Exemplo n.º 1
def breed_loop(N, data, gdata, save_interval):
  ffts = []
  min_errs = []
  for n in range(N):
    # print("Generation:", n)
    errors, goal = gen.fit_all(data, gdata)   
    new_data = np.zeros(np.shape(data))
    for i in range(len(data)//2): 
      if goal:

      r = np.arange(len(errors))
      i1, i2 = np.random.choice(r, 2, p=errors)
      cross1, cross2 = gen.crossover(data[i1], data[i2])
      cross1, cross2 = gen.mutate(cross1, get_temp(n+1)), gen.mutate(cross2, get_temp(n+1))
      # cross1, cross2 = gen.mutate(cross1, .5), gen.mutate(cross2, .5)
      new_data[i], new_data[i+(len(data)//2)] = cross1, cross2

      if n % save_interval == 0 and i == 0:
    data = new_data
    if n % 25 == 0:
        print(f'min error {np.amin(errors)}')
  return ffts, min_errs
Exemplo n.º 2
def main():

    pop_size = 1000
    max_runs = 50

    mutate_ratio = 0.2

    # Which data set to use.
    mode = 1


    pop = []

    # Create a random population of trees.
    for i in range(pop_size):

    print "Population created."

    for tree in pop:
        print tree

    for i in range(max_runs):

        print "Beginning crossover " + str(i) + ":"

        # Crossover and mutate population.
        genetic.mutate(pop, mutate_ratio, mode)
        pop = genetic.crossover(pop, mode)

        print "Crossover " + str(i) + " complete."
Exemplo n.º 3
    def spawn_child(self, nb=1, train=False):
        if len(self.nn_bots) > 0:
            for i in range(nb):
                nb1 = random.randint(0, len(self.nn_bots) - 1)
                nb2 = random.randint(0, len(self.nn_bots) - 1)

                parent1 = self.nn_bots[nb1]  # parent 1
                parent2 = self.nn_bots[nb2]  # parent 2

                # create a child by breeding to random bots
                child_weights = croisement(parent1.model.weights,
                                           parent2.model.weights, 1)[0]

                mutate(child_weights, 1, 1)

                if self.current_nb_step % 2 == 0:
                    x, y = self.g_free_xy(parent1.x, parent1.y, 4)
                    x, y = self.g_free_xy(parent2.x, parent2.y, 4)

                child = NN_bot(self.map, x, y, self, train=train)
                child.model.weights = child_weights
                self.map.board[x, y, 0] = 1

            self.load_bots(nb, train)
def test_mutation(function1, function2):
    """Test mutation function"""
    population = [
        [1523, 42, 0, 1, 1, 2045, 537, 1, 1, 2, 2, 0, 0],
        [1971, 117, 0, 1, 0, 1140, 1737, 1, 1, 2, 2, 0, 0],
        [882, 101, 1, 0, 0, 986, 644, 0, 1, 1, 5, 0, 0],
        [1529, 70, 1, 1, 1, 1462, 1834, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0],
    expected_result = [
        [1523, 42, 0, 1, 1, 2045, 537, 1, 1, 2, 2, 0, 0],
        [1971, 117, 0, 1, 0, 1140, 1737, 1, 1, 2, 2, 0, 0],
        [882, 101, 1, 0, 0, 986, 644, 0, 1, 1, 5, 0, 0],
        [1529, 70, 1, 1, 1, 1462, 1834, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0]
    result = genetic.mutate(population)
    assert(result == expected_result)
Exemplo n.º 5
def main():
    map_size = 100
    p_type = 10  # dont get when we will use it
    max_route_length = 150
    population_size = 30
    number_of_each_new_generation = 10
    number_of_couples = int(
        (population_size - number_of_each_new_generation) / 2)
    probability = 0.05

    the_map = initialize(p_type, map_size)
    population = create_starting_population(max_route_length, population_size,
    last_distance = 1000000000

    for i in range(0, 100):
        scores = score_population(population, the_map)
        new_population = []

        best = population[np.argmin(scores)]
        number_of_moves = len(best)
        distance = fitness(best, the_map)

        if distance != last_distance:
                'Iteration %i: Best so far is %i steps for a distance of %f' %
                (i, number_of_moves, distance))
            plot_best(the_map, best, i)

        for j in range(0, number_of_couples):
            new_route1, new_route2 = crossover(
            new_population.extend([new_route1, new_route2])

        # mutate the current members of new_population
        for j in range(0, len(new_population)):
            new_population[j] = mutate(new_population[j], probability, the_map)

        while len(new_population) < population_size:
            new_population.append(create_new_member(max_route_length, the_map))

        population = new_population[::]  # copy a values
Exemplo n.º 6
    def mitose(self):
        if self.g_cd_repro() == 0:

            self.incr_energy(-5)  # loose of energy to make the child
            # energy that will be transfered to the child
            energy_to_child = 5

            x = -1
            y = -1

            # TODO: faire une fonction pour rendre ca plus propre
            if self.y - 2 > 0:
                if self.map.cellLibre(self.x, self.y-1) == 0:
                    x = self.x
                    y = self.y - 1

            elif self.y + 2 < self.map.height - 1:
                if self.map.cellLibre(self.x, self.y+1) == 0:
                    x = self.x
                    y = self.y + 1

            elif self.x - 2 > 0:
                if self.map.cellLibre(self.x-1, self.y) == 0:
                    x = self.x - 1
                    y = self.y

            elif self.x + 2 < self.map.height - 1:
                if self.map.cellLibre(self.x+1, self.y) == 0:
                    x = self.x + 1
                    y = self.y
                # no place to put the child

            if x == -1:
                new_model = genetic.mutate(self.model.weights, 1, 1)
                new_bot = NN_bot(self.map, x, y, self.sim, new_model)
Exemplo n.º 7
ff = ff_init  # ff used in the loop set to ff_init
ff_av = ff_av_init

ff_av_points, ff_max_points, ff_total_points, iteration_points = [], [], [], []

while ff_av < 1:  # repeat until all individuals have fitness = 1

    ff.sort(key=lambda tup: tup[0])  # sort ff by first digit in each tuple

    selected = selections.select_rank(ff)

    new_x = genetic.mate(x, selected, crossover_prob)
    genetic.save_elite(x, new_x)
    x = new_x
    mutated = genetic.mutate(x, mutation_prob)
    if mutated:
        mutation_count += 1

    ff = genetic.ff(x)
    ff_av = genetic.ff_av(ff)
    ff_max = genetic.ff_max(ff)

    iterations += 1


max_crossover = population_init / 2 * iterations
Exemplo n.º 8
# popcpy = g.mutate(pop)
# print(popcpy)
# popcpy = g.mutate(pop)
# print(popcpy)
# popcpy = g.mutate(pop)
# print(popcpy)
# print(type(popcpy))

generations = 0

# print(pop[1])

while generations <= 100:
    generations += 1

    pop = g.mutate(pop)

    newpop = [0 for _ in range(100)]
    newpop[0] = pop[g.getBest(pop, fn.rast, -5.12, 5.12, 17)]

    for i in range(1, len(newpop)):
        newpop[i] = g.select(pop, fn.rast, -5.12, 5.12, 17)

    pop = newpop
    for i in range(100):
        print(fn.rast(fn.decode(pop[i], -5.12, 5.12, 17)), end=" ")

Exemplo n.º 9
def combo_scaling(iterations: int, plot: bool, show_matrix: bool,
                  population_size: int, mutation_probability: float,
                  initial_matrix: str, smoothness: float, eval_type: str,
                  breed: bool, breed_disable: int, save: bool,
                  shape_covariance: bool, normalize_by_cross_section: bool,
                  normalize_by_bins: bool, pseudoinverse: bool,
                  normalization_penalty: bool, custom_covariance: str) -> None:
    if initial_matrix == 'ones':
        original_matrix = np.ones((24, 24))
        with open(initial_matrix, 'rb') as f:
            original_matrix = pickle.load(f).reshape((24, 24))

    for i in range(24):
        for j in range(i + 1, 24):
            original_matrix[j][i] = 0
    original_matrix = original_matrix.reshape(24 * 24)

    experiments = [('minerva_neutrino', 156), ('minerva_antyneutrino', 60),
                   ('T2K_neutrino', 58), ('T2K_antyneutrino', 58)]

    experimental_data = []
    for experiment, bins in experiments:
        data = utils.import_data_from_path(f"Data/{experiment}")
        experiment_info = utils.load_experimental_data(experiment)
        if "minerva" in experiment:
            events = utils.events_to_cross_section(
                    (24 * 24, -1)), data.nof_events, data.cross_section,
                experiment_info[0].shape, *experiment_info[4:6])
            if custom_covariance and experiment == 'minerva_neutrino':
                with open(custom_covariance, 'rb') as f:
                    covariance_matrix = np.linalg.pinv(pickle.load(f))

            if shape_covariance:
                if experiment == 'minerva_neutrino':
                    import covariance_matrix
                    covariance = covariance_matrix.covariance
                elif experiment == 'minerva_antyneutrino':
                    from minerva_antyneutrino import minerva_antyneutrino_covariance
                    covariance = minerva_antyneutrino_covariance

                if custom_covariance and experiment == 'minerva_neutrino':
                    with open(custom_covariance, 'rb') as f:
                        covariance = pickle.load(f)

                data = experiment_info[0].reshape(-1)
                shape_matrix, _, _ = utils.shape_matrix_extraction(
                    data, covariance)
                covariance_matrix = shape_matrix

                if pseudoinverse:
                    covariance_matrix = np.linalg.pinv(covariance_matrix)
                    covariance_matrix = np.linalg.inv(covariance_matrix)
                experiment_info[2] = covariance_matrix
            events = data.events
            Experiment(experiment, events, experiment_info, bins))

    combined_score = Combined_score(experimental_data, normalization_penalty)

    # tmp_matrix = np.ones((24 * 24))

    score = combined_score(original_matrix, normalize_by_bins,

    print(f"Score without reweighting:\n{score}")

    population = [original_matrix]
    population += [
        mutate(original_matrix, mutation_probability, smoothness)
        for _ in range(1, population_size)

    if eval_type == 'chi2_cov':
        key = lambda m: np.sum(m[0][:, 0])
    elif eval_type == 'chi2_std':
        key = lambda m: np.sum(m[0][:, 1])
    elif eval_type == 'chi2_both':
        key = lambda m: np.sum(m[0])

    smoothness = smoothness if 0 < smoothness < 1 else 0

    start = time.time()
        for i_no in range(1, iterations + 1):
            chi2 = [
                combined_score(population[i], normalize_by_bins,
                for i in range(population_size)

            population_with_score = list(zip(chi2, population))

            population_with_score.sort(key=key, reverse=False)

            print(i_no, population_with_score[0][0][:, 0],
                  sum(population_with_score[0][0][:, 0]))

            if breed_disable:
                if i_no > breed_disable:
                    breed = False

            if breed:
                population = new_population(population_with_score,
                                            mutation_probability, smoothness)
                population[0] = population_with_score[0][1]
                for i in range(1, population_size):
                    population[i] = mutate(population_with_score[0][1],
                                           mutation_probability, smoothness)
    except KeyboardInterrupt:
        print("Manually stopped computation")

    elapsed = time.time() - start
    minutes = elapsed / 60
    seconds = int(elapsed) % 60
    print(f"Calculated in: {int(minutes)}m{seconds}s")

    if save:
        save_chi2 = population_with_score[0][0]
        config = {
            'iterations': i_no,
            'population_size': population_size,
            'mutation_probability': mutation_probability,
            'initial_matrix': initial_matrix,
            'smoothness': smoothness if smoothness else 1,
            'eval_type': eval_type,
            'breed': breed,
            'chi2_cov': save_chi2[:, 0],
            'chi2_std': save_chi2[:, 1]
        summed_chi2 = np.sum(save_chi2, axis=0)
        name = f'scale_cov{summed_chi2[0]:.2f}_std{summed_chi2[1]:.2f}.pkl'
        with open(os.path.join('Combined_scaling', name), 'wb') as file:
            pickle.dump(population_with_score[0][1].reshape(24, 24), file)
            pickle.dump(config, file)
            print(f"Scaling matrix saved to {name}")