Exemplo n.º 1
def daily_photo(user_date=None):
    This will return the daily nasa photo. It can also return the photo from any selected date
    :param user_date:
    planet_url = "https://api.nasa.gov/planetary/apod?"
    planet_date_prep = "date="
    if user_date is None:
        photo_url = planet_url + API_KEY
        nasa_json = get_json_data.grab_json_data(photo_url)
        return nasa_json["hdurl"]
        photo_url = planet_url + planet_date_prep + user_date + API_KEY
        nasa_json = get_json_data.grab_json_data(photo_url)
        return nasa_json["hdurl"]
Exemplo n.º 2
def return_stock_prices(quote):
    This function will take a stock symbol, such as aapl and provide the current stock data on it
    :param quote: This is the symbol the user needs to provide
    :return: lots of stock data
    partial_url = "https://api.iextrading.com/1.0/stock/"
    end_url = "/quote"
    full_url = partial_url + quote + end_url
        r = get_json_data.grab_json_data(full_url)
    except json.decoder.JSONDecodeError:
        return "Please provide a valid stock symbol"

    # Setting this data up in a namedtuple for readability
    Stock_data = collections.namedtuple(
        "Stocks", "Company "
        "Symbol "
        "Market_Open_Price "
        "Market_Low_Value  "
        "Market_High_Value "
        "Market_Close_Value "

    company_data = Stock_data(r["companyName"], r["symbol"], r["open"],
                              r["low"], r["high"], r["close"],

    return f"Stock data for : {company_data[0]} ({company_data[1]})\n" \
           f"Opening Price: {company_data[2]}\n" \
           f"Market Low Price: {company_data[3]}\n" \
           f"Market High Price: {company_data[4]}\n" \
           f"Closing Price: {company_data[5]}\n" \
           f"Latest Price (After hours trading): {company_data[6]}"
Exemplo n.º 3
def return_lat_long(city_state, use_data=None):
    This method is pulling out the latitude and longitude of a city / state (or city / country).
    Depending on how this will be used, it will either return nicely formatted info or it will
    return just the data.
    :param city_state:
    :param use_data:
    partial_url = "https://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/geocode/json?&address="
    end_url = "&key="
    split_location = city_state.split()
    city = split_location[0]
    state = split_location[1]
    location = city.lower() + "+" + state.lower()  # making sure it's lowercase and space is swapped to +
    full_url = partial_url + location + end_url + API_KEY
    data = get_json_data.grab_json_data(full_url)
    location_data = data["results"][0]["geometry"]["location"]  # makes is easier to work with
    latitude = format(location_data["lat"], ".4f")  # limiting latitude results to 4 decimal places
    longitude = format(location_data["lng"], ".4f")  # limiting longitude results to 4 decimal places
    if use_data is None:  # if we only want the latitude and longitude, this will be the result
        return f"Latitude: {latitude}\n" \
               f"Longitude: {longitude}"
    else:  # if this data will be used in another method call, this data will be the result
        return str(latitude), str(longitude)
Exemplo n.º 4
def return_chuck_norris_joke():
    Simple method to return a random Chuck Norris joke.
    data = get_json_data.grab_json_data(URL)
    return data["value"]
Exemplo n.º 5
def syn_and_ants(word):
    This function will take in the word and return the synonyms and antonyms of the word
    :param word:
    :return: ant_words, syn_words
    user_word = word.lower()
    syn_ant = "/synonyms;antonyms"
    url = base_url + user_word + syn_ant
    results = get_json_data.grab_json_data(url, True, app_id, app_key)
    synonyms = results["results"][0]["lexicalEntries"][0]["entries"][0][
    antonyms = results["results"][0]["lexicalEntries"][0]["entries"][0][
    # we need to toss these into a list since there are multiple entries
    ant_words = []
    syn_words = []
    for items in antonyms:
        for ant_key, ant_value in items.items():
            if ant_key == "id":

    for entries in synonyms:
        for syn_key, syn_value in entries.items():
            if syn_key == "id":
    return ant_words, syn_words
Exemplo n.º 6
def return_number_facts():
    This will return a random number and a fact containing that number
    :return: data['number'], data['text']
    # simple url to call
    url = "http://numbersapi.com/random?json"
    data = get_json_data.grab_json_data(url)
    return f"Number: {data['number']}\n" \
           f"Fact: {data['text']}"
Exemplo n.º 7
def return_joke():
    Simple method to pull a random joke
    :return: setup, punchline
    # URL for random joke
    url = "https://08ad1pao69.execute-api.us-east-1.amazonaws.com/dev/random_joke"
    data = get_json_data.grab_json_data(url)  # pulling data (json format)
    setup = remove_chars.clean_text(data["setup"])
    punchline = remove_chars.clean_text(data["punchline"])
    return f"{setup}\n" \
Exemplo n.º 8
def asteroids(start_date, end_date):
    This function will display asteroid info. Right now I'm not using it because there is
    way too much data to present. I'm only using this to post info to slack.
    :param start_date:
    :param end_date:
    :return: asteroid_json
    asteroid_url = "https://api.nasa.gov/neo/rest/v1/feed?"
    asteroid_start_prep = "start_date="
    asteroid_end_prep = "&end_date="
    asteroid_url = asteroid_url + asteroid_start_prep + start_date + asteroid_end_prep + end_date + API_KEY
    asteroid_json = get_json_data.grab_json_data(asteroid_url)
    return asteroid_json["hdurl"]
Exemplo n.º 9
def return_trivia():
    This connects to an API to pull a random trivia question.
    It is then returned
    :return: data[0]['question'], answer
    # URL for trivia API
    url = "http://jservice.io/api/random"
    data = get_json_data.grab_json_data(url)
    # need to strip out the formatting characters
    answer = remove_chars.clean_text(data[0]["answer"])

    return f"Question: {data[0]['question']}\n" \
           f"Answer: {answer}"
Exemplo n.º 10
def slack_response(user_input):
    This method will return our contents to our slack channel
    :param user_input:
        user_zip_code = int(user_input)
        full_weather_url = weather_url(user_zip_code)
    except ValueError:
        full_weather_url = weather_url(user_input, True)

    # Not sure why I set this here instead in the 'grab weather data function
    values = get_json_data.grab_json_data(full_weather_url)
    return grab_weather_data(values)
Exemplo n.º 11
def define(word):
    This function will return the definition of a word.
    :param word:
    :return: define_word
    word = word.lower()
    url = base_url + word
    results = get_json_data.grab_json_data(url, True, app_id, app_key)
    define_word = []
    get_def = results["results"][0]["lexicalEntries"][0]["entries"][0][
    for things in get_def:
    return define_word
Exemplo n.º 12
def prep_title(movie_name):
    This function take a movie name and return the title, release date, and overview
    of the movie.

    The search string for the URL needs white spaces to contain + instead
    example: https://api.themoviedb.org/3/search/movie?api_key={API Key}&query=Jack+Reacher
    :param movie_name:
    :return: title, release date, overview
    partial_url = "https://api.themoviedb.org/3/search/movie?api_key="
    query = "&query="
    # Replacing white spaces with + symbols
    movie_search_format = movie_name.replace(" ", "+")
    url = partial_url + API_KEY + query + movie_search_format
    data = get_json_data.grab_json_data(url)
    # we only want to return title, release date, and info about the movie
    for info in data["results"]:
        return info["original_title"], info["release_date"], info["overview"]
Exemplo n.º 13
def gather_bitcoin_values():
    This is gathering data from the free market API
    r = get_json_data.grab_json_data(URL)

    # Setting up variable list
    cryptocurrency_data = []

    count = 0

    # Building namedtuple to quick build the lists of data
    Cryptocurrency = collections.namedtuple(
        "Cryptocurrency", "Name Rank Price Price_1h Price_24h Price_7d")
    while count <= 9:  # this can change based on how many we pull from the URL above
            Cryptocurrency(r[count]["name"], r[count]["rank"],
        count += 1

    # yeah yeah. I know I've got a ton of repeated data. I don't know how to get
    # the return method to loop through and return each piece of data.
    # I've tried the count = 0
    # while count < len(cryptocurrency_data: return stuff
    # no luck with it
    return f"{cryptocurrency_data[0]}\n" \
           f"{cryptocurrency_data[1]}\n" \
           f"{cryptocurrency_data[2]}\n" \
           f"{cryptocurrency_data[3]}\n" \
           f"{cryptocurrency_data[4]}\n" \
           f"{cryptocurrency_data[5]}\n" \
           f"{cryptocurrency_data[6]}\n" \
           f"{cryptocurrency_data[7]}\n" \
           f"{cryptocurrency_data[8]}\n" \
Exemplo n.º 14
def get_flights_overhead(city_state):
    This function will grab the data (json) from get_airplane_data. Once it has this data,
    we extract the useful info and convert it to a namedtuple. This was the easiest way to
    return 50+ flights at a time.
    :param city_state:
    # Need to grab flight data
    latitude, longitude = google_lat_long.return_lat_long(city_state, True)
    full_url = PARTIAL_URL + latitude + LNG_URL + longitude + END_URL
    data = get_json_data.grab_json_data(full_url)
    flight_data = data["acList"]

    # Variable list to return lots of flights
    flight_origination = []
    flight_destination = []
    flight_id = []
    model = []
    airline_name = []
    call_sign = []
    country = []
    full_flight_data = []

    for items in flight_data:  # looping though all keys / values in the list
        for key, value in items.items():
            if key == "From":
            if key == "To":
            if key == "Id":
            if key == "Mdl":
            if key == "Op":
            if key == "Call":
            if key == "Cou":

    # running this because I can't get the return to iterate through with the returns
    Flights = collections.namedtuple(
        "Airline Model Flight_ID Call_Sign Origination Destination Country")

    flight_count = 0  # for the while loop to use
    while flight_count < len(call_sign):
        # calling the named tuple to build a list of lists
                Flights(airline_name[flight_count], model[flight_count],
                        flight_id[flight_count], call_sign[flight_count],
        except IndexError:  # needed to include this because not all call_sign or flight data is present
        flight_count += 1  # need to increase the count each time it loops through

    if len(call_sign) == 0:
        return "Errors were present. Check out the URL / Code"
        return f"{full_flight_data}"
Exemplo n.º 15
def return_next_launch():
    This is a quick a dirty function to print the next SpaceX launch. I don't print / display
    anything more than the next flight. This is because SpaceX doesn't provide it until it locks
    down the info, location, time, etc.
    :return: flight_number, launch date, payload info, flight time
    url = "https://api.spacexdata.com/v2/launches/upcoming"
    # a_url = "https://api.spacexdata.com/v2/launches/upcoming?launch_year=2017"
    spacex_data = get_json_data.grab_json_data(url)

    # setting up our list variables. This is because SpaceX knows about the next ~3 launches,
    # but only provides full details of the next launch.
    launch_dates = []
    launch_times = []
    spacex = []

    date_count = 0  # this is to loop through the while loop in our launch_dates list
    while date_count < len(spacex_data):
        date_count += 1

    # This will convert our ISO date time format to human readable material (Year-Month-Date @ Hour:Minute:Second)
    # For example, 2018-01-23 @ 13:00:00
    for times in launch_dates:
            ts = time.strptime(times[:19],
                               "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S")  # need to use strptime
                "%Y-%m-%d @ %H:%M:%S",
                ts))  # appending our formatted content to the list
        except ValueError:  # I've only run into this error once and it may have been a fluke, being safe

    # Creating a namedtuple to store our data. Eventually, I need to learn how to print properly formatted
    # data for the 3 flights listed.
    Spacex = collections.namedtuple(
        "SpaceX", "Flight_Number "
        "Launch_Date "
        "Rocket_Name "
        "First_Stage_Reused "
        "Second_Stage_Reused "
        "Payload_ID "
        "Payload_Type "
        "Payload_Weight "
        "Customer "

    # I'm not sure if this is the best way. I can't alter these tuple values (that I know of).
    # I also don't know how to return multiple entries which is why I went this way.
    count = 0  # This will help us change the count for the while loop below
    while count < len(spacex_data):
                spacex_data[count]["flight_number"], launch_times[count],
                spacex_data[count]["rocket"]["rocket_name"], spacex_data[count]
                ["reused"], spacex_data[count]["rocket"]["second_stage"]
                ["payloads"][0]["payload_id"], spacex_data[count]["rocket"]
                ["payload_mass_kg"], spacex_data[count]["rocket"]
        count += 1

    # I know this is a cryptic return statement. If I could figure out how to loop through a return statement
    # I'd use something like spacex[0].flight_number so it is easier to read
    return f"{spacex[0]}\n" \
           f"{spacex[1]}\n" \