Exemplo n.º 1
    def polygon_simplify(self, polygon, arc_count):

        # loading the polygon will make all arcs discrete
        path = g.trimesh.load_path(polygon)

        # save the md5 before doing operations
        md5_pre = g.deepcopy(path.md5())

        # this should return a copy of the path
        simplified = path.simplify()

        # make sure the simplify call didn't alter our original mesh
        assert path.md5() == md5_pre

        for garbage in range(2):
            # the simplified version shouldn't have lost area
            assert g.np.allclose(path.area, simplified.area, rtol=1e-3)

            # see if we fit as many arcs as existed in the original drawing
            new_count = sum(
                int(type(i).__name__ == 'Arc') for i in simplified.entities)
            if new_count != arc_count:
                print(new_count, arc_count)

            if arc_count > 1:
                g.log.info('originally were {} arcs, simplify found {}'.format(
                    arc_count, new_count))
                assert new_count > 0
                assert new_count <= arc_count

            # dump the cache to make sure bookkeeping wasn't busted or wrong

        # make sure the simplify call didn't alter our original mesh
        assert path.md5() == md5_pre
Exemplo n.º 2
    def test_conversion(self):
        m = g.get_mesh('machinist.XAML')
        assert m.visual.kind == 'face'

        # unmerge vertices so we don't get average colors

        # store initial face colors
        initial = g.deepcopy(m.visual.face_colors.copy())

        # assign averaged vertex colors as default
        m.visual.vertex_colors = m.visual.vertex_colors
        assert m.visual.kind == 'vertex'

        assert g.np.allclose(initial, m.visual.face_colors)
Exemplo n.º 3
    def polygon_simplify(self, polygon):
        path = g.trimesh.load_path(polygon)
        md5_pre = g.deepcopy(path.md5())

        simplified = path.simplify()

        # make sure the simplify call didn't alter our original mesh
        self.assertTrue(path.md5() == md5_pre)

        area_ratio = path.area / simplified.area
        arc_count = len(
            [i for i in simplified.entities if type(i).__name__ == 'Arc'])

        g.log.info('simplify area ratio was %f with %d arcs', area_ratio,

        self.assertTrue(abs(area_ratio - 1) < 1e-2)
Exemplo n.º 4
    def polygon_simplify(self, polygon, arc_count):

        # loading the polygon will make all arcs discrete
        path = g.trimesh.load_path(polygon)

        # save the md5 before doing operations
        md5_pre = g.deepcopy(path.md5())

        # this should return a copy of the path
        simplified = path.simplify()

        # make sure the simplify call didn't alter our original mesh
        assert path.md5() == md5_pre

        for garbage in range(2):
            # the simplified version shouldn't have lost area
            assert g.np.allclose(path.area,

            # see if we fit as many arcs as existed in the original drawing
            new_count = sum(int(type(i).__name__ == 'Arc')
                            for i in simplified.entities)
            if new_count != arc_count:
                print(new_count, arc_count)

            if arc_count > 1:
                g.log.info('originally were {} arcs, simplify found {}'.format(
                assert new_count > 0
                assert new_count <= arc_count

            # dump the cache to make sure bookkeeping wasn't busted or wrong

        # make sure the simplify call didn't alter our original mesh
        assert path.md5() == md5_pre
Exemplo n.º 5
    def test_meshes(self):
        self.meshes = g.get_meshes()

        has_gt = g.deepcopy(g.trimesh.graph._has_gt)

        if not has_gt:
            g.log.warning('No graph-tool to test!')

        g.log.info('Running tests on %d meshes', len(self.meshes))
        for mesh in self.meshes:
            g.log.info('Testing %s', mesh.metadata['file_name'])
            self.assertTrue(len(mesh.faces) > 0)
            self.assertTrue(len(mesh.vertices) > 0)

            self.assertTrue(len(mesh.edges) > 0)
            self.assertTrue(len(mesh.edges_unique) > 0)
            self.assertTrue(len(mesh.edges_sorted) > 0)
            self.assertTrue(len(mesh.edges_face) > 0)
            self.assertFalse(mesh.euler_number is None)


            tic = [g.time.time()]

            if has_gt:
                g.trimesh.graph._has_gt = True
                split = g.trimesh.graph.split(mesh)
                facets = g.trimesh.graph.facets(mesh)

            g.trimesh.graph._has_gt = False
            split = g.trimesh.graph.split(mesh)
            facets = g.trimesh.graph.facets(mesh)

            facets, area = mesh.facets(return_area=True)
            self.assertTrue(len(facets) == len(area))
            if len(facets) == 0:
            faces = facets[g.np.argmax(area)]
            outline = mesh.outline(faces)
            smoothed = mesh.smoothed()

            if has_gt:
                times = g.np.diff(tic)
                g.log.info('Graph-tool sped up split by %f and facets by %f',
                           (times[2] / times[0]), (times[3] / times[1]))
            g.trimesh.graph._has_gt = g.deepcopy(has_gt)

            self.assertTrue(mesh.volume > 0.0)

            section = mesh.section(plane_normal=[0, 0, 1],
            hull = mesh.convex_hull

            volume_ok = hull.volume > 0.0
            if not volume_ok:
                g.log.error('zero hull volume for %s',

            sample = mesh.sample(1000)
            even_sample = g.trimesh.sample.sample_surface_even(mesh, 100)
            self.assertTrue(sample.shape == (1000, 3))
            g.log.info('finished testing meshes')

            # make sure vertex kdtree and triangles rtree exist

            t = mesh.kdtree()
            self.assertTrue(hasattr(t, 'query'))
            g.log.info('Creating triangles tree')
            r = mesh.triangles_tree()
            self.assertTrue(hasattr(r, 'intersection'))
            g.log.info('Triangles tree ok')

            # some memory issues only show up when you copy the mesh a bunch
            # specifically, if you cache c- objects then deepcopy the mesh this
            # generally segfaults somewhat randomly
            copy_count = 200
            g.log.info('Attempting to copy mesh %d times', copy_count)
            for i in range(copy_count):
                copied = mesh.copy()
            g.log.info('Multiple copies done')
            self.assertTrue(g.np.allclose(copied.identifier, mesh.identifier))