.
            gp.lprint_timen("Encountered exception in user's function.")
        gp.lprint_timen("Returned from the user's function.")


        return result
Exemplo n.º 11
def shell_cmd(command_string,
    Run the given command string in a shell and return a tuple consisting of the shell return code and the

    Description of argument(s):
    command_string                  The command string to be run in a shell (e.g. "ls /tmp").
    quiet                           If set to 0, this function will print "Issuing: <cmd string>" to stdout.
                                    When the quiet argument is set to None, this function will assign a
                                    default value by searching upward in the stack for the quiet variable
                                    value.  If no such value is found, quiet is set to 0.
    print_output                    If this is set, this function will print the stdout/stderr generated by
                                    the shell command to stdout.
    show_err                        If show_err is set, this function will print a standardized error report
                                    if the shell command fails (i.e. if the shell command returns a shell_rc
                                    that is not in valid_rcs).  Note: Error text is only printed if ALL
                                    attempts to run the command_string fail.  In other words, if the command
                                    execution is ultimately successful, initial failures are hidden.
    test_mode                       If test_mode is set, this function will not actually run the command.  If
                                    print_output is also set, this function will print "(test_mode) Issuing:
                                    <cmd string>" to stdout.  A caller should call shell_cmd directly if they
                                    wish to have the command string run unconditionally.  They should call
                                    the t_shell_cmd wrapper (defined below) if they wish to run the command
                                    string only if the prevailing test_mode variable is set to 0.
    time_out                        A time-out value expressed in seconds.  If the command string has not
                                    finished executing within <time_out> seconds, it will be halted and
                                    counted as an error.
    max_attempts                    The max number of attempts that should be made to run the command string.
    retry_sleep_time                The number of seconds to sleep between attempts.
    valid_rcs                       A list of integers indicating which shell_rc values are not to be
                                    considered errors.
    ignore_err                      Ignore error means that a failure encountered by running the command
                                    string will not be raised as a python exception.  When the ignore_err
                                    argument is set to None, this function will assign a default value by
                                    searching upward in the stack for the ignore_err variable value.  If no
                                    such value is found, ignore_err is set to 1.
    return_stderr                   If return_stderr is set, this function will process the stdout and stderr
                                    streams from the shell command separately.  In such a case, the tuple
                                    returned by this function will consist of three values rather than just
                                    two: rc, stdout, stderr.
    fork                            Run the command string asynchronously (i.e. don't wait for status of the
                                    child process and don't try to get stdout/stderr) and return the Popen
                                    object created by the subprocess.popen() function.  See the kill_cmd
                                    function for details on how to process the popen object.
    error_regexes                   A list of regular expressions to be used to identify errors in the
                                    command output.  If there is a match for any of these regular
                                    expressions, the command will be considered a failure and the shell_rc
                                    will be set to -1.  For example, if error_regexes = ['ERROR:'] and the
                                    command output contains 'ERROR:  Unrecognized option', it will be counted
                                    as an error even if the command returned 0.  This is useful when running
                                    commands that do not always return non-zero on error.

    err_msg = gv.valid_value(command_string)
    if err_msg:
        raise ValueError(err_msg)

    # Assign default values to some of the arguments to this function.
    quiet = int(gm.dft(quiet, gp.get_stack_var('quiet', 0)))
    print_output = int(gm.dft(print_output, not quiet))
    show_err = int(show_err)
    ignore_err = int(gm.dft(ignore_err, gp.get_stack_var('ignore_err', 1)))

    gp.qprint_issuing(command_string, test_mode)
    if test_mode:
        return (0, "", "") if return_stderr else (0, "")

    # Convert a string python dictionary definition to a dictionary.
    valid_rcs = fa.source_to_object(valid_rcs)
    # Convert each list entry to a signed value.
    valid_rcs = [gm.to_signed(x) for x in valid_rcs]

    stderr = subprocess.PIPE if return_stderr else subprocess.STDOUT

    # Write all output to func_out_history_buf rather than directly to stdout.  This allows us to decide
    # what to print after all attempts to run the command string have been made.  func_out_history_buf will
    # contain the complete history from the current invocation of this function.
    global command_timed_out
    command_timed_out = False
    func_out_history_buf = ""
    for attempt_num in range(1, max_attempts + 1):
        sub_proc = subprocess.Popen(command_string,
        if fork:
            return sub_proc

        if time_out:
            command_timed_out = False
            # Designate a SIGALRM handling function and set alarm.
            signal.signal(signal.SIGALRM, shell_cmd_timed_out)
            stdout_buf, stderr_buf = sub_proc.communicate()
        except IOError:
            command_timed_out = True
        # Restore the original SIGALRM handler and clear the alarm.
        signal.signal(signal.SIGALRM, original_sigalrm_handler)

        # Output from this loop iteration is written to func_out_buf for later processing.  This can include
        # stdout, stderr and our own error messages.
        func_out_buf = ""
        if print_output:
            if return_stderr:
                func_out_buf += stderr_buf
            func_out_buf += stdout_buf
        shell_rc = sub_proc.returncode
        if shell_rc in valid_rcs:
            # Check output for text indicating there is an error.
            if error_regexes and re.match('|'.join(error_regexes), stdout_buf):
                shell_rc = -1
        err_msg = "The prior shell command failed.\n"
        err_msg += gp.sprint_var(attempt_num)
        err_msg += gp.sprint_vars(command_string, command_timed_out, time_out)
        err_msg += gp.sprint_varx("child_pid",
        err_msg += gp.sprint_vars(shell_rc, valid_rcs, fmt=gp.hexa())
        if error_regexes:
            err_msg += gp.sprint_vars(error_regexes)
        if not print_output:
            if return_stderr:
                err_msg += "stderr_buf:\n" + stderr_buf
            err_msg += "stdout_buf:\n" + stdout_buf
        if show_err:
            func_out_buf += gp.sprint_error_report(err_msg)
        if attempt_num < max_attempts:
            cmd_buf = "time.sleep(" + str(retry_sleep_time) + ")"
            if show_err:
                func_out_buf += gp.sprint_issuing(cmd_buf)
        func_out_history_buf += func_out_buf

    if shell_rc in valid_rcs:
        if show_err:
            gp.gp_print(func_out_history_buf, stream='stderr')
            # There is no error information to show so just print output from last loop iteration.
        if not ignore_err:
            # If the caller has already asked to show error info, avoid repeating that in the failure message.
            err_msg = "The prior shell command failed.\n" if show_err \
                else err_msg
            if robot_env:
                raise ValueError(err_msg)

    return (shell_rc, stdout_buf, stderr_buf) if return_stderr \
        else (shell_rc, stdout_buf)