Exemplo n.º 1
    def update(refName, oldHash, newHash, accessObject=None):
        """ Git Update Hook
            Verify that update follows telekommie rules:

                * Can not be master
                * Must be branch, not tag
                * If not new branch, committer name must not change

            >>> gitDir = "/etc/telekommie/tests/telekommie.git"
            >>> g = GitAccessObject(gitDir)
            >>> newHash = "d3bb1c687114d0c59e82ce1c9a1b423c1e0f154e"
            >>> Hooks.update("refs/heads/test", "0" * 40, newHash) 

        if None == accessObject:
            accessObject = GitAccessObject();
        branch = accessObject.getRef(refName)
        if  branch.isMaster() or not branch.isBranch():
            raise Hooks.Errors.RefDisallowed(refName)
        head = branch.getCommit()
        if oldHash != "0" * 40:
            update = accessObject.getCommit(newHash)
            Hooks.haveMatchingCommitterNames(head, update)