Exemplo n.º 1
    def getEnvelopes(self):
        envelopes =[]
        with open('externalEnvelope.txt', mode = 'r', encoding = 'utf-8-sig') as csv_ext:
            csvReaderExt = csv.reader(csv_ext, delimiter = ',')
            extPs = []
            for row in csvReaderExt:
                extPs.append(Point(int(round(float(row[0]))), int(round(float(row[1][1:]))), int(round(float(row[2][1:])))))
            externalEnvelope = Box(pygame.Color(0,100,0), extPs[0], extPs[3],
                                    extPs[2], extPs[1], extPs[4].z - extPs[0].z)
        for i in range(self.stories):

        with open('internalEnvelopes.txt', mode = 'r', encoding = 'utf-8-sig') as csv_int:
            csvReaderInt = csv.reader(csv_int, delimiter = ',')
            intPoints = []
            for row in csvReaderInt:
                intPoints.append(Point(int(round(float(row[0]))), int(round(float(row[1][1:]))), int(round(float(row[2][1:])))))
            for i in range(int(len(intPoints)/ 8)):
                envPs = []
                for j in range(8):
                    envPs.append(intPoints[i* 8 + j])
                env = Box(pygame.Color(0,100,0), envPs[0], envPs[3],
                                    envPs[2], envPs[1], envPs[4].z - envPs[0].z)
                levelSpan = int(env.h / 3500)
                grLevel = int(env.pA.z/3500)
                for x in range(levelSpan):
                    envelopes[x + grLevel].append(env)
        return envelopes
Exemplo n.º 2
    def getBox(self):
        a = self.origin
        b = a.translated(self.width * self.orientation[0],
                         self.width * self.orientation[1],
                         self.width * self.orientation[2])
        d = a.translated(self.depth * -self.orientation[1],
                         self.depth * self.orientation[0],
                         self.depth * self.orientation[2])
        c = b.translated(self.depth * -self.orientation[1],
                         self.depth * self.orientation[0],
                         self.depth * self.orientation[2])

        box = Box(self.colour, a, b, c, d, self.height)
        return box
Exemplo n.º 3
    def getBox(self):
        if self.height == 0 and self.depth == 0 and self.width == 0:
            for s in self.shelves:
                self.height += s.highestBook + s.height
                if s.depth > self.depth:
                    self.depth = s.depth
                if s.width > self.width:
                    self.width = s.width

        a = self.origin
        b = a.translated(self.width * self.orientation[0],
                         self.width * self.orientation[1],
                         self.width * self.orientation[2])
        d = a.translated(self.depth * -self.orientation[1],
                         self.depth * self.orientation[0],
                         self.depth * self.orientation[2])
        c = b.translated(self.depth * -self.orientation[1],
                         self.depth * self.orientation[0],
                         self.depth * self.orientation[2])

        self.box = Box(self.colour, a, b, c, d, self.height)
        return self.box
Exemplo n.º 4
 def __init__(self, col, walkWidth, height, pWalkway, v):
     self.walkWidth = walkWidth
     self.pWalkway = pWalkway
     self.height = height
     self.col = col
     self.orientation = col.orientation
     self.v = v
     self.pA = col.box.pA.translated(0, 0, -100)
     self.pB = col.box.pB.translated(0, 0, -100)
     self.pC = col.box.pC.translated(
         self.walkWidth * -col.orientation[1],
         self.walkWidth * col.orientation[0],
         self.walkWidth * col.orientation[2] - 100)
     self.pD = col.box.pD.translated(
         self.walkWidth * -col.orientation[1],
         self.walkWidth * col.orientation[0],
         self.walkWidth * col.orientation[2] - 100)
     self.box = Box(pygame.Color(0, 0, 255), self.pA, self.pB, self.pC,
                    self.pD, 100)
     self.pillar = []
     self.pillarExt = []
Exemplo n.º 5
 def getBox(self):
     self.box = Box(pygame.Color(0, 0, 255), self.pA, self.pB, self.pC,
                    self.pD, 100)