Exemplo n.º 1
 def __init__(self, size, fullscreen=False):
     Painter.__init__(self, Vect(0, 0), Rect((0, 0), size))
     flags = pygame.RESIZABLE
     self.surface = pygame.display.set_mode(size, flags)
Exemplo n.º 2
 def to_surface(self, surface):
     """Return a engine similar to this one but
     drawing into a given surface"""
     ret = SdlPainter.__new__(SdlPainter)
     ret.pos = Vect(0, 0)
     ret.mask = Rect((0, 0), surface.get_size())
     ret.surface = surface
     return ret
Exemplo n.º 3
    def draw_frame(self, frame, size):
        """Draw a frame. This function is in fact currently very slow !"""
        size = asvect(size)

        def indexes():
            width, height = size
            # The corners
            yield (0, 0), (0, 0)
            yield (width - 8, 0), (24, 0)
            yield (0, height - 8), (0, 24)
            yield (width - 8, height - 8), (24, 24)

            mwidth = width / 2
            mheight = height / 2

            # The borders
            for i in range(1, mwidth / 8):
                yield (i * 8, 0), (8, 0)
                yield (i * 8, height - 8), (8, 24)
            for i in range(mwidth / 8, width / 8 - 1):
                yield (i * 8, 0), (16, 0)
                yield (i * 8, height - 8), (16, 24)

            for i in range(1, mheight / 8):
                yield (0, i * 8), (0, 8)
                yield (width - 8, i * 8), (24, 8)
            for i in range(mheight / 8, height / 8 - 1):
                yield (0, i * 8), (0, 16)
                yield (width - 8, i * 8), (24, 16)

        surf = frame.image.surf
        for dest, src in indexes():
            self.draw_surface(surf, Rect(asvect(src), Vect(8, 8)))

        c1 = surf.get_at((16, 15))
        half_size = Vect(size[0] - 16, size[1] / 2 - 8)
        self.move(Vect(8, 8))
        self.fill(c1, half_size)
        self.umove(Vect(8, 8))

        c2 = surf.get_at((16, 16))
        self.move(Vect(8, half_size[1] + 8))
        self.fill(c2, half_size)
        self.umove(Vect(8, half_size[1] + 8))
Exemplo n.º 4
    def test1():
        from image import Image
        from painter import Painter
        from geo import Vect, Rect
        from style import Style, Frame
        from sdl_painter import SdlPainter

        im = Image('frame.png')
        f = Frame(im)
        style = Style()
        style.background = f

        p = Painter(SdlPainter())

        l = Label(None, 'hello', style=style)
        l.rect = Rect((0, 0), (1, 1))


Exemplo n.º 5
 def mouse_motion(self, pos):
     if (pos in Rect((0, 0), self.size)) != self.pressed:
         self.pressed = pos in self.rect
     return super(Button, self).mouse_motion(pos)
Exemplo n.º 6
 def set_mask(self, rect):
     self.mask = Rect(rect[0], rect[1])
Exemplo n.º 7
class Painter(object):
    """This class is used to draw all the widgets

    The idea is to subclass it when we want special drawing style.

    def __init__(self, pos=None, mask=None):
        self.pos = pos or Vect(0, 0)
        self.mask = mask

    def draw_widget(self, w):
        style = w.get_style_dict()
        background = style.get('background')
        if background:
            background.draw(self, w.size)
        if isinstance(w, Label):

    def draw_label(self, w):
        surf = self.surface_from_text(w.font, w.text, length=w.size.x)
        self.move(Vect(8, 8))
        self.umove(Vect(8, 8))

    def draw(self, o):
        if isinstance(o, Widget):
            return self.draw_widget(o)

    def set_mask(self, rect):
        self.mask = Rect(rect[0], rect[1])

    def move(self, v):
        self.pos = self.pos + v
        self.mask = self.mask.move(-v)

    def umove(self, v):

    def clip(self, r):
        self.mask = self.mask.clip(r)

    def to_surface(self, surface):
        """Return a engine similar to this one but drawing into a given
        raise NotImplementedError

    def surface_from_size(self, size):
        """Create a new surface"""
        raise NotImplementedError

    def surface_from_image(self, path):
        """Create a new surface"""
        raise NotImplementedError

    def surface_from_text(self, font, text):
        """Create a new surface from a text"""
        raise NotImplementedError

    def font_from_file(self, file, size=24):
        raise NotImplementedError

    def draw_surface(self, surf, area=None):
        raise NotImplementedError

    def fill(self, color, size=None):
        raise NotImplementedError

    def draw_frame(self, frame, size):
        """Draw a frame. This function is in fact currently very slow !"""
        size = asvect(size)

        def indexes():
            width, height = size
            # The corners
            yield (0, 0), (0, 0)
            yield (width - 8, 0), (24, 0)
            yield (0, height - 8), (0, 24)
            yield (width - 8, height - 8), (24, 24)

            mwidth = width / 2
            mheight = height / 2

            # The borders
            for i in range(1, mwidth / 8):
                yield (i * 8, 0), (8, 0)
                yield (i * 8, height - 8), (8, 24)
            for i in range(mwidth / 8, width / 8 - 1):
                yield (i * 8, 0), (16, 0)
                yield (i * 8, height - 8), (16, 24)

            for i in range(1, mheight / 8):
                yield (0, i * 8), (0, 8)
                yield (width - 8, i * 8), (24, 8)
            for i in range(mheight / 8, height / 8 - 1):
                yield (0, i * 8), (0, 16)
                yield (width - 8, i * 8), (24, 16)

        surf = frame.image.surf
        for dest, src in indexes():
            self.draw_surface(surf, Rect(asvect(src), Vect(8, 8)))

        c1 = surf.get_at((16, 15))
        half_size = Vect(size[0] - 16, size[1] / 2 - 8)
        self.move(Vect(8, 8))
        self.fill(c1, half_size)
        self.umove(Vect(8, 8))

        c2 = surf.get_at((16, 16))
        self.move(Vect(8, half_size[1] + 8))
        self.fill(c2, half_size)
        self.umove(Vect(8, half_size[1] + 8))

    def flip(self, rect=None):
        raise NotImplementedError
Exemplo n.º 8
 def __get_contents_rect(self):
     border = self.border
     return Rect(self.rect.pos + Vect(border, border),
                 self.rect.size - Vect(border, border) * 2)
Exemplo n.º 9
    def __init__(self, parent, style=None, optimal_size=None,
                 min_size=None, expand=False, item=None,
                 same_as=None, tags=[], pos=None, **kargs):
        """Create a new Widget


        - parent The parent widget where we put this widget

        - style The style associated with this widget The style is not
          compulsory, it is only something that can be used by the

        - optimal_size The size requested for the widget

        - min_size The minimum size requested for the widget

        - expand If true the widget will try to take all the place it

        - item What is the item associated with this widget (None if
          not) This is only used for the style rules

        - same_as This can be used to pass an other widget instance
          that we know has the same style than this one It is only
          used for optimazation when we want to show a huge number of
          similar widgets

        - tags A list of string, Can be used by the style rules
        super(Widget, self).__init__()
        self.children = []
        self.item = item    # Set to None if the object is not a view
                            # on an item
        parent = parent.get_contents_child() if parent else None
        assert isinstance(parent, Widget) or parent is None
        self.parent = parent

        self.style_dict = {}

        self.tags = set(tags)

        self.fixed_optimal_size = optimal_size is not None

        self.__optimal_size = optimal_size or Vect(0, 0)
        self.__min_size = min_size
        self.expand = expand

        self.__organized = False
        self.__resized = False

        self.__destroyed = False

        self.rect = Rect((0, 0), min_size or Vect(0, 0))
        self.__pos = pos or Vect(0, 0)
        if same_as is None:
            self.style = style
            self.__style = same_as.__style
            self.style_dict = same_as.style_dict

        self.fixed_min_size = min_size is not None or \
            'min-size' in self.style_dict

        self.focused = None
        self.clickable = False
        self.surface = None     # This is used for the widget that
                                # keep a copy of there surface for
                                # optimisation
        self.store_surface = False   # Set to true for the widget to
                                     # keep a memory of it own surface

        if parent:
Exemplo n.º 10
 def __set_size(self, value):
     if value == self.size:
     self.rect = Rect(self.rect.pos, value)
     self.organized = False