Exemplo n.º 1
    def test_none_compression(self):
        codecs = compression.registry.compressors
        self.assertIn(None, codecs)

        # check exception is raised when bytes are not passed in
        with self.assertRaises(Exception) as cm:
        self.assertIn("Can only compress bytes", str(cm.exception))

        # perform roundtrip check
        content_type, payload = compression.compress(TEST_DATA)
        self.assertEqual(TEST_DATA, payload)
        content_type, d = compression.decompress(payload)
        self.assertEqual(d, TEST_DATA)
Exemplo n.º 2
    def test_snappy_compression(self):
        convenience_name = "snappy"
        mime_type = compression.COMPRESSION_SNAPPY

        # check exception is raised when bytes are not passed in
        with self.assertRaises(Exception) as cm:
            compression.compress({}, mime_type)
        self.assertIn("Can only compress bytes", str(cm.exception))

        # perform roundtrip check
        for c_name in (convenience_name, mime_type):
            with self.subTest(f"Check snappy compression roundtrip using {c_name}"):
                content_type, payload = compression.compress(TEST_DATA, c_name)
                self.assertEqual(content_type, mime_type)
                self.assertNotEqual(TEST_DATA, payload)
                content_type, d = compression.decompress(payload, content_type)
                self.assertEqual(content_type, mime_type)
                self.assertEqual(d, TEST_DATA)
Exemplo n.º 3
    def test_compression_roundtrip(self):
        codecs = compression.registry.compressors
        for name, _settings in codecs.items():
            with self.subTest(f"Check {name} compression roundtrip"):
                convenience_name = name
                mime_type = compression.registry.name_to_type[name]

                # The convenience name or the content_type can be used when
                # specifying compression method. Check both.
                for c_label in (convenience_name, mime_type):
                    content_type, payload = compression.compress(TEST_DATA, c_label)
                    self.assertEqual(content_type, mime_type)
                    if c_label is None:
                        self.assertEqual(TEST_DATA, payload)
                        self.assertNotEqual(TEST_DATA, payload)
                    content_type, d = compression.decompress(payload, content_type)
                    self.assertEqual(content_type, mime_type)
                    self.assertEqual(d, TEST_DATA)
Exemplo n.º 4
def encode_payload(
    data: Any,
    content_type: str = None,
    compression: str = None,
    headers: dict = None,
    type_identifier: int = None,
) -> Tuple[bytes, Optional[str], str]:
    """ Prepare a message payload.

    :param data: The message data to encode.

    :param content_type: A string specifying the message content type. By
      default the value is None. This field determines the data
      serialization format.

    :param compression: An optional string specifying the compression strategy
      to use. It can be provided using the convenience name or the mime-type.
      If compression is defined then headers must also be supplied as
      compression is passed as an attribute in message headers.

    :param headers: A dict of headers that will be associated with the

    :param type_identifier: An integer that uniquely identifies a
      registered message.

    :returns: A three-item tuple containing the serialized data as bytes
      a string specifying the content type (e.g., `application/json`) and
      a string specifying the content encoding, (e.g. `utf-8`).

    # Some content-types require additional information to be passed to
    # help decode the message payload. This is achieved by adding
    # information to the message headers.

    # Google Protocol buffer decoders require awareness of the object type
    # being decoded (referred to as a symbol). The symbol id is added to
    # the headers so that it can be used on the receiving side.
    if content_type == CONTENT_TYPE_PROTOBUF:
        serializer = registry.get_serializer(CONTENT_TYPE_PROTOBUF)
        if not isinstance(headers, dict):
            raise Exception("Headers must be supplied when using protobuf")
        headers["x-type-id"] = serializer.registry.get_id_for_object(data)

    # Avro decoders require awareness of the schema that describes the object.
    # This information is added to the headers so that it can be used on the
    # receiving side.
    elif content_type == CONTENT_TYPE_AVRO:
        if type_identifier is None:
            raise Exception("No Avro id specified!")
        if not isinstance(headers, dict):
            raise Exception("Headers must be supplied when using Avro")
        headers["x-type-id"] = type_identifier

    serialization_name = registry.type_to_name[content_type]

        content_type, content_encoding, payload = dumps(
            data, serialization_name, type_identifier=type_identifier
    except Exception as exc:
        raise Exception(f"Error serializing payload to {content_type}: {exc}") from None

    if compression:
        if not isinstance(headers, dict):
            raise Exception("Headers must be supplied when using compression")
            headers["compression"], payload = compress(payload, compression)
        except Exception as exc:
            raise Exception(
                f"Error compressing payload using {compression}: {exc}"
            ) from None

    return payload, content_type, content_encoding
Exemplo n.º 5
 def test_compress_with_unspecified_name_or_type(self):
     content_type, _payload = compression.compress(b"")
     self.assertEqual(content_type, None)
Exemplo n.º 6
 def test_compress_with_invalid_name_or_type(self):
     with self.assertRaises(Exception) as cm:
         compression.compress(b"", "invalid")
     self.assertIn("Invalid compressor", str(cm.exception))