def __saveGPSConf(self): ''' Saves the preferences from the GPS preferences panel. ''' geocacher.config().gpsType = self.gpsType.GetValue() geocacher.config().gpsConnection = self.gpsConnection.GetValue()
def __buildGCPanel(self, parent): ''' Builds the preferences panel. Argument parent: the parent window for this panel. ''' panel = wx.Panel(parent, wx.ID_ANY) gcGrid = wx.GridBagSizer(5, 5) label = wx.StaticText(panel, wx.ID_ANY, _('User Name'), size=(self.labelWidth, -1)) gcGrid.Add(label, (0, 0)) self.gcUserName = wx.TextCtrl(panel, wx.ID_ANY, geocacher.config().GCUserName, size=(self.entryWidth, -1)) gcGrid.Add(self.gcUserName, (0, 1)) label = wx.StaticText(panel, wx.ID_ANY, _('User ID')) gcGrid.Add(label, (1, 0)) self.gcUserId = wx.TextCtrl(panel, wx.ID_ANY, geocacher.config().GCUserID, size=(self.entryWidth, -1)) gcGrid.Add(self.gcUserId, (1, 1)) panel.SetSizer(gcGrid) return panel
def cacheAddLog(found, self=self, cache=cache): if found: logType = 'Found It' logDate = cache.found_date else: logType = "Didn't find it" logDate = cache.dnf_date dlg = FoundCache(self, cache.code, logType, logDate, cache.own_log, cache.own_log_encoded) if dlg.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK: Publisher.sendMessage('status.push', _('Marking cache %s as "%s"') % (cache.code, logType)) newLog = cache.addLog(None, date = wxDateTimeToPy(, logType = logType, finder_id = geocacher.config().GCUserID, finder_name = geocacher.config().GCUserName, encoded = dlg.encodeLog.GetValue(), text = dlg.logText.GetValue()) if found: cache.found = True cache.found_date = else: cache.dnf = True cache.dnf_date = cache.own_log_id = newLog.logId cache.user_date = geocacher.db().commit() cache.refreshOwnLog() self._table.ReloadRow(row) self.Reset() Publisher.sendMessage('status.pop') dlg.Destroy()
def __buildGPSPanel(self,parent): ''' Builds the GPS preferences panel. Argument parent: the parent window for this panel. ''' panel = wx.Panel(parent, wx.ID_ANY) gpsGrid = wx.GridBagSizer(5, 5) label = wx.StaticText(panel,wx.ID_ANY,_('Type'), size = (self.labelWidth,-1)) gpsGrid.Add(label, (0,0)) self.gpsType = wx.ComboBox(panel, wx.ID_ANY, value=geocacher.config().gpsType, choices=['garmin'], style=wx.CB_SORT|wx.CB_READONLY, size = (self.entryWidth,-1)) gpsGrid.Add(self.gpsType, (0,1)) label = wx.StaticText(panel,wx.ID_ANY,_('Port')) gpsGrid.Add(label, (1,0)) self.gpsConnection = wx.ComboBox(panel, wx.ID_ANY, value=geocacher.config().gpsConnection, choices=['usb:'], style=wx.CB_SORT, size = (self.entryWidth,-1)) gpsGrid.Add(self.gpsConnection, (1,1)) panel.SetSizer(gpsGrid) return panel
def __buildGCPanel(self, parent): ''' Builds the preferences panel. Argument parent: the parent window for this panel. ''' panel = wx.Panel(parent, wx.ID_ANY) gcGrid = wx.GridBagSizer(5, 5) label = wx.StaticText(panel,wx.ID_ANY,_('User Name'), size = (self.labelWidth,-1)) gcGrid.Add(label, (0,0)) self.gcUserName = wx.TextCtrl(panel, wx.ID_ANY,geocacher.config().GCUserName, size = (self.entryWidth,-1)) gcGrid.Add(self.gcUserName, (0,1)) label = wx.StaticText(panel,wx.ID_ANY,_('User ID')) gcGrid.Add(label, (1,0)) self.gcUserId = wx.TextCtrl(panel,wx.ID_ANY, geocacher.config().GCUserID, size = (self.entryWidth,-1)) gcGrid.Add(self.gcUserId, (1,1)) panel.SetSizer(gcGrid) return panel
def OnGpsUpload(self, event=None): ''' Uploads caches to GPS ''' self.pushStatus(_('Uploading caches to GPS')) opts = ExportOptions(self, True) if opts.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK: opts.SaveConf() caches = self.selectCaches(True) if len(caches) == 0: wx.MessageBox( parent=self, message=_( 'With the current settings there is nothing to export!' ), caption=_('Nothing to export'), style=wx.OK | wx.ICON_ERROR) else: fd, tmpFile = tempfile.mkstemp() gpx = Gpx() if gpx.export( tmpFile, caches, ): gpsCom = GpsCom(gps=geocacher.config().gpsType, port=geocacher.config().gpsConnection) ok, message = gpsCom.gpxToGps(tmpFile) if not ok: self.GpsError(message) os.remove(tmpFile) self.popStatus()
def OnGpsUpload(self, event=None): """ Uploads caches to GPS """ self.pushStatus(_("Uploading caches to GPS")) opts = ExportOptions(self, True) if opts.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK: opts.SaveConf() caches = self.selectCaches(True) if len(caches) == 0: wx.MessageBox( parent=self, message=_("With the current settings there is nothing to export!"), caption=_("Nothing to export"), style=wx.OK | wx.ICON_ERROR, ) else: fd, tmpFile = tempfile.mkstemp() gpx = Gpx() if gpx.export(tmpFile, caches): gpsCom = GpsCom(gps=geocacher.config().gpsType, port=geocacher.config().gpsConnection) ok, message = gpsCom.gpxToGps(tmpFile) if not ok: self.GpsError(message) os.remove(tmpFile) self.popStatus()
def OnLoadWpt(self, event=None): """ Handles the event from the "Load Waypoint" menu item. Keyword Argument event: The event causing this function to be called. """ self.pushStatus(_("Loading caches from file")) wildcard = "GPX File (*.gpx)|*.gpx|" "Compressed GPX File (*.zip)|*.zip|" "All files (*.*)|*.*" if os.path.isdir(geocacher.config().importFolder): directory = geocacher.config().importFolder else: directory = wx.StandardPaths.GetDocumentsDir(wx.StandardPaths.Get()) dlg = wx.FileDialog( self, message=_("Choose a file to load"), defaultDir=directory, defaultFile="", wildcard=wildcard, style=wx.OPEN | wx.MULTIPLE, ) if os.path.isfile(geocacher.config().importFile): dlg.SetPath(geocacher.config().importFile) ext = os.path.splitext(geocacher.config().importFile)[1] if ext != "": if ext == ".gpx": dlg.SetFilterIndex(0) elif ext == ".zip": dlg.SetFilterIndex(2) if dlg.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK: geocacher.config().importFolder = dlg.GetDirectory() paths = dlg.GetPaths() geocacher.config().importFile = paths[0] options = [_("Update"), _("Replace")] dlg = wx.SingleChoiceDialog( self, _("Load option"), _("Type of file load"), choices=options, style=wx.CHOICEDLG_STYLE ) if geocacher.config().importMode == "replace": dlg.SetSelection(1) else: dlg.SetSelection(0) if dlg.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK: if dlg.GetSelection() == 0: geocacher.config().importMode = "update" else: geocacher.config().importMode = "replace" changes = {} for path in paths: self.pushStatus(_("Loading caches from file: %s") % path) changes[path] = self.LoadFile(path) self.popStatus() self.displayImportedChanges(changes) self.cacheGrid.ReloadCaches() dlg.Destroy() self.popStatus()
def UpdateUserDataLabels(self): ''' Updates the user data column labels from the program configuration. ''' self.colLabels['user_data1'] = geocacher.config().userData1Label self.colLabels['user_data2'] = geocacher.config().userData1Label self.colLabels['user_data3'] = geocacher.config().userData1Label self.colLabels['user_data4'] = geocacher.config().userData1Label
def milestones(self, jump=100): cur = geocacher.db().cursor() cur.execute( "SELECT code, found_date FROM Caches WHERE found = 1 ORDER BY found_date, own_log_id" ) rows = cur.fetchall() dateFormat = geocacher.config().dateFormat html = self.titleWide('Milestones') html += "<table width='750' style='text-align: left;'>\n" html += "<tr>\n" html += self.hrCell('Milestone') html += self.hrCell('Date') html += self.hrCell('Interval') html += self.hrCell(' ') html += self.hrCell('Code') html += self.hrCell(' ') html += self.hrCell('Cache Name') html += "</tr>\n" if jump > 1: row, prevDate = self.mileStoneRow(rows[0][0], 1) html += row else: prevDate = None index = jump numFound = len(rows) while index < numFound: row, prevDate = self.mileStoneRow(rows[index - 1][0], index, prevDate) html += row index += jump row, prevDate = self.mileStoneRow(rows[numFound - 1][0], numFound, prevDate) html += row html += "</table>\n" firstDay = rows[0][1].date() lastDay = rows[numFound - 1][1].date() elapsedDays = (lastDay - firstDay).days + 1 elapsedRate = float(numFound) / float(elapsedDays) cur.execute( "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM (SELECT DISTINCT DATE(found_date) FROM Caches WHERE found = 1)" ) cacheDays = cur.fetchone()[0] cacheRate = float(numFound) / float(cacheDays) elapsedNext = roundUp((index - numFound) / elapsedRate) cacheNext = roundUp((index - numFound) / cacheRate) nextDate = lastDay + datetime.timedelta(days=elapsedNext) html += "<i><br />%s should reach <b>%i</b> finds in <b>%i</b> days (<b>%i</b> Caching days) on <b>%s</b> </i><br />\n" % ( self.userName, index, elapsedNext, cacheNext, nextDate.strftime(geocacher.config().dateFormat)) index += jump elapsedNext = roundUp((index - numFound) / elapsedRate) cacheNext = roundUp((index - numFound) / cacheRate) nextDate = lastDay + datetime.timedelta(days=elapsedNext) html += "and <b>%i</b> finds in <b>%i</b> days (<b>%i</b> Caching days) on <b>%s</b> </i><br />\n" % ( index, elapsedNext, cacheNext, nextDate.strftime(geocacher.config().dateFormat)) html += """<br /><br />\n""" return html
def buildToolBar(self): """ Builds the toolbar for the main window. """ TBFLAGS = wx.TB_HORIZONTAL | wx.NO_BORDER | wx.TB_FLAT tb = self.CreateToolBar(TBFLAGS) self.tb = tb self.tbFilterName = wx.StaticText(tb, wx.ID_ANY, _("Fiter:"), style=wx.TEXT_ATTR_FONT_ITALIC) tb.AddControl(self.tbFilterName) self.cbHideMine = wx.CheckBox(tb, wx.ID_ANY, _("Hide Mine")) tb.AddControl(self.cbHideMine) self.Bind(wx.EVT_CHECKBOX, self.OnCbHideMine, self.cbHideMine) self.cbHideMine.SetValue(geocacher.config().filterMine) self.cbHideFound = wx.CheckBox(tb, wx.ID_ANY, _("Hide Found")) tb.AddControl(self.cbHideFound) self.Bind(wx.EVT_CHECKBOX, self.OnCbHideFound, self.cbHideFound) self.cbHideFound.SetValue(geocacher.config().filterFound) self.cbHideDisabled = wx.CheckBox(tb, wx.ID_ANY, _("Hide Disabled")) tb.AddControl(self.cbHideDisabled) self.Bind(wx.EVT_CHECKBOX, self.OnCbHideDisabled, self.cbHideDisabled) self.cbHideDisabled.SetValue(geocacher.config().filterDisabled) self.cbHideArchived = wx.CheckBox(tb, wx.ID_ANY, _("Hide Archived")) tb.AddControl(self.cbHideArchived) self.Bind(wx.EVT_CHECKBOX, self.OnCbHideArchived, self.cbHideArchived) self.cbHideArchived.SetValue(geocacher.config().filterArchived) self.cbHideOverDist = wx.CheckBox(tb, wx.ID_ANY, _("Hide Over")) tb.AddControl(self.cbHideOverDist) self.Bind(wx.EVT_CHECKBOX, self.OnCbHideOverDist, self.cbHideOverDist) self.cbHideOverDist.SetValue(geocacher.config().filterOverDist) self.tbMaxDistance = wx.TextCtrl(tb, wx.ID_ANY, value=str(geocacher.config().filterMaxDist), size=[100, -1]) tb.AddControl(self.tbMaxDistance) self.tbMaxDistance.Bind(wx.EVT_LEFT_DCLICK, self.OnMaxDistVal) tb.AddSeparator() tb.AddControl(wx.StaticText(tb, wx.ID_ANY, _("Home location"), style=wx.TEXT_ATTR_FONT_ITALIC)) choices = geocacher.db().getLocationNameList() if geocacher.config().currentLocation in choices: current = geocacher.config().currentLocation else: current = choices[0] geocacher.config().currentLocation = current self.selLocation = wx.ComboBox( tb, wx.ID_ANY, current, choices=choices, size=[150, -1], style=wx.CB_DROPDOWN | wx.CB_SORT ) tb.AddControl(self.selLocation) self.Bind(wx.EVT_COMBOBOX, self.OnSelLocation, self.selLocation) tb.Realize() self.ShowHideFilterBar(geocacher.config().showFilter)
def open(self, dbfile=None, debugging=False): if dbfile is None: dbfile = geocacher.config().dbfile self.close() if debugging: self.prepdb(":memory:", True) else: geocacher.config().dbfile = dbfile if not os.path.isdir(geocacher.config().dbpath): os.makedirs(geocacher.config().dbpath) self.prepdb(geocacher.config().dbfile, True)
def __init__(self,parent,cache): ''' Initialises the additional waypoints dialog. Arguments parent: The parent window for the dialog. cache: The cache object to display the additional waypoints from. ''' wx.Dialog.__init__(self,parent,wx.ID_ANY,_("Additional Waypoints for ")+cache.code,size = (490,500), style = wx.DEFAULT_FRAME_STYLE | wx.NO_FULL_REPAINT_ON_RESIZE) # Create a scrolled panel and a vertical sizer within it to take the logs sw = Scrolled.ScrolledPanel(self, -1, size=(480, 450), style = wx.TAB_TRAVERSAL) wptSizer = wx.BoxSizer(orient=wx.VERTICAL) res = Xrc.XmlResource(os.path.join(geocacher.getBasePath(), 'xrc', 'addWaypointsPanel.xrc')) # Create a block for each log and add it to the logs sizer for wpt in cache.getAddWaypoints(): wptPanel = res.LoadPanel(sw, 'addWaypointPanel') code = Xrc.XRCCTRL(wptPanel, 'codeText') wptType = Xrc.XRCCTRL(wptPanel, 'typeText') lat = Xrc.XRCCTRL(wptPanel, 'latText') lon = Xrc.XRCCTRL(wptPanel, 'lonText') name = Xrc.XRCCTRL(wptPanel, 'nameText') comment = Xrc.XRCCTRL(wptPanel, 'commentText') code.SetValue(wpt.code) wptType.SetValue(wpt.sym) lat.SetValue(latToStr(, geocacher.config().coordinateFormat)) lon.SetValue(lonToStr(wpt.lon, geocacher.config().coordinateFormat)) name.SetValue( comment.SetValue(wpt.cmt) wptSizer.Add(wptPanel) # Final Setup of the scrolled panel sw.SetSizer(wptSizer) sw.SetAutoLayout(1) sw.SetupScrolling() # Buttons closeButton = wx.Button(self,wx.ID_CLOSE) self.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.OnClose,closeButton) buttonBox = wx.BoxSizer(orient=wx.HORIZONTAL) buttonBox.Add(closeButton, 0, wx.EXPAND) # finally, put the scrolledPannel and buttons in a sizer to manage the layout mainSizer = wx.BoxSizer(orient=wx.VERTICAL) mainSizer.Add(sw) mainSizer.Add(buttonBox, 0, wx.EXPAND) self.SetSizer(mainSizer)
def __init__(self, parent, id): ''' Initialisation for the main frame. Arguments parent: The parent window of the frame. id: The ID to give the frame. ''' self.displayCache = None size = geocacher.config().mainWinSize # check that the Current location is in the db if geocacher.config().currentLocation not in geocacher.db( ).getLocationNameList(): geocacher.config().currentLocation = geocacher.db( ).getLocationNameList()[0] wx.Frame.__init__(self, parent, wx.ID_ANY, _("Geocacher"), size=(size), style=wx.DEFAULT_FRAME_STYLE | wx.NO_FULL_REPAINT_ON_RESIZE) self.Bind(wx.EVT_CLOSE, self.OnQuit) self.SetIcon( wx.Icon( os.path.join(geocacher.getBasePath(), 'gfx', 'treasure_chest.ico'), wx.BITMAP_TYPE_ICO)) self.buildStatusBar() self.buildMenu() self.buildToolBar() self.splitter = wx.SplitterWindow(self, wx.ID_ANY, style=wx.SP_LIVE_UPDATE | wx.SP_BORDER) self.cacheGrid = CacheGrid(self.splitter) self.Description = Html.HtmlWindow(self.splitter, wx.ID_ANY, name="Description Pannel") self.splitter.SetMinimumPaneSize(20) self.splitter.SplitHorizontally(self.cacheGrid, self.Description, geocacher.config().detailSplit) self.updateStatus() self.displayedCache = None self.updateDetail(geocacher.config().displayedCache) Publisher.subscribe(self.updateDetailMsg, 'cache.selected') Publisher.subscribe(self.NewLocationMsg, '') Publisher.subscribe(self.popStatusMsg, 'status.pop') Publisher.subscribe(self.pushStatusMsg, 'status.push') Publisher.subscribe(self.updateStatusMsg, 'status.update')
def __init__(self): ''' Initialises the cacheStats object based on the given database and configuration objects. ''' self.userName = geocacher.config().GCUserName self.userId = geocacher.config().GCUserID cur = geocacher.db().cursor() cur.execute('SELECT COUNT(id) From Caches WHERE found = 1') self.found = cur.fetchone()[0]
def zipExport(self, filename, caches): ''' Exports the given caches to the given zip file in the .gpx format. Arguments filename: Path to the file to export the cache information to caches: List of cache objects to be exported ''' assert os.path.isdir(os.path.split(filename)[0]) config = geocacher.config() if len(caches) == 0: return True if os.path.isfile(filename): try: os.remove(filename) except: return False baseName = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(filename))[0] try: tempDir = tempfile.mkdtemp() archive = zipfile.ZipFile(filename, mode='w', compression=zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED) except: return False gpxFileName = os.path.join(tempDir, baseName + '.gpx') ret1 = self.export(gpxFileName, caches, geocacher.config().exportSepAddWpts) archive.write(gpxFileName, os.path.basename(gpxFileName).encode("utf_8")) if config.exportAddWpts and config.exportSepAddWpts: gpxAddFileName = os.path.join(tempDir, baseName + '-wpts.gpx') ret2, count = self.exportAddWpt(gpxAddFileName, caches) if count != 0: archive.write(gpxAddFileName, os.path.basename(gpxAddFileName).encode("utf_8")) else: ret2 = True archive.close() shutil.rmtree(tempDir) return ret1 and ret2
def backup(self): self.close() dbpath = geocacher.config().dbpath today = ext = "" % (today) zfilename = os.sep.join([dbpath, 'Geocacher_Backup%s' % ext]) z=zipfile.ZipFile(zfilename, "w", allowZip64=True) for dbfile in filter(lambda x:x.lower().endswith('.sqlite'), os.listdir(geocacher.config().dbpath)): dbfile = os.sep.join([dbpath, dbfile.encode('ascii')]) arcname = "%s-%s.sqlite" % (os.path.splitext(os.path.split(dbfile)[1])[0], today) arcname = arcname.encode('ascii') z.write(dbfile, arcname, compress_type=zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED) z.close()
def zipExport(self, filename,caches): ''' Exports the given caches to the given zip file in the .gpx format. Arguments filename: Path to the file to export the cache information to caches: List of cache objects to be exported ''' assert os.path.isdir(os.path.split(filename)[0]) config=geocacher.config() if len(caches) == 0: return True if os.path.isfile(filename): try: os.remove(filename) except: return False baseName = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(filename))[0] try: tempDir = tempfile.mkdtemp() archive = zipfile.ZipFile(filename, mode='w', compression=zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED) except: return False gpxFileName = os.path.join(tempDir, baseName+'.gpx') ret1 = self.export(gpxFileName,caches, geocacher.config().exportSepAddWpts) archive.write(gpxFileName, os.path.basename(gpxFileName).encode("utf_8")) if config.exportAddWpts and config.exportSepAddWpts: gpxAddFileName = os.path.join(tempDir, baseName+'-wpts.gpx') ret2, count = self.exportAddWpt(gpxAddFileName,caches) if count != 0: archive.write(gpxAddFileName, os.path.basename(gpxAddFileName).encode("utf_8")) else: ret2 = True archive.close() shutil.rmtree(tempDir) return ret1 and ret2
def OnGpsLocation(self, event=None): """ Handles the event from the "Location from GPS" menu item. Keyword Argument event: The event causing this function to be called. """ self.pushStatus(_("Loading new location form GPS")) gpsCom = GpsCom(gps=geocacher.config().gpsType, port=geocacher.config().gpsConnection) ok, lat, lon, message = gpsCom.getCurrentPos() if ok: self.NewLocation(lat, lon, _("the GPS"), _("GPS Point")) else: self.GpsError(message) self.popStatus()
def OnMaintainDb(self, event=None): """ Handles the event from the "Maintain Database" menu item. Keyword Argument event: The event causing this function to be called. """ self.pushStatus(_("Maintaining Database")) opts = DatabaseCleanupOptions(self) if opts.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK: opts.SaveConf() geocacher.db().maintdb() if geocacher.config().cleanupCacheAct != "none" or geocacher.config().cleanupLog > 0: self.cacheGrid.ReloadCaches() self.popStatus()
def __init__(self, debugging=False): __sharde_state = {} self.__dict__ = self.__shared_state if not hasattr(self, "allstatements"): self.allstatements = sorted(filter(lambda x: x.startswith("statements_v"), Database.__dict__.keys())) if not hasattr(self, "database"):, debugging)
def OnGpsLocation(self, event=None): ''' Handles the event from the "Location from GPS" menu item. Keyword Argument event: The event causing this function to be called. ''' self.pushStatus(_('Loading new location form GPS')) gpsCom = GpsCom(gps=geocacher.config().gpsType, port=geocacher.config().gpsConnection) ok, lat, lon, message = gpsCom.getCurrentPos() if ok: self.NewLocation(lat, lon, _('the GPS'), _('GPS Point')) else: self.GpsError(message) self.popStatus()
def OnQuit(self, event=None): ''' Handles the exit application event saving the necessary data before exiting. Keyword Argument event: The event causing this function to be called. ''' geocacher.config().mainWinSize = self.GetSize() geocacher.config().detailSplit = self.splitter.GetSashPosition() geocacher.config().cacheColumnOrder = self.cacheGrid.GetCols() if self.displayedCache != None: geocacher.config().displayedCache = self.displayedCache else: geocacher.config().displayedCache = '' self.Destroy()
def OnMaintainDb(self, event=None): ''' Handles the event from the "Maintain Database" menu item. Keyword Argument event: The event causing this function to be called. ''' self.pushStatus(_("Maintaining Database")) opts = DatabaseCleanupOptions(self) if opts.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK: opts.SaveConf() geocacher.db().maintdb() if geocacher.config( ).cleanupCacheAct != 'none' or geocacher.config().cleanupLog > 0: self.cacheGrid.ReloadCaches() self.popStatus()
def SaveConf(self): ''' Saves the values form the dialog to the configuration structure ''' config = geocacher.config() config.exportFilterDisp = self.displayed.GetValue() config.exportFilterSel = self.selected.GetValue() config.exportFilterUser = self.userFlag.GetValue() if not self.gps: config.exportFile = self.path.GetPath() config.exportScope = self.types[self.exType.GetSelection()] simple = config.exportScope == self.types[0] full = config.exportScope == self.types[1] config.exportGc = (self.gc.GetValue() and (not simple)) or full config.exportLogs = (self.logs.GetValue() and (not simple)) or full config.exportTbs = (self.tbs.GetValue() and (not simple)) or full config.exportAddWpts = (self.addWpts.GetValue() and (not simple)) or full config.exportSepAddWpts = self.sepAddWpts.GetValue() config.exportAdjWpts = self.adjWpts.GetValue() config.exportAdjWptSufix = self.adjWptSufix.GetValue() config.exportLimitLogs = self.limitLogs.GetValue() config.exportMaxLogs = self.maxLogs.GetValue() config.exportLogOrder = self.logOrder.GetSelection() config.exportGpxVersion = self.gpxVersion.GetSelection()
def backup(self): self.close() dbpath = geocacher.config().dbpath today = ext = "" % (today) zfilename = os.sep.join([dbpath, 'Geocacher_Backup%s' % ext]) z = zipfile.ZipFile(zfilename, "w", allowZip64=True) for dbfile in filter(lambda x: x.lower().endswith('.sqlite'), os.listdir(geocacher.config().dbpath)): dbfile = os.sep.join([dbpath, dbfile.encode('ascii')]) arcname = "%s-%s.sqlite" % (os.path.splitext( os.path.split(dbfile)[1])[0], today) arcname = arcname.encode('ascii') z.write(dbfile, arcname, compress_type=zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED) z.close()
def GetColLabelValue(self, col): ''' Returns the label for the given column. Argument row: Column number to return the label for. ''' id = self.colNames[col] label = self.colLabels[id] if id == geocacher.config().cacheSortColumn: if geocacher.config().cacheSortDescend: return label + u" \u2207" else: return label + u" \u2206" else: return label
def OnQuit(self, event=None): """ Handles the exit application event saving the necessary data before exiting. Keyword Argument event: The event causing this function to be called. """ geocacher.config().mainWinSize = self.GetSize() geocacher.config().detailSplit = self.splitter.GetSashPosition() geocacher.config().cacheColumnOrder = self.cacheGrid.GetCols() if self.displayedCache != None: geocacher.config().displayedCache = self.displayedCache else: geocacher.config().displayedCache = "" self.Destroy()
def BeginEdit(self, row, col, grid): self.startValue = grid.GetTable().GetValue(row, col) format = geocacher.config().coordinateFormat self._tc.SetValue(degToStr(self.startValue, format, self.mode)) self._tc.SetInsertionPointEnd() self._tc.SetFocus() self._tc.SetSelection(0, self._tc.GetLastPosition())
def OnExportWpt(self, event=None): ''' Handles the event from the "Export Waypoints to file" menu item. Keyword Argument event: The event causing this function to be called. ''' self.pushStatus(_('Exporting caches to file')) opts = ExportOptions(self, False) if opts.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK: opts.SaveConf() config = geocacher.config() path = config.exportFile self.popStatus() self.pushStatus(_('Exporting caches to file: %s') % path) if os.path.isfile(path): question = wx.MessageDialog( None, message= _('"%s" already exists are you sure you want to replace it ?' ) % path, caption=_('File Already Exists'), style=wx.YES_NO | wx.ICON_WARNING) if question.ShowModal() == wx.ID_NO: question.Destroy() self.popStatus() return ext = os.path.splitext(path)[1] caches = self.selectCaches(False) if len(caches) == 0: wx.MessageBox( parent=self, message=_( 'With the current settings there is nothing to export!' ), caption=_('Nothing to export'), style=wx.OK | wx.ICON_ERROR) else: gpx = Gpx() if ext == '.gpx': ret = gpx.export(path, caches) elif ext == '.zip': ret = gpx.zipExport(path, caches) else: ret = True wx.MessageBox( parent=self, message= _('Error exporting to file: %s\n file type not supported' ) % config.exportPath, caption=_('Way point export Error'), style=wx.OK | wx.ICON_ERROR) if not ret: wx.MessageBox(parent=self, message=_('Error exporting to file: %s') % path, caption=_('Way point export Error'), style=wx.OK | wx.ICON_ERROR) self.popStatus()
def GetBestSize(self, grid, attr, dc, row, col): value = self.table.GetValue(row, col) if geocacher.config().imperialUnits: text = '%0.2f Mi' % (value * 0.621371192) else: text = '%0.2f km' % value w, h = dc.GetTextExtent(text) return wx.Size(w, h)
def TransferToWindow(self): textCtrl = self.GetWindow() value =, 0) if textCtrl.SetValue("") else: textCtrl.SetValue(degToStr(value, geocacher.config().coordinateFormat, self.mode)) return True
def __init__(self, parent, id): """ Initialisation for the main frame. Arguments parent: The parent window of the frame. id: The ID to give the frame. """ self.displayCache = None size = geocacher.config().mainWinSize # check that the Current location is in the db if geocacher.config().currentLocation not in geocacher.db().getLocationNameList(): geocacher.config().currentLocation = geocacher.db().getLocationNameList()[0] wx.Frame.__init__( self, parent, wx.ID_ANY, _("Geocacher"), size=(size), style=wx.DEFAULT_FRAME_STYLE | wx.NO_FULL_REPAINT_ON_RESIZE, ) self.Bind(wx.EVT_CLOSE, self.OnQuit) self.SetIcon(wx.Icon(os.path.join(geocacher.getBasePath(), "gfx", "treasure_chest.ico"), wx.BITMAP_TYPE_ICO)) self.buildStatusBar() self.buildMenu() self.buildToolBar() self.splitter = wx.SplitterWindow(self, wx.ID_ANY, style=wx.SP_LIVE_UPDATE | wx.SP_BORDER) self.cacheGrid = CacheGrid(self.splitter) self.Description = Html.HtmlWindow(self.splitter, wx.ID_ANY, name="Description Pannel") self.splitter.SetMinimumPaneSize(20) self.splitter.SplitHorizontally(self.cacheGrid, self.Description, geocacher.config().detailSplit) self.updateStatus() self.displayedCache = None self.updateDetail(geocacher.config().displayedCache) Publisher.subscribe(self.updateDetailMsg, "cache.selected") Publisher.subscribe(self.NewLocationMsg, "") Publisher.subscribe(self.popStatusMsg, "status.pop") Publisher.subscribe(self.pushStatusMsg, "status.push") Publisher.subscribe(self.updateStatusMsg, "status.update")
def OnExportWpt(self, event=None): """ Handles the event from the "Export Waypoints to file" menu item. Keyword Argument event: The event causing this function to be called. """ self.pushStatus(_("Exporting caches to file")) opts = ExportOptions(self, False) if opts.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK: opts.SaveConf() config = geocacher.config() path = config.exportFile self.popStatus() self.pushStatus(_("Exporting caches to file: %s") % path) if os.path.isfile(path): question = wx.MessageDialog( None, message=_('"%s" already exists are you sure you want to replace it ?') % path, caption=_("File Already Exists"), style=wx.YES_NO | wx.ICON_WARNING, ) if question.ShowModal() == wx.ID_NO: question.Destroy() self.popStatus() return ext = os.path.splitext(path)[1] caches = self.selectCaches(False) if len(caches) == 0: wx.MessageBox( parent=self, message=_("With the current settings there is nothing to export!"), caption=_("Nothing to export"), style=wx.OK | wx.ICON_ERROR, ) else: gpx = Gpx() if ext == ".gpx": ret = gpx.export(path, caches) elif ext == ".zip": ret = gpx.zipExport(path, caches) else: ret = True wx.MessageBox( parent=self, message=_("Error exporting to file: %s\n file type not supported") % config.exportPath, caption=_("Way point export Error"), style=wx.OK | wx.ICON_ERROR, ) if not ret: wx.MessageBox( parent=self, message=_("Error exporting to file: %s") % path, caption=_("Way point export Error"), style=wx.OK | wx.ICON_ERROR, ) self.popStatus()
def __init__(self, debugging=False): __sharde_state = {} self.__dict__ = self.__shared_state if not hasattr(self, "allstatements"): self.allstatements = sorted( filter(lambda x: x.startswith("statements_v"), Database.__dict__.keys())) if not hasattr(self, "database"):, debugging)
def Save(self): existingNames = geocacher.db().getLocationNameList() newNames = self.GetNames() for row in if row[0] in existingNames: location = geocacher.db().getLocationByName(row[0]) = row[1] location.lon = row[2] else: geocacher.db().addLocation(row[0], row[1], row[2]) for name in existingNames: if name not in newNames: location = geocacher.db().getLocationByName(name) location.delete() geocacher.db().commit() if geocacher.config().currentLocation not in newNames: geocacher.config().currentLocation = newNames[0]
def maintdb(self): config = geocacher.config() if config.cleanupBackup: print "Backing up" self.backup() cur = self.cursor() if config.cleanupCacheAct == 'delete': # delete caches which have not been seen in gpx files for # config.cleanupCacheDays excluding caches we have found or own sql = "DELETE FROM Caches WHERE gpx_date < date('now', '-%i day' ) AND owner != ? AND owner_id != ? AND found = 0 AND corrected = 0" % config.cleanupCacheAge cur.execute(sql, ( config.GCUserName, config.GCUserID, )) # need to archive unseen caches that we have found if in delete mode if config.cleanupCacheAct in ['archive', 'delete']: # mark caches which have not been seen in gpx files for # config.cleanupCacheDays as archived and unavailable sql = "UPDATE Caches SET available = 0, archived = 1 WHERE gpx_date < date('now', '-%i day' )" % config.cleanupCacheAge cur.execute(sql) # Cleanup any orphaned Attributes, Logs, Travelbugs and Waypoints cur.execute( "DELETE FROM Attributes WHERE cache_id NOT IN (SELECT id FROM Caches)" ) cur.execute( "DELETE FROM Logs WHERE cache_id NOT IN (SELECT id FROM Caches)") cur.execute( "DELETE FROM Travelbugs WHERE cache_id NOT IN (SELECT id FROM Caches)" ) cur.execute( "DELETE FROM Waypoints WHERE cache_id NOT IN (SELECT id FROM Caches)" ) self.commit() if config.cleanupLog > 0: # remove logs older than config.cleanupLog days old except own sql = "SELECT * FROM Logs WHERE finder_name != ? AND finder_id != ? AND log_date < DATE('now', '-%i day') AND cache_id NOT IN (SELECT id FROM Caches WHERE owner = ? OR owner_id = ?)" % config.cleanupLog cur.execute(sql, ( config.GCUserName, config.GCUserID, config.GCUserName, config.GCUserID, )) if config.cleanupCompact: print "Vacuuming" cur.execute("vacuum") self.commit() if config.cleanupIndexes: print "Rebuilding indexes" cur.execute("analyze") self.commit()
def __init__(self, table): Grid.PyGridCellRenderer.__init__(self) self._dir = os.path.join(geocacher.getBasePath(),'gfx') self._themeDir = geocacher.config().iconTheme self.table = table self._images = {} self._default = None self.colSize = None self.rowSize = None
def getCurrentLocationLatLon(self): '''Returns the Lat and lon of the currently configured location or 0.0,0.0 if it does not exist''' cur = self.cursor() cur.execute("SELECT lat, lon FROM Locations WHERE name = ?", (geocacher.config().currentLocation,)) row = cur.fetchone() if row is None: return (0.0, 0.0) else: lat, lon = row return (lat, lon)
def OnShowFilter(self, event=None): ''' Handles the event from the "Show Filter" menu item. Keyword Argument event: The event causing this function to be called. ''' show = self.miShowFilter.IsChecked() geocacher.config().showFilter = show self.ShowHideFilterBar(show)
def OnShowFilter(self, event=None): """ Handles the event from the "Show Filter" menu item. Keyword Argument event: The event causing this function to be called. """ show = self.miShowFilter.IsChecked() geocacher.config().showFilter = show self.ShowHideFilterBar(show)
def TransferToWindow(self): textCtrl = self.GetWindow() value =, 0) if textCtrl.SetValue('') else: textCtrl.SetValue( degToStr(value, geocacher.config().coordinateFormat, self.mode)) return True
def SaveConf(self): ''' Saves the values form the dialog to the configuration structure ''' config = geocacher.config() config.cleanupBackup = self.backup.GetValue() config.cleanupCacheAct = self.actions[self.cacheAction.GetSelection()] config.cleanupCacheAge = self.cacheAge.GetValue() config.cleanupLog = self.logAge.GetValue() config.cleanupIndexes = self.indexes.GetValue() config.cleanupCompact = self.compact.GetValue()
def formatDist(self, distance): if geocacher.config().imperialUnits: if distance < 1.0: return '%i yd' % int(distance * 1760) else: return '%0.2f mi' % distance else: if distance < 1.0: return '%i m' % int(distance * 1000) else: return '%0.2f km' % distance
def getCurrentLocationLatLon(self): '''Returns the Lat and lon of the currently configured location or 0.0,0.0 if it does not exist''' cur = self.cursor() cur.execute("SELECT lat, lon FROM Locations WHERE name = ?", (geocacher.config().currentLocation, )) row = cur.fetchone() if row is None: return (0.0, 0.0) else: lat, lon = row return (lat, lon)
def OnHideDisabled(self, state): ''' Handles the event from the toggling of the "Hide Disabled" tool bar or menu item. Argument state: The state of the check box causing the function to be called. ''' geocacher.config().filterDisabled = state self.miHideDisabled.Check(state) self.cbHideDisabled.SetValue(state) self.updateFilter()
def __saveDisplayConf(self): ''' Saves the preferences from the display preferences panel. ''' if self.dispUnits.GetValue() == self.dispUnitsChoices[0]: geocacher.config().imperialUnits = False else: geocacher.config().imperialUnits = True geocacher.config().coordinateFormat = self.dispCoordFmt.GetValue() geocacher.config().iconTheme = self.iconThemeSel.GetValue() geocacher.config().userData1Label = self.dispUserData1.GetValue() geocacher.config().userData2Label = self.dispUserData2.GetValue() geocacher.config().userData3Label = self.dispUserData3.GetValue() geocacher.config().userData4Label = self.dispUserData4.GetValue()
def OnPrefs(self, event=None): ''' Handles the event from the "Preferences" menu item. Keyword Argument event: The event causing this function to be called. ''' dlg = Preferences(self, wx.ID_ANY) if dlg.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK: self.cacheGrid.UpdateUserDataLabels() self.updateLocations() self.updateCurrentLocation(geocacher.config().currentLocation) dlg.Destroy()
def updateCurrentLocation(self, name): ''' Updates the cache data in the table/grid when a new location is selected. Argument name: name of the new home location to be used. ''' self.pushStatus(_('Updating home location to: %s') % name) self.selLocation.SetValue(name) geocacher.config().currentLocation = name self.cacheGrid.UpdateLocation() self.updateStatus() self.popStatus()