Exemplo n.º 1
    def PointOnControlKnob(self, Point, TestDistance):
        if self.m_pImplementation == 0:
            return False
        OurPoint = CFPoint(self.m_pImplementation.GetPoint())
        Distance = OurPoint.DistanceToPoint(Point)

        return Distance <= TestDistance
Exemplo n.º 2
class CConnector(CElement):
    def __init__(self, *keyword):
        if len(keyword) == 0:
        elif len(keyword) == 1:
            ExistingConnector = keyword[0]
            self.m_Point = ExistingConnector.m_OriginalPoint
            self.m_RotationAngle = ExistingConnector.m_RotationAngle
            self.m_TempPoint = ExistingConnector.m_OriginalPoint
            self.m_TempRotationAngle = ExistingConnector.m_TempRotationAngle
            self.m_OriginalPoint = ExistingConnector.m_OriginalPoint
            self.m_Identifier = ExistingConnector.m_Identifier
            self.m_RPM = ExistingConnector.m_RPM
            self.m_bInput = ExistingConnector.m_bInput
            self.m_bAnchor = ExistingConnector.m_bAnchor
            self.m_bSelected = ExistingConnector.m_bSelected
            self.m_bTempFixed = ExistingConnector.m_bTempFixed
            self.m_bDrawingConnector = ExistingConnector.m_bDrawingConnector
            self.m_Layers = ExistingConnector.m_Layers
            self.m_PreviousPoint = ExistingConnector.m_PreviousPoint
            self.m_RotationAngle = ExistingConnector.m_RotationAngle
            self.m_OriginalDrawCircleRadius = ExistingConnector.m_OriginalDrawCircleRadius
            self.m_OriginalSlideRadius = ExistingConnector.m_OriginalSlideRadius
            self.m_StartPoint = 0
            self.m_PointCount = 0
            self.m_DrawingPointCounter = 0

    def Reset(self, *keyword):
        if len(keyword) == 0:
            self.m_Point = CFPoint()
            self.m_OriginalPoint = CFPoint()
            self.m_TempPoint = CFPoint()
            self.m_PreviousPoint = CFPoint()
            self.m_Point.x = 0
            self.m_Point.y = 0
            self.m_OriginalPoint.x = 0
            self.m_OriginalPoint.y = 0
            self.m_TempPoint.x = 0
            self.m_TempPoint.y = 0
            self.m_RotationAngle = 0.0
            self.m_TempRotationAngle = 0.0
            self.m_Identifier = 0
            self.m_bInput = False
            self.m_bAnchor = False
            self.m_bTempFixed = False
            self.m_bDrawingConnector = False
            self.m_bAlwaysManual = False
            self.m_RPM = 0
            self.m_StartPoint = 0
            self.m_PointCount = 0
            self.m_DrawingPointCounter = 9999
            #self.m_pSlideLimits = CConnector()
            #self.m_pSlideLimits[0] = 0.
            #self.m_pSlideLimits[1] = 0.
            self.m_DrawCircleRadius = 0
            self.m_OriginalDrawCircleRadius = 0
            self.m_SlideRadius = 0
            self.m_OriginalSlideRadius = 0
            self.m_Color = [200, 200, 200]
        elif len(keyword) == 1:
            self.m_Point = self.m_OriginalPoint
            self.m_PreviousPoint = self.m_OriginalPoint
            self.m_RotationAngle = 0.0
            self.m_TempRotationAngle = 0.0
            if keyword[0]:
                self.m_StartPoint = 0
                self.m_PointCount = 0
                self._DrawingPointCounter = 9999

    def IsLink(self):
        return False

    def IsConnector(self):
        return True

    def GetLocation(self):
        return self.m_Point

    def SetPoint(self, *keyword):
        if len(keyword) == 1:
            self.m_Point = keyword[0]
            self.m_OriginalPoint = keyword[0]
        elif len(keyword) == 2:
            self.m_Point.x = keyword[0]
            self.m_Point.y = keyword[1]
            self.m_OriginalPoint = self.m_Point

    def SetIntermediatePoint(self, Point):
        self.m_Point = Point

    def MovePoint(self, *keyword):
        if len(keyword) == 1:
            self.m_TempPoint = keyword[0]
        elif len(keyword) == 2:
            self.m_TempPoint.x = keyword[0]
            self.m_TempPoint.y = keyword[1]

    def MakePermanent(self):
        self.m_PreviousPoint = self.m_Point
        self.m_Point = self.m_TempPoint
        self.m_RotationAngle = self.m_TempRotationAngle
        self.m_OriginalDrawCircleRadius = self.m_DrawCircleRadius
        self.m_OriginalSlideRadius = self.m_SlideRadius

    def __str__(self):
        return "<Point center={v.m_Point}".format(v=self)

    def SetRPM(self, Value):
        self.m_RPM = Value

    def SetTempFixed(self, bSet):
        self.m_bTempFixed = bSet

    def SetRotationAngle(self, Value):
        self.m_TempRotationAngle = Value

    def IncrementRotationAngle(self, Change):
        Angle = self.GetRotationAngle()
        Angle += Change

    def RotateAround(self, Point, Angle):
        self.m_TempPoint.RotateAround(Point, Angle)

    def SetAsDrawing(self, bset):
        self.m_bDrawingConnector = bSet

    def SetAsInput(self, bset):
        self.m_bInput = bSet

    def SetAsAnchor(self, bset):
        self.m_bAnchor = bSet

    def SetAlwaysManual(self, bset):
        self.m_bAlwaysManual = bSet

    def Select(self, bSelected):
        self.m_bSelected = bSelected

    def GetLinkList(self):
        return self.m_Links

    def AddMotionPoint(self):
        if not self.m_bDrawingConnector:
        self.m_DrawingPointCounter += 1
        if self.m_DrawingPointCounter < 3:
        self.m_DrawingPointCounter = 0
        Point = self.GetPoint()
        if self.m_PointCount < MAX_DRAWING_POINTS:
            if self.m_PointCount > 0 and self.m_DrawingPoints[
                    self.m_PointCount] == Point:
            self.m_DrawingPoints[self.m_PointCount] = Point
            self.m_PointCount += 1
            PreviousPoint = MAX_DRAWING_POINTS - 1 if self.m_StartPoint == 0 else self.m_StartPoint - 1
            if self.m_DrawingPoints[PreviousPoint] == Point:
            self.m_DrawingPoints[self.m_StartPoint] = Point
            self.m_StartPoint += 1
            if self.m_StartPoint == MAX_DRAWING_POINTS:
                self.m_StartPoint = 0

    def SetIntermediateDrawCircleRadius(self, Radius):
        self.m_DrawCircleRadius = abs(Radius)

    def SetDrawCircleRadius(self):
        return self.m_DrawCircleRadius

    def GetOriginalDrawCircleRadius(self):
        return self.m_OriginalDrawCircleRadius

    def SetIntermediateSlideRadius(self, Radius):
        self.m_SlideRadius = Radius

    def SetSlideRadius(self, Radius):
        self.m_SlideRadius = Radius
        self.m_OriginalSlideRadius = Radius

    def GetSlideRadius(self):
        if self.m_SlideRadius == 0:
            return 0
        sign = copysign(1, self.m_SlideRadius)
        pLimit1 = CConnector()
        pLimit2 = CConnector()
        if not self.GetSlideLimits(pLimit1, pLimit2):
            return 0
        return sign * max(
            (self.Distance(pLimit1.GetPoint(), pLimit2.GetPoint()) / 2) +

    def GetOriginalSlideRadius(self):
        if (self.m_OriginalSlideRadius == 0):
            return 0
        sign = copysign(1, self.m_SlideRadius)
        pLimit1 = CConnector()
        pLimit2 = CConnector()
        if not self.GetSlideLimits(pLimit1, pLimit2):
            return 0
        return sign * max(
                          pLimit2.GetOriginalPoint()) / 2)

    def GetSliderArc(self, TheArc, bGetOriginal):
        if self.GetSlideRadius() == 0:
            return False
        pLimit1 = CConnector()
        pLimit2 = CConnector()
        if not self.GetSlideLimits(pLimit1, pLimit2):
            return False
        Point1 = pLimit1.GetOriginalPoint(
        ) if bGetOriginal else pLimit1.GetPoint()
        Point2 = pLimit2.GetOriginalPoint(
        ) if bGetOriginal else pLimit2.GetPoint()
        Line = CFLine(Point1, Point2)
        Perpendicular = CFLine()
        aLength = Line.GetDistance() / 2
        Radius = self.GetSlideRadius()
        bLength = sqrt((Radius * Radius) - (aLength * aLength))
                               bLength if Radius > 0 else -bLength)
        if (Radius > 0):
            TheArc.SetArc(Perpendicular.GetEnd(), Radius, Point1, Point2)
            TheArc.SetArc(Perpendicular.GetEnd(), Radius, Point2, Point1)
        return True

    def UpdateControlKnob(self, *keyword):
        if len(keyword) == 0:
            pControlKnob = self.GetControlKnob()
            if self.m_DrawCircleRadius == 0.0 or pControlKnob == 0:
            Point = pControlKnob.GetPoint()
            Center = self.GetPoint()
            if Point == Center:
                Point += CFPoint(10, 10)
            Line = CFLine(self.GetPoint(), Point)
        elif len(keyword) == 1:
            Point = keyword[0]
            pControlKnob = self.GetControlKnob()
            if self.m_DrawCircleRadius == 0.0 or pControlKnob == 0:
            Point = pControlKnob.SetPoint(Point)
            self.m_DrawCircleRadius = Distance(self.GetPoint(), Point)
            if (self.m_DrawCircleRadius <= 0.0):
                self.m_DrawCircleRadius = 0.001
            self.m_OriginalDrawCircleRadius = self.m_DrawCircleRadius

    def IsLinkSelected(self):
        Position = self.m_Links[0]
        for Counter in range(Position != None):
            pLink = self.m_Links[Position + 1]
            if (pLink == 0):
            if (pLink.IsSelected()):
                return True
        return False

    def IsAnchor(self):
        return self.m_bAnchor

    def IsInput(self):
        return self.IsInput

    def IsSlider(self):
        return self.m_pSlideLimits[0] != 0 and self.m_pSlideLimits[1] != 0

    def IsDrawing(self):
        return self.m_bDrawingConnector

    def IsTempFixed(self):
        return self.m_bTempFixed

    def IsFixed(self):
        return self.m_bTempFixed | self.m_bAnchor | self.m_bInput

    def IsAlwaysManual(self):
        return self.m_bAlwaysManual

    def GetSelectedLinkCount(self):
        Count = 0
        Position = self.m_Links[0]
        for Counter in range(Position != None):
            pLink = self.m_Links[Position + 1]
            if (pLink == 0 or not pLink.IsSelected()):
            Count = Count + 1

        return Count

    def GetSlideLimits(self, *keyword):
        if type(keyword[0]) == CConnector:
            keyword[0] = self.m_pSlideLimits[0]
            keyword[1] = self.m_pSlideLimits[1]
            return self.IsSlider()
        elif type(keyword[0]) == CFPoint:
            if self.m_pSlideLimits[0] != 0:
                keyword[0] = self.m_pSlideLimits[0].GetPoint()
            if (self.m_pSlideLimits[1] != 0):
                keyword[1] = self.m_pSlideLimits[1].GetPoint()
            return self.IsSlider() and self.m_pSlideLimits[0] != 0

    def GetLink(self, Index):
        Position = self.m_Links[0]
        Counter = 0
        for Counter in range(Position != None):
            pLink = self.m_Links[Position + 1]
            if (Counter == Index):
                return pLink
        return 0

    def GetPoint(self):
        return self.m_Point

    def GetPreviousPoint(self):
        return self.m_PreviousPoint

    def GetTempPoint(self):
        return self.m_OriginalPoint if self.IsAnchor() else self.m_TempPoint

    def GetOriginalPoint(self):
        return self.m_OriginalPoint

    def GetRPM(self):
        return self.m_RPM

    def GetIdentifierString(self, bDebugging):

    def GetLinkCount(self):
        return self.m_Links.GetCount()

    def PointOnConnector(self, Point, TestDistance):
        Distance = self.m_Point.DistanceToPoint(Point)
        return Distance <= TestDistance

    def GetRotationAngle(self):
        return self.m_RotationAngle

    def GetTempRotationAngle(self):
        return self.m_TempRotationAngle

    def MakeAnglePermenant(self):
        self.m_RotationAngle = self.m_TempRotationAngle

    def GetArea(self, Rect):
        Point = self.GetPoint()
        Rect.left = Point.x - self.m_DrawCircleRadius
        Rect.top = Point.y + self.m_DrawCircleRadius
        Rect.right = Point.x + self.m_DrawCircleRadius
        Rect.bottom = Point.y - self.m_DrawCircleRadius

    def GetAdjustArea(self, Rect):
        Point = self.GetPoint()
        Rect.left = Point.x - self.m_DrawCircleRadius
        Rect.top = Point.y + self.m_DrawCircleRadius
        Rect.right = Point.x + self.m_DrawCircleRadius
        Rect.bottom = Point.y - self.m_DrawCircleRadius

    def GetMotionPath(self, StartPoint, PointCount, MaxPoint):
        if self.m_PointCount < 2:
            return 0
        StartPoint = self.m_StartPoint
        PointCount = self.m_PointCount
        MaxPoint = MAX_DRAWING_POINTS - 1
        return self.m_DrawingPoints

    def HasLink(self, pLink):
        Position = self.m_Links[0]
        while (Position != 0):
            RemovePosition = Position
            pCheckLink = self.m_Links[Position + 1]
            if (pCheckLink != 0 and pLink == pCheckLink):
                return True
        return False

    def IsAlone(self):
        if self.m_Links.GetCount() > 1:
            return False
        Position = self.m_Links[0]
        if (Position != 0):
            pCheckLink = self.m_Links[Position + 1]
            if (pCheckLink.GetConnectorCount() == 1):
                return True
        return False

    def SlideBetween(self, pConnector1=0, pConnector2=0):
        if pConnector2 == 0:
            pConnector1 == 0
        bSet = pConnector1 != 0
        pLink = CLink(0)
        if (bSet):
            pLink = pConnector1.GetSharingLink(pConnector2)
            if (pLink == 0):
        elif self.m_pSlideLimits[0] != 0 and self.m_pSlideLimits[1] != 0:
            pLink = self.m_pSlideLimits[0].GetSharingLink(
        if pLink != 0:
            pLink.SlideBetween(self, pConnector1, pConnector2)
        self.m_pSlideLimits[0] = pConnector1
        self.m_pSlideLimits[1] = pConnector2

    def GetSharingLink(self, pOtherConnector):
        Position = self.m_Links[0]
        Counter = 0
        for Counter in range(Position != None):
            pLink = self.m_Links[Position + 1]
            if (pLink == 0):
            if (pOtherConnector.HasLink(pLink)):
                return pLink
        return 0

    def IsSharingLink(self, pOtherConnector):
        if (self.GetSharingLink(pOtherConnector) != 0):
            return True
        return self.IsAnchor() and pOtherConnector.IsAnchor()

    def AddLink(self, pLink):
        if self.m_Links.Find(pLink) == 0:

    def RemoveAllLinks(self):

    def RemoveLink(self, pLink):
        Position = self.m_Links[0]
        while (Position != 0):
            RemovePosition = Position
            pCheckLink = self.m_Links[Position + 1]
            if (pCheckLink != 0 and (pLink == 0 or pCheckLink == pLink)):
                                       and pCheckLink.GetConnectorCount() == 2)