Exemplo n.º 1
 def __init__(self, name, search_path):
     """Create the exception.
     :param name: the filename of the template
     :param search_path: the search path used to lookup the template
     TemplateError.__init__(self, 'Template "%s" not found' % name)
     self.search_path = search_path
Exemplo n.º 2
    def load(self, filename, relative_to=None, cls=None, encoding=None):
        """Load the template with the given name.
        If the `filename` parameter is relative, this method searches the
        search path trying to locate a template matching the given name. If the
        file name is an absolute path, the search path is ignored.
        If the requested template is not found, a `TemplateNotFound` exception
        is raised. Otherwise, a `Template` object is returned that represents
        the parsed template.
        Template instances are cached to avoid having to parse the same
        template file more than once. Thus, subsequent calls of this method
        with the same template file name will return the same `Template`
        object (unless the ``auto_reload`` option is enabled and the file was
        changed since the last parse.)
        If the `relative_to` parameter is provided, the `filename` is
        interpreted as being relative to that path.
        :param filename: the relative path of the template file to load
        :param relative_to: the filename of the template from which the new
                            template is being loaded, or ``None`` if the
                            template is being loaded directly
        :param cls: the class of the template object to instantiate
        :param encoding: the encoding of the template to load; defaults to the
                         ``default_encoding`` of the loader instance
        :return: the loaded `Template` instance
        :raises TemplateNotFound: if a template with the given name could not
                                  be found
        if cls is None:
            cls = self.default_class
        search_path = self.search_path

        # Make the filename relative to the template file its being loaded
        # from, but only if that file is specified as a relative path, or no
        # search path has been set up
        if relative_to and (not search_path or not os.path.isabs(relative_to)):
            filename = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(relative_to), filename)

        filename = os.path.normpath(filename)
        cachekey = filename

            # First check the cache to avoid reparsing the same file
                tmpl = self._cache[cachekey]
                if not self.auto_reload:
                    return tmpl
                uptodate = self._uptodate[cachekey]
                if uptodate is not None and uptodate():
                    return tmpl
            except (KeyError, OSError):

            isabs = False

            if os.path.isabs(filename):
                # Bypass the search path if the requested filename is absolute
                search_path = [os.path.dirname(filename)]
                isabs = True

            elif relative_to and os.path.isabs(relative_to):
                # Make sure that the directory containing the including
                # template is on the search path
                dirname = os.path.dirname(relative_to)
                if dirname not in search_path:
                    search_path = list(search_path) + [dirname]
                isabs = True

            elif not search_path:
                # Uh oh, don't know where to look for the template
                raise TemplateError('Search path for templates not configured')

            for loadfunc in search_path:
                if isinstance(loadfunc, basestring):
                    loadfunc = directory(loadfunc)
                    filepath, filename, fileobj, uptodate = loadfunc(filename)
                except IOError:
                        if isabs:
                            # If the filename of either the included or the 
                            # including template is absolute, make sure the
                            # included template gets an absolute path, too,
                            # so that nested includes work properly without a
                            # search path
                            filename = filepath
                        tmpl = self._instantiate(cls, fileobj, filepath,
                                                 filename, encoding=encoding)
                        if self.callback:
                        self._cache[cachekey] = tmpl
                        self._uptodate[cachekey] = uptodate
                        if hasattr(fileobj, 'close'):
                    return tmpl

            raise TemplateNotFound(filename, search_path)
