Exemplo n.º 1
class GetDeliverableRegion:
    def __init__(self):
        # init agent for parsing html
        self.agent = GetHTMLAndParse()

        # format text
        self.formatter = TextFormatUtils()

    """ Get data region.
    Returns element tree with region where are deliverables stored """

    def get_region(self, url, base, tolerance):
        _res = self.agent.ghap(url)
        if len(_res) == 0:
            return derrno.__err__(errmsg)
            self._page = self.agent.get_etree()

        deliv_elements = self.agent.find_anchor_elem(base=base)
        if len(deliv_elements) == 0:
            return derrno.__err__(derrno.ENODOC, url)
        if len(deliv_elements) == 1:
            return lxml.etree.ElementTree(deliv_elements[0])

        # get parent tag of all deliverable anchors
        parent_element = self._get_common_parent(deliv_elements, tolerance)
        if parent_element == None:
            return derrno.__err__(derrno.ENOREG, "Parent element not found.")

        # get the region out of the parent element
        region = self._get_deliverable_region(parent_element)
        # if parent tag is region
        if region == 0:
            # return element tree made from parent tag
            return lxml.etree.ElementTree(parent_element)
        return region  # else return region

    """ Stabile searching parent of all elements in elem_list
    using method of making element parent vectors and comparing them.
    Tolerance of n tags makes the region smaller if there are
    >>not deliverable<< pdfs in more regions on the page."""

    def _get_common_parent(self, elem_list, tolerance):

        # supporting method - kind of bigger lambda. Get minimal length of
        # inside lists.
        def _minlength(seq_list):
            return min([len(seq) for seq in seq_list])

        # next supporting method: check the elements in list.
        # if elements are the same, its common parent tag - return True.
        def _iscommon(elem_seq, tol):
            tol_list = []
            for elem in elem_seq:
                if not elem in tol_list:
            if len(tol_list) > tol + 1:
                return False
            # if only two anchors found then we have only two tags
            # and its pretty hard to use tolerance, so we omit it.
            if len(elem_seq) < 3 and len(tol_list) > 1:
                return False
            return True

        # get the most frequenced tag in list
        def _most_frequent(seq):
            suplist = []
            suplist_freq = []
            for el in seq:
                if not el in suplist:
                    suplist_freq[suplist.index(el)] += 1
            ind = suplist_freq.index(max(suplist_freq))
            return suplist[ind]

        # now continue with method _get_common_parent()
        vectors = []  # here will be vectors stored - list of lists
        for self.elem in elem_list:
            _vector = []
            while 1:
                parent = self.elem.getparent()  # exception possible here
                if parent == None:
                self.elem = parent
        # We have parent vectors of all elements from elem_list stored in list
        # $vectors. Then zip the vector list and get sequences of parent tags (and the
        # other tags) sorted from the highest to the lowest parent element.
        zipped = [[row[-i] for row in vectors]
                  for i in range(1,
                                 _minlength(vectors) + 1)]
        # now check all lists in list zipped. If these are filled with the same
        # elements, its a common parent. The last list before difference contains
        # the main parent tag.
        self.last_seq = []
        for zipvect in zipped:
            if not _iscommon(zipvect, tolerance):
                # return most frequented element in last vector
                return _most_frequent(self.last_seq)
            self.last_seq = zipvect
        return _most_frequent(self.last_seq)

    """ Get texts from element and his descendants.
    If string is True, returns texts as one string with spaces.
    elem: lxml element """

    def _get_element_texts(self, elem, string=True):
        texts = []
        for child in elem.iter():
            if child.text and isinstance(child.tag, basestring):
                if re.search("[a-z0-9]", child.text, re.I):
        if string:
            return " ".join(texts)
        return texts

    """ Get deliverable region - returns etree with region.
     If 0 returned parent_tag is region,
     if -1 returned some error occured searching,
     if html string returned its a region. """

    def _get_deliverable_region(self, parent_tag):
        def _convert_tag_to_html(tag):
            tag_html = lxml.etree.ElementTree(tag)
            return lxml.etree.tostring(tag_html)

        # list[0] = type, list[1] = atribute, list[2] = lxml tag element
        # in case of headers list[0] = element.tag, then [2] is element
        _reg_atr = ['', None, None]
        self._result_html_region = ''
        reg_flag = False  # flag indicating that we are looping over region
        # get headers first
        headers = []
        for i in range(1, 7):
            headers.extend(parent_tag.findall('.//h' + str(i)))
        children = parent_tag.getchildren()
        if len(headers) > 0:
            for head in headers:
                text = self._get_element_texts(head)
                if text:
                    if re.search("deliverables", text, re.I):
                        _reg_atr[0] = head.tag
                        _reg_atr[2] = head
            if _reg_atr[2] == None:
                return 0
            # visit all tag in parent_tag
            for tag in parent_tag.iterdescendants():
                if tag.tag == 'img': continue
                text = self._get_element_texts(tag)
                if tag.tag == 'a' and not tag.text:
                    if tag.find('img') is not None:
                        text = tag.find('img').tail
                        text = ' '
                if text:
                    if re.search("deliverables", text, re.I) and \
                        tag.tag == _reg_atr[0]:
                        # "deliverable" title, BEGIN of region
                        reg_flag = True
                    elif not re.search("deliverables", text, re.I) and \
                        tag.tag == _reg_atr[0]:
                        # next similar title, END of region
                        if reg_flag:
                # region content
                if tag in children and reg_flag:
                    self._result_html_region += _convert_tag_to_html(tag)
                elif tag.getparent() in children and reg_flag:
                    self._result_html_region += _convert_tag_to_html(
        # if we dont have headers, try to find other kind of header (title)
        # "Deliverables" and compare with other elements with the same class or id.
            for tag in parent_tag.iter():
                if tag.text:
                    if re.search("deliverables", tag.text, re.I):
                        if tag.get("class"):
                            _reg_atr[0] = 'class'
                            _reg_atr[1] = tag.get("class")
                            _reg_atr[2] = tag
                        elif tag.get("id"):
                            _reg_atr[0] = 'id'
                            _reg_atr[1] = tag.get("id")
                            _reg_atr[2] = tag
                        elif tag.get("style"):
                            _reg_atr[0] = 'style'
                            _reg_atr[1] = tag.get("style")
                            _reg_atr[2] = tag

            # test _reg_atr. If there is no deliverable region, then all
            # documents make the region
            if _reg_atr[2] == None:
                return 0
            reg_flag = False
            # visit all tag in parent_tag
            for tag in parent_tag.iterdescendants():
                if tag.tag == 'a' and not tag.text:
                    if tag.find('img') is not None:
                        tag.text = tag.find('img').tail
                        tag.text = ' '
                if tag.text:
                    if re.search("deliverables", tag.text, re.I) and \
                        tag.get(_reg_atr[0]) == _reg_atr[1]:
                        # "deliverable" title, BEGIN of region
                        reg_flag = True
                    elif not re.search("deliverables", tag.text, re.I) and \
                        tag.get(_reg_atr[0]) == _reg_atr[1]:
                        # next similar title, END of region
                        if reg_flag:
                # region content
                if tag in children and reg_flag:
                    self._result_html_region += _convert_tag_to_html(tag)
                elif tag.getparent() in children and reg_flag:
                    self._result_html_region += _convert_tag_to_html(
        if not self._result_html_region:
            return 0
        # create ElementTree from region
            return lxml.etree.fromstring(self._result_html_region)
                parser = lxml.etree.HTMLParser()
                return lxml.etree.fromstring(self._result_html_region, parser)
            except lxml.etree.XMLSyntaxError:
                return 0
class GetDeliverableRegion:

    def __init__(self):
        # init agent for parsing html
        self.agent = GetHTMLAndParse()

        # format text
        self.formatter = TextFormatUtils()

    """ Get data region.
    Returns element tree with region where are deliverables stored """
    def get_region(self, url, base, tolerance):
        _res = self.agent.ghap(url)
        if len(_res) == 0:
            return derrno.__err__(errmsg)
            self._page = self.agent.get_etree()
        deliv_elements = self.agent.find_anchor_elem(base=base)
        if len(deliv_elements) == 0:
            return derrno.__err__(derrno.ENODOC, url)
        if len(deliv_elements) == 1:
            return lxml.etree.ElementTree(deliv_elements[0])

        # get parent tag of all deliverable anchors
        parent_element = self._get_common_parent(deliv_elements, tolerance)
        if parent_element == None:
            return derrno.__err__(derrno.ENOREG, "Parent element not found.")

        # get the region out of the parent element
        region = self._get_deliverable_region(parent_element)
        # if parent tag is region
        if region == 0:
            # return element tree made from parent tag
            return lxml.etree.ElementTree(parent_element)
        return region # else return region

    """ Stabile searching parent of all elements in elem_list
    using method of making element parent vectors and comparing them.
    Tolerance of n tags makes the region smaller if there are
    >>not deliverable<< pdfs in more regions on the page."""
    def _get_common_parent(self, elem_list, tolerance):

        # supporting method - kind of bigger lambda. Get minimal length of
        # inside lists.
        def _minlength(seq_list):
            return min([len(seq) for seq in seq_list])

        # next supporting method: check the elements in list.
        # if elements are the same, its common parent tag - return True.
        def _iscommon(elem_seq, tol):
            tol_list = []
            for elem in elem_seq:
                if not elem in tol_list:
            if len(tol_list) > tol+1:
                return False
            # if only two anchors found then we have only two tags
            # and its pretty hard to use tolerance, so we omit it.
            if len(elem_seq) < 3 and len(tol_list) > 1:
                return False
            return True

        # get the most frequenced tag in list
        def _most_frequent(seq):
            suplist = []
            suplist_freq = []
            for el in seq:
                if not el in suplist:
                    suplist_freq[suplist.index(el)] += 1
            ind = suplist_freq.index(max(suplist_freq))
            return suplist[ind]

        # now continue with method _get_common_parent()
        vectors = [] # here will be vectors stored - list of lists
        for self.elem in elem_list:
            _vector = []
            while 1:
                parent = self.elem.getparent() # exception possible here
                if parent == None:
                self.elem = parent
        # We have parent vectors of all elements from elem_list stored in list
        # $vectors. Then zip the vector list and get sequences of parent tags (and the
        # other tags) sorted from the highest to the lowest parent element.
        zipped = [[row[-i] for row in vectors] for i in range(1, _minlength(vectors)+1)]
        # now check all lists in list zipped. If these are filled with the same
        # elements, its a common parent. The last list before difference contains
        # the main parent tag.
        self.last_seq = []
        for zipvect in zipped:
            if not _iscommon(zipvect, tolerance):
                # return most frequented element in last vector
                return _most_frequent(self.last_seq)
            self.last_seq = zipvect
        return _most_frequent(self.last_seq)

    """ Get texts from element and his descendants.
    If string is True, returns texts as one string with spaces.
    elem: lxml element """
    def _get_element_texts(self, elem, string=True):
        texts = []
        for child in elem.iter():
            if child.text and isinstance(child.tag, basestring):
                if re.search("[a-z0-9]", child.text, re.I):
        if string:
            return " ".join(texts)
        return texts

    """ Get deliverable region - returns etree with region.
     If 0 returned parent_tag is region,
     if -1 returned some error occured searching,
     if html string returned its a region. """
    def _get_deliverable_region(self, parent_tag):
        def _convert_tag_to_html(tag):
           tag_html = lxml.etree.ElementTree(tag)
           return lxml.etree.tostring(tag_html)

        # list[0] = type, list[1] = atribute, list[2] = lxml tag element
        # in case of headers list[0] = element.tag, then [2] is element
        _reg_atr = ['',None,None]
        self._result_html_region = ''
        reg_flag = False # flag indicating that we are looping over region
        # get headers first
        headers = []
        for i in range(1,7):
        children = parent_tag.getchildren()
        if len(headers) > 0:
            for head in headers:
                text = self._get_element_texts(head)
                if text:
                    if re.search("deliverables", text, re.I):
                        _reg_atr[0] = head.tag
                        _reg_atr[2] = head
            if _reg_atr[2] == None:
                return 0
            # visit all tag in parent_tag
            for tag in parent_tag.iterdescendants():
                if tag.tag == 'img': continue;
                text = self._get_element_texts(tag)
                if tag.tag == 'a' and not tag.text:
                    if tag.find('img') is not None:
                        text = tag.find('img').tail
                        text = ' '
                if text:
                    if re.search("deliverables", text, re.I) and \
                        tag.tag == _reg_atr[0]:
                        # "deliverable" title, BEGIN of region
                        reg_flag = True
                    elif not re.search("deliverables", text, re.I) and \
                        tag.tag == _reg_atr[0]:
                        # next similar title, END of region
                        if reg_flag:
                # region content
                if tag in children and reg_flag:
                    self._result_html_region += _convert_tag_to_html(tag)
                elif tag.getparent() in children and reg_flag:
        # if we dont have headers, try to find other kind of header (title)
        # "Deliverables" and compare with other elements with the same class or id.
            for tag in parent_tag.iter():
                if tag.text:
                    if re.search("deliverables", tag.text, re.I):
                        if tag.get("class"):
                            _reg_atr[0] = 'class'
                            _reg_atr[1] = tag.get("class")
                            _reg_atr[2] = tag
                        elif tag.get("id"):
                            _reg_atr[0] = 'id'
                            _reg_atr[1] = tag.get("id")
                            _reg_atr[2] = tag
                        elif tag.get("style"):
                            _reg_atr[0] = 'style'
                            _reg_atr[1] = tag.get("style")
                            _reg_atr[2] = tag

            # test _reg_atr. If there is no deliverable region, then all
            # documents make the region
            if _reg_atr[2] == None:
                return 0
            reg_flag = False
            # visit all tag in parent_tag
            for tag in parent_tag.iterdescendants():
                if tag.tag == 'a' and not tag.text:
                    if tag.find('img') is not None:
                        tag.text = tag.find('img').tail
                        tag.text = ' '
                if tag.text:
                    if re.search("deliverables", tag.text, re.I) and \
                        tag.get(_reg_atr[0]) == _reg_atr[1]:
                        # "deliverable" title, BEGIN of region
                        reg_flag = True
                    elif not re.search("deliverables", tag.text, re.I) and \
                        tag.get(_reg_atr[0]) == _reg_atr[1]:
                        # next similar title, END of region
                        if reg_flag:
                # region content
                if tag in children and reg_flag:
                    self._result_html_region += _convert_tag_to_html(tag)
                elif tag.getparent() in children and reg_flag:
        if not self._result_html_region:
            return 0
        # create ElementTree from region
            return lxml.etree.fromstring(self._result_html_region)
                parser = lxml.etree.HTMLParser()
                return lxml.etree.fromstring(self._result_html_region, parser)
            except lxml.etree.XMLSyntaxError:
                return 0
class GetDelivPage:

    def __init__(self, url, verbose=False, debug=False, addkeyw=None):
        # keywords used for document page search
        self._sigwords = ["d((eliverables?)|[0-9])",
                          "outocomes?", "downloads?",
        if addkeyw != None:

        """ Associative array containing links with their flags
        { url : [Index/NoIndex/Frame, Visit/Visited, Rank] }
        index = 0, noindex = 1, frame = 2, unvisited = 0, visited = 1 """
        self._link_stack = { url : [0,0,0] }

        self.base_url = url # save base (input) url

        # Open an parsing agent to get needed data from page
        self.agent = GetHTMLAndParse()

        self._current_url = url

        # a constant used to set rank in order of importance of the expression 
        # being tested (self._sigwords)
        self.rank_const = len(self._sigwords)

        # few a constants for dictionary - just for good-looking source code
        self.IND_FR = 0 # index/noindex/frame/special
        self.VISIT = 1 # unvisited/visited
        self.RANK = 2 # value of rank

        # set verbose flag
        self.__verbose__ = verbose

        #set debug flag
        self.__dbg__ = debug
        # checking data types
        if not type(self.__verbose__) == bool:
            raise ValueError("Verbose flag has to be boolean.")

    def __verbose(self, msg):
        _err = "cannot decode verbose message."
        if self.__verbose__ == True:
            except UnicodeError:

    def __debug(self, msg):
        _err = "cannot decode debug info."
        if self.__dbg__ == True:
                print("Debug message:    "+str(msg))
            except UnicodeError:


    """ Initialize item in dictionary to noindex/unvisited/rank=0 """
    def _link_item_init__(self, link, index=1, visit=0, rank=0):
        # default setting: noindex,unvisited,norank
        if not self._link_stack.has_key(link):
           self._link_stack[link] = [index,visit,rank]

    """ Edits item in dictionary self._link_stack """
    def _link_item_edit(self, link, index=None, visit=None, rank=None):
        if index is not None:
            self._link_stack[link][self.IND_FR] = index
        if visit is not None:
            self._link_stack[link][self.VISIT] = visit
        if rank  is not None:
            # null rank if zero is argument
            if rank == 0:
                self._link_stack[link][self.RANK] = 0
            # add rank
                self._link_stack[link][self.RANK] += rank

    """ Method representing one level of cascade. Do almost any job to search 
    one word in dictionary """
    def _level_job(self, index=None):
        # get list of links from anchors containing one of expression
        # from self_sigwords
        result = 0
        if index is not None: # searching with one 
            link_list = self.agent.get_all_links(
                regul = re.compile(self._sigwords[index], re.I), 
                base  = self._current_url)        
            link_list = self.agent.get_all_links(base = self._current_url)
            index = self.rank_const
        if link_list:
            #   RANK giving & filter
            if index is None:
                rank = 0
            elif index == 0:
                rank = self.rank_const * 2
                rank = self.rank_const - index
            for link in link_list:
                # GTFO javascript
                if not link or "javascript:" in link or "mailto:" in link: 
                if "#" in link: # if pointer delete it
                    link = re.sub('#.*$', '', link)
                if len(link) > 200:  
                if self._link_stack.get(link):
                    # RANK if you see those links for first
                    if self._link_stack[link][self.VISIT] == 0:
                        self._link_item_edit(self._current_url, rank=rank)
                if not self.agent.compare_domains(self.base_url, link):

                split_link = re.sub("https?://.+?/", "", link)
                # check whether it is file or not
                if self.agent.is_wanted_mime(link):
                    #   Some PDF or DOC found
                    # RANK
                    self._link_item_edit(self._current_url, rank=10)
                    self.__debug("Added rank 10 to "+self._current_url)
                    if re.search("de?l?(iverable)?[0-9]+([\._-][0-9])?", 
                                  split_link, re.I):
                        self.__debug("Type D on "+self._current_url) # debug print
                        # RANK
                        self._link_item_edit(self._current_url, rank=100)
                elif not self.agent.is_page(link):
                # Add link
                # RANK
                # initialization of link item in dict
                self._link_item_edit(self._current_url, rank=rank)
                result += 1
                # debug print
                self.__debug("ADD "+link[7:60])
                self.__debug("Rank "+str(rank)+" "+self._current_url)    
        return result

    """ Cascade search. May improve the speed of script """
    def _cascade_search(self):
        result = 0
        # first cascade - look for links cont. deliverables
        result += self._level_job(0)
        if not result == 0:
        # second cascade - look for links cont. documents and publications
        result += self._level_job(1) 
        result += self._level_job(2)
        if not result == 0:
        # last cascade - all the rest
        for i in range(3,self.rank_const):
            result += self._level_job(i)
        # check Intro page (all links) only on index
        if result == 0 and self._link_stack[self._current_url][0] == 0:
            result += self._level_job() 
        """if result == 0:
            # RANK DOWN
            self._link_item_edit(self._current_url, rank=0)
            print "No anchors on the page"""

    """ TRY TO repair link. But for now only append / in base """
    def _repair_links(self, base=None):
        if base is None:
            base = self.base_url
        if re.match(".*[^/]$", base):
            base += "/"
        if self.agent.get_etree() == -1:
            return -1
        links = self.agent.get_all_links(base = base)
        # compare link with base url
        for link in links:
            if not self.agent.compare_domains(self.base_url, link):
            link = re.sub("https?://.+?/", base, link)
            # if match, save it as special case
            self._link_item_init__(link, index=3)

    """ Checking intro page. It is page without content, only with Enter label """
    def _check_intro(self):
        links = self.agent.get_all_links(base = self._current_url)
        self.__debug("We've found intro links: "+str(links))
        for link in links:
            if not self.agent.compare_domains(self.base_url, link):
            # save new link as normal page
            self._link_item_init__(link, index=1)

    """ Looks for frames on the page """
    def _check_frames(self):
        frames = self.agent.look_for_frame(base = self._current_url)
        if not frames:
            return None
        fcount = len(frames)
        # debug print
        self.__debug("We've found frames ("+str(fcount)+") on "+self._current_url) 
        # save new link as frame page
        for link in frames:
            if self.agent.compare_domains(self._current_url, link):
              self._link_item_init__(link, index=2)
        return fcount

    """ Checks for titles and gives rank according the result """
    def _check_titles(self):
        for i in range(self.rank_const):
            hcount = self.agent.count_all_headers(
                re.compile( self._sigwords[i], re.I ))
            if not hcount == 0:
                if i == 0: 
                    # "deliverable" match, the highest rank
                    # RANK constant is multiplied by 4
                    self.__debug("deliverable match"+str(self.rank_const *
                    4)+" "+self._current_url)
                                         rank = self.rank_const * 4)
                    # other word match
                    # do not multiplied rank constant
                    self.__debug("Rank "+str(self.rank_const - i)+" "+self._current_url) 
                                         rank = self.rank_const - i)

    """ Get information about current link """
    def _check_anchor(self):
        # tt is Text and Title
        tt = self.agent.get_anchor_from_link(self._current_url)
        # return 0 if no anchor match
        if tt == 0: return tt;
        # match for deliverables
        if re.search(self._sigwords[0], tt, re.I):
            self.__debug("Anchor matched "+self._current_url) # debug print
            return 1

    """ Returns list of unvisited links. Useful in cycle. """
    def _check_unvisited_links(self):
        unvisitedLinks = []
        for link in self._link_stack:
            if self._link_stack[link][self.VISIT] == 0: # if unvisited
        return unvisitedLinks # list of unvisited page links

    """ Aplying all methods to unvisited links - next level of searching. 
    It is main private method. Only this method can decide end of searching """
    def _handle_unvis_links(self):
        unvisLinks = self._check_unvisited_links()
        if not unvisLinks:
            return None # end of searching
        for link in unvisLinks: # cycle in unvisited links
            # visit and parse page
            self._link_item_edit(link, visit = 1)

            (res, err) = self.agent.ghap(link)
            if res == -1:
                self.__debug(str(err)+" "+str(link)) # debug print
                # if link is broken (IND_FR == 3)
                if self._link_stack[link][self.IND_FR] != 3:
            # little hack with error message, there is no error but URL!
            if res == 2:
                self.base_url = err # URL of the new base
            self.__debug("Getting url in ghap(): "+str(link)) # debug print
            self.__verbose("Searching... URL: "+str(link)) # verbose print
            self._current_url = link
            if self._link_stack[link][self.IND_FR] == 2:
                dname = self.agent.get_domain_name(link)
                if dname is not None:
                    self.base_url = dname

            # frame check #

            # titles check #
            self._check_titles() # rank giving here

            # anchor check #
            if self._check_anchor():
                self._link_item_edit(link, rank = 10) # rank giving here too

            self._cascade_search() # search for next links on this page
        # when no unvisited links in list, return
        return 1

    """ Returns link of the highest value of rank in self._link_stack. 
    It is called in the end of process."""
    def _get_highest_ranks_link(self):
        hRank = 0
        hLink = ""
        # check all links and choose link with the highest rank
        for link in self._link_stack:
            if self._link_stack[link][self.RANK] > hRank:
                hLink = link
                hRank = self._link_stack[link][self.RANK]
        return hLink # WINNER

    """ Returns list of all links leading to deliverables. 
    Try to find more sites with deliverables.. i.e. like www.awissenet.com has.
    Maybe test for name of link - anchor: i.e. next, prev, [0-9]+ and so one...
    Page usualy looks like:       next pages: 1 2 3 4 ... """
    def _get_deliv_link_list(self,first_link):
        # agent gets first_link
        final_list = []
        nonvisited = [first_link]
        current = nonvisited.pop()
        while current:
            if not current or "javascript:" in current or "mailto:" in current:
                    current = nonvisited.pop()
            if self.agent.ghap(current)[0] == -1: # CACHE ??? maybe 
                    current = nonvisited.pop()

            final_list.append(current) # append only one link
                current = nonvisited.pop()
        return final_list # returning all pages with deliverables
    """ Returns list of links on pages with deliverable-documents.
    If found returns list, if not found, return -1. 
    Only public method in module. """
    def get_deliverable_page(self):
        # the main searching loop 
        # while we have some unvisited links, search
        while self._handle_unvis_links(): 
            # security case
            if len(self._link_stack) > 10:
            self.__debug("Stack content: "+str(self._link_stack))
        if len(self._link_stack) == 1 :
            return derrno.__err__(derrno.ELNOTFOUND)

        final_link = self._get_highest_ranks_link()
        if not final_link or self._link_stack[final_link][2] == 0:
            return derrno.__err__(derrno.ELNOTFOUND)
        self.__debug("DELIVERABLE PAGE: "+final_link)
        return [final_link]
        ####### not in use #############
        result = self._get_deliv_link_list(final_link)
        if len(result) == 0:
            return derrno.__err__(derrno.ELNOTFOUND)
            return result
class GetDelivPage:

    def __init__(self, url, verbose=False, debug=False, addkeyw=None):
        # keywords used for document page search
        self._sigwords = ["d((eliverables?)|[0-9])",
                          "outocomes?", "downloads?",
        if addkeyw != None:

        """ Associative array containing links with their flags
        { url : [Index/NoIndex/Frame, Visit/Visited, Rank] }
        index = 0, noindex = 1, frame = 2, unvisited = 0, visited = 1 """
        self._link_stack = { url : [0,0,0] }

        self.base_url = url # save base (input) url

        # Open an parsing agent to get needed data from page
        self.agent = GetHTMLAndParse()

        self._current_url = url

        # a constant used to set rank in order of importance of the expression 
        # being tested (self._sigwords)
        self.rank_const = len(self._sigwords)

        # few a constants for dictionary - just for good-looking source code
        self.IND_FR = 0 # index/noindex/frame/special
        self.VISIT = 1 # unvisited/visited
        self.RANK = 2 # value of rank

        # set verbose flag
        self.__verbose__ = verbose

        #set debug flag
        self.__dbg__ = debug
        # checking data types
        if not type(self.__verbose__) == bool:
            raise ValueError("Verbose flag has to be boolean.")

    def __verbose(self, msg):
        _err = "cannot decode verbose message."
        if self.__verbose__ == True:
            except UnicodeError:

    def __debug(self, msg):
        _err = "cannot decode debug info."
        if self.__dbg__ == True:
                print("Debug message:    "+str(msg))
            except UnicodeError:


    """ Initialize item in dictionary to noindex/unvisited/rank=0 """
    def _link_item_init__(self, link, index=1, visit=0, rank=0):
        # default setting: noindex,unvisited,norank
        if not self._link_stack.has_key(link):
           self._link_stack[link] = [index,visit,rank]

    """ Edits item in dictionary self._link_stack """
    def _link_item_edit(self, link, index=None, visit=None, rank=None):
        if index is not None:
            self._link_stack[link][self.IND_FR] = index
        if visit is not None:
            self._link_stack[link][self.VISIT] = visit
        if rank  is not None:
            # null rank if zero is argument
            if rank == 0:
                self._link_stack[link][self.RANK] = 0
            # add rank
                self._link_stack[link][self.RANK] += rank

    """ Method representing one level of cascade. Do almost any job to search 
    one word in dictionary """
    def _level_job(self, index=None):
        # get list of links from anchors containing one of expression
        # from self_sigwords
        result = 0
        if index is not None: # searching with one 
            link_list = self.agent.get_all_links(
                regul = re.compile(self._sigwords[index], re.I), 
                base  = self._current_url)        
            link_list = self.agent.get_all_links(base = self._current_url)
            index = self.rank_const
        if link_list:
            #   RANK giving & filter
            if index is None:
                rank = 0
            elif index == 0:
                rank = self.rank_const * 2
                rank = self.rank_const - index
            for link in link_list:
                # GTFO javascript
                if not link or "javascript:" in link or "mailto:" in link: 
                if "#" in link: # if pointer delete it
                    link = re.sub('#.*$', '', link)
                if len(link) > 200:  
                if self._link_stack.get(link):
                    # RANK if you see those links for first
                    if self._link_stack[link][self.VISIT] == 0:
                        self._link_item_edit(self._current_url, rank=rank)
                if not self.agent.compare_domains(self.base_url, link):

                split_link = re.sub("https?://.+?/", "", link)
                # check whether it is file or not
                if self.agent.is_wanted_mime(link):
                    #   Some PDF or DOC found
                    # RANK
                    self._link_item_edit(self._current_url, rank=10)
                    self.__debug("Added rank 10 to "+self._current_url)
                    if re.search("de?l?(iverable)?[0-9]+([\._-][0-9])?", 
                                  split_link, re.I):
                        self.__debug("Type D on "+self._current_url) # debug print
                        # RANK
                        self._link_item_edit(self._current_url, rank=100)
                elif not self.agent.is_page(link):
                # Add link
                # RANK
                # initialization of link item in dict
                self._link_item_edit(self._current_url, rank=rank)
                result += 1
                # debug print
                self.__debug("ADD "+link[7:60])
                self.__debug("Rank "+str(rank)+" "+self._current_url)    
        return result

    """ Cascade search. May improve the speed of script """
    def _cascade_search(self):
        result = 0
        # first cascade - look for links cont. deliverables
        result += self._level_job(0)
        if not result == 0:
        # second cascade - look for links cont. documents and publications
        result += self._level_job(1) 
        result += self._level_job(2)
        if not result == 0:
        # last cascade - all the rest
        for i in range(3,self.rank_const):
            result += self._level_job(i)
        # check Intro page (all links) only on index
        if result == 0 and self._link_stack[self._current_url][0] == 0:
            result += self._level_job() 
        """if result == 0:
            # RANK DOWN
            self._link_item_edit(self._current_url, rank=0)
            print "No anchors on the page"""

    """ TRY TO repair link. But for now only append / in base """
    def _repair_links(self, base=None):
        if base is None:
            base = self.base_url
        if re.match(".*[^/]$", base):
            base += "/"
        if self.agent.get_etree() == -1:
            return -1
        links = self.agent.get_all_links(base = base)
        # compare link with base url
        for link in links:
            if not self.agent.compare_domains(self.base_url, link):
            link = re.sub("https?://.+?/", base, link)
            # if match, save it as special case
            self._link_item_init__(link, index=3)

    """ Checking intro page. It is page without content, only with Enter label """
    def _check_intro(self):
        links = self.agent.get_all_links(base = self._current_url)
        self.__debug("We've found intro links: "+str(links))
        for link in links:
            if not self.agent.compare_domains(self.base_url, link):
            # save new link as normal page
            self._link_item_init__(link, index=1)

    """ Looks for frames on the page """
    def _check_frames(self):
        frames = self.agent.look_for_frame(base = self._current_url)
        if not frames:
            return None
        fcount = len(frames)
        # debug print
        self.__debug("We've found frames ("+str(fcount)+") on "+self._current_url) 
        # save new link as frame page
        for link in frames:
            if self.agent.compare_domains(self._current_url, link):
              self._link_item_init__(link, index=2)
        return fcount

    """ Checks for titles and gives rank according the result """
    def _check_titles(self):
        for i in range(self.rank_const):
            hcount = self.agent.count_all_headers(
                re.compile( self._sigwords[i], re.I ))
            if not hcount == 0:
                if i == 0: 
                    # "deliverable" match, the highest rank
                    # RANK constant is multiplied by 4
                    self.__debug("deliverable match"+str(self.rank_const *
                    4)+" "+self._current_url)
                                         rank = self.rank_const * 4)
                    # other word match
                    # do not multiplied rank constant
                    self.__debug("Rank "+str(self.rank_const - i)+" "+self._current_url) 
                                         rank = self.rank_const - i)

    """ Get information about current link """
    def _check_anchor(self):
        # tt is Text and Title
        tt = self.agent.get_anchor_from_link(self._current_url)
        # return 0 if no anchor match
        if tt == 0: return tt;
        # match for deliverables
        if re.search(self._sigwords[0], tt, re.I):
            self.__debug("Anchor matched "+self._current_url) # debug print
            return 1

    """ Returns list of unvisited links. Useful in cycle. """
    def _check_unvisited_links(self):
        unvisitedLinks = []
        for link in self._link_stack:
            if self._link_stack[link][self.VISIT] == 0: # if unvisited
        return unvisitedLinks # list of unvisited page links

    """ Aplying all methods to unvisited links - next level of searching. 
    It is main private method. Only this method can decide end of searching """
    def _handle_unvis_links(self):
        unvisLinks = self._check_unvisited_links()
        if not unvisLinks:
            return None # end of searching
        for link in unvisLinks: # cycle in unvisited links
            # visit and parse page
            self._link_item_edit(link, visit = 1)

            (res, err) = self.agent.ghap(link)
            if res == -1:
                self.__debug(str(err)+" "+str(link)) # debug print
                # if link is broken (IND_FR == 3)
                if self._link_stack[link][self.IND_FR] != 3:
            # little hack with error message, there is no error but URL!
            if res == 2:
                self.base_url = err # URL of the new base
            self.__debug("Getting url in ghap(): "+str(link)) # debug print
            self.__verbose("Searching... URL: "+str(link)) # verbose print
            self._current_url = link
            if self._link_stack[link][self.IND_FR] == 2:
                dname = self.agent.get_domain_name(link)
                if dname is not None:
                    self.base_url = dname

            # frame check #

            # titles check #
            self._check_titles() # rank giving here

            # anchor check #
            if self._check_anchor():
                self._link_item_edit(link, rank = 10) # rank giving here too

            self._cascade_search() # search for next links on this page
        # when no unvisited links in list, return
        return 1

    """ Returns link of the highest value of rank in self._link_stack. 
    It is called in the end of process."""
    def _get_highest_ranks_link(self):
        hRank = 0
        hLink = ""
        # check all links and choose link with the highest rank
        for link in self._link_stack:
            if self._link_stack[link][self.RANK] > hRank:
                hLink = link
                hRank = self._link_stack[link][self.RANK]
        return hLink # WINNER

    """ Returns list of all links leading to deliverables. 
    Try to find more sites with deliverables.. i.e. like www.awissenet.com has.
    Maybe test for name of link - anchor: i.e. next, prev, [0-9]+ and so one...
    Page usualy looks like:       next pages: 1 2 3 4 ... """
    def _get_deliv_link_list(self,first_link):
        # agent gets first_link
        final_list = []
        nonvisited = [first_link]
        current = nonvisited.pop()
        while current:
            if not current or "javascript:" in current or "mailto:" in current:
                    current = nonvisited.pop()
            if self.agent.ghap(current)[0] == -1: # CACHE ??? maybe 
                    current = nonvisited.pop()

            final_list.append(current) # append only one link
                current = nonvisited.pop()
        return final_list # returning all pages with deliverables
    """ Returns list of links on pages with deliverable-documents.
    If found returns list, if not found, return -1. 
    Only public method in module. """
    def get_deliverable_page(self):
        # the main searching loop 
        # while we have some unvisited links, search
        while self._handle_unvis_links(): 
            # security case
            if len(self._link_stack) > 10:
            self.__debug("Stack content: "+str(self._link_stack))
        if len(self._link_stack) == 1 :
            return derrno.__err__(derrno.ELNOTFOUND)

        final_link = self._get_highest_ranks_link()
        if not final_link or self._link_stack[final_link][2] == 0:
            return derrno.__err__(derrno.ELNOTFOUND)
        self.__debug("DELIVERABLE PAGE: "+final_link)
        return [final_link]
        ####### not in use #############
        result = self._get_deliv_link_list(final_link)
        if len(result) == 0:
            return derrno.__err__(derrno.ELNOTFOUND)
            return result