Exemplo n.º 1
def test_set_conversions(T1, T2):
    set_conversion(T1, T2, lambda x: T2(x.data))
    a, b = T1(1), T2(1)

    assert a != b
    assert convert(a, T2) == b

    with pytest.raises(TypeError):
        convert(b, T1)
Exemplo n.º 2
def test_custom_promotions(T1, T2):
    a, b = T1(1), T2(2)

    # Prepare conversions
    set_conversion(T2, T1, lambda x: T1(x.data))
    set_promotion_rule(T1, T2, T1)

    @set_promotion(T1, int, restype=int)
    @set_promotion(T2, int, restype=int)
    def promote_to_int(x, y):
        return convert(x.data, int), y

    # Create examples and test
    assert_allsame(promote(a, b), (a, T1(2)))
    assert_allsame(promote(a, 2), (1, 2))
    assert_allsame(promote(a, b, 3), (1, 2, 3))
    assert_allsame(promote(3, b, a), (3, 2, 1))
Exemplo n.º 3
    # Fast-track common cases
    u_dtype = u.dtype
    v_dtype = v.dtype
    if u_dtype is float and v_dtype is int:
        return u, v.convert(float)
    elif u_dtype is int and v_dtype is float:
        return u.convert(float), v

    zipped = [promote(x, y) for (x, y) in zip(u, v)]
    u = Vec(*[x for (x, y) in zipped])
    v = Vec(*[y for (x, y) in zipped])
    return u, v

# Conversions and promotions between vec types and tuples/lists
set_conversion(Vec, tuple, tuple)
set_conversion(Vec, list, list)
for T in [Vec, mVec]:
    set_conversion(tuple, T, T)
    set_conversion(list, T, T)

@set_promotion(Vec, tuple, symmetric=True, restype=Vec)
@set_promotion(Vec, list, symmetric=True, restype=Vec)
def promote(u, v):
    return u, u.__origin__.from_seq(v)

def asvector_overload(op, tt):
    real_op = getattr(operator, op.__name__)