Exemplo n.º 1
def getKnotFloerHomology(rect):
    from genGen import gen
    import generators
    import homology
    import getOptiEllipses


    ellCandidate = getOptiEllipses.simple(rect, 1)
    print ellCandidate
    tmp = ellCandidate.pop()
    rect = tmp[3]
    print rect
    ell = (tmp[1], tmp[2])
    print "ellipses:"
    print ell
    print "score:", tmp[0]
    print "new Diagram:"
    print rectDiagMisc.toStringNice(rect)
    (tmp, bound, pool, index) = generators.classifiedGen(rect, ell, 1)  ##INDEX
    ##    index-=1
    print "index", index
    print "Scale:A and M: ", bound
    print "Generators, tabulated by Maslov and Alexander grading:"
    from homology import transpose

    transposed = transpose(tmp)

    def format(s, l):
        if len(s) < l:
            return " " * (l - len(s)) + s
        return s

    for i in transposed:
        s = ""
        for j in i:
            s += format(str(len(j)), 6) + " "
        print s
    ##the bdMap stuff
    HDEll = hdEllipsesGen(ell[0], ell[1])
    (to0, toPlus, chEll) = hdCond(rect, HDEll)
    ##    print "to0,toPlus,chell"
    ##    print to0
    ##    print toPlus
    ##    print chEll
    delta = hdCond2(rect, HDEll, to0, toPlus)
    path = preparePath(rect, ell)
    print "path", path
    ##the deepBd stuff
    init = deepBdMap2.initWith(rect, ell)

    ##    print "deep2!"
    ##        print "hdEllipses"
    ##        print HDEll

    ##    def eulerP(tab):
    ##        k=[0]*(len(tab[0]))
    ##        for i in range(len(tab[0])):
    ##            tot=0
    ##            for j in range(len(tab)):
    ##                tot=len(tab[j][i])-tot
    ##            k[i]=tot
    ##        return k
    ##    print eulerP(tmp)
    cache = bdMapPsgenCache(rect, ell, pool)
        tmp, cache, ell, to0, toPlus, chEll, delta
    )  ##new#######################################################################
    ##        cache2=bdMapGolay.bdMapPsgenCache(rect,ell,pool)
    ##    a=raw_input("w")
    tmp2 = homology.chain2DToHomv3(
        tmp, lambda x, y: bdMap(rect, x, y, cache, ell, to0, toPlus, chEll, delta, path, init), len(rect) - 1, index

    return (bound, transpose(tmp2))
Exemplo n.º 2
            (gen1.yShift[a] + 1) / 2, b +
            (gen1.xShift[b] + 1) / 2, gen1.perm[b] + (gen1.yShift[b] + 1) / 2):
            return False
        return True
    elif l == 1:
        raise RuntimeError("1 of diff")
    raise RuntimeError("error in boundary")

if __name__ == "__main__":
    rect0 = [[0, 2], [1, 3], [0, 2], [1, 3]]
    rect1 = [[0, 2], [1, 3], [0, 2], [1, 3]]
    rect2 = [[0, 1], [0, 1]]

    rect = [[1, 4], [0, 2], [1, 3], [2, 4], [0, 3]]

    tmp = classifiedGen(rect, 0)[0]
    print("second phase")
    tmp = chain2DToHomv2(tmp, lambda x, y: isBndryLargeEll(rect, x, y))

    def format(s, l):
        if len(s) < l:
            return " " * (l - len(s)) + s
        return s

    for i in tmp:
        s = ""
        for j in i:
            s += format(str(j), 5) + " "
Exemplo n.º 3
def getKnotFloerHomology(rect):

    a grid diagram ?
    ellCandidate = getOptiEllipses.simple(rect, 1)
    tmp = ellCandidate.pop()
    rect = tmp[3]
    ell = (tmp[1], tmp[2])
    print("score:", tmp[0])
    print("new Diagram:")
    tmp, b, pool, index = generators.classifiedGen(rect, ell, 1)
    print("index", index)
    print("Scale:A and M: ", b)
    print("Generators, tabulated by Maslov and Alexander grading:")

    transposed = transpose(tmp)

    def format(s, l):
        if len(s) < l:
            return " " * (l - len(s)) + s
        return s

    for i in transposed:
        s = ""
        for j in i:
            s += format(str(len(j)), 6) + " "

    # the bdMap stuff
    HDEll = hdEllipsesGen(ell[0], ell[1])
    to0, toPlus, chEll = hdCond(rect, HDEll)
    delta = hdCond2(rect, HDEll, to0, toPlus)
    path = preparePath(rect, ell)
    print("path", path)

    # the deepBd stuff
    init = deepBdMap2.initWith(rect, ell)

    #     def eulerP(tab):
    #         k=[0]*(len(tab[0]))
    #         for i in range(len(tab[0])):
    #             tot = 0
    #             for j in range(len(tab)):
    #                 tot = len(tab[j][i])-tot
    #             k[i] = tot
    #         return k
    #     print(eulerP(tmp))
    cache = bdMapPsgenCache(rect, ell, pool)
    fillFValue(tmp, cache, ell, to0, toPlus, chEll, delta)
    # new
    #         cache2=bdMapGolay.bdMapPsgenCache(rect, ell, pool)
    #     a=raw_input("w")

    def coeff(x, y):
        return bdMap(rect, x, y, cache, ell,
                     to0, toPlus, chEll, delta,
                     path, init)

    tmp2 = homology.chain2DToHomv3(tmp, coeff, len(rect) - 1, index)

    return transpose(tmp2)
Exemplo n.º 4
if __name__ == "__main__":

##    rect=[[0,1],[0,2],[1,2]]

##    a=gen([-1, 4, 3, 0, 2], [0, -1, -1, 1, -1], [0, 1, 1, 1, -1])
##    b=gen([-1, 4, 3, 0, 2], [0, -1, 1, 1, -1], [0, 1, 1, 1, -1])
##    print isBndryLargeEll(rect,a,b)

    print "second phase"
    import profile
    profile.run("tmp=homology.chain2DToHomv2(tmp,lambda x,y:isBndryLargeEll(rect,x,y))")
##    tmp=homology.chain2DToHomv2(tmp,lambda x,y:isBndryLargeEll(rect,x,y))
    def format(s,l):
        if len(s)<l:
            return " "*(l-len(s))+s
        return s
    for i in tmp:
        for j in i:
            s+=format(str(j),5)+" "
        print s