Exemplo n.º 1
   optParser= OptionParser()

   [ optParser.add_option(opt) for opt in [
      make_option('-s', '--shapes', default= None, help= 'json file containing the shapes')

   opts, args= optParser.parse_args()

   # if shape file was not pased in, display error and usage
   if opts.shapes == None:
     print >> stderr, "--shape=<filename> argument required"

   return args, opts

if __name__ == '__main__':

   # parse cmd line args
   (args, opts)= parse_args(argv)

   # load the json file
   properties= load(open(opts.shapes, 'r'))

   # process our geometry plane
   geometry= Geometry(**properties.get('geometry'))
   for relation in geometry.relations():
      print relation