Exemplo n.º 1
class QuietPlacesData:
    def __init__(self, datafile, debug):
        self.debug = debug
        fileObject = open(datafile, 'r')
        self.data = pickle.load(fileObject)
        # print 'loaded ' + str(len(self.data)) + 'records, initializing index'

    def __load_geo_index(self):
        self.geo_index = GeoGridIndex()
        for lodging in self.data:
            # if self.debug: print 'loading geo for:' + lodging["name"]
            lat = float(lodging["lat"])
            lng = float(lodging["lng"])
            self.geo_index.add_point(GeoPoint(lat, lng, ref=lodging))

    def geo_search(self, lat, lng, range):
        center_point = GeoPoint(lat, lng)
        lodgings = []

        for geo_point, distance in self.geo_index.get_nearest_points(
                center_point, range, 'km'):
            # if self.debug: print("We found {0} in {1} km".format(geo_point.ref["name"], distance))
        return lodgings
Exemplo n.º 2
def build_geo_index_from_coord_index(coord_index, precision=5):
    geo_index = GeoGridIndex(precision=precision)

    for (lat, lng) in coord_index:
        geo_index.add_point(GeoPoint(lat, lng))

    return geo_index
Exemplo n.º 3
 def test_plot_grid(self):
     grid = GeoGridIndex(precision=4)
     for i in range(0,10):
         lat = random.random()*180 - 90
         lng = random.random()*360 - 180
         grid.add_point(GeoPoint(lat, lng))
     self.assertEqual(len(grid.data), 10)
Exemplo n.º 4
def build_geo_index_from_point_index(index, precision=5):
    geo_index = GeoGridIndex(precision=precision)

    for id_, point_info in index.iteritems():
        lat, lon = point_info.get('latitude',
                                  point_info.get('lat')), point_info.get(
                                      'longitude', point_info.get('lon'))
        geo_index.add_point(GeoPoint(lat, lon, point_info['id']))

    return geo_index
Exemplo n.º 5
def match_stops_to_nodes(gtfs, walk_network):
    gtfs : a GTFS object
    walk_network : networkx.Graph

    stop_I_to_node: dict
        maps stop_I to closest walk_network node
    stop_I_to_dist: dict
        maps stop_I to the distance to the closest walk_network node
    network_nodes = walk_network.nodes(data="true")

    stop_Is = set(gtfs.get_straight_line_transfer_distances()['from_stop_I'])
    stops_df = gtfs.stops()

    geo_index = GeoGridIndex(precision=6)
    for net_node, data in network_nodes:
        geo_index.add_point(GeoPoint(data['lat'], data['lon'], ref=net_node))
    stop_I_to_node = {}
    stop_I_to_dist = {}
    for stop_I in stop_Is:
        stop_lat = float(stops_df[stops_df.stop_I == stop_I].lat)
        stop_lon = float(stops_df[stops_df.stop_I == stop_I].lon)
        geo_point = GeoPoint(stop_lat, stop_lon)
        min_dist = float('inf')
        min_dist_node = None
        search_distances_m = [0.100, 0.500]
        for search_distance_m in search_distances_m:
            for point, distance in geo_index.get_nearest_points(
                    geo_point, search_distance_m, "km"):
                if distance < min_dist:
                    min_dist = distance * 1000
                    min_dist_node = point.ref
            if min_dist_node is not None:
        if min_dist_node is None:
            warn("No OSM node found for stop: " +
                 str(stops_df[stops_df.stop_I == stop_I]))
        stop_I_to_node[stop_I] = min_dist_node
        stop_I_to_dist[stop_I] = min_dist
    return stop_I_to_node, stop_I_to_dist
Exemplo n.º 6
def calc_transfers(conn, threshold_meters=1000):
    geohash_precision = _get_geo_hash_precision(threshold_meters / 1000.)
    geo_index = GeoGridIndex(precision=geohash_precision)
    g = GTFS(conn)
    stops = g.get_table("stops")
    stop_geopoints = []
    cursor = conn.cursor()

    for stop in stops.itertuples():
        stop_geopoint = GeoPoint(stop.lat, stop.lon, ref=stop.stop_I)
    for stop_geopoint in stop_geopoints:
        nearby_stop_geopoints = geo_index.get_nearest_points_dirty(
            stop_geopoint, threshold_meters / 1000.0, "km")
        from_stop_I = int(stop_geopoint.ref)
        from_lat = stop_geopoint.latitude
        from_lon = stop_geopoint.longitude

        to_stop_Is = []
        distances = []
        for nearby_stop_geopoint in nearby_stop_geopoints:
            to_stop_I = int(nearby_stop_geopoint.ref)
            if to_stop_I == from_stop_I:
            to_lat = nearby_stop_geopoint.latitude
            to_lon = nearby_stop_geopoint.longitude
            distance = math.ceil(
                wgs84_distance(from_lat, from_lon, to_lat, to_lon))
            if distance <= threshold_meters:

        n_pairs = len(to_stop_Is)
        from_stop_Is = [from_stop_I] * n_pairs
            'INSERT OR REPLACE INTO stop_distances VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?);',
            zip(from_stop_Is, to_stop_Is, distances, [None] * n_pairs,
                [None] * n_pairs, [None] * n_pairs))
            'CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS idx_sd_fsid ON stop_distances (from_stop_I);'
def initialize_matching(overwrite=False):
    # 1. fetch all unmatched Amadeus hotels
    print("Loading Amadeus hotels")
    amdh = load_amadeus_from_db()
    namdh = len(amdh)
    print("Loaded %d hotels" % namdh)

    # 2. fetch all unmatched Booking.com hotels
    print("Loading Booking hotels")
    bkgh = load_booking()
    # bkgh = load_booking_from_mysql()
    print("Loaded %d hotels" % len(bkgh))

    # 3. load existing matches
    if not overwrite:
        print("Loading previous matches")
        matches = load_matches()
        matches = {}

    matched_amdids = matches.keys()
    matched_bkgids = set(matches.values())

    # 4. Exclude already matched
    amdh = amdh[~amdh.amd_id.isin(matched_amdids)]
    bkgh = bkgh[~bkgh.bkg_id.isin(matched_bkgids)]
    print "%d Amadeus hotels left to match to %d Booking hotels" % (len(amdh),

    # 5. Build geo index
    print("Building Geo Index")
    geo_index = GeoGridIndex()
    for i, hb in bkgh.iterrows():
        if hb['lat'] == 90:
            hb['lat'] = -90.0
        geo_index.add_point(GeoPoint(hb['lat'], hb['lng'], ref=hb))

    return amdh, bkgh, matches, geo_index, namdh
class DistanceCalculator(object):
    def __init__(self):
        self.geo_index = GeoGridIndex(precision=3)
        self.conn = sqlite3.connect('rockstar_02.db',
        self.conn.text_factory = str
        self.cursor = self.conn.cursor()
        self.debug = False

    def load_index(self, input=None):
		Load all of the geolocated cemetery towers into memory,
		inside of our geo_index variable
        print 'Loading locations of interest into internal spatial index.'
        input_counter = 0
        for line in open(input, 'rU'):
            line = line.strip()
            parts = line.split('\t')
            #print parts
            #if len(parts) < 20 or len(parts)<2:
            #	continue
            admin1, lat, lon, tag = parts[10], float(parts[4]), float(
                parts[5]), parts[7]
            if admin1 == 'VA' and tag == 'HSP':
                #print lat
                self.geo_index.add_point(GeoPoint(lat, lon))
                input_counter += 1
        print 'Done loading index of hospital (added %s values)' % (

    def enumerate_all_distances(self, admin1=None):
		Walk the geohash5 centroids,
		calculate the distance to the nearest tower for each one,
		and write the distance value to the database.
        #Walk the geohash5 centroids,
        c = self.cursor
            'SELECT geohash, centroid_lat, centroid_lon from boxes where admin1=?',
            (admin1, ))
        geohashes_plus_coords = []
        for row in c.fetchall():
            geo5_item, lat, lon = row
            geohashes_plus_coords.append([geo5_item, lat, lon])
            #print geo5_item
        #print 'Those are the geohashes'
        progress_counter = 0
        for geo5, lat, lon in geohashes_plus_coords:
            progress_counter += 1
            if progress_counter % 50 == 0:
                print 'Processed %s records.' % (progress_counter)
            if self.debug == True:
                print '--------'
                print 'geohash of interest:', geo5, lat, lon
            #calculate the distance to the nearest tower for each one,
            temp_geo_point = GeoPoint(lat, lon)
            values = self.geo_index.get_nearest_points(temp_geo_point, 50.0,
            #print values
            minimum_distance = MINIMUM_DISTANCE
            for value in values:
                the_point, the_distance = value
                if the_distance < minimum_distance:
                    minimum_distance = the_distance

            #and write the distance value to the database.
            c.execute('UPDATE boxes set hospital_distance=? where geohash=?',
                      (minimum_distance, geo5))
        print 'Finished updating distance from geo5 centroids to input data'
    amdh = convert_amd_df_to_matching_format(amdh_full)
    namdh = len(amdh)
    print("Loaded %d hotels" % namdh)

    print("Loading Booking hotels")
    bkgh = load_booking()
    # bkgh = load_booking_from_mysql()
    print("Loaded %d hotels" % len(bkgh))

    print("Building Geo Index")
    geo_index = GeoGridIndex()
    for i, hb in bkgh.iterrows():
        if hb['lat'] == 90:
            hb['lat'] = -90.0
        geo_index.add_point(GeoPoint(hb['lat'], hb['lng'], ref=hb))

    matches = {}

    print("1st pass")
    match_in_neighborhood(amdh, geo_index, 1, 0.6, matches, namdh)

    print("2nd pass")
    match_in_neighborhood(amdh, geo_index, 2, 0.75, matches, namdh)

    print("3rd pass")
    match_in_neighborhood(amdh, geo_index, 4, 0.8, matches, namdh)

    print("4th pass")
    match_in_neighborhood(amdh, geo_index, 6, 0.86, matches, namdh)
Exemplo n.º 10
class DistanceCalculator(object):
    def __init__(self):
        self.geo_index = GeoGridIndex(precision=3)
        self.conn = sqlite3.connect('rockstar_02.db',
        self.conn.text_factory = str
        self.cursor = self.conn.cursor()
        self.debug = False

    def load_index(self, input=None):
		Load all of the geolocated cemetery towers into memory,
		inside of our geo_index variable
        print 'Loading locations of interest into internal spatial index.'
        input_counter = 0
        sf = shapefile.Reader(
        shaperec = sf.shapeRecords()
        motorway_hash = []
        for rec in range(len(shaperec)):
            if 'secondary_link' in shaperec[rec].record[2]:
                lat = shaperec[rec].shape.points[0][1]
                lon = shaperec[rec].shape.points[0][0]
                self.geo_index.add_point(GeoPoint(lat, lon))
                input_counter += 1
        print 'Done loading index of secondary_links (added %s values)' % (

    def enumerate_all_distances(self, admin1=None):
		Walk the geohash5 centroids,
		calculate the distance to the nearest tower for each one,
		and write the distance value to the database.
        #Walk the geohash5 centroids,
        c = self.cursor
            'SELECT geohash, centroid_lat, centroid_lon from boxes where admin1=?',
            (admin1, ))
        geohashes_plus_coords = []
        for row in c.fetchall():
            geo5_item, lat, lon = row
            geohashes_plus_coords.append([geo5_item, lat, lon])
            #print geo5_item
        #print 'Those are the geohashes'
        progress_counter = 0
        for geo5, lat, lon in geohashes_plus_coords:
            progress_counter += 1
            if progress_counter % 50 == 0:
                print 'Processed %s records.' % (progress_counter)
            if self.debug == True:
                print '--------'
                print 'geohash of interest:', geo5, lat, lon
            #calculate the distance to the nearest tower for each one,
            temp_geo_point = GeoPoint(lat, lon)
            values = self.geo_index.get_nearest_points(temp_geo_point, 50.0,
            #print values
            minimum_distance = MINIMUM_DISTANCE
            for value in values:
                the_point, the_distance = value
                if the_distance < minimum_distance:
                    minimum_distance = the_distance

            #and write the distance value to the database.
                'UPDATE boxes set secondary_link_distance=? where geohash=?',
                (minimum_distance, geo5))
        print 'Finished updating distance from geo5 centroids to input data'
Exemplo n.º 11
import dask.dataframe as dd
from dask.multiprocessing import get

#Load Swaziland Population File
swaz_pop = pd.read_csv("swaz_pop_data.csv")

#Load Water Data
water_data = pd.read_csv("Water_Point_Data_Exchange_Complete_Dataset.csv")

#Create df with only Swaziland water
swaz_water = water_data[water_data['#country_name'] == 'Swaziland']

#Create Geo Index of Swaziland Population Data
geo_index = GeoGridIndex()
for index, row in swaz_pop.iterrows():
    geo_index.add_point(GeoPoint(row['y'], row['x'], ref=row['value']))

#Calculate population with x distance of random well
def calculate_population_within_x_km(row, index, km):
    center_point = GeoPoint(row['#lat_deg'], row['#lon_deg'])
    total_population = 0
        for point, distance in index.get_nearest_points(
                center_point, km, 'km'):
            total_population += point.ref
        print("Invalid data - Record skipped")
    #print("Total population within", km, "kilometers:", int(total_population))
    return total_population
Exemplo n.º 12
myfile = opener.open(myurl)
js = json.load(myfile)

# build index of tract representative points
index = GeoGridIndex()
for feature in js['features']:
    # get feature properties and unique tract identifier
    properties = feature.get('properties')
    BoroCT2010 = properties.get('BoroCT2010')
    # geometry of tract
    geometry = feature.get('geometry')    
    polygon = shape(geometry)
    # get a representative point from each tract
    lon, lat = polygon.representative_point().coords[0]
    # add representative point to index
    index.add_point(GeoPoint(lat, lon, ref=BoroCT2010))

# function returning the Census tract of a point
def geocoder(lat, lon, rad=.5):
    taxi_point = GeoPoint(lat, lon)
    # iterate throug the nearest tracts to the point 
    for point, distance in index.get_nearest_points(taxi_point, rad, unit='km'):
        for feature in js['features']:
            properties = feature.get('properties')
            BoroCT2010 = properties.get('BoroCT2010')
            # check if the point belongs to one of the nearest tracts to it
            if point.ref == BoroCT2010:
                geometry = feature.get('geometry')
                polygon = shape(geometry)
                if polygon.contains(Point(lon, lat)):
Exemplo n.º 13
if 'sid' in form:
    c1, c2 = (-31.36023, -64.26264)
    z = 13
    banda = '025'
    lat = 0
    prop = int(form['sid'].value)
    geo_index = GeoGridIndex()
        "select origen, destino, frecuencia, calidad from link where propietario='%s'"
        % (prop))
    datapoint = cursor.fetchall()

    for p in datapoint:
        lat, lon = geohash.decode(p[0])
        geo_index.add_point(GeoPoint(lat, lon))
        lat, lon = geohash.decode(p[1])
        geo_index.add_point(GeoPoint(lat, lon))

        "select point, name, ip, numeroenlaces from nodo where propietario='%s'"
        % (prop))
    datanodo = cursor.fetchall()
    numero = []
    nodos = {}

    for p in datanodo:
        nodos[p[0]] = p[3]

    if 'center' in form:
Exemplo n.º 14
myfile = opener.open(myurl)
js = json.load(myfile)

# build index of tract representative points
index = GeoGridIndex()
for feature in js['features']:
    # get feature properties and unique tract identifier
    properties = feature.get('properties')
    BoroCT2010 = properties.get('BoroCT2010')
    # geometry of tract
    geometry = feature.get('geometry')
    polygon = shape(geometry)
    # get a representative point from each tract
    lon, lat = polygon.representative_point().coords[0]
    # add representative point to index
    index.add_point(GeoPoint(lat, lon, ref=BoroCT2010))

# function returning the Census tract of a point
def geocoder(lat, lon, rad=.5):
    taxi_point = GeoPoint(lat, lon)
    # iterate throug the nearest tracts to the point
    for point, distance in index.get_nearest_points(taxi_point, rad,
        for feature in js['features']:
            properties = feature.get('properties')
            BoroCT2010 = properties.get('BoroCT2010')
            # check if the point belongs to one of the nearest tracts to it
            if point.ref == BoroCT2010:
                geometry = feature.get('geometry')
                polygon = shape(geometry)
Exemplo n.º 15
array([[0.        , 1.        ],
       [0.        , 1.        ],
       [0.        , 1.41421356],
       [0.        , 1.        ],
       [0.        , 1.        ],
       [0.        , 1.41421356]])

from geoindex import GeoGridIndex, GeoPoint
import random
index = GeoGridIndex()

for _ in range(10000):
    lat = random.random()*180 - 90
    lng = random.random()*360 - 180
    index.add_point(GeoPoint(lat, lng))

center_point = GeoPoint(37.7772448, -122.3955118)
for distance, point in index.get_nearest_points(center_point, 10, 'km'):
    print("We found {0} in {1} km".format(point, distance))

#index = GeoGridIndex()
for airport in get_all_airports():
    index.add_point(GeoPoint(lat, lng, ref=airport))

center_point = GeoPoint(37.7772448, -122.3955118)
Exemplo n.º 16

if 'sid' in form:
	c1,c2 = (-31.36023,-64.26264)
	z = 13
	banda = '025'
	lat = 0
	prop = int(form['sid'].value)
	geo_index = GeoGridIndex()
	cursor.execute ("select origen, destino, frecuencia, calidad from link where propietario='%s'" %(prop))
	datapoint = cursor.fetchall ()

	for p in datapoint:

	cursor.execute ("select point, name, ip, numeroenlaces from nodo where propietario='%s'" %(prop))
	datanodo = cursor.fetchall ()
	numero = []
	nodos = {}

	for p in datanodo:
		nodos[p[0]] = p[3]
	if 'center' in form:
		c1,c2 = (form['center'].value)[7:].rstrip(')').split(',')
		z = form['zoom'].value