Exemplo n.º 1
    def prepare_mosaic(self, image, fov_deg):
        """Prepare a new (blank) mosaic image based on the pointing of
        the parameter image
        header = image.get_header()
        ra_deg, dec_deg = header['CRVAL1'], header['CRVAL2']

        data_np = image.get_data()
        self.bg_ref = iqcalc.get_median(data_np)
        # TODO: handle skew (differing rotation for each axis)?
        skew_limit = self.settings.get('skew_limit', 0.1)
        (rot_deg, cdelt1, cdelt2) = wcs.get_rotation_and_scale(header,
        self.logger.debug("image0 rot=%f cdelt1=%f cdelt2=%f" % (
            rot_deg, cdelt1, cdelt2))

        # TODO: handle differing pixel scale for each axis?
        px_scale = math.fabs(cdelt1)
        cdbase = [numpy.sign(cdelt1), numpy.sign(cdelt2)]
        #cdbase = [1, 1]

        self.logger.debug("creating blank image to hold mosaic")

        img_mosaic = dp.create_blank_image(ra_deg, dec_deg,
                                           fov_deg, px_scale,

        ## imname = 'mosaic%d' % (self.mosaic_count)
        ## img_mosaic.set(name=imname)
        ## self.mosaic_count += 1
        imname = img_mosaic.get('name', image.get('name', "NoName"))

        # avoid making a thumbnail of this if seed image is also that way
        nothumb = not self.settings.get('make_thumbs', False)
        img_mosaic.set(nothumb=image.get('nothumb', nothumb))

        # TODO: fill in interesting/select object headers from seed image

        header = img_mosaic.get_header()
        (rot, cdelt1, cdelt2) = wcs.get_rotation_and_scale(header,
        self.logger.debug("mosaic rot=%f cdelt1=%f cdelt2=%f" % (
            rot, cdelt1, cdelt2))

        self.img_mosaic = img_mosaic
        self.fv.gui_call(self.fv.add_image, imname, img_mosaic,
        return img_mosaic
Exemplo n.º 2
    def prepare_mosaic(self, image, fov_deg):
        """Prepare a new (blank) mosaic image based on the pointing of
        the parameter image
        header = image.get_header()
        ra_deg, dec_deg = header['CRVAL1'], header['CRVAL2']

        data_np = image.get_data()
        self.bg_ref = iqcalc.get_median(data_np)

        # TODO: handle skew (differing rotation for each axis)?

        skew_limit = self.settings.get('skew_limit', 0.1)
        (rot_deg, cdelt1,
         cdelt2) = wcs.get_rotation_and_scale(header,
        self.logger.debug("image0 rot=%f cdelt1=%f cdelt2=%f" %
                          (rot_deg, cdelt1, cdelt2))

        # TODO: handle differing pixel scale for each axis?
        px_scale = math.fabs(cdelt1)
        cdbase = [numpy.sign(cdelt1), numpy.sign(cdelt2)]
        #cdbase = [1, 1]

        self.logger.debug("creating blank image to hold mosaic")

        img_mosaic = dp.create_blank_image(ra_deg,

        ## imname = 'mosaic%d' % (self.mosaic_count)
        ## img_mosaic.set(name=imname)
        ## self.mosaic_count += 1
        imname = img_mosaic.get('name', "NoName")

        header = img_mosaic.get_header()
        (rot, cdelt1,
         cdelt2) = wcs.get_rotation_and_scale(header,
        self.logger.debug("mosaic rot=%f cdelt1=%f cdelt2=%f" %
                          (rot, cdelt1, cdelt2))

        self.img_mosaic = img_mosaic
Exemplo n.º 3
    def prepare_mosaic(self, image, fov_deg):
        """Prepare a new (blank) mosaic image based on the pointing of
        the parameter image
        header = image.get_header()
        ra_deg, dec_deg = header['CRVAL1'], header['CRVAL2']

        data_np = image.get_data()
        self.bg_ref = iqcalc.get_median(data_np)
        # TODO: handle skew (differing rotation for each axis)?
        (rot_deg, cdelt1, cdelt2) = wcs.get_rotation_and_scale(header)
        self.logger.debug("image0 rot=%f cdelt1=%f cdelt2=%f" % (
            rot_deg, cdelt1, cdelt2))

        # TODO: handle differing pixel scale for each axis?
        px_scale = math.fabs(cdelt1)
        cdbase = [numpy.sign(cdelt1), numpy.sign(cdelt2)]
        #cdbase = [1, 1]

        self.logger.debug("creating blank image to hold mosaic")

        img_mosaic = dp.create_blank_image(ra_deg, dec_deg,
                                           fov_deg, px_scale,

        ## imname = 'mosaic%d' % (self.mosaic_count)
        ## img_mosaic.set(name=imname)
        ## self.mosaic_count += 1
        imname = img_mosaic.get('name', "NoName")

        header = img_mosaic.get_header()
        (rot, cdelt1, cdelt2) = wcs.get_rotation_and_scale(header)
        self.logger.debug("mosaic rot=%f cdelt1=%f cdelt2=%f" % (
            rot, cdelt1, cdelt2))

        self.img_mosaic = img_mosaic
        self.fv.gui_call(self.fv.add_image, imname, img_mosaic,
Exemplo n.º 4
    def prepare_mosaic(self, image, fov_deg, name=None):
        """Prepare a new (blank) mosaic image based on the pointing of
        the parameter image
        header = image.get_header()
        ra_deg, dec_deg = header['CRVAL1'], header['CRVAL2']

        data_np = image.get_data()
        #dtype = data_np.dtype
        dtype = None
        self.bg_ref = iqcalc.get_median(data_np)

        # TODO: handle skew (differing rotation for each axis)?

        skew_limit = self.settings.get('skew_limit', 0.1)
        (rot_deg, cdelt1,
         cdelt2) = wcs.get_rotation_and_scale(header,
        self.logger.debug("image0 rot=%f cdelt1=%f cdelt2=%f" %
                          (rot_deg, cdelt1, cdelt2))

        # TODO: handle differing pixel scale for each axis?
        px_scale = math.fabs(cdelt1)
        cdbase = [numpy.sign(cdelt1), numpy.sign(cdelt2)]

        reuse_image = self.settings.get('reuse_image', False)
        if (not reuse_image) or (self.img_mosaic is None):
            self.logger.debug("creating blank image to hold mosaic")
            self.fv.gui_do(self._prepare_mosaic1, "Creating blank image...")

            # GC old mosaic
            self.img_mosaic = None

            img_mosaic = dp.create_blank_image(ra_deg,

            if name is not None:
            imname = img_mosaic.get('name', image.get('name', "NoName"))

            # avoid making a thumbnail of this if seed image is also that way
            nothumb = not self.settings.get('make_thumbs', False)
            if nothumb:
                # image is not on disk, set indication for other plugins

            # TODO: fill in interesting/select object headers from seed image

            self.img_mosaic = img_mosaic

            # <-- reuse image (faster)
            self.logger.debug("Reusing previous mosaic image")
                           "Reusing previous mosaic image...")

            img_mosaic = dp.recycle_image(self.img_mosaic,

        header = img_mosaic.get_header()
        (rot, cdelt1,
         cdelt2) = wcs.get_rotation_and_scale(header,
        self.logger.debug("mosaic rot=%f cdelt1=%f cdelt2=%f" %
                          (rot, cdelt1, cdelt2))

        return img_mosaic
Exemplo n.º 5
    def mosaic_inline(self,
        """Drops new images into the current image (if there is room),
        relocating them according the WCS between the two images.
        # Get our own (mosaic) rotation and scale
        header = self.get_header()
        ((xrot_ref, yrot_ref),
         (cdelt1_ref, cdelt2_ref)) = wcs.get_xy_rotation_and_scale(header)

        scale_x, scale_y = math.fabs(cdelt1_ref), math.fabs(cdelt2_ref)

        # drop each image in the right place in the new data array
        mydata = self._get_data()

        count = 1
        res = []
        for image in imagelist:
            name = image.get('name', 'image%d' % (count))
            count += 1

            data_np = image._get_data()
            if 0 in data_np.shape:
                self.logger.info("Skipping image with zero length axis")

            # Calculate sky position at the center of the piece
            ctr_x, ctr_y = trcalc.get_center(data_np)
            ra, dec = image.pixtoradec(ctr_x, ctr_y)

            # User specified a trim?  If so, trim edge pixels from each
            # side of the array
            ht, wd = data_np.shape[:2]
            if trim_px:
                xlo, xhi = trim_px, wd - trim_px
                ylo, yhi = trim_px, ht - trim_px
                data_np = data_np[ylo:yhi, xlo:xhi, ...]
                ht, wd = data_np.shape[:2]

            # If caller asked us to match background of pieces then
            # get the median of this piece
            if bg_ref is not None:
                bg = iqcalc.get_median(data_np)
                bg_inc = bg_ref - bg
                data_np = data_np + bg_inc

            # Determine max/min to update our values
            if update_minmax:
                maxval = numpy.nanmax(data_np)
                minval = numpy.nanmin(data_np)
                self.maxval = max(self.maxval, maxval)
                self.minval = min(self.minval, minval)

            # Get rotation and scale of piece
            header = image.get_header()
            ((xrot, yrot), (cdelt1,
                            cdelt2)) = wcs.get_xy_rotation_and_scale(header)
            self.logger.debug("image(%s) xrot=%f yrot=%f cdelt1=%f "
                              "cdelt2=%f" % (name, xrot, yrot, cdelt1, cdelt2))

            # scale if necessary
            # TODO: combine with rotation?
            if (not numpy.isclose(math.fabs(cdelt1), scale_x)
                    or not numpy.isclose(math.fabs(cdelt2), scale_y)):
                nscale_x = math.fabs(cdelt1) / scale_x
                nscale_y = math.fabs(cdelt2) / scale_y
                self.logger.debug("scaling piece by x(%f), y(%f)" %
                                  (nscale_x, nscale_y))
                data_np, (ascale_x, ascale_y) = trcalc.get_scaled_cutout_basic(
                    wd - 1,
                    ht - 1,

            # Rotate piece into our orientation, according to wcs
            rot_dx, rot_dy = xrot - xrot_ref, yrot - yrot_ref

            flip_x = False
            flip_y = False

            # Optomization for 180 rotations
            if (numpy.isclose(math.fabs(rot_dx), 180.0)
                    or numpy.isclose(math.fabs(rot_dy), 180.0)):
                rotdata = trcalc.transform(data_np, flip_x=True, flip_y=True)
                rot_dx = 0.0
                rot_dy = 0.0
                rotdata = data_np

            # Finish with any necessary rotation of piece
            if not numpy.isclose(rot_dy, 0.0):
                rot_deg = rot_dy
                self.logger.debug("rotating %s by %f deg" % (name, rot_deg))
                rotdata = trcalc.rotate(
                    #rotctr_x=ctr_x, rotctr_y=ctr_y

            # Flip X due to negative CDELT1
            if numpy.sign(cdelt1) != numpy.sign(cdelt1_ref):
                flip_x = True

            # Flip Y due to negative CDELT2
            if numpy.sign(cdelt2) != numpy.sign(cdelt2_ref):
                flip_y = True

            if flip_x or flip_y:
                rotdata = trcalc.transform(rotdata,

            # Get size and data of new image
            ht, wd = rotdata.shape[:2]
            ctr_x, ctr_y = trcalc.get_center(rotdata)

            # Find location of image piece (center) in our array
            x0, y0 = self.radectopix(ra, dec)

            # Merge piece as closely as possible into our array
            # Unfortunately we lose a little precision rounding to the
            # nearest pixel--can't be helped with this approach
            x0, y0 = int(round(x0)), int(round(y0))
            self.logger.debug("Fitting image '%s' into mosaic at %d,%d" %
                              (name, x0, y0))

            # This is for useful debugging info only
            my_ctr_x, my_ctr_y = trcalc.get_center(mydata)
            off_x, off_y = x0 - my_ctr_x, y0 - my_ctr_y
            self.logger.debug("centering offsets: %d,%d" % (off_x, off_y))

            # Sanity check piece placement
            xlo, xhi = x0 - ctr_x, x0 + wd - ctr_x
            ylo, yhi = y0 - ctr_y, y0 + ht - ctr_y
            assert (xhi - xlo == wd), \
                Exception("Width differential %d != %d" % (xhi - xlo, wd))
            assert (yhi - ylo == ht), \
                Exception("Height differential %d != %d" % (yhi - ylo, ht))

            mywd, myht = self.get_size()
            if xlo < 0 or xhi > mywd or ylo < 0 or yhi > myht:
                if not allow_expand:
                    raise Exception("New piece doesn't fit on image and "

                # <-- Resize our data array to allow the new image

                # determine amount to pad expansion by
                expand_x = max(int(expand_pad_deg / scale_x), 0)
                expand_y = max(int(expand_pad_deg / scale_y), 0)

                nx1_off, nx2_off = 0, 0
                if xlo < 0:
                    nx1_off = abs(xlo) + expand_x
                if xhi > mywd:
                    nx2_off = (xhi - mywd) + expand_x
                xlo, xhi = xlo + nx1_off, xhi + nx1_off

                ny1_off, ny2_off = 0, 0
                if ylo < 0:
                    ny1_off = abs(ylo) + expand_y
                if yhi > myht:
                    ny2_off = (yhi - myht) + expand_y
                ylo, yhi = ylo + ny1_off, yhi + ny1_off

                new_wd = mywd + nx1_off + nx2_off
                new_ht = myht + ny1_off + ny2_off

                # sanity check on new mosaic size
                old_area = mywd * myht
                new_area = new_wd * new_ht
                expand_pct = new_area / old_area
                if ((max_expand_pct is not None)
                        and (expand_pct > max_expand_pct)):
                    raise Exception("New area exceeds current one by %.2f %%;"
                                    "increase max_expand_pct (%.2f) to allow" %
                                    (expand_pct * 100, max_expand_pct))

                # go for it!
                new_data = numpy.zeros((new_ht, new_wd))
                # place current data into new data
                new_data[ny1_off:ny1_off + myht, nx1_off:nx1_off + mywd] = \
                self._data = new_data
                mydata = new_data

                if (nx1_off > 0) or (ny1_off > 0):
                    # Adjust our WCS for relocation of the reference pixel
                    crpix1, crpix2 = self.get_keywords_list('CRPIX1', 'CRPIX2')
                    kwds = dict(CRPIX1=crpix1 + nx1_off,
                                CRPIX2=crpix2 + ny1_off)

            # fit image piece into our array
                if merge:
                    mydata[ylo:yhi, xlo:xhi, ...] += rotdata[0:ht, 0:wd, ...]
                    idx = (mydata[ylo:yhi, xlo:xhi, ...] == 0.0)
                    mydata[ylo:yhi, xlo:xhi, ...][idx] = \
                        rotdata[0:ht, 0:wd, ...][idx]

            except Exception as e:
                self.logger.error("Error fitting tile: %s" % (str(e)))

            res.append((xlo, ylo, xhi, yhi))

        # TODO: recalculate min and max values
        # Can't use usual techniques because it adds too much time to the
        # mosacing

        # Notify watchers that our data has changed
        if not suppress_callback:

        return res
Exemplo n.º 6
    def mosaic_inline(self, imagelist, bg_ref=None, trim_px=None,
        """Drops new images into the current image (if there is room),
        relocating them according the WCS between the two images.
        # For determining our orientation
        ra0, dec0 = self.pixtoradec(0, 0)
        ra1, dec1 = self.pixtoradec(self.width-1, self.height-1)

        # Get our own (mosaic) rotation and scale
        header = self.get_header()
        ((xrot_ref, yrot_ref),
         (cdelt1_ref, cdelt2_ref)) = wcs.get_xy_rotation_and_scale(header)
        ref_rot = yrot_ref

        scale_x, scale_y = math.fabs(cdelt1_ref), math.fabs(cdelt2_ref)
        # drop each image in the right place in the new data array
        mydata = self.get_data()

        count = 1
        for image in imagelist:
            name = image.get('name', 'image%d' % (count))
            count += 1

            data_np = image.get_data()

            # Calculate sky position at the center of the piece
            ctr_x, ctr_y = trcalc.get_center(data_np)
            ra, dec = image.pixtoradec(ctr_x, ctr_y)

            # User specified a trim?  If so, trim edge pixels from each
            # side of the array
            ht, wd = data_np.shape[:2]
            if trim_px:
                xlo, xhi = trim_px, wd - trim_px
                ylo, yhi = trim_px, ht - trim_px
                data_np = data_np[ylo:yhi, xlo:xhi, ...]
                ht, wd = data_np.shape[:2]

            # If caller asked us to match background of pieces then
            # get the median of this piece
            if bg_ref != None:
                bg = iqcalc.get_median(data_np)
                bg_inc = bg_ref - bg
                #print "bg=%f inc=%f" % (bg, bg_inc)
                data_np = data_np + bg_inc

            # Get rotation and scale of piece
            header = image.get_header()
            ((xrot, yrot),
             (cdelt1, cdelt2)) = wcs.get_xy_rotation_and_scale(header)
            self.logger.debug("image(%s) xrot=%f yrot=%f cdelt1=%f cdelt2=%f" % (
                name, xrot, yrot, cdelt1, cdelt2))

            # scale if necessary
            # TODO: combine with rotation?
            if ((math.fabs(cdelt1) != scale_x) or
                (math.fabs(cdelt2) != scale_y)):
                nscale_x = math.fabs(cdelt1) / scale_x
                nscale_y = math.fabs(cdelt2) / scale_y
                self.logger.debug("scaling piece by x(%f), y(%f)" % (
                    nscale_x, nscale_y))
                data_np, (ascale_x, ascale_y) = trcalc.get_scaled_cutout_basic(
                    data_np, 0, 0, wd-1, ht-1, nscale_x, nscale_y)

            # Rotate piece into our orientation, according to wcs
            rot_dx, rot_dy = xrot - xrot_ref, yrot - yrot_ref

            flip_x = False
            flip_y = False

            ## # Flip X due to negative CDELT1
            ## if numpy.sign(cdelt1) < 0:
            ##     flip_x = True

            ## # Flip Y due to negative CDELT2
            ## if numpy.sign(cdelt2) < 0:
            ##     flip_y = True

            # Optomization for 180 rotations
            if math.fabs(rot_dx) == 180.0:
                flip_x = not flip_x
                rot_dx = 0.0
            if math.fabs(rot_dy) == 180.0:
                flip_y = not flip_y
                rot_dy = 0.0

            self.logger.debug("flip_x=%s flip_y=%s" % (flip_x, flip_y))
            rotdata = trcalc.transform(data_np, flip_x=flip_x, flip_y=flip_y)

            # Finish with any necessary rotation of piece
            if rot_dy != 0.0:
                rot_deg = rot_dy
                self.logger.debug("rotating %s by %f deg" % (name, rot_deg))
                rotdata = trcalc.rotate(rotdata, rot_deg,
                                        #rotctr_x=ctr_x, rotctr_y=ctr_y

            # Get size and data of new image
            ht, wd = rotdata.shape[:2]
            ctr_x, ctr_y = trcalc.get_center(rotdata)

            # Find location of image piece (center) in our array
            x0, y0 = self.radectopix(ra, dec)
            # Merge piece as closely as possible into our array
            # Unfortunately we lose a little precision rounding to the
            # nearest pixel--can't be helped with this approach
            x0, y0 = int(round(x0)), int(round(y0))
            self.logger.debug("Fitting image '%s' into mosaic at %d,%d" % (
                name, x0, y0))

            # Sanity check piece placement
            xlo, xhi = x0 - ctr_x, x0 + wd - ctr_x
            ylo, yhi = y0 - ctr_y, y0 + ht - ctr_y
            assert (xhi - xlo == wd), \
                   Exception("Width differential %d != %d" % (xhi - xlo, wd))
            assert (yhi - ylo == ht), \
                   Exception("Height differential %d != %d" % (yhi - ylo, ht))

            # fit image piece into our array, not overwriting any data
            # already written
                if merge:
                    mydata[ylo:yhi, xlo:xhi, ...] += rotdata[0:ht, 0:wd, ...]
                    idx = (mydata[ylo:yhi, xlo:xhi, ...] == 0.0)
                    #print idx.shape, rotdata.shape
                    mydata[ylo:yhi, xlo:xhi, ...][idx] = \
                                    rotdata[0:ht, 0:wd, ...][idx]

            except Exception as e:
                self.logger.error("Error fitting tile: %s" % (str(e)))

        # TODO: recalculate min and max values
        # Can't use usual techniques because it adds too much time to the
        # mosacing

        # Notify watchers that our data has changed

        return (xlo, ylo, xhi, yhi)
Exemplo n.º 7
    def mosaic_inline(self, imagelist, bg_ref=None, trim_px=None,
                      merge=False, allow_expand=True, expand_pad_deg=0.01,
                      update_minmax=True, suppress_callback=False):
        """Drops new images into the current image (if there is room),
        relocating them according the WCS between the two images.
        # Get our own (mosaic) rotation and scale
        header = self.get_header()
        ((xrot_ref, yrot_ref),
         (cdelt1_ref, cdelt2_ref)) = wcs.get_xy_rotation_and_scale(header)
        ref_rot = yrot_ref

        scale_x, scale_y = math.fabs(cdelt1_ref), math.fabs(cdelt2_ref)

        # drop each image in the right place in the new data array
        mydata = self._get_data()

        count = 1
        for image in imagelist:
            name = image.get('name', 'image%d' % (count))
            count += 1

            data_np = image._get_data()

            # Calculate sky position at the center of the piece
            ctr_x, ctr_y = trcalc.get_center(data_np)
            ra, dec = image.pixtoradec(ctr_x, ctr_y)

            # User specified a trim?  If so, trim edge pixels from each
            # side of the array
            ht, wd = data_np.shape[:2]
            if trim_px:
                xlo, xhi = trim_px, wd - trim_px
                ylo, yhi = trim_px, ht - trim_px
                data_np = data_np[ylo:yhi, xlo:xhi, ...]
                ht, wd = data_np.shape[:2]

            # If caller asked us to match background of pieces then
            # get the median of this piece
            if bg_ref is not None:
                bg = iqcalc.get_median(data_np)
                bg_inc = bg_ref - bg
                #print "bg=%f inc=%f" % (bg, bg_inc)
                data_np = data_np + bg_inc

            # Determine max/min to update our values
            if update_minmax:
                maxval = numpy.nanmax(data_np)
                minval = numpy.nanmin(data_np)
                self.maxval = max(self.maxval, maxval)
                self.minval = min(self.minval, minval)

            # Get rotation and scale of piece
            header = image.get_header()
            ((xrot, yrot),
             (cdelt1, cdelt2)) = wcs.get_xy_rotation_and_scale(header)
            self.logger.debug("image(%s) xrot=%f yrot=%f cdelt1=%f cdelt2=%f" % (
                name, xrot, yrot, cdelt1, cdelt2))

            # scale if necessary
            # TODO: combine with rotation?
            if (not numpy.isclose(math.fabs(cdelt1), scale_x) or
                not numpy.isclose(math.fabs(cdelt2), scale_y)):
                nscale_x = math.fabs(cdelt1) / scale_x
                nscale_y = math.fabs(cdelt2) / scale_y
                self.logger.debug("scaling piece by x(%f), y(%f)" % (
                    nscale_x, nscale_y))
                data_np, (ascale_x, ascale_y) = trcalc.get_scaled_cutout_basic(
                    data_np, 0, 0, wd-1, ht-1, nscale_x, nscale_y)

            # Rotate piece into our orientation, according to wcs
            rot_dx, rot_dy = xrot - xrot_ref, yrot - yrot_ref

            flip_x = False
            flip_y = False

            ## # Flip X due to negative CDELT1
            ## if numpy.sign(cdelt1) < 0:
            ##     flip_x = True

            ## # Flip Y due to negative CDELT2
            ## if numpy.sign(cdelt2) < 0:
            ##     flip_y = True

            # Optomization for 180 rotations
            if numpy.isclose(math.fabs(rot_dx), 180.0):
                flip_x = not flip_x
                rot_dx = 0.0
            if numpy.isclose(math.fabs(rot_dy), 180.0):
                flip_y = not flip_y
                rot_dy = 0.0

            self.logger.debug("flip_x=%s flip_y=%s" % (flip_x, flip_y))
            if flip_x or flip_y:
                rotdata = trcalc.transform(data_np,
                                           flip_x=flip_x, flip_y=flip_y)
                rotdata = data_np

            # Finish with any necessary rotation of piece
            if not numpy.isclose(rot_dy, 0.0):
                rot_deg = rot_dy
                self.logger.debug("rotating %s by %f deg" % (name, rot_deg))
                rotdata = trcalc.rotate(rotdata, rot_deg,
                                        #rotctr_x=ctr_x, rotctr_y=ctr_y

            # Get size and data of new image
            ht, wd = rotdata.shape[:2]
            ctr_x, ctr_y = trcalc.get_center(rotdata)

            # Find location of image piece (center) in our array
            x0, y0 = self.radectopix(ra, dec)

            # Merge piece as closely as possible into our array
            # Unfortunately we lose a little precision rounding to the
            # nearest pixel--can't be helped with this approach
            x0, y0 = int(round(x0)), int(round(y0))
            self.logger.debug("Fitting image '%s' into mosaic at %d,%d" % (
                name, x0, y0))

            # This is for useful debugging info only
            my_ctr_x, my_ctr_y = trcalc.get_center(mydata)
            off_x, off_y = x0 - my_ctr_x, y0 - my_ctr_y
            self.logger.debug("centering offsets: %d,%d" % (off_x, off_y))

            # Sanity check piece placement
            xlo, xhi = x0 - ctr_x, x0 + wd - ctr_x
            ylo, yhi = y0 - ctr_y, y0 + ht - ctr_y
            assert (xhi - xlo == wd), \
                   Exception("Width differential %d != %d" % (xhi - xlo, wd))
            assert (yhi - ylo == ht), \
                   Exception("Height differential %d != %d" % (yhi - ylo, ht))

            mywd, myht = self.get_size()
            if xlo < 0 or xhi > mywd or ylo < 0 or yhi > myht:
                if not allow_expand:
                    raise Exception("New piece doesn't fit on image and allow_expand=False")

                #<-- Resize our data array to allow the new image

                # determine amount to pad expansion by
                expand_x = max(int(expand_pad_deg / scale_x), 0)
                expand_y = max(int(expand_pad_deg / scale_y), 0)

                nx1_off, nx2_off = 0, 0
                if xlo < 0:
                    nx1_off = abs(xlo) + expand_x
                if xhi > mywd:
                    nx2_off = (xhi - mywd) + expand_x
                xlo, xhi = xlo + nx1_off, xhi + nx1_off

                ny1_off, ny2_off = 0, 0
                if ylo < 0:
                    ny1_off = abs(ylo) + expand_y
                if yhi > myht:
                    ny2_off = (yhi - myht) + expand_y
                ylo, yhi = ylo + ny1_off, yhi + ny1_off

                new_wd = mywd + nx1_off + nx2_off
                new_ht = myht + ny1_off + ny2_off

                # sanity check on new mosaic size
                old_area = mywd * myht
                new_area = new_wd * new_ht
                expand_pct = new_area / old_area
                if ((max_expand_pct is not None) and
                    (expand_pct > max_expand_pct)):
                    raise Exception("New area exceeds current one by %.2f %%;"
                                    "increase max_expand_pct (%.2f) to allow" %
                                    (expand_pct*100, max_expand_pct))

                # go for it!
                new_data = numpy.zeros((new_ht, new_wd))
                # place current data into new data
                new_data[ny1_off:ny1_off+myht, nx1_off:nx1_off+mywd] = \
                self._data = new_data
                mydata = new_data

                if (nx1_off > 0) or (ny1_off > 0):
                    # Adjust our WCS for relocation of the reference pixel
                    crpix1, crpix2 = self.get_keywords_list('CRPIX1', 'CRPIX2')
                    kwds = dict(CRPIX1=crpix1 + nx1_off,
                                CRPIX2=crpix2 + ny1_off)

            # fit image piece into our array
                if merge:
                    mydata[ylo:yhi, xlo:xhi, ...] += rotdata[0:ht, 0:wd, ...]
                    idx = (mydata[ylo:yhi, xlo:xhi, ...] == 0.0)
                    mydata[ylo:yhi, xlo:xhi, ...][idx] = \
                                    rotdata[0:ht, 0:wd, ...][idx]

            except Exception as e:
                self.logger.error("Error fitting tile: %s" % (str(e)))

        # TODO: recalculate min and max values
        # Can't use usual techniques because it adds too much time to the
        # mosacing

        # Notify watchers that our data has changed
        if not suppress_callback:

        return (xlo, ylo, xhi, yhi)
Exemplo n.º 8
def test_get_mean_median_nan():
    arr = np.array([np.nan, np.inf])
    assert np.isnan(iqcalc.get_mean(arr))
    assert np.isnan(iqcalc.get_median(arr))
Exemplo n.º 9
def test_get_mean_median(arr, ans):
    assert iqcalc.get_mean(arr) == ans
    assert iqcalc.get_median(arr) == ans
Exemplo n.º 10
    def prepare_mosaic(self, image, fov_deg, name=None):
        """Prepare a new (blank) mosaic image based on the pointing of
        the parameter image
        header = image.get_header()
        ra_deg, dec_deg = header['CRVAL1'], header['CRVAL2']

        data_np = image.get_data()
        #dtype = data_np.dtype
        dtype = None
        self.bg_ref = iqcalc.get_median(data_np)

        # TODO: handle skew (differing rotation for each axis)?

        skew_limit = self.settings.get('skew_limit', 0.1)
        (rot_deg, cdelt1, cdelt2) = wcs.get_rotation_and_scale(header,
        self.logger.debug("image0 rot=%f cdelt1=%f cdelt2=%f" % (
            rot_deg, cdelt1, cdelt2))

        # TODO: handle differing pixel scale for each axis?
        px_scale = math.fabs(cdelt1)
        cdbase = [numpy.sign(cdelt1), numpy.sign(cdelt2)]

        reuse_image = self.settings.get('reuse_image', False)
        if (not reuse_image) or (self.img_mosaic is None):
            self.logger.debug("creating blank image to hold mosaic")
            self.fv.gui_do(self._prepare_mosaic1, "Creating blank image...")

            # GC old mosaic
            self.img_mosaic = None

            img_mosaic = dp.create_blank_image(ra_deg, dec_deg,
                                               fov_deg, px_scale,

            if name is not None:
            imname = img_mosaic.get('name', image.get('name', "NoName"))

            # avoid making a thumbnail of this if seed image is also that way
            nothumb = not self.settings.get('make_thumbs', False)
            if nothumb:
                # image is not on disk, set indication for other plugins

            # TODO: fill in interesting/select object headers from seed image

            self.img_mosaic = img_mosaic
            self.fv.gui_call(self.fv.add_image, imname, img_mosaic,

            # <-- reuse image (faster)
            self.logger.debug("Reusing previous mosaic image")
            self.fv.gui_do(self._prepare_mosaic1, "Reusing previous mosaic image...")

            img_mosaic = dp.recycle_image(self.img_mosaic,
                                          ra_deg, dec_deg,
                                          fov_deg, px_scale,

        header = img_mosaic.get_header()
        (rot, cdelt1, cdelt2) = wcs.get_rotation_and_scale(header,
        self.logger.debug("mosaic rot=%f cdelt1=%f cdelt2=%f" % (
            rot, cdelt1, cdelt2))

        return img_mosaic
Exemplo n.º 11
def test_get_mean_median_nan():
    arr = np.array([np.nan, np.inf])
    assert np.isnan(iqcalc.get_mean(arr))
    assert np.isnan(iqcalc.get_median(arr))
Exemplo n.º 12
def test_get_mean_median(arr, ans):
    assert iqcalc.get_mean(arr) == ans
    assert iqcalc.get_median(arr) == ans
Exemplo n.º 13
    def mosaic_inline(self, imagelist, bg_ref=None, trim_px=None,
        """Drops new images into the current image (if there is room),
        relocating them according the WCS between the two images.
        # Get our own (mosaic) rotation and scale
        header = self.get_header()
        ((xrot_ref, yrot_ref),
         (cdelt1_ref, cdelt2_ref)) = wcs.get_xy_rotation_and_scale(header)
        ref_rot = yrot_ref

        scale_x, scale_y = math.fabs(cdelt1_ref), math.fabs(cdelt2_ref)
        # drop each image in the right place in the new data array
        mydata = self._get_data()

        count = 1
        for image in imagelist:
            name = image.get('name', 'image%d' % (count))
            count += 1

            data_np = image._get_data()

            # Calculate sky position at the center of the piece
            ctr_x, ctr_y = trcalc.get_center(data_np)
            ra, dec = image.pixtoradec(ctr_x, ctr_y)

            # User specified a trim?  If so, trim edge pixels from each
            # side of the array
            ht, wd = data_np.shape[:2]
            if trim_px:
                xlo, xhi = trim_px, wd - trim_px
                ylo, yhi = trim_px, ht - trim_px
                data_np = data_np[ylo:yhi, xlo:xhi, ...]
                ht, wd = data_np.shape[:2]

            # If caller asked us to match background of pieces then
            # get the median of this piece
            if bg_ref != None:
                bg = iqcalc.get_median(data_np)
                bg_inc = bg_ref - bg
                #print "bg=%f inc=%f" % (bg, bg_inc)
                data_np = data_np + bg_inc

            # Get rotation and scale of piece
            header = image.get_header()
            ((xrot, yrot),
             (cdelt1, cdelt2)) = wcs.get_xy_rotation_and_scale(header)
            self.logger.debug("image(%s) xrot=%f yrot=%f cdelt1=%f cdelt2=%f" % (
                name, xrot, yrot, cdelt1, cdelt2))

            # scale if necessary
            # TODO: combine with rotation?
            if ((math.fabs(cdelt1) != scale_x) or
                (math.fabs(cdelt2) != scale_y)):
                nscale_x = math.fabs(cdelt1) / scale_x
                nscale_y = math.fabs(cdelt2) / scale_y
                self.logger.debug("scaling piece by x(%f), y(%f)" % (
                    nscale_x, nscale_y))
                data_np, (ascale_x, ascale_y) = trcalc.get_scaled_cutout_basic(
                    data_np, 0, 0, wd-1, ht-1, nscale_x, nscale_y)

            # Rotate piece into our orientation, according to wcs
            rot_dx, rot_dy = xrot - xrot_ref, yrot - yrot_ref

            flip_x = False
            flip_y = False

            ## # Flip X due to negative CDELT1
            ## if numpy.sign(cdelt1) < 0:
            ##     flip_x = True

            ## # Flip Y due to negative CDELT2
            ## if numpy.sign(cdelt2) < 0:
            ##     flip_y = True

            # Optomization for 180 rotations
            if math.fabs(rot_dx) == 180.0:
                flip_x = not flip_x
                rot_dx = 0.0
            if math.fabs(rot_dy) == 180.0:
                flip_y = not flip_y
                rot_dy = 0.0

            self.logger.debug("flip_x=%s flip_y=%s" % (flip_x, flip_y))
            rotdata = trcalc.transform(data_np, flip_x=flip_x, flip_y=flip_y)

            # Finish with any necessary rotation of piece
            if rot_dy != 0.0:
                rot_deg = rot_dy
                self.logger.debug("rotating %s by %f deg" % (name, rot_deg))
                rotdata = trcalc.rotate(rotdata, rot_deg,
                                        #rotctr_x=ctr_x, rotctr_y=ctr_y

            # Get size and data of new image
            ht, wd = rotdata.shape[:2]
            ctr_x, ctr_y = trcalc.get_center(rotdata)

            # Find location of image piece (center) in our array
            x0, y0 = self.radectopix(ra, dec)
            # Merge piece as closely as possible into our array
            # Unfortunately we lose a little precision rounding to the
            # nearest pixel--can't be helped with this approach
            x0, y0 = int(round(x0)), int(round(y0))
            self.logger.debug("Fitting image '%s' into mosaic at %d,%d" % (
                name, x0, y0))

            # This is for useful debugging info only
            my_ctr_x, my_ctr_y = trcalc.get_center(mydata)
            off_x, off_y = x0 - my_ctr_x, y0 - my_ctr_y
            self.logger.debug("centering offsets: %d,%d" % (off_x, off_y))

            # Sanity check piece placement
            xlo, xhi = x0 - ctr_x, x0 + wd - ctr_x
            ylo, yhi = y0 - ctr_y, y0 + ht - ctr_y
            assert (xhi - xlo == wd), \
                   Exception("Width differential %d != %d" % (xhi - xlo, wd))
            assert (yhi - ylo == ht), \
                   Exception("Height differential %d != %d" % (yhi - ylo, ht))

            # fit image piece into our array, not overwriting any data
            # already written
                if merge:
                    mydata[ylo:yhi, xlo:xhi, ...] += rotdata[0:ht, 0:wd, ...]
                    idx = (mydata[ylo:yhi, xlo:xhi, ...] == 0.0)
                    #print idx.shape, rotdata.shape
                    mydata[ylo:yhi, xlo:xhi, ...][idx] = \
                                    rotdata[0:ht, 0:wd, ...][idx]

            except Exception as e:
                self.logger.error("Error fitting tile: %s" % (str(e)))

        # TODO: recalculate min and max values
        # Can't use usual techniques because it adds too much time to the
        # mosacing

        # Notify watchers that our data has changed

        return (xlo, ylo, xhi, yhi)