Exemplo n.º 1
 def get_saccades_for_group(self, group, configuration):
     """ Returns the saccades for the given group and configuration. 
         If configuration is not passed, we use the default.
     if self.use_flydra_db:
         table = 'groupsaccades_%s' % configuration
         if self.flydra_db.has_sample(group) and \
            self.flydra_db.has_table(group, table):
             t = self.flydra_db.get_table(group, table)
             #value = t.copy()
             value = t
             return value 
     if self.use_cache:
         key = str(('get_saccades_for_group', group, configuration))
         if key in self.shelve:
             return self.shelve[key]
     filename = self.groups[group].configurations[configuration]
     saccades = saccades_read_mat(filename)
     if self.use_flydra_db:
         if not self.flydra_db.has_sample(group):
         self.flydra_db.set_table(group, table, saccades)
     if self.use_cache:
         self.shelve[key] = saccades
     return saccades
Exemplo n.º 2
    def __init__(self, data, verbose=False):
        ''' data: base directory '''
        if not os.path.exists(data) or not os.path.isdir(data):
            raise Exception('Could not open directory %s' % data)
        self.data = data
        # self.use_cache = True
        self.use_cache = False
        self.use_flydra_db = True
        if self.use_cache:
        if self.use_flydra_db:
        self.groups = {}
        #self.group2samples = {}
        # maps id to .mat file
        self.sample2expmat = {}
        # maps id to .pickle file
        self.sample2exppickle = {}
        # list of all configurations
        self.configurations = set()
        # maps sample -> group
        self.sample2group = {}
        #print "Loading data in %s" % data
        for group in os.listdir(data):
            group_dir = os.path.join(data, group)
            if not os.path.isdir(group_dir):                
            # print "Reading group %s" % group
            group_record = Group()
            for file in [file for file in os.listdir(group_dir) 
                if file.startswith('data_') and file.endswith('.mat')]:
                id = file[5:-4]
                self.sample2expmat[id] =  os.path.join(group_dir,file)
                self.sample2group[id] = group
            for file in [file for file in os.listdir(group_dir) 
                if file.startswith('data_') and file.endswith('.pickle')]: 
                id = file[5:-7]
                self.sample2exppickle[id] = os.path.join(group_dir,file)
                self.sample2group[id] = group

            group_record.has_experimental_data = len(group_record.samples) > 0
            processed_dir = os.path.join(group_dir, 'processed')
            if not os.path.exists(processed_dir):
                if verbose:
                    print "No processed data found for %s." % group
                for conf in os.listdir(processed_dir):                
                    saccades = os.path.join(processed_dir, conf, 'saccades.mat')
                    if os.path.exists(saccades): 
                        group_record.configurations[conf] = saccades
                        # add to general list
#                    else:
#                        conf_dir = os.path.join(processed_dir, conf)
#                        for file in [file for file in os.listdir(conf_dir) 
#                            if file.startswith('processed_data_') and file.endswith('.mat')]: 
#                                  id = file[5:-7]

                # if we don't have exp data, get list of samples from
                # processed data
                if group_record.configurations and \
                    not group_record.has_experimental_data:
                    saccades = saccades_read_mat(saccades)
                    group_record.samples = set(numpy.unique(saccades['sample']))
                    for sample in group_record.samples:
                        self.sample2group[sample] = group

            if len(group_record.samples)> 0:
                self.groups[group] = group_record
                print "has it", group, group_record.has_experimental_data
def main():
    parser = OptionParser(usage=description)
    parser.add_option("--saccade_data", help="Main data directory",
    parser.add_option("--db", help="FlydraDB directory")
    parser.add_option("--verbose", help='Verbose output',
                      default=False, action="store_true")
    (options, args) = parser.parse_args() #@UnusedVariable
    if not options.db:
        raise Exception('Please define FlydraDB directory using `--db`.')
    def printv(s):
        if options.verbose:
    flydra_db = FlydraDB(options.db, create=True)
    matlab_dir = options.saccade_data
    for group in os.listdir(matlab_dir):
        group_dir = os.path.join(matlab_dir, group)
        if not os.path.isdir(group_dir):                
        printv("Opening {0}".format(group))
#            exp_data, attributes = read_raw_data(filename)
#            consider_importing_processed(flydra_db, sample, exp_data, attributes)
#            flydra_db.set_attr(sample, 'species', attributes['species'])
#            flydra_db.set_attr(sample, 'background', attributes['background'])
#            flydra_db.set_table(sample, EXP_DATA_TABLE, exp_data)
#            flydra_db.add_sample_to_group(sample, group)
#            flydra_db.add_sample_to_group(sample, 'ros')
        processed_dir = os.path.join(group_dir, 'processed')
        if not os.path.exists(processed_dir):
            printv("No processed data found for group %r." % group)
        for conf in os.listdir(processed_dir):
            # first look for saccades.mat
            saccades_file = os.path.join(processed_dir, conf, 'saccades.mat')
            if os.path.exists(saccades_file):
                printv('Loading from file %r.' % saccades_file)
                saccades = saccades_read_mat(saccades_file)
                samples = numpy.unique(saccades['sample'])
                for sample in samples:
                    if not flydra_db.has_sample(sample):
                    flydra_db.add_sample_to_group(sample, group)
                    sample_saccades = saccades[saccades[:]['sample'] == sample]
                    flydra_db.set_table(sample=sample, table=SACCADES_TABLE,
                                        version=conf, data=sample_saccades)
#            else:
#                prefix = 'data_'
#        suffix = '.mat'
#        for file in [file for file in os.listdir(group_dir) 
#            if (file.startswith(prefix)) and file.endswith(suffix)]:
#            sample = file[len(prefix):file.index('.')]
#            if verbose:
#                print("  - Considering sample {0}".format(sample.__repr__()))
#            if not flydra_db.has_sample(sample):
#                flydra_db.add_sample(sample)
#            filename = os.path.join(group_dir, file)
#        else:
#            for conf in os.listdir(processed_dir):                
#                saccades = os.path.join(processed_dir, conf, 'saccades.mat')
#                if os.path.exists(saccades): 
#                    group_record.configurations[conf] = saccades
#                    # add to general list
#                    self.configurations.add(conf)
##                    else:
##                        conf_dir = os.path.join(processed_dir, conf)
##                        for file in [file for file in os.listdir(conf_dir) 
##                            if file.startswith('processed_data_') and file.endswith('.mat')]: 
##                                  id = file[5:-7]
#            # if we don't have exp data, get list of samples from
#            # processed data
#            if group_record.configurations and \
#                not group_record.has_experimental_data:
#                saccades = saccades_read_mat(saccades)
#                group_record.samples = set(numpy.unique(saccades['sample']))
#                for sample in group_record.samples:
#                    self.sample2group[sample] = group
#        if len(group_record.samples)> 0:
#            self.groups[group] = group_record
#            print "has it", group, group_record.has_experimental_data