Exemplo n.º 1
    def log(self, point, base_point):
        Riemannian logarithm of a point wrt a base point.
        point = gs.to_ndarray(point, to_ndim=2)
        base_point = gs.to_ndarray(base_point, to_ndim=2)

        norm_base_point = self.embedding_metric.norm(base_point)
        norm_point = self.embedding_metric.norm(point)
        inner_prod = self.embedding_metric.inner_product(base_point, point)
        cos_angle = inner_prod / (norm_base_point * norm_point)
        cos_angle = gs.clip(cos_angle, -1., 1.)

        angle = gs.arccos(cos_angle)
        angle = gs.to_ndarray(angle, to_ndim=1)
        angle = gs.to_ndarray(angle, to_ndim=2, axis=1)

        mask_0 = gs.isclose(angle, 0.)
        mask_else = gs.equal(mask_0, gs.array(False))

        mask_0_float = gs.cast(mask_0, gs.float32)
        mask_else_float = gs.cast(mask_else, gs.float32)

        coef_1 = gs.zeros_like(angle)
        coef_2 = gs.zeros_like(angle)

        coef_1 += mask_0_float * (1. + INV_SIN_TAYLOR_COEFFS[1] * angle**2 +
                                  INV_SIN_TAYLOR_COEFFS[3] * angle**4 +
                                  INV_SIN_TAYLOR_COEFFS[5] * angle**6 +
                                  INV_SIN_TAYLOR_COEFFS[7] * angle**8)
        coef_2 += mask_0_float * (1. + INV_TAN_TAYLOR_COEFFS[1] * angle**2 +
                                  INV_TAN_TAYLOR_COEFFS[3] * angle**4 +
                                  INV_TAN_TAYLOR_COEFFS[5] * angle**6 +
                                  INV_TAN_TAYLOR_COEFFS[7] * angle**8)

        # This avoids division by 0.
        angle += mask_0_float * 1.

        coef_1 += mask_else_float * angle / gs.sin(angle)
        coef_2 += mask_else_float * angle / gs.tan(angle)

        log = (gs.einsum('ni,nj->nj', coef_1, point) -
               gs.einsum('ni,nj->nj', coef_2, base_point))

        mask_same_values = gs.isclose(point, base_point)

        mask_else = gs.equal(mask_same_values, gs.array(False))
        mask_else_float = gs.cast(mask_else, gs.float32)
        mask_else_float = gs.to_ndarray(mask_else_float, to_ndim=1)
        mask_else_float = gs.to_ndarray(mask_else_float, to_ndim=2)
        mask_not_same_points = gs.sum(mask_else_float, axis=1)
        mask_same_points = gs.isclose(mask_not_same_points, 0.)
        mask_same_points = gs.cast(mask_same_points, gs.float32)
        mask_same_points = gs.to_ndarray(mask_same_points, to_ndim=2, axis=1)

        mask_same_points_float = gs.cast(mask_same_points, gs.float32)

        log -= mask_same_points_float * log

        return log
Exemplo n.º 2
    def square_root_velocity(self, curve):
        """Compute the square root velocity representation of a curve.

        The velocity is computed using the log map. The case of several curves
        is handled through vectorization. In that case, an index selection
        procedure allows to get rid of the log between the end point of
        curve[k, :, :] and the starting point of curve[k + 1, :, :].

        curve :

        srv :
        curve = gs.to_ndarray(curve, to_ndim=3)
        n_curves, n_sampling_points, n_coords = curve.shape
        srv_shape = (n_curves, n_sampling_points - 1, n_coords)

        curve = gs.reshape(curve, (n_curves * n_sampling_points, n_coords))
        coef = gs.cast(gs.array(n_sampling_points - 1), gs.float32)
        velocity = coef * self.ambient_metric.log(point=curve[1:, :],
                                                  base_point=curve[:-1, :])
        velocity_norm = self.ambient_metric.norm(velocity, curve[:-1, :])
        srv = velocity / gs.sqrt(velocity_norm)

        index = gs.arange(n_curves * n_sampling_points - 1)
        mask = ~gs.equal((index + 1) % n_sampling_points, 0)
        index_select = gs.gather(index, gs.squeeze(gs.where(mask)))
        srv = gs.reshape(gs.gather(srv, index_select), srv_shape)

        return srv
Exemplo n.º 3
    def assertAllEqual(self, a, b):
        if tf_backend():
            return tf.test.TestCase().assertAllEqual(a, b)

        elif np_backend() or autograd_backend():
            np.testing.assert_array_equal(a, b)

            self.assertTrue(gs.equal(a, b))
Exemplo n.º 4
    def _exp_translation_transform(self, rot_vec):
        """Compute matrix associated to rot_vec for the translation part in exp.

        rot_vec : array-like, shape=[..., 3]

        transform : array-like, shape=[..., 3, 3]
            Matrix to be applied to the translation part in exp.
        n_samples = rot_vec.shape[0]

        angle = gs.linalg.norm(rot_vec, axis=-1)
        angle = gs.to_ndarray(angle, to_ndim=2, axis=1)

        skew_mat = self.rotations.skew_matrix_from_vector(rot_vec)
        sq_skew_mat = gs.matmul(skew_mat, skew_mat)

        mask_0 = gs.equal(angle, 0.)
        mask_close_0 = gs.isclose(angle, 0.) & ~mask_0
        mask_else = ~mask_0 & ~mask_close_0

        mask_0_float = gs.cast(mask_0, gs.float32)
        mask_close_0_float = gs.cast(mask_close_0, gs.float32)
        mask_else_float = gs.cast(mask_else, gs.float32)

        coef_1 = gs.zeros_like(angle)
        coef_2 = gs.zeros_like(angle)

        coef_1 += mask_0_float * 1. / 2. * gs.ones_like(angle)
        coef_2 += mask_0_float * 1. / 6. * gs.ones_like(angle)

        coef_1 += mask_close_0_float * (
            + TAYLOR_COEFFS_1_AT_0[2] * angle ** 2
            + TAYLOR_COEFFS_1_AT_0[4] * angle ** 4
            + TAYLOR_COEFFS_1_AT_0[6] * angle ** 6)
        coef_2 += mask_close_0_float * (
            + TAYLOR_COEFFS_2_AT_0[2] * angle ** 2
            + TAYLOR_COEFFS_2_AT_0[4] * angle ** 4
            + TAYLOR_COEFFS_2_AT_0[6] * angle ** 6)

        angle += mask_0_float * 1.

        coef_1 += mask_else_float * ((1. - gs.cos(angle)) / angle ** 2)
        coef_2 += mask_else_float * ((angle - gs.sin(angle)) / angle ** 3)

        term_1 = gs.einsum('...i,...ij->...ij', coef_1, skew_mat)
        term_2 = gs.einsum('...i,...ij->...ij', coef_2, sq_skew_mat)
        term_id = gs.array([gs.eye(3)] * n_samples)
        transform = term_id + term_1 + term_2

        return transform
Exemplo n.º 5
    def _exponential_matrix(self, rot_vec):
        """Compute exponential of rotation matrix represented by rot_vec.

        rot_vec : array-like, shape=[..., 3]

        exponential_mat : Matrix exponential of rot_vec
        # TODO (nguigs): find usecase for this method
        rot_vec = self.rotations.regularize(rot_vec)
        n_rot_vecs = 1 if rot_vec.ndim == 1 else len(rot_vec)

        angle = gs.linalg.norm(rot_vec, axis=-1)
        angle = gs.to_ndarray(angle, to_ndim=2, axis=1)

        skew_rot_vec = self.rotations.skew_matrix_from_vector(rot_vec)

        coef_1 = gs.empty_like(angle)
        coef_2 = gs.empty_like(coef_1)

        mask_0 = gs.equal(angle, 0)
        mask_0 = gs.squeeze(mask_0, axis=1)
        mask_close_to_0 = gs.isclose(angle, 0)
        mask_close_to_0 = gs.squeeze(mask_close_to_0, axis=1)
        mask_else = ~mask_0 & ~mask_close_to_0

        coef_1[mask_close_to_0] = (1. / 2.
                                   - angle[mask_close_to_0] ** 2 / 24.)
        coef_2[mask_close_to_0] = (1. / 6.
                                   - angle[mask_close_to_0] ** 3 / 120.)

        # TODO (nina): Check if the discontinuity at 0 is expected.
        coef_1[mask_0] = 0
        coef_2[mask_0] = 0

        coef_1[mask_else] = (angle[mask_else] ** (-2)
                             * (1. - gs.cos(angle[mask_else])))
        coef_2[mask_else] = (angle[mask_else] ** (-2)
                             * (1. - (gs.sin(angle[mask_else])
                                      / angle[mask_else])))

        term_1 = gs.zeros((n_rot_vecs, self.n, self.n))
        term_2 = gs.zeros_like(term_1)

        for i in range(n_rot_vecs):
            term_1[i] = gs.eye(self.n) + skew_rot_vec[i] * coef_1[i]
            term_2[i] = gs.matmul(skew_rot_vec[i], skew_rot_vec[i]) * coef_2[i]

        exponential_mat = term_1 + term_2

        return exponential_mat
Exemplo n.º 6
    def belongs(self, mat):
        Check if mat belongs to GL(n).
        mat = gs.to_ndarray(mat, to_ndim=3)
        n_mats, _, _ = mat.shape

        mat_rank = gs.zeros((n_mats, 1))
        mat_rank = gs.linalg.matrix_rank(mat)
        mat_rank = gs.to_ndarray(mat_rank, to_ndim=1)

        return gs.equal(mat_rank, self.n)
Exemplo n.º 7
    def exponential_matrix(self, rot_vec):
        Compute the exponential of the rotation matrix
        represented by rot_vec.

        :param rot_vec: 3D rotation vector
        :returns exponential_mat: 3x3 matrix

        rot_vec = self.rotations.regularize(rot_vec)
        n_rot_vecs, _ = rot_vec.shape

        angle = gs.linalg.norm(rot_vec, axis=1)
        angle = gs.to_ndarray(angle, to_ndim=2, axis=1)

        skew_rot_vec = so_group.skew_matrix_from_vector(rot_vec)

        coef_1 = gs.empty_like(angle)
        coef_2 = gs.empty_like(coef_1)

        mask_0 = gs.equal(angle, 0)
        mask_0 = gs.squeeze(mask_0, axis=1)
        mask_close_to_0 = gs.isclose(angle, 0)
        mask_close_to_0 = gs.squeeze(mask_close_to_0, axis=1)
        mask_else = ~mask_0 & ~mask_close_to_0

        coef_1[mask_close_to_0] = (1. / 2.
                                   - angle[mask_close_to_0] ** 2 / 24.)
        coef_2[mask_close_to_0] = (1. / 6.
                                   - angle[mask_close_to_0] ** 3 / 120.)

        # TODO(nina): check if the discountinuity as 0 is expected.
        coef_1[mask_0] = 0
        coef_2[mask_0] = 0

        coef_1[mask_else] = (angle[mask_else] ** (-2)
                             * (1. - gs.cos(angle[mask_else])))
        coef_2[mask_else] = (angle[mask_else] ** (-2)
                             * (1. - (gs.sin(angle[mask_else])
                                      / angle[mask_else])))

        term_1 = gs.zeros((n_rot_vecs, self.n, self.n))
        term_2 = gs.zeros_like(term_1)

        for i in range(n_rot_vecs):
            term_1[i] = gs.eye(self.n) + skew_rot_vec[i] * coef_1[i]
            term_2[i] = gs.matmul(skew_rot_vec[i], skew_rot_vec[i]) * coef_2[i]

        exponential_mat = term_1 + term_2
        assert exponential_mat.ndim == 3

        return exponential_mat
Exemplo n.º 8
    def log(self, point, base_point):
        Compute the Riemannian logarithm at point base_point,
        of point wrt the metric obtained by
        embedding of the n-dimensional sphere
        in the (n+1)-dimensional euclidean space.

        This gives a tangent vector at point base_point.

        :param base_point: point on the n-dimensional sphere
        :param point: point on the n-dimensional sphere
        :return log: tangent vector at base_point
        point = gs.to_ndarray(point, to_ndim=2)
        base_point = gs.to_ndarray(base_point, to_ndim=2)

        norm_base_point = self.embedding_metric.norm(base_point)
        norm_point = self.embedding_metric.norm(point)
        inner_prod = self.embedding_metric.inner_product(base_point, point)
        cos_angle = inner_prod / (norm_base_point * norm_point)
        cos_angle = gs.clip(cos_angle, -1.0, 1.0)

        angle = gs.arccos(cos_angle)

        mask_0 = gs.isclose(angle, 0.0)
        mask_else = gs.equal(mask_0, False)

        coef_1 = gs.zeros_like(angle)
        coef_2 = gs.zeros_like(angle)

        coef_1[mask_0] = (
                      1. + INV_SIN_TAYLOR_COEFFS[1] * angle[mask_0] ** 2
                      + INV_SIN_TAYLOR_COEFFS[3] * angle[mask_0] ** 4
                      + INV_SIN_TAYLOR_COEFFS[5] * angle[mask_0] ** 6
                      + INV_SIN_TAYLOR_COEFFS[7] * angle[mask_0] ** 8)
        coef_2[mask_0] = (
                      1. + INV_TAN_TAYLOR_COEFFS[1] * angle[mask_0] ** 2
                      + INV_TAN_TAYLOR_COEFFS[3] * angle[mask_0] ** 4
                      + INV_TAN_TAYLOR_COEFFS[5] * angle[mask_0] ** 6
                      + INV_TAN_TAYLOR_COEFFS[7] * angle[mask_0] ** 8)

        coef_1[mask_else] = angle[mask_else] / gs.sin(angle[mask_else])
        coef_2[mask_else] = angle[mask_else] / gs.tan(angle[mask_else])

        log = (gs.einsum('ni,nj->nj', coef_1, point)
               - gs.einsum('ni,nj->nj', coef_2, base_point))

        return log
Exemplo n.º 9
    def dist(self, point_a, point_b):
        Geodesic distance between two points.
        if gs.all(gs.equal(point_a, point_b)):
            return 0.

        sq_norm_a = self.embedding_metric.squared_norm(point_a)
        sq_norm_b = self.embedding_metric.squared_norm(point_b)
        inner_prod = self.embedding_metric.inner_product(point_a, point_b)

        cosh_angle = -inner_prod / gs.sqrt(sq_norm_a * sq_norm_b)
        cosh_angle = gs.clip(cosh_angle, 1, None)

        dist = gs.arccosh(cosh_angle)

        return dist
Exemplo n.º 10
    def dist(self, point_a, point_b):
        Compute the distance induced on the hyperbolic
        space, from its embedding in the Minkowski space.
        if gs.all(gs.equal(point_a, point_b)):
            return 0.

        sq_norm_a = self.embedding_metric.squared_norm(point_a)
        sq_norm_b = self.embedding_metric.squared_norm(point_b)
        inner_prod = self.embedding_metric.inner_product(point_a, point_b)

        cosh_angle = -inner_prod / gs.sqrt(sq_norm_a * sq_norm_b)
        cosh_angle = gs.clip(cosh_angle, 1, None)

        dist = gs.arccosh(cosh_angle)

        return dist
Exemplo n.º 11
    def log(self, point, base_point):
        Riemannian logarithm of a point wrt a base point.
        point = gs.to_ndarray(point, to_ndim=2)
        base_point = gs.to_ndarray(base_point, to_ndim=2)

        norm_base_point = self.embedding_metric.norm(base_point)
        norm_point = self.embedding_metric.norm(point)
        inner_prod = self.embedding_metric.inner_product(base_point, point)
        cos_angle = inner_prod / (norm_base_point * norm_point)
        cos_angle = gs.clip(cos_angle, -1.0, 1.0)

        angle = gs.arccos(cos_angle)

        mask_0 = gs.isclose(angle, 0.0)
        mask_else = gs.equal(mask_0, gs.cast(gs.array(False), gs.int8))

        coef_1 = gs.zeros_like(angle)
        coef_2 = gs.zeros_like(angle)

        coef_1[mask_0] = (
                      1. + INV_SIN_TAYLOR_COEFFS[1] * angle[mask_0] ** 2
                      + INV_SIN_TAYLOR_COEFFS[3] * angle[mask_0] ** 4
                      + INV_SIN_TAYLOR_COEFFS[5] * angle[mask_0] ** 6
                      + INV_SIN_TAYLOR_COEFFS[7] * angle[mask_0] ** 8)
        coef_2[mask_0] = (
                      1. + INV_TAN_TAYLOR_COEFFS[1] * angle[mask_0] ** 2
                      + INV_TAN_TAYLOR_COEFFS[3] * angle[mask_0] ** 4
                      + INV_TAN_TAYLOR_COEFFS[5] * angle[mask_0] ** 6
                      + INV_TAN_TAYLOR_COEFFS[7] * angle[mask_0] ** 8)

        coef_1[mask_else] = angle[mask_else] / gs.sin(angle[mask_else])
        coef_2[mask_else] = angle[mask_else] / gs.tan(angle[mask_else])

        log = (gs.einsum('ni,nj->nj', coef_1, point)
               - gs.einsum('ni,nj->nj', coef_2, base_point))

        return log
Exemplo n.º 12
    def log(self, point, base_point):
        """Compute the Riemannian logarithm of a point.

        point : array-like, shape=[..., dim + 1]
            Point on the hypersphere.
        base_point : array-like, shape=[..., dim + 1]
            Point on the hypersphere.

        log : array-like, shape=[..., dim + 1]
            Tangent vector at the base point equal to the Riemannian logarithm
            of point at the base point.
        norm_base_point = self.embedding_metric.norm(base_point)
        norm_point = self.embedding_metric.norm(point)
        inner_prod = self.embedding_metric.inner_product(base_point, point)
        cos_angle = inner_prod / (norm_base_point * norm_point)
        cos_angle = gs.clip(cos_angle, -1., 1.)

        angle = gs.arccos(cos_angle)
        angle = gs.to_ndarray(angle, to_ndim=1)
        angle = gs.to_ndarray(angle, to_ndim=2, axis=1)

        mask_0 = gs.isclose(angle, 0.)
        mask_else = gs.equal(mask_0, gs.array(False))

        mask_0_float = gs.cast(mask_0, gs.float32)
        mask_else_float = gs.cast(mask_else, gs.float32)

        coef_1 = gs.zeros_like(angle)
        coef_2 = gs.zeros_like(angle)

        coef_1 += mask_0_float * (1. + INV_SIN_TAYLOR_COEFFS[1] * angle**2 +
                                  INV_SIN_TAYLOR_COEFFS[3] * angle**4 +
                                  INV_SIN_TAYLOR_COEFFS[5] * angle**6 +
                                  INV_SIN_TAYLOR_COEFFS[7] * angle**8)
        coef_2 += mask_0_float * (1. + INV_TAN_TAYLOR_COEFFS[1] * angle**2 +
                                  INV_TAN_TAYLOR_COEFFS[3] * angle**4 +
                                  INV_TAN_TAYLOR_COEFFS[5] * angle**6 +
                                  INV_TAN_TAYLOR_COEFFS[7] * angle**8)

        # This avoids division by 0.
        angle += mask_0_float * 1.

        coef_1 += mask_else_float * angle / gs.sin(angle)
        coef_2 += mask_else_float * angle / gs.tan(angle)

        log = (gs.einsum('...i,...j->...j', coef_1, point) -
               gs.einsum('...i,...j->...j', coef_2, base_point))

        mask_same_values = gs.isclose(point, base_point)

        mask_else = gs.equal(mask_same_values, gs.array(False))
        mask_else_float = gs.cast(mask_else, gs.float32)
        mask_else_float = gs.to_ndarray(mask_else_float, to_ndim=1)
        mask_else_float = gs.to_ndarray(mask_else_float, to_ndim=2)
        mask_not_same_points = gs.sum(mask_else_float, axis=1)
        mask_same_points = gs.isclose(mask_not_same_points, 0.)
        mask_same_points = gs.cast(mask_same_points, gs.float32)
        mask_same_points = gs.to_ndarray(mask_same_points, to_ndim=2, axis=1)

        mask_same_points_float = gs.cast(mask_same_points, gs.float32)

        log -= mask_same_points_float * log

        return log
Exemplo n.º 13
    def group_exp_from_identity(self, tangent_vec):
        Compute the group exponential of the tangent vector at the identity.
        tangent_vec = gs.to_ndarray(tangent_vec, to_ndim=2)

        rotations = self.rotations
        dim_rotations = rotations.dimension

        rot_vec = tangent_vec[:, :dim_rotations]
        rot_vec = self.rotations.regularize(rot_vec)
        translation = tangent_vec[:, dim_rotations:]

        angle = gs.linalg.norm(rot_vec, axis=1)
        angle = gs.to_ndarray(angle, to_ndim=2, axis=1)

        mask_close_pi = gs.isclose(angle, gs.pi)
        mask_close_pi = gs.squeeze(mask_close_pi, axis=1)
        rot_vec[mask_close_pi] = rotations.regularize(

        skew_mat = so_group.skew_matrix_from_vector(rot_vec)
        sq_skew_mat = gs.matmul(skew_mat, skew_mat)

        mask_0 = gs.equal(angle, 0)
        mask_close_0 = gs.isclose(angle, 0) & ~mask_0

        mask_0 = gs.squeeze(mask_0, axis=1)
        mask_close_0 = gs.squeeze(mask_close_0, axis=1)

        mask_else = ~mask_0 & ~mask_close_0

        coef_1 = gs.zeros_like(angle)
        coef_2 = gs.zeros_like(angle)

        coef_1[mask_0] = 1. / 2.
        coef_2[mask_0] = 1. / 6.

        coef_1[mask_close_0] = (1. / 2. - angle[mask_close_0] ** 2 / 24.
                                + angle[mask_close_0] ** 4 / 720.
                                - angle[mask_close_0] ** 6 / 40320.)
        coef_2[mask_close_0] = (1. / 6. - angle[mask_close_0] ** 2 / 120.
                                + angle[mask_close_0] ** 4 / 5040.
                                - angle[mask_close_0] ** 6 / 362880.)

        coef_1[mask_else] = ((1. - gs.cos(angle[mask_else]))
                             / angle[mask_else] ** 2)
        coef_2[mask_else] = ((angle[mask_else] - gs.sin(angle[mask_else]))
                             / angle[mask_else] ** 3)

        n_tangent_vecs, _ = tangent_vec.shape
        group_exp_translation = gs.zeros((n_tangent_vecs, self.n))
        for i in range(n_tangent_vecs):
            translation_i = translation[i]
            term_1_i = coef_1[i] * gs.dot(translation_i,
            term_2_i = coef_2[i] * gs.dot(translation_i,

            group_exp_translation[i] = translation_i + term_1_i + term_2_i

        group_exp = gs.zeros_like(tangent_vec)
        group_exp[:, :dim_rotations] = rot_vec
        group_exp[:, dim_rotations:] = group_exp_translation

        group_exp = self.regularize(group_exp)
        return group_exp
Exemplo n.º 14
    def exp_from_identity(self, tangent_vec, point_type=None):
        """Compute group exponential of the tangent vector at the identity.

        tangent_vec: array-like, shape=[n_samples, {dim, [n + 1, n + 1]}]
        point_type: str, {'vector', 'matrix'}, optional
            default: self.default_point_type

        group_exp: array-like, shape=[n_samples, {dim, [n + 1, n + 1]}]
            the group exponential of the tangent vectors calculated
            at the identity
        if point_type == 'vector':
            rotations = self.rotations
            dim_rotations = rotations.dim

            rot_vec = tangent_vec[:, :dim_rotations]
            rot_vec = self.rotations.regularize(rot_vec, point_type=point_type)
            translation = tangent_vec[:, dim_rotations:]

            angle = gs.linalg.norm(rot_vec, axis=1)
            angle = gs.to_ndarray(angle, to_ndim=2, axis=1)

            skew_mat = self.rotations.skew_matrix_from_vector(rot_vec)
            sq_skew_mat = gs.matmul(skew_mat, skew_mat)

            mask_0 = gs.equal(angle, 0.)
            mask_close_0 = gs.isclose(angle, 0.) & ~mask_0
            mask_else = ~mask_0 & ~mask_close_0

            mask_0_float = gs.cast(mask_0, gs.float32)
            mask_close_0_float = gs.cast(mask_close_0, gs.float32)
            mask_else_float = gs.cast(mask_else, gs.float32)

            angle += mask_0_float * gs.ones_like(angle)

            coef_1 = gs.zeros_like(angle)
            coef_2 = gs.zeros_like(angle)

            coef_1 += mask_0_float * 1. / 2. * gs.ones_like(angle)
            coef_2 += mask_0_float * 1. / 6. * gs.ones_like(angle)

            coef_1 += mask_close_0_float * (
                TAYLOR_COEFFS_1_AT_0[0] + TAYLOR_COEFFS_1_AT_0[2] * angle**2 +
                TAYLOR_COEFFS_1_AT_0[4] * angle**4 +
                TAYLOR_COEFFS_1_AT_0[6] * angle**6)
            coef_2 += mask_close_0_float * (
                TAYLOR_COEFFS_2_AT_0[0] + TAYLOR_COEFFS_2_AT_0[2] * angle**2 +
                TAYLOR_COEFFS_2_AT_0[4] * angle**4 +
                TAYLOR_COEFFS_2_AT_0[6] * angle**6)

            coef_1 += mask_else_float * ((1. - gs.cos(angle)) / angle**2)
            coef_2 += mask_else_float * ((angle - gs.sin(angle)) / angle**3)

            n_tangent_vecs, _ = tangent_vec.shape
            exp_translation = gs.zeros((n_tangent_vecs, self.n))
            for i in range(n_tangent_vecs):
                translation_i = translation[i]
                term_1_i = coef_1[i] * gs.dot(translation_i,
                term_2_i = coef_2[i] * gs.dot(translation_i,
                mask_i_float = gs.get_mask_i_float(i, n_tangent_vecs)
                exp_translation += gs.outer(
                    mask_i_float, translation_i + term_1_i + term_2_i)

            group_exp = gs.concatenate([rot_vec, exp_translation], axis=1)

            group_exp = self.regularize(group_exp, point_type=point_type)
            return group_exp

        if point_type == 'matrix':
            return GeneralLinear.exp(tangent_vec)

        raise ValueError('Invalid point_type, expected \'vector\' or '
Exemplo n.º 15
    def group_exp_from_identity(self, tangent_vec, point_type=None):
        Compute the group exponential of the tangent vector at the identity.
        if point_type is None:
            point_type = self.default_point_type

        if point_type == 'vector':
            tangent_vec = gs.to_ndarray(tangent_vec, to_ndim=2)

            rotations = self.rotations
            dim_rotations = rotations.dimension

            rot_vec = tangent_vec[:, :dim_rotations]
            rot_vec = self.rotations.regularize(rot_vec, point_type=point_type)
            translation = tangent_vec[:, dim_rotations:]

            angle = gs.linalg.norm(rot_vec, axis=1)
            angle = gs.to_ndarray(angle, to_ndim=2, axis=1)

            mask_close_pi = gs.isclose(angle, gs.pi)
            mask_close_pi = gs.squeeze(mask_close_pi, axis=1)
            rot_vec[mask_close_pi] = rotations.regularize(

            skew_mat = self.rotations.skew_matrix_from_vector(rot_vec)
            sq_skew_mat = gs.matmul(skew_mat, skew_mat)

            mask_0 = gs.equal(angle, 0)
            mask_close_0 = gs.isclose(angle, 0) & ~mask_0

            mask_0 = gs.squeeze(mask_0, axis=1)
            mask_close_0 = gs.squeeze(mask_close_0, axis=1)

            mask_else = ~mask_0 & ~mask_close_0

            coef_1 = gs.zeros_like(angle)
            coef_2 = gs.zeros_like(angle)

            coef_1[mask_0] = 1. / 2.
            coef_2[mask_0] = 1. / 6.

            coef_1[mask_close_0] = (
                + TAYLOR_COEFFS_1_AT_0[2] * angle[mask_close_0] ** 2
                + TAYLOR_COEFFS_1_AT_0[4] * angle[mask_close_0] ** 4
                + TAYLOR_COEFFS_1_AT_0[6] * angle[mask_close_0] ** 6)
            coef_2[mask_close_0] = (
                + TAYLOR_COEFFS_2_AT_0[2] * angle[mask_close_0] ** 2
                + TAYLOR_COEFFS_2_AT_0[4] * angle[mask_close_0] ** 4
                + TAYLOR_COEFFS_2_AT_0[6] * angle[mask_close_0] ** 6)

            coef_1[mask_else] = ((1. - gs.cos(angle[mask_else]))
                                 / angle[mask_else] ** 2)
            coef_2[mask_else] = ((angle[mask_else] - gs.sin(angle[mask_else]))
                                 / angle[mask_else] ** 3)

            n_tangent_vecs, _ = tangent_vec.shape
            group_exp_translation = gs.zeros((n_tangent_vecs, self.n))
            for i in range(n_tangent_vecs):
                translation_i = translation[i]
                term_1_i = coef_1[i] * gs.dot(translation_i,
                term_2_i = coef_2[i] * gs.dot(translation_i,

                group_exp_translation[i] = translation_i + term_1_i + term_2_i

            group_exp = gs.zeros_like(tangent_vec)
            group_exp[:, :dim_rotations] = rot_vec
            group_exp[:, dim_rotations:] = group_exp_translation

            group_exp = self.regularize(group_exp, point_type=point_type)
            return group_exp
        elif point_type == 'matrix':
            raise NotImplementedError()
Exemplo n.º 16
    def group_exp_from_identity(self, tangent_vec, point_type=None):
        Compute the group exponential of the tangent vector at the identity.
        if point_type is None:
            point_type = self.default_point_type

        if point_type == 'vector':
            tangent_vec = gs.to_ndarray(tangent_vec, to_ndim=2)

            rotations = self.rotations
            dim_rotations = rotations.dimension

            rot_vec = tangent_vec[:, :dim_rotations]
            rot_vec = self.rotations.regularize(rot_vec, point_type=point_type)
            translation = tangent_vec[:, dim_rotations:]

            angle = gs.linalg.norm(rot_vec, axis=1)
            angle = gs.to_ndarray(angle, to_ndim=2, axis=1)

            skew_mat = self.rotations.skew_matrix_from_vector(rot_vec)
            sq_skew_mat = gs.matmul(skew_mat, skew_mat)

            mask_0 = gs.equal(angle, 0.)
            mask_close_0 = gs.isclose(angle, 0.) & ~mask_0
            mask_else = ~mask_0 & ~mask_close_0

            mask_0_float = gs.cast(mask_0, gs.float32)
            mask_close_0_float = gs.cast(mask_close_0, gs.float32)
            mask_else_float = gs.cast(mask_else, gs.float32)

            angle += mask_0_float * gs.ones_like(angle)

            coef_1 = gs.zeros_like(angle)
            coef_2 = gs.zeros_like(angle)

            coef_1 += mask_0_float * 1. / 2. * gs.ones_like(angle)
            coef_2 += mask_0_float * 1. / 6. * gs.ones_like(angle)

            coef_1 += mask_close_0_float * (
                TAYLOR_COEFFS_1_AT_0[0] + TAYLOR_COEFFS_1_AT_0[2] * angle**2 +
                TAYLOR_COEFFS_1_AT_0[4] * angle**4 +
                TAYLOR_COEFFS_1_AT_0[6] * angle**6)
            coef_2 += mask_close_0_float * (
                TAYLOR_COEFFS_2_AT_0[0] + TAYLOR_COEFFS_2_AT_0[2] * angle**2 +
                TAYLOR_COEFFS_2_AT_0[4] * angle**4 +
                TAYLOR_COEFFS_2_AT_0[6] * angle**6)

            coef_1 += mask_else_float * ((1. - gs.cos(angle)) / angle**2)
            coef_2 += mask_else_float * ((angle - gs.sin(angle)) / angle**3)

            n_tangent_vecs, _ = tangent_vec.shape
            group_exp_translation = gs.zeros((n_tangent_vecs, self.n))
            for i in range(n_tangent_vecs):
                translation_i = translation[i]
                term_1_i = coef_1[i] * gs.dot(translation_i,
                term_2_i = coef_2[i] * gs.dot(translation_i,
                mask_i_float = gs.get_mask_i_float(i, n_tangent_vecs)
                group_exp_translation += mask_i_float * (translation_i +
                                                         term_1_i + term_2_i)

            group_exp = gs.concatenate([rot_vec, group_exp_translation],

            group_exp = self.regularize(group_exp, point_type=point_type)
            return group_exp
        elif point_type == 'matrix':
            raise NotImplementedError()
Exemplo n.º 17
def get_mask_i_float(i, n):
    range_n = gs.arange(n)
    i_float = gs.cast(gs.array([i]), gs.int32)[0]
    mask_i = gs.equal(range_n, i_float)
    mask_i_float = gs.cast(mask_i, gs.float32)
    return mask_i_float
Exemplo n.º 18
    def exp_from_identity(self, tangent_vec):
        """Compute group exponential of the tangent vector at the identity.

        tangent_vec: array-like, shape=[..., 3]

        group_exp: array-like, shape=[..., 3]
            The group exponential of the tangent vectors calculated
            at the identity.
        rotations = self.rotations
        dim_rotations = rotations.dim

        rot_vec = tangent_vec[..., :dim_rotations]
        rot_vec = self.rotations.regularize(rot_vec)
        translation = tangent_vec[..., dim_rotations:]

        angle = gs.linalg.norm(rot_vec, axis=-1)
        angle = gs.to_ndarray(angle, to_ndim=2, axis=1)

        skew_mat = self.rotations.skew_matrix_from_vector(rot_vec)
        sq_skew_mat = gs.matmul(skew_mat, skew_mat)

        mask_0 = gs.equal(angle, 0.)
        mask_close_0 = gs.isclose(angle, 0.) & ~mask_0
        mask_else = ~mask_0 & ~mask_close_0

        mask_0_float = gs.cast(mask_0, gs.float32)
        mask_close_0_float = gs.cast(mask_close_0, gs.float32)
        mask_else_float = gs.cast(mask_else, gs.float32)

        angle += mask_0_float * gs.ones_like(angle)

        coef_1 = gs.zeros_like(angle)
        coef_2 = gs.zeros_like(angle)

        coef_1 += mask_0_float * 1. / 2. * gs.ones_like(angle)
        coef_2 += mask_0_float * 1. / 6. * gs.ones_like(angle)

        coef_1 += mask_close_0_float * (TAYLOR_COEFFS_1_AT_0[0] +
                                        TAYLOR_COEFFS_1_AT_0[2] * angle**2 +
                                        TAYLOR_COEFFS_1_AT_0[4] * angle**4 +
                                        TAYLOR_COEFFS_1_AT_0[6] * angle**6)
        coef_2 += mask_close_0_float * (TAYLOR_COEFFS_2_AT_0[0] +
                                        TAYLOR_COEFFS_2_AT_0[2] * angle**2 +
                                        TAYLOR_COEFFS_2_AT_0[4] * angle**4 +
                                        TAYLOR_COEFFS_2_AT_0[6] * angle**6)

        coef_1 += mask_else_float * ((1. - gs.cos(angle)) / angle**2)
        coef_2 += mask_else_float * ((angle - gs.sin(angle)) / angle**3)

        n_tangent_vecs, _ = tangent_vec.shape
        exp_translation = gs.zeros((n_tangent_vecs, self.n))
        for i in range(n_tangent_vecs):
            translation_i = translation[i]
            term_1_i = coef_1[i] * gs.dot(translation_i,
            term_2_i = coef_2[i] * gs.dot(translation_i,
            mask_i_float = gs.get_mask_i_float(i, n_tangent_vecs)
            exp_translation += gs.outer(mask_i_float,
                                        translation_i + term_1_i + term_2_i)

        group_exp = gs.concatenate([rot_vec, exp_translation], axis=1)

        group_exp = self.regularize(group_exp)
        return group_exp