def process_node(vtknode, node):
    if 'children' in node:
        for n in node['children']:
            vtkchild = vtk_builder.AddVertex()
            vtk_builder.AddGraphEdge(vtknode, vtkchild).GetId()
            dict_to_vtkrow(n['node_data'], vtk_builder.GetVertexData())
            if 'edge_data' in n:
                dict_to_vtkrow(n['edge_data'], vtk_builder.GetEdgeData())
            process_node(vtkchild, n)
for (_, _, data) in edges:
    for (field, field_type) in six.iteritems(edge_field_types):
        if field not in data:
            data[field] = field_type()

# Add vtkArrays to the output data for nodes and edges
# We can just use the first node and edge since they all have same attr name/types
if nodes:

if edges:

# This is a mapping of NetworkX nodes to VTK Vertex IDs so we can refer to them
# when adding edges between NetworkX nodes later
node_to_ids = {}

for (node, data) in nodes:
    node_to_ids[node] = output.AddVertex()
    dict_to_vtkrow(data, output.GetVertexData())

for (u, v, data) in edges:
    output.AddGraphEdge(node_to_ids[u], node_to_ids[v])
    dict_to_vtkrow(data, output.GetEdgeData())
from girder_worker.plugins.vtk import dict_to_vtkarrays, dict_to_vtkrow
import vtk

vtk_builder = vtk.vtkMutableDirectedGraph()
node_fields = input['node_fields']
edge_fields = input['edge_fields']
dict_to_vtkarrays(input['node_data'], node_fields, vtk_builder.GetVertexData())
if 'children' in input and len(input['children']) > 0:
    if 'edge_data' in input['children'][0]:
        dict_to_vtkarrays(input['children'][0]['edge_data'], edge_fields,

def process_node(vtknode, node):
    if 'children' in node:
        for n in node['children']:
            vtkchild = vtk_builder.AddVertex()
            vtk_builder.AddGraphEdge(vtknode, vtkchild).GetId()
            dict_to_vtkrow(n['node_data'], vtk_builder.GetVertexData())
            if 'edge_data' in n:
                dict_to_vtkrow(n['edge_data'], vtk_builder.GetEdgeData())
            process_node(vtkchild, n)

dict_to_vtkrow(input['node_data'], vtk_builder.GetVertexData())
process_node(0, input)
output = vtk.vtkTree()
from girder_worker.plugins.vtk import dict_to_vtkarrays, dict_to_vtkrow
import vtk

output = vtk.vtkTable()
if len(input['rows']) > 0:
    dict_to_vtkarrays(input['rows'][0], input['fields'], output.GetRowData())
    for d in input['rows']:
        dict_to_vtkrow(d, output.GetRowData())