Exemplo n.º 1
def get_curr_ball_from_prev_ball(prev_ball_center: BallCenter, ball_r,
                                 search_margin, im_param):
    im_w = im_param.size[0]
    im_h = im_param.size[1]
    curr_ball_horizontal_positions = None
    curr_ball_vertical_positions = None
    print('search_for_ball_around_prev_ball - im_h={}, im_w={}'.format(
        im_h, im_w))
    rgb_list, pix = get_rgb_list(im_param)
    # NOTE, rgb_list is flopped, so rgb_list col is the image row to scan
    start_y = max(0, prev_ball_center.y - search_margin)
    end_y = min(im_h, prev_ball_center.y - search_margin)
    for j in range(start_y, end_y, 1):
        curr_ball_horizontal_positions = scan_line_for_objects(
            rgb_list, j, 'h', (0, 255, 0), (255, 255, 255))
        if len(curr_ball_horizontal_positions) > 0:
            ball_center_x = int(curr_ball_horizontal_positions[0]['start'] +
                                (curr_ball_horizontal_positions[0]['end'] -
                                 curr_ball_horizontal_positions[0]['start']) /
            curr_ball_vertical_positions = \
                scan_line_for_objects(rgb_list, ball_center_x, 'v', (0, 255, 0), (255, 255, 255))
            if len(curr_ball_vertical_positions) > 0:
                ball_center_y = int(
                    curr_ball_vertical_positions[0]['start'] +
                    (curr_ball_vertical_positions[0]['end'] -
                     curr_ball_vertical_positions[0]['start']) / 2)
                return BallCenter(ball_center_x, ball_center_y)
    return None
Exemplo n.º 2
def get_original_ball_center_and_size(im_param, bricks):
    im_w = im_param.size[0]
    im_h = im_param.size[1]
    print('get_original_ball_center_and_size - im_h={}, im_w={}'.format(
        im_h, im_w))
    rgb_list, pix = get_rgb_list(im_param)

    total_brick_rows = len(bricks)
    brick_ref = bricks[total_brick_rows - 1][0]

    # the original image shows that the ball originally is about a brick height below the last row of bricks,
    # use that knowledge to set the start row to scan for the ball
    ball_row_to_scan = brick_ref.y + brick_ref.h
    ball_horizontal_positions = scan_line_for_objects(rgb_list,
                                                      ball_row_to_scan, 'h',
                                                      (0, 255, 0),
                                                      (255, 255, 255))
        'get_original_ball_center_and_size - ball_row_to_scan = {}\nball_horizontal_positions = {}'
        .format(ball_row_to_scan, ball_horizontal_positions))
    while (len(ball_horizontal_positions) == 0 and ball_row_to_scan < im_h):
        ball_row_to_scan += 1
        ball_horizontal_positions = scan_line_for_objects(
            rgb_list, ball_row_to_scan, 'h', (0, 255, 0), (255, 255, 255))
        if (print_debug_line_by_line):
                'get_original_ball_center_and_size - ball_row_to_scan = {}\nball_horizontal_positions = {}'
                .format(ball_row_to_scan, ball_horizontal_positions))

    if len(ball_horizontal_positions) == 0:
        return False, None, None

    # ball_col_to_scan = int(im_w / 2)
    ball_col_to_scan = ball_horizontal_positions[0]['start'] + \
    ball_vertical_positions = scan_line_for_objects(rgb_list, ball_col_to_scan,
                                                    'v', (0, 255, 0),
                                                    (255, 255, 255))
        'get_original_ball_center_and_size - ball_col_to_scan = {}\nball_vertical_positions = {}'
        .format(ball_col_to_scan, ball_vertical_positions))

    # # there is only one ball, use the middle of the ball vertical positions to determin the row to scan
    # # to determine ball size
    # ball_row_to_scan = ball_vertical_positions[0]['start'] + \
    #                    int((ball_vertical_positions[0]['end'] - ball_vertical_positions[0]['start']) / 2)
    # ball_horizontal_positions = scan_line_for_objects(rgb_list, ball_row_to_scan, 'h', (0, 255, 0), (255, 255, 255))
    # print('get_original_ball_center_and_size - ball_row_to_scan = {}\nball_horizontal_positions = {}'.format(
    #     ball_row_to_scan, ball_horizontal_positions))

    # note, there is only one ball, position returned is the center of the ball
    if len(ball_horizontal_positions) > 0 and len(ball_vertical_positions) > 0:
        ball_r = int((ball_vertical_positions[0]['end'] -
                      ball_vertical_positions[0]['start']) / 2)
        ball_center_y = ball_vertical_positions[0]['start'] + ball_r
        ball_center_x = ball_horizontal_positions[0]['start'] +\
        return True, BallCenter(ball_center_x, ball_center_y), ball_r
        return False, None, None
Exemplo n.º 3
def get_bat(im_param):
    im_w = im_param.size[0]
    im_h = im_param.size[1]
    print('get_bat - im_h={}, im_w={}'.format(im_h, im_w))
    rgb_list, pix = get_rgb_list(im_param)
    # bat is at the bottom of the image, with a small padding, ref. game.py
    row_to_scan = im_h - 10
    bat_horizontal_positions = scan_line_for_objects(rgb_list, row_to_scan,
                                                     'h', (0, 0, 255),
                                                     (255, 255, 255))
    print('get_bat - row_to_scan={}, \nbat_horizontal_positions={}'.format(
        row_to_scan, bat_horizontal_positions))
    # chose a position within the first bat width as the column to scan,
    # this guarantee we won't hit a gap, note there is only one bat
    col_to_scan = bat_horizontal_positions[0]['start'] + 10
    bat_vertical_positions = scan_line_for_objects(rgb_list, col_to_scan, 'v',
                                                   (0, 0, 255),
                                                   (255, 255, 255))
    print('get_bat - col_to_scan={}, \nbat_vertical_positions={}'.format(
        col_to_scan, bat_vertical_positions))
    # note, there is only one bat, so we return bat position, note, position returned is top-left corner
    if len(bat_horizontal_positions) > 0 and len(bat_vertical_positions) > 0:
        bat_x = bat_horizontal_positions[0]['start']
        bat_y = bat_vertical_positions[0]['start']
        bat_w = bat_horizontal_positions[0]['end'] - bat_horizontal_positions[
        bat_h = bat_vertical_positions[0]['end'] - bat_vertical_positions[0][
        return True, pygame.Rect(bat_x, bat_y, bat_w, bat_h)
        return False, None
Exemplo n.º 4
def get_bricks_positions(im_param):
    im_w = im_param.size[0]
    im_h = im_param.size[1]
    print('get_bricks_positions - im_h={}, im_w={}'.format(im_h, im_w))
    rgb_list, pix = get_rgb_list(im_param)

    # Note, the original image has 10 brick width in a row, the middle is a gap, and,
    # the ball originally sits right below the bricks, just slightly off the center
    # this can be explored to identify horizontal position of each brick, horizontal
    # padding, as well as the ball size, use the same col_to_scan for bricks and ball
    # note, rgb_list is also flopped as it's directly from pix
    col_to_scan = int(im_w / 2) - 10
    # print('get_bricks_positions - col_to_scan={}, \nrgb_list={}'.format(col_to_scan, rgb_list[0]))
    print('get_bricks_positions - col_to_scan={}'.format(col_to_scan))
    brick_vertical_positions = scan_line_for_objects(rgb_list, col_to_scan,
                                                     'v', (255, 0, 0),
                                                     (255, 255, 255))
    print('get_bricks_positions - brick_vertical_positions=\n{}'.format(

    row_to_scan = brick_vertical_positions[0]['start'] + \
                  int((brick_vertical_positions[0]['end'] - brick_vertical_positions[0]['start'])/2)
    # print('get_bricks_positions - row_to_scan={}, \nrgb_list={}'.format(row_to_scan, rgb_list[0]))
    print('get_bricks_positions - row_to_scan={}'.format(row_to_scan))
    brick_horizontal_positions = scan_line_for_objects(rgb_list, row_to_scan,
                                                       'h', (255, 0, 0),
                                                       (255, 255, 255))
    print('get_bricks_positions - brick_horizontal_positions=\n{}'.format(
    if len(brick_horizontal_positions) > 0 and len(
            brick_vertical_positions) > 0:
        return True, brick_horizontal_positions, brick_vertical_positions
        return False, None, None
Exemplo n.º 5
def update_brick_states(im_param, bricks, brick_states):
    rgb_list, pix = get_rgb_list(im_param)
    # note, rgb_list is also flopped as it's directly from pix
    states_changed = False
    state_changed_brick = None
    for i in range(len(bricks)):
        for j in range(len(bricks[0])):
            prev_state = brick_states[i][j]
            # only need to check the top-left pixel to see if the color changed i.e. if the brick is knocked out
            if rgb_list[bricks[i][j].y][bricks[i][j].x] != (255, 0, 0):
                brick_states[i][j] = 0
                if brick_states[i][j] != prev_state:
                    states_changed = True
                    state_changed_brick = bricks[i][j]
                    # note, only one brick gets knocked out at one time, so break
    return states_changed, brick_states, state_changed_brick
Exemplo n.º 6
def main():
    curr_image = None
    prev_image = None
    curr_image_title = 'current_frame'
    prev_image_title = 'previous_frame'
    image_count = 0
    image_w = None
    image_h = None
    bricks = None
    brick_states = None
    ball_r = None
    # note, this is an artificial number, small enough to reduce search space, but big enough to include the whole ball
    search_margin = 20
    curr_ball_center = None
    curr_ball_square = None
    prev_ball_center = None
    prev_ball_square = None
    curr_bat = None
    prev_bat = None
    curr_rgb_list = None

    while True:
        # for sending command asking for image to return using UDP portocol,
        # simply send, doesn't involve any handshake or received feedback
        # note, this port is more like communication between two computers,
        # not exactly server-client structure
        # UDP_IP = ""
        # UDP_IP = ""
        UDP_IP = ""
        UDP_PORT = 46087
        command_sock = socket.socket(
            socket.AF_INET,  # Internet
            socket.SOCK_DGRAM)  # UDP
        # for receiving image from TCP, IP and the port to receive from is the same as UDP
        # TCP_IP = ''
        # TCP_IP = ''
        TCP_IP = ''
        TCP_PORT = 46087
        BUFFER_SIZE = 1024
        image_sock = socket.socket(
            socket.AF_INET,  # Internet
            socket.SOCK_STREAM)  # TCP
            # construct and send game command to the server
            command_message = ''
            if curr_image:
                curr_rgb_list = get_rgb_list(curr_image)

            do_not_increment_image_count = False
            # get command_message to move the bat
            if image_count == 0:
                command_message = 'G'
            # game over, brick_stats already generated, but no image received, restart a game, reset brick_states
            elif not curr_image and brick_states:
                brick_states = reset_brick_states(brick_states)
                command_message = 'R'
                command_message = '.'  # to be updated by image analysis results
                ball_success = False
                # bricks_success = False
                # bat_success = False
                # got the first iamge back, need to retrieve the bricks layout, only need once for a game
                bat_success, curr_bat = get_bat(curr_image)

                if image_count == 1:
                    bricks_success, bricks, brick_states = get_bricks(
                    ball_success, org_ball_center, ball_r = get_original_ball_center_and_size(
                        curr_image, bricks)
                    if ball_success:
                            'main - successfully getting initial bricks and ball positions...'
                        curr_ball_center = org_ball_center
                        curr_ball_square = BallSquare(
                            curr_ball_center.x - ball_r,
                            curr_ball_center.x - ball_r,
                            curr_ball_center.y - ball_r,
                            curr_ball_center.y + ball_r)
                        image_w = curr_image.size[0]
                        image_h = curr_image.size[1]
                        prev_ball_center, prev_ball_square, pre_bat, prev_image = \
                            set_curr_to_prev(curr_ball_center, curr_ball_square, curr_bat, curr_image)
                        # if the game has started and the ball has dropped to the floor when we started
                        # running the control window, reset the game
                        print('main - resetting the game...')
                        do_not_increment_image_count = True
                        command_message = 'R'
                if command_message != 'R' and command_message != 'G':
                    curr_rgb_list, curr_pix = get_rgb_list(curr_image)
                        'main - about to predict landing position...command_message = {}, '
                        'curr_image width = {}, curr_image_height = {}, '
                        'curr_rgb_list rows = {}, curr_rgb_list cols = {}'.
                        format(command_message, curr_image.size[0],
                               curr_image.size[1], len(curr_rgb_list),
                    # predicted_ball_landing_position = curr_bat.x
                    # # image analysis to get the command, 'L', 'R', or '.'
                    # brick_states_changed, brick_states, state_changed_brick = \
                    #     update_brick_states(curr_image, bricks, brick_states)
                    # print('brick_states_changed={}, brick_states={}, state_changed_brick={}'.format(
                    #     brick_states_changed, brick_states, state_changed_brick))
                    # if (brick_states_changed):
                    #     print('brick_states_changed = True, searching for ball with the following parameters:\n'
                    #           'search_margin={}, ball_r={}, state_changed_brick={}, \ncurr_rgb_list size=({}, {})\n'.format(
                    #         search_margin, ball_r, state_changed_brick, len(curr_rgb_list), len(curr_rgb_list[0])
                    #     ))
                    #     ball_success, curr_ball_center, curr_ball_square = \
                    #         search_for_ball('below', search_margin, ball_r, state_changed_brick,
                    #                         curr_rgb_list, image_w, image_h)
                    #     if not ball_success:
                    #         ball_success, curr_ball_center, curr_ball_square = \
                    #             search_for_ball('right', search_margin, ball_r, state_changed_brick,
                    #                             curr_rgb_list, image_w, image_h)
                    #     if not ball_success:
                    #         ball_success, curr_ball_center, curr_ball_square = \
                    #             search_for_ball('left', search_margin, ball_r, state_changed_brick,
                    #                             curr_rgb_list, image_w, image_h)
                    #     if not ball_success:
                    #         ball_success, curr_ball_center, curr_ball_square = \
                    #             search_for_ball('above', search_margin, ball_r, state_changed_brick,
                    #                             curr_rgb_list, image_w, image_h)
                    #     if ball_success:
                    #         # keep under the call by default
                    #         predicted_ball_landing_position = int(curr_ball_center.x)
                    #         # if image_count > 1, i.e.we have an prev_image, update predicted_ball_landing_position
                    #         if image_count > 1:
                    #             curr_ball_relative_postion_to_brick = \
                    #                 get_relative_position_to_brick(curr_ball_square, state_changed_brick)
                    #             prev_ball_relative_postion_to_brick = \
                    #                 get_relative_position_to_brick(prev_ball_square, state_changed_brick)
                    #             predicted_ball_landing_position = \
                    #                 get_predicted_ball_landing_position(
                    #                     curr_ball_relative_postion_to_brick, prev_ball_relative_postion_to_brick,
                    #                     curr_ball_center, prev_ball_center, curr_ball_square, curr_bat, image_w, image_h)
                    # else:  # if not brick knocked off, just follow the ball
                    #     curr_ball_center = get_curr_ball_from_prev_ball(prev_ball_center, ball_r, search_margin, curr_image)
                    #     predicted_ball_landing_position = curr_ball_center.x

                    curr_ball_center = get_curr_ball_from_prev_ball(
                        prev_ball_center, ball_r, search_margin, curr_image)
                    if curr_ball_center:
                        predicted_ball_landing_position = curr_ball_center.x
                        command_message = get_command_message(
                            curr_bat, predicted_ball_landing_position)
                            'main - completed predicting landing position, curr_bat = {}. curr_ball_center = {}. '
                            'predicted_ball_landing_position = {}, command_message = {}'
                            .format(curr_bat, curr_ball_center,
                # done our calculations, set the curr's to prev's
                prev_ball_center, prev_ball_square, pre_bat, prev_image = \
                    set_curr_to_prev(curr_ball_center, curr_ball_square, curr_bat, curr_image)
                # curr_image = None

            if command_message != '':
                # send the command to the server
                message_bytes_obj = bytearray(command_message,
                                              'utf-8')  # needed by sock.sendto
                command_sock.sendto(message_bytes_obj, (UDP_IP, UDP_PORT))

                # connect to the server to receive image
                image_sock.connect((TCP_IP, TCP_PORT))
                buffer = io.BytesIO()
                while True:
                    data = image_sock.recv(BUFFER_SIZE)
                    if not data:
                curr_image = Image.open(buffer)

                rgb_list, pix = get_rgb_list(curr_image)
                print('current image size={}'.format(curr_image.size))
                if not do_not_increment_image_count:
                    image_count += 1
                print('do_not_increment_image_count = {}, image_count = {}'.
                      format(do_not_increment_image_count, image_count))

                pairs = dict()
                if curr_image:
                    pairs[curr_image_title] = curr_image
                    if not prev_image:
                        prev_image = copy.deepcopy(curr_image)
                        pairs[prev_image_title] = prev_image
                    display_all_images_in_plot(1, pairs, fig, plot_canvas)
                # time.sleep(0.1)
        except ConnectionRefusedError:
            print("Server not running. Waiting.")