Exemplo n.º 1
 def get_geometry(self):
     if self.mode == 'CURVE':
         curves = self.inputs['Curves'].sv_get()
         if isinstance(curves[0], (list, tuple)):
             curves = sum(curves, [])
         container = multi.CurveContainer()
         for i, curve in enumerate(curves):
             if not isinstance(curve, SvNurbsCurve):
                 if hasattr(curve, 'to_nurbs'):
                     curve = curve.to_nurbs(
                     raise TypeError(
                         "Provided object #%s is not a NURBS curve, but %s!"
                         % (i, type(curve)))
         return container
     else:  # SURFACE
         surfaces = self.inputs['Surfaces'].sv_get()
         if isinstance(surfaces[0], (list, tuple)):
             surfaces = sum(surfaces, [])
         container = multi.SurfaceContainer()
         for i, surface in enumerate(surfaces):
             if not isinstance(surface, SvNurbsSurface):
                 if hasattr(surface, 'to_nurbs'):
                     surface = surface.to_nurbs(
                     raise TypeError(
                         "Provided object #%s is not a NURBS surface, but %s!"
                         % (i, type(surface)))
         return container
Exemplo n.º 2
def test_deriv_curve_fig(bspline_curve2d):
    fname = "test-derivative_curve.png"

    data = operations.derivative_curve(bspline_curve2d)
    multi_shape = multi.CurveContainer(data)
    multi_shape.vis = VisMPL.VisCurve2D()
    multi_shape.render(filename=fname, plot=False)

    assert os.path.isfile(fname)
    assert os.path.getsize(fname) > 0

    # Clean up temporary file if exists
    if os.path.isfile(fname):
Exemplo n.º 3
def test_curve3d_multi_fig_nowindow(bspline_curve3d):
    conf = VisMPL.VisConfig()
    vis = VisMPL.VisCurve3D(config=conf)

    data = operations.decompose_curve(bspline_curve3d)
    multi_shape = multi.CurveContainer(data)
    multi_shape.vis = vis

    assert os.path.isfile(conf.figure_image_filename)
    assert os.path.getsize(conf.figure_image_filename) > 0

    # Clean up temporary file if exists
    if os.path.isfile(conf.figure_image_filename):
Exemplo n.º 4
def test_curve3d_multi_fig_save(bspline_curve3d):
    conf = VisMPL.VisConfig()
    vis = VisMPL.VisCurve3D(config=conf)

    fname = "test-multi_curve.png"

    data = operations.decompose_curve(bspline_curve3d)
    multi_shape = multi.CurveContainer(data)
    multi_shape.vis = vis
    multi_shape.render(filename=fname, plot=False)

    assert os.path.isfile(fname)
    assert os.path.getsize(fname) > 0

    # Clean up temporary file if exists
    if os.path.isfile(fname):
Exemplo n.º 5
 def get_geometry(self):
     if self.mode == 'CURVE':
         curves = self.inputs['Curves'].sv_get()
         if isinstance(curves[0], (list, tuple)):
             curves = sum(curves, [])
         container = multi.CurveContainer()
         for i, curve in enumerate(curves):
             if not isinstance(curve, SvExGeomdlCurve):
                 raise TypeError("Provided object #%s is not a NURBS curve, but %s!" % (i, type(curve)))
         return container
     else: # SURFACE
         surfaces = self.inputs['Surfaces'].sv_get()
         if isinstance(surfaces[0], (list, tuple)):
             surfaces = sum(surfaces, [])
         container = multi.SurfaceContainer()
         for i, surface in enumerate(surfaces):
             if not isinstance(surface, SvExGeomdlSurface):
                 raise TypeError("Provided object #%s is not a NURBS surface, but %s!" % (i, type(surface)))
         return container
Exemplo n.º 6
def generate_nurbs_from_file(file_name, delta, shape_idx, file_type=''):
    """Generates NURBS objects from supported file formats"""
    # Fix input types
    delta = float(delta)
    shape_idx = int(shape_idx)

    # Try to find file type from its extension
    if not file_type:
        fname, fext = os.path.splitext(file_name)
        file_type = fext[1:]

    ftype = file_type.lower()
    if ftype in CLI_FILE_IMPORT_TYPES:
        # Build NURBS object
        nurbs_objs = CLI_FILE_IMPORT_TYPES[ftype](file_name,

        # Return the shape
        if len(nurbs_objs) == 1:
            return nurbs_objs[0]

        if isinstance(nurbs_objs[0], NURBS.Curve):
            result = multi.CurveContainer(nurbs_objs)
        elif isinstance(nurbs_objs[0], NURBS.Surface):
            result = multi.SurfaceContainer(nurbs_objs)
            result = multi.VolumeContainer(nurbs_objs)

        # Set the delta for multi shape objects
        if 0.0 < delta < 1.0:
            result.delta = delta

        if shape_idx >= 0:
            return result[shape_idx]
        return result
        raise RuntimeError("The input file type '" + str(file_type) +
                           "' is not supported")
Exemplo n.º 7
# Fix file path

# Create a BSpline curve instance
curve = BSpline.Curve()

# Set degree
curve.degree = 3

# Read control points from a file
curve.ctrlpts = exchange.import_txt("ex_curve03.cpt")

# Set knot vector
curve.knotvector = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0.25, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 0.75, 1, 1, 1, 1]

# Decompose the curve
curve_list = operations.decompose_curve(curve)
curve_decomposed = multi.CurveContainer(curve_list)

# Set sample size for the decomposed curve
curve_decomposed.sample_size = 25

# Plot the decomposed curve
vis_comp = vis.VisCurve2D()
curve_decomposed.vis = vis_comp

# Good to have something here to put a breakpoint
Exemplo n.º 8
from geomdl import operations
from geomdl import multi
from geomdl.visualization import VisMPL

# Fix file path

# Create a B-Spline curve instance
curve = BSpline.Curve()

# Set up the curve
curve.degree = 4
curve.ctrlpts = exchange.import_txt("ex_curve01.cpt")

# Auto-generate knot vector
curve.knotvector = utilities.generate_knot_vector(curve.degree, len(curve.ctrlpts))

# Decompose the curve into Bezier curve segments
bezier_curves = operations.decompose_curve(curve)
bezier = multi.CurveContainer(bezier_curves)

# Plot the curves using the curve container
bezier.sample_size = 40
vis_comp = VisMPL.VisCurve2D()
bezier.vis = vis_comp

# Good to have something here to put a breakpoint
Exemplo n.º 9
def get_cm_from_interpolation_length(pts, interpolation_factor, center_circle,
                                     radius):  # 0 is circ
    center = center_circle
    cm = multi.CurveContainer()
    cm.vis = VisMPL.VisCurve2D(axes=False,
    circle_length = 2 * math.pi * radius
    tangents = []
    curve_lengths = []
    for i in range(len(pts)):
        p1 = pts[(i - 1) % len(pts)]
        p2 = pts[(i + 1) % len(pts)]
        pr = (p2[0] - p1[0], p2[1] - p1[1])
        alpha = math.atan2(pr[1], pr[0]) % math.pi

    dists = []
    for i in range(len(pts)):
        dist = functions.euclid_dist(pts[i], pts[(i + 1) % len(pts)])
        d = dist * 0.25

    for i in range(len(pts)):
        c = BSpline.Curve()
        c.degree = 3
        d = dists[i]

        p1, p2 = get_points_on_tangent(pts[i], tangents[i], d)
        if functions.euclid_dist(
                p1, pts[(i + 1) % len(pts)]) < functions.euclid_dist(
                    p2, pts[(i + 1) % len(pts)]):
            p2, p1 = p1, p2

        p3, p4 = get_points_on_tangent(pts[(i + 1) % len(pts)],
                                       tangents[(i + 1) % len(pts)], d)

        if functions.euclid_dist(p4, pts[i]) < functions.euclid_dist(
                p3, pts[i]):
            p4, p3 = p3, p4

        c.ctrlpts = [pts[i], p2, p3, pts[(i + 1) % len(pts)]]
        c.knotvector = [0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1]

        length = get_curve_length(c)

    xc, yc = center_circle
    pts_r = list(pts)
    distance_factor = circle_length / sum(curve_lengths)
    pts_interpolated = []
    starting_point = functions.project_to_circle(pts[0], center_circle, radius)

    starting_angle = math.atan2(starting_point[1] - yc, starting_point[0] - xc)
    alpha = curve_lengths[0] * distance_factor / radius

    xp = xc + radius * math.cos(alpha)
    yp = yc + radius * math.sin(alpha)

    angle_sum = starting_angle
    for i in range(len(pts) - 1):
        alpha = curve_lengths[i] * distance_factor / radius
        angle_sum += alpha
        xp = xc + radius * math.cos(angle_sum)
        yp = yc + radius * math.sin(angle_sum)
        pts_interpolated.append((xp, yp))

    pts_interpolated.insert(0, pts_interpolated.pop())

    tangents_interpolated = []
    for i in range(len(pts_interpolated)):
        x, y = pts_interpolated[i]
        alpha = math.atan2(y - center_circle[1], x - center_circle[0])
        alpha -= 0.5 * math.pi
        alpha = alpha % math.pi

    dists_interpolated = []
    for i in range(len(pts_interpolated)):
        x1, y1 = pts_interpolated[i]
        x4, y4 = pts_interpolated[(i + 1) % len(pts_interpolated)]
        xc, yc = center_circle
        axx = x1 - xc
        ay = y1 - yc
        bx = x4 - xc
        by = y4 - yc
        q1 = axx * axx + ay * ay
        q2 = q1 + axx * bx + ay * by
        k2 = 4 / 3 * (math.sqrt(2 * q1 * q2) - q2) / (axx * by - ay * bx)
        d = math.sqrt((k2 * ay)**2 + (k2 * axx)**2)

    cm = multi.CurveContainer()
    cm.vis = VisMPL.VisCurve2D(axes=False,
    pts = [[
        interpolation_factor * pp[0] + (1 - interpolation_factor) * pc[0],
        interpolation_factor * pp[1] + (1 - interpolation_factor) * pc[1]
    ] for (pp, pc) in zip(pts, pts_interpolated)]

    new_tangents = []
    for tp, tc in zip(tangents, tangents_interpolated):
        if abs(tp - tc) > math.pi / 2:
            if tp < math.pi / 2:
                t = interpolation_factor * (tp + math.pi) + (
                    1 - interpolation_factor) * tc
            elif tc < math.pi / 2:
                t = interpolation_factor * tp + (1 - interpolation_factor) * (
                    tc + math.pi)
            t = interpolation_factor * tp + (1 - interpolation_factor) * tc


    tangents = new_tangents

    dists = [
        interpolation_factor * dp + (1 - interpolation_factor) * dc
        for (dp, dc) in zip(dists, dists_interpolated)

    angle_mapping = {}

    ctrlpts = []
    for i in range(len(pts)):
        c = BSpline.Curve()
        c.degree = 3
        d = dists[i]

        p1, p2 = get_points_on_tangent(pts[i], tangents[i], d)

        if i == 0:
            if p1[1] < p2[1] and tangents[i] < math.pi:
                p1, p2 = p2, p1
            elif p1[1] > p2[1] and tangents[i] > math.pi:
                p1, p2 = p2, p1


            if math.atan2(p1[1] - center[1], p1[0] - center[0]) < math.atan2(
                    p2[1] - center[1], p2[0] - center[0]):
                p1, p2 = p2, p1
            if functions.euclid_dist(
                    p1, pts[(i + 1) % len(pts)]) < functions.euclid_dist(
                        p2, pts[(i + 1) % len(pts)]):
                p2, p1 = p1, p2

        xp, yp = pts[i]
        if (xp, yp) in angle_mapping:
            p = angle_mapping[(xp, yp)]

            if p[0] > xp and p2[0] > xp or p[0] < xp and p2[0] < xp:
                p1, p2 = p2, p1

        angle_mapping[(xp, yp)] = p2

        p3, p4 = get_points_on_tangent(pts[(i + 1) % len(pts)],
                                       tangents[(i + 1) % len(pts)], d)

        if functions.euclid_dist(p4, pts[i]) < functions.euclid_dist(
                p3, pts[i]):
            p4, p3 = p3, p4

        xp, yp = pts[(i + 1) % len(pts)]
        angle_mapping[(xp, yp)] = p3

        c.ctrlpts = [pts[i], p2, p3, pts[(i + 1) % len(pts)]]
        c.knotvector = [0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1]

    return cm
Exemplo n.º 10
def get_cm_from_interpolation_radial(pts, interpolation_factor):  # 0 is circ
    center_circle = (200, 540)
    center_polygon = (223, 555)
    center = center_circle[0] * (
        1 - interpolation_factor
    ) + center_polygon[0] * interpolation_factor, center_circle[1] * (
        1 - interpolation_factor) + center_polygon[1] * interpolation_factor
    radius = 70
    tangents = []
    for i in range(len(pts)):
        p1 = pts[(i - 1) % len(pts)]
        p2 = pts[(i + 1) % len(pts)]
        pr = (p2[0] - p1[0], p2[1] - p1[1])
        alpha = math.atan2(pr[1], pr[0])

    dists = []
    for i in range(len(pts)):
        dist = functions.euclid_dist(pts[i], pts[(i + 1) % len(pts)])
        d = dist * 0.3

    pts_interpolated = [
        functions.project_to_circle(p, center_circle, radius) for p in pts
    tangents_interpolated = []
    for i in range(len(pts)):
        x, y = pts[i]
        alpha = math.atan2(y - center_circle[1], x - center_circle[0])
        alpha -= 0.5 * math.pi
        alpha = alpha % math.pi

    dists_interpolated = []
    for i in range(len(pts_interpolated)):
        x1, y1 = pts_interpolated[i]
        x4, y4 = pts_interpolated[(i + 1) % len(pts_interpolated)]
        xc, yc = center_circle
        axx = x1 - xc
        ay = y1 - yc
        bx = x4 - xc
        by = y4 - yc
        q1 = axx * axx + ay * ay
        q2 = q1 + axx * bx + ay * by
        k2 = 4 / 3 * (math.sqrt(2 * q1 * q2) - q2) / (axx * by - ay * bx)
        d = math.sqrt((k2 * ay)**2 + (k2 * axx)**2)

    cm = multi.CurveContainer()
    cm.vis = VisMPL.VisCurve2D(axes=False,
    pts = [[
        interpolation_factor * pp[0] + (1 - interpolation_factor) * pc[0],
        interpolation_factor * pp[1] + (1 - interpolation_factor) * pc[1]
    ] for (pp, pc) in zip(pts, pts_interpolated)]

    new_tangents = []
    for tp, tc in zip(tangents, tangents_interpolated):
        if abs(tp - tc) > math.pi / 2:
            if tp < math.pi / 2:
                t = interpolation_factor * (tp + math.pi) + (
                    1 - interpolation_factor) * tc
            elif tc < math.pi / 2:
                t = interpolation_factor * tp + (1 - interpolation_factor) * (
                    tc + math.pi)
            t = interpolation_factor * tp + (1 - interpolation_factor) * tc


    tangents = new_tangents

    dists = [
        interpolation_factor * dp + (1 - interpolation_factor) * dc
        for (dp, dc) in zip(dists, dists_interpolated)

    ctrlpts = []
    for i in range(len(pts)):
        c = BSpline.Curve()
        c.degree = 3
        d = dists[i]

        p1, p2 = get_points_on_tangent(pts[i], tangents[i], d)
        if math.atan2(p1[1] - center[1], p1[0] - center[0]) < math.atan2(
                p2[1] - center[1], p2[0] - center[0]):
            p1, p2 = p2, p1
        if functions.euclid_dist(
                p1, pts[(i + 1) % len(pts)]) < functions.euclid_dist(
                    p2, pts[(i + 1) % len(pts)]):
            p2, p1 = p1, p2

        p3, p4 = get_points_on_tangent(pts[(i + 1) % len(pts)],
                                       tangents[(i + 1) % len(pts)], d)

        if functions.euclid_dist(p4, pts[i]) < functions.euclid_dist(
                p3, pts[i]):
            p4, p3 = p3, p4

        c.ctrlpts = [pts[i], p2, p3, pts[(i + 1) % len(pts)]]
        c.knotvector = [0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1]

    return cm
Exemplo n.º 11
    bx = x4 - xc
    by = y4 - yc
    q1 = ax * ax + ay * ay
    q2 = q1 + ax * bx + ay * by
    k2 = 4 / 3 * (math.sqrt(2 * q1 * q2) - q2) / (ax * by - ay * bx)

    x2 = xc + ax - k2 * ay
    y2 = yc + ay + k2 * ax
    x3 = xc + bx + k2 * by
    y3 = yc + by - k2 * bx

    return 0, (x2, y2), (x3, y3)

curve = NURBS.Curve()
mcrv_circle = multi.CurveContainer()
mcrv_circle.vis = VisMPL.VisCurve2D(axes=False,
center = (317, 465)
#pts = [[204, 604], [284, 612], [387, 577], [485, 475], [430, 366], [325, 231], [274, 438], [193, 436], [150, 525], [204, 604], [284, 612], [387, 577]]
pts = [[204, 604], [284, 612], [387, 577], [485, 475], [430, 366], [325, 231],
       [274, 438], [193, 436], [150, 525], [204, 604]]
pts_c = [[204, 604], [284, 612], [387, 577], [485, 475], [430,
                                                          366], [325, 231],
         [274, 438], [193, 436], [150, 525], [204, 604], [284, 612],
         [387, 577]]
#pts = [[204, 604], [284, 612], [430, 366], [274, 438], [193, 436], [204, 604]]
#pts_c = [[204, 604], [284, 612], [430, 366], [274, 438], [193, 436], [204, 604], [284, 612], [430, 366]]
#radius = max([functions.euclid_dist(center, p) for p in pts])
Exemplo n.º 12
curve = BSpline.Curve()

# Set up the curve
curve.degree = 3
curve.ctrlpts = exchange.import_txt("ex_curve02.cpt")

# Auto-generate knot vector
curve.knotvector = utilities.generate_knot_vector(curve.degree,

# Split the curve
curve1, curve2 = operations.split_curve(curve, 0.2)

# Move the 1st curve a little bit far away from the 2nd curve
c2tan = curve2.tangent(0.0, normalize=True)
c2tanvec = [-1 * p for p in c2tan[1]]
operations.translate(curve1, c2tanvec, inplace=True)

# Plot the curves using the curve container
curves = multi.CurveContainer()
curves.sample_size = 40

vis_comp = VisMPL.VisCurve2D()
curves.vis = vis_comp

# Good to have something here to put a breakpoint
Exemplo n.º 13
    q1 = ax * ax + ay * ay
    q2 = q1 + ax * bx + ay * by
    k2 = 4 / 3 * (math.sqrt(2 * q1 * q2) - q2) / (ax * by - ay * bx)

    x2 = xc + ax - k2 * ay
    y2 = yc + ay + k2 * ax
    x3 = xc + bx + k2 * by
    y3 = yc + by - k2 * bx

    return 0, (x2, y2), (x3, y3)

#pts = [[204, 604], [284, 612], [387, 577], [485, 475], [430, 366], [325, 231], [274, 438], [193, 436], [150, 525], [204, 604], [284, 612], [387, 577]]
pts = [[485, 475], [430, 366], [325, 231], [274, 438], [193, 436], [150, 525],
       [204, 604], [284, 612], [387, 577]]
cm = multi.CurveContainer()
cm.vis = VisMPL.VisCurve2D(axes=False,

x = [p[0] for p in pts]
y = [p[1] for p in pts]

# append the starting x,y coordinates
x = np.r_[x, x[0]]
y = np.r_[y, y[0]]

# fit splines to x=f(u) and y=g(u), treating both as periodic. also note that s=0
# is needed in order to force the spline fit to pass through all the input points.
tck, u = interpolate.splprep([x, y], s=0, per=True)
Exemplo n.º 14

# Create a B-Spline curve instance
curve = BSpline.Curve()

# Set up curve
curve.degree = 4
curve.ctrlpts = exchange.import_txt("ex_curve3d01.cpt")

# Auto-generate knot vector
curve.knotvector = utilities.generate_knot_vector(curve.degree,

# Split the curve
split_curves = operations.split_curve(curve, 0.3)
curves = multi.CurveContainer(split_curves)

# Move the 1st curve a little bit far away from the 2nd curve
c2tan = operations.tangent(curves[1], 0.0, normalize=True)
c2tanvec = [-1 * p for p in c2tan[1]]
operations.translate(curves[0], c2tanvec, inplace=True)

# Plot the curves using the curve container
curves.sample_size = 100

# Plot the control point polygon and the evaluated curve
vis_comp = VisPlotly.VisCurve3D()
curves.vis = vis_comp

# Good to have something here to put a breakpoint
Exemplo n.º 15
from geomdl.shapes import curve2d
from geomdl import operations
from geomdl import multi
from geomdl.visualization import VisMPL

# Generate a NURBS full circle from 7 control points
circle = curve2d.full_circle2(radius=5.0)
circle.sample_size = 75

# Render the circle and the control points polygon
vis_config = VisMPL.VisConfig(ctrlpts=True, figure_size=[9, 8])
vis_comp = VisMPL.VisCurve2D(config=vis_config)
circle.vis = vis_comp

# Decompose the circle into Bezier curve segments
segments = operations.decompose_curve(circle)
bezier_segments = multi.CurveContainer(segments)

# Set sample size (delta)
bezier_segments.sample_size = 25

# Render the Bezier curve segments and their control points polygons
vis_config = VisMPL.VisConfig(ctrlpts=True, figure_size=[9, 8])
vis_comp = VisMPL.VisCurve2D(config=vis_config)
bezier_segments.vis = vis_comp

# Good to have something here to put a breakpoint
Exemplo n.º 16

# Fix file path

# Create a NURBS curve instance (full circle)
curve = NURBS.Curve()

# Set up the curve
curve.degree = 2
curve.ctrlptsw = exchange.import_txt("ex_curve04.cptw")

# Use a specialized knot vector
curve.knotvector = [0, 0, 0, 0.25, 0.25, 0.5, 0.5, 0.75, 0.75, 1, 1, 1]

# Decompose the curve into Bezier curve segments
curve_list = operations.decompose_curve(curve)
bezier = multi.CurveContainer(curve_list)

# Set sample size of the Bezier curves
bezier.sample_size = 25

# Plot the Bezier curves
vis_config = VisMPL.VisConfig(figure_size=[8, 8])
vis_comp = VisMPL.VisCurve2D(vis_config)
bezier.vis = vis_comp

# Good to have something here to put a breakpoint
Exemplo n.º 17
# Fix file path

# Create a B-Spline curve instance
curve = BSpline.Curve()

# Set up the curve
curve.degree = 4
curve.ctrlpts = exchange.import_txt("ex_curve01.cpt")

# Auto-generate knot vector
curve.knotvector = utilities.generate_knot_vector(curve.degree, len(curve.ctrlpts))

# Split the curve
curve_list = operations.split_curve(curve, 0.6)
curves = multi.CurveContainer(curve_list)

# Move the 1st curve a little bit far away from the 2nd curve
c2tan = curves[1].tangent(0.0, normalize=True)
c2tanvec = [-3 * p for p in c2tan[1]]
operations.translate(curves[0], c2tanvec, inplace=True)

# Plot the curves using the curve container
curves.sample_size = 40

# Plot the curve
vis_comp = VisMPL.VisCurve2D()
curves.vis = vis_comp

# Good to have something here to put a breakpoint
Exemplo n.º 18
crv1.knotvector = knotvector.generate(crv1.degree, crv1.ctrlpts_size)

# Create the curve instance #2
crv2 = BSpline.Curve()

# Set degree
crv2.degree = 3

# Set control points
crv2.ctrlpts = [[1, 0, 0], [1, 1, 0], [2, 1, 0], [1, 1, 0]]

# Generate a uniform knot vector
crv2.knotvector = knotvector.generate(crv2.degree, crv2.ctrlpts_size)

# Create a curve container
mcrv = multi.CurveContainer(crv1, crv2)

# Import Matplotlib visualization module
from geomdl.visualization import VisMPL

# Set the visualization component of the curve container
mcrv.vis = VisMPL.VisCurve3D()

# Plot the curves in the curve container
    Convert non-rational to rational curve
    Generates a B-Spline (non-rational) curve and converts it 
    into a NURBS (rational) curve.