def make_frame(t): speed = t * -20 surface = gz.Surface(w, h, bg_color=(1, 1, 1)) x0 = (coords[0] + 1) * scale # change coords with neat x1 = (coords[1] + 1) * scale + speed # change coords with neat and remove +speed height_support = h / 2 + beamheight * 50 support0 = support.translate(xy=[x0, height_support]) group = gz.Group((support0,)) group.draw(surface) support1 = support.translate(xy=[x1, height_support]) group = gz.Group((support1,)) group.draw(surface) group = gz.Group((beam,)) group.draw(surface) # Get the moments momentenfunction(beamwidth) # Draw text text1 = gz.text(str(round(momenten[0])), fontfamily="Impact", fontsize=14, fill=(0, 0, 1), xy=[x0, 30]) text2 = gz.text(str(round(momenten[1])), fontfamily="Impact", fontsize=14, fill=(0, 0, 1), xy=[(x0 + x1) / 2, 80]) text3 = gz.text(str(round(momenten[2])), fontfamily="Impact", fontsize=14, fill=(0, 0, 1), xy=[x1, 30]) group = gz.Group((text1, text2, text3)) group.draw(surface) return surface.get_npimage()
def draw(self, surface: gizeh.Surface) -> None: """Draw the pitch's label on the tone clock.""" scale = self._style.marking_scale rotation = self.get_mark_rotation() % TAU # TODO: Rotation of labels appears to be broken. Revisit this and add a style flag to turn rotation on/off, # with off being the default. # label_rotation = rotation % pi if abs(rotation - (pi + RIGHT_ANGLE)) < FLOAT_TOLERANCE: # Top center (12 o'clock) v_align = "top" h_align = "center" elif abs(rotation - RIGHT_ANGLE) < FLOAT_TOLERANCE: # Bottom center (6 o'clock) v_align = "bottom" h_align = "center" elif rotation < FLOAT_TOLERANCE or TAU - rotation < FLOAT_TOLERANCE: # Center right (3 o'clock) v_align = "center" h_align = "left" elif abs(rotation - (TAU - RIGHT_ANGLE)) < FLOAT_TOLERANCE: # Center left (9 o'clock) v_align = "center" h_align = "right" elif rotation < RIGHT_ANGLE: # Bottom right quadrant (3 to 6) v_align = "bottom" h_align = "left" elif rotation < pi: # Bottom left quadrant (6 to 9) v_align = "bottom" h_align = "right" elif rotation < pi + RIGHT_ANGLE: # Top left quadrant (9 to 12) v_align = "top" h_align = "right" else: # Top right quadrant (12 to 3) v_align = "top" h_align = "left" xy = self.get_mark_point(elevation=20 * scale) gizeh.text( self._label, self._style.font_family, self._style.font_size, # angle=label_rotation, xy=xy, fill=BLACK, stroke=BLACK, stroke_width=1, v_align=v_align, h_align=h_align).draw(surface)
def render_text(t): surface = gz.Surface(640, 60, bg_color=WHITE_GIZEH) text = gz.text( "Let's build together", fontfamily="Charter", fontsize=30, fontweight='bold', fill=BLUE, xy=(320, 40)) text.draw(surface) return surface.get_npimage()
def draw_seconds(seconds): center = numpy.array([40 / 2, 16 / 2]) surface = gizeh.Surface(width=40, height=16, bg_color=(0, 0, 0)) # in pixels image = alpha_to_color(misc.imread('alpaka.png')) alpaka = gizeh.ImagePattern(image, pixel_zero=center) r = gizeh.rectangle(lx=40, ly=16, xy=(24, 8), fill=alpaka) r.draw(surface) text = gizeh.text("{:02d}".format(seconds), fontfamily="DIN Condensed", fontsize=20, fill=(0.99, 0.82, 0.25), xy=(32, 8), angle=0) # Pi/12) text.draw(surface) #surface.write_to_png("circle.png") out = surface.get_npimage() fb = out.tobytes() prepped = prepare_message(fb, unpack=False) send_array(prepped, '')
def make_frame(t): """Draw text elements in each frame""" surface = gz.Surface(W, H, bg_color=(0,0,0)) for i, line in enumerate(text): job, name = line ypos = LINE_HEIGHT * i - int(t * SCROLLSPEED) + BOTTOM_START txt = gz.text(job, "Amiri", TEXTSIZE, fontweight='bold', \ h_align='right', fill=(1,1,1)) left = gz.Group([txt]).translate((LEFTCOL, ypos)) left.draw(surface) txt = gz.text(name, "Amiri", TEXTSIZE, \ fontweight='normal',h_align='left', fill=(1,1,1)) right = gz.Group([txt]).translate((RIGHTCOL, ypos)) right.draw(surface) return surface.get_npimage()
def test_pdfsurface(tmpdir): """Test PDFSurface class.""" # 800x800 point image im_size = 800 # Create a simple star shape with a fill shape =, fill=(0, 0, 0.3, 0.7)) shape = shape.rotate(-3.14159265358979 / 2.0) shape = shape.scale((im_size - 100) // 2) shape = shape.translate([im_size // 2, im_size // 2]) # Some text to throw on the shape... txt = gz.text("Gizeh on pdf", fontfamily="Arial", fontsize=50, fill=(0, 0, 0), xy=(im_size // 2, im_size // 2)) # Create pdf surface filepath = os.path.join(str(tmpdir), "pdfsurface_test.pdf") s = gz.PDFSurface(filepath, im_size, im_size) # Draw shape on the PDF surface shape.draw(s) txt.draw(s) # Write file and close surface s.flush() s.finish()
def make_frame(self, t): """ Creates colored pointer. Background color is the blur color, pointer (rect) color is the color of the pointer. """ surface = gz.Surface(self.width, self.height, bg_color=self.p_glow_color) # rect = gz.rectangle(lx=150, ly=5, xy=(250,250), fill=(0,1,0), angle=3.1415926/(2*t+1)) rect = gz.rectangle( lx=self.p_length, ly=self.p_width, xy=(self.p_rot_center_x + self.p_length * self.p_shift, self.p_rot_center_y), fill=self.p_color) rect = rect.rotate(self.speed2angle(t), center=[self.p_rot_center_x, self.p_rot_center_y]) rect.draw(surface) if self.g_text_visible: txt = gz.text('{0}'.format( int(self.gps_speed[int(t)] * self.unit_conversion_factor)), fontfamily=self.g_text_fontFamily, fontsize=self.g_text_size, xy=(self.g_text_x, self.g_text_y), fill=self.p_color) txt.draw(surface) arr = surface.get_npimage() if self.parent is not None: self.parent.processBarExport(p=1) if self.parent.cancelExport is True: raise TypeError('Canceling...') return arr
def make_frame_mask(self, t): """ Creates pointer mask. """ surface = gz.Surface(self.width, self.height, bg_color=(0, 0, 0)) # rect = gz.rectangle(lx=150, ly=5, xy=(250,250), fill=(1,1,1), angle=3.1415926/(2*t+1)) rect = gz.rectangle( lx=self.p_length + 2 * self.p_glow_margin, ly=self.p_width + 2 * self.p_glow_margin, xy=(self.p_rot_center_x + self.p_length * self.p_shift, self.p_rot_center_y), fill=(1, 1, 1)) rect = rect.rotate(self.speed2angle(t), center=[self.p_rot_center_x, self.p_rot_center_y]) rect.draw(surface) if self.g_text_visible: txt = gz.text('{0}'.format( int(self.gps_speed[int(t)] * self.unit_conversion_factor)), fontfamily=self.g_text_fontFamily, fontsize=self.g_text_size, xy=(self.g_text_x, self.g_text_y), fill=(1, 1, 1)) txt.draw(surface) arr = surface.get_npimage() if self.parent is not None and self.parent.cancelExport is True: raise TypeError('Canceling...') return arr
def create_frame(t): img = gizeh.Surface(videobreite,videohoehe,bg_color=(hgfarbe_r,hgfarbe_g,hgfarbe_b)) text_img = gizeh.text(text, fontfamily=schrift, fontsize=textgroesse, fill=(textfarbe_r,textfarbe_g,textfarbe_b), xy=(videobreite/2,t*(videohoehe/2)/videolaenge), angle=winkel) text_img.draw(img) return img.get_npimage()
def make_frame(self,t): """ Creates colored pointer. Background color is the blur color, pointer (rect) color is the color of the pointer. """ surface = gz.Surface(self.width, self.height, bg_color=self.p_glow_color) # rect = gz.rectangle(lx=150, ly=5, xy=(250,250), fill=(0,1,0), angle=3.1415926/(2*t+1)) rect = gz.rectangle( lx=self.p_length, ly=self.p_width, xy=(self.p_rot_center_x+self.p_length*self.p_shift, self.p_rot_center_y), fill=self.p_color) rect = rect.rotate(self.speed2angle(t), center=[self.p_rot_center_x, self.p_rot_center_y]) rect.draw(surface) if self.g_text_visible: txt = gz.text( '{0}'.format(int(self.gps_speed[int(t)]*self.unit_conversion_factor)), fontfamily=self.g_text_fontFamily, fontsize=self.g_text_size, xy=(self.g_text_x, self.g_text_y), fill=self.p_color) txt.draw(surface) arr = surface.get_npimage() if self.parent is not None: self.parent.processBarExport(p=1) if self.parent.cancelExport is True: raise TypeError('Canceling...') return arr
def make_frame(t): s = math.floor(t) surface = gz.Surface(1280, 720) xy = [158, 54] for c in reversed(list(str(df.iloc[s]['power']))): power = gz.text(c, "Helvetica Neue", 83, fontweight="bold", xy=xy, fill=(1, 1, 1), v_align="center", h_align="center") power.draw(surface) xy[0] -= 45 xy = [170, 115] for c in reversed(list(str(df.iloc[s]['heart_rate']))): hr = gz.text(c, "Helvetica Neue", 38, fontweight="bold", xy=xy, fill=(0, 0, 0), v_align="center", h_align="center") hr.draw(surface) xy[0] -= 22 return surface.get_npimage(transparent=True)
def make_movie(duration_seconds, output_filename): w, h = 500, 100 scale = 50 beamwidth = 8 # beam width in m beamheight = 0.2 coords[0] = 0 # Start position of first pole relative to start of beam coords[1] = 8 # random position of 2nd pole relative to start of beam # TODO: Change like in testfile, start at 0,0, change coords in make_frame file. Also add 1 general textfile that you change # Standard support # To use, translate support in make_frame, it will create a copy support = gz.rectangle(scale * .2, scale * 0.25, xy=[0, 0], stroke_width=1, fill=(0, 1, 0)) # Beam at center of screen beam = gz.rectangle(scale * beamwidth, scale * beamheight, xy=[w / 2, h / 2], stroke_width=1, fill=(1, 1, 0)) # Standard text at 0, 0 text = gz.text(str('placeholder'), fontfamily="Impact", fontsize=14, fill=(0, 0, 1), xy=[0, 0]) ''' paal1 = gz.rectangle(scale * .2, scale * 0.25, xy=((coords[0] + 1) * scale, h / 2 + 10), stroke_width=1, fill=(0, 1, 0)) paal2 = gz.rectangle(scale * .2, scale * 0.25, xy=((coords[1] + 1) * scale, h / 2 + 10), stroke_width=1, fill=(0, 1, 0)) pole = gz.rectangle(scale * beamwidth, scale * beamheight, xy=(w / 2, h / 2), stroke_width=1, fill=(1, 1, 0)) ''' def make_frame(t): speed = t * -20 surface = gz.Surface(w, h, bg_color=(1, 1, 1)) x0 = (coords[0] + 1) * scale # change coords with neat x1 = (coords[1] + 1) * scale + speed # change coords with neat and remove +speed height_support = h / 2 + beamheight * 50 support0 = support.translate(xy=[x0, height_support]) group = gz.Group((support0,)) group.draw(surface) support1 = support.translate(xy=[x1, height_support]) group = gz.Group((support1,)) group.draw(surface) group = gz.Group((beam,)) group.draw(surface) # Get the moments momentenfunction(beamwidth) # Draw text text1 = gz.text(str(round(momenten[0])), fontfamily="Impact", fontsize=14, fill=(0, 0, 1), xy=[x0, 30]) text2 = gz.text(str(round(momenten[1])), fontfamily="Impact", fontsize=14, fill=(0, 0, 1), xy=[(x0 + x1) / 2, 80]) text3 = gz.text(str(round(momenten[2])), fontfamily="Impact", fontsize=14, fill=(0, 0, 1), xy=[x1, 30]) group = gz.Group((text1, text2, text3)) group.draw(surface) return surface.get_npimage() clip = mpy.VideoClip(make_frame, duration=duration_seconds) clip.write_videofile(output_filename, codec="mpeg4", fps=50)
def create_frame(t): img = gizeh.Surface(videobreite,videohoehe,bg_color=(hgfarbe_r,hgfarbe_g,hgfarbe_b)) text_img = gizeh.text(text, fontfamily=schrift, fontsize=textgroesse, fill=(textfarbe_r,textfarbe_g,textfarbe_b), xy=(t*(videobreite/2)/videolaenge,videohoehe/2), angle=winkel) text_img.draw(img) return img.get_npimage()
def test_pdfsurface(): """Test PDFSurface class.""" # 800x800 point image im_size = 800 # Create a simple star shape with a fill shape =, fill=(0, 0, 0.3, 0.7)) shape = shape.rotate(-3.14159265358979 / 2.0) shape = shape.scale((im_size - 100) // 2) shape = shape.translate([im_size // 2, im_size // 2]) # Some text to throw on the shape... txt = gz.text("Gizeh on pdf", fontfamily="Arial", fontsize=50, fill=(0, 0, 0), xy=(im_size // 2, im_size // 2)) # Create pdf surface s = gz.PDFSurface("pdfsurface_test.pdf", im_size, im_size) # Draw shape on the PDF surface shape.draw(s) txt.draw(s) # Write file and close surface s.flush() s.finish() # Delete test PDF os.remove("pdfsurface_test.pdf")
def create_frame(t): img = gizeh.Surface(videobreite,videohoehe,bg_color=(hgfarbe_r,hgfarbe_g,hgfarbe_b)) text_img = gizeh.text(text, fontfamily=schrift, fontsize=textgroesse, fill=(textfarbe_r,textfarbe_g,textfarbe_b), xy=(videobreite/2,videohoehe-t*(videohoehe/2)/videolaenge)) text_rotation = text_img.rotate(t*(2*3.1415/videolaenge), center=[videobreite/2,videohoehe-t*(videohoehe/2)/videolaenge]) text_rotation.draw(img) return img.get_npimage()
def create_frame(t): img = gizeh.Surface(videobreite,videohoehe,bg_color=(hgfarbe_r,hgfarbe_g,hgfarbe_b)) text_img = gizeh.text(text, fontfamily=schrift, fontsize=t*(textgroesse/videolaenge), fill=(textfarbe_r,textfarbe_g,textfarbe_b), xy=(videobreite/2,videohoehe/2)) text_rotation = text_img.rotate(t*(2*3.14/videolaenge), center=[videobreite/2,videohoehe/2]) text_rotation.draw(img) return img.get_npimage()
def make_frame(t): surface = gz.Surface(W, H, bg_color=(1, 1, 1)) for i, letter in enumerate("GIZEH"): angle = max(0, min(1, 2 * t / D - 1.0 * i / 5)) * 2 * np.pi txt = gz.text(letter, "Amiri", 3 * r / 2, fontweight='bold') group = (gz.Group([polygon, txt]).rotate(angle).translate( (W * (i + 1) / 6, H / 2))) group.draw(surface) return surface.get_npimage()
def make_station_icon(surface, settings, n, constants, text=None): x_pos, y_pos = constants.icon_xy if constants.theme.lower() == 'tokyu': fill = constants.line_color stroke = [1, 1, 1] stroke_width = 5 text_fill = [1, 1, 1] letter_mod = -10 else: fill = [1, 1, 1] stroke = constants.line_color stroke_width = 15 text_fill = [0, 0, 0] letter_mod = 0 if constants.icon_shape.lower() == 'square': mod = 40 gz.square(constants.icon_size, xy=[x_pos, y_pos], stroke=stroke, stroke_width=stroke_width, fill=fill).draw(surface) else: mod = 45, xy=[x_pos, y_pos], stroke=constants.line_color, stroke_width=30, fill=[1, 1, 1]).draw(surface) if text: line, num = text.split('-') else: line, num = settings[n].station_number.split('-') gz.text(line, constants.icon_text_font, constants.icon_line_fontsize + letter_mod, xy=[x_pos, y_pos - mod], fill=text_fill).draw(surface) gz.text(num, constants.icon_text_font, constants.icon_station_fontsize - letter_mod, xy=[x_pos, y_pos + 30], fill=text_fill).draw(surface)
def draw_sqr(color, x, y): sqr = gz.square(l=500, fill=color, xy=(x, y)) r = int(color[0] * 255) g = int(color[1] * 255) b = int(color[2] * 255) string = "(" + str(r) + ", " + str(g) + ", " + str(b) + ")" text2 = gz.text(string, fontfamily="Tahoma", fontsize=24, fill=(0, 0, 0), xy=(x + 20, y + 20)) text3 = gz.text(string, fontfamily="Tahoma", fontsize=23, fill=(1, 1, 1), xy=(x + 20, y + 20)) return gz.Group([sqr, text2, text3])
def text(self, string, position, style = monospace30): string = str(string) for s in style: text = gizeh.text(string, s.fontfamily, s.fontsize, fill = s.fill, xy = position, ) text.draw(self.surface)
def make_frame(t): surface = gz.Surface(W,H, bg_color=(1,1,1)) for i, letter in enumerate("GIZEH"): angle = max(0,min(1,2*t/D-1.0*i/5))*2*np.pi txt = gz.text(letter, "Amiri", 3*r/2, fontweight='bold') group = (gz.Group([polygon, txt]) .rotate(angle) .translate((W*(i+1)/6,H/2))) group.draw(surface) return surface.get_npimage()
def render_text(t): surface = gz.Surface(1280, 300, bg_color=WHITE_GIZEH) # add original text to screen text1 = gz.text(untranslated_text, fontfamily="Charter", fontsize=40, fontweight='bold', fill=BLUE, xy=(640, 40)) text1.draw(surface) # add translated text to screen text2 = gz.text(translated_text, fontfamily="Charter", fontsize=40, fontweight='bold', fill=BLUE, xy=(640, 200)) text2.draw(surface) return surface.get_npimage()
def make_frame(t): surface = gz.Surface(W,H, bg_color=(1,1,1)) rect = gz.rectangle(lx = 10, ly = 10, xy=(W/(t+1),H/2), fill =(0,1,0.7)) rect.draw(surface) txt = gz.text(str(t+1), fontfamily="Impact", fontsize=15, fill=(0,0,0),xy=(W/(t+1),H/2)) txt.draw(surface) return surface.get_npimage()
def makeText(t): img = imageio.imread(args.background) W = img.shape[1] H = img.shape[0] surface = gizeh.Surface.from_image(img) x = W * t / DURATION y = H * t / DURATION text = gizeh.text(args.text, fontfamily="Helvetica", fontsize=5, fill=(255,255,255), xy=(x,y)) text.draw(surface) return surface.get_npimage()
def make_scale_text_frames(t, duration, surface, skip_if_t, scaler_func, text, xy, font, fontsize, fontcolor, x_scale, center_xy, alpha_func): '''Draws either a text showing or hiding animation''' if t != skip_if_t: color = list(fontcolor) + [alpha_func(t, duration)] scaler = scaler_func(t, duration) new = gz.text(text, font, fontsize, xy=xy, fill=color) new.scale(rx=x_scale, ry=scaler, center=center_xy).draw(surface) return surface
def render_info(info_value, shape): vertical_spacing = 22 surface = gizeh.Surface(width=shape[1], height=shape[0]) for i, (key, value) in enumerate(info_value.items()): text = gizeh.text('{0}: {1:.4}'.format(key, value), fontfamily="Helvetica", fontsize=18, fill=(1, 1, 1), xy=(10, (i + 0.5) * vertical_spacing), angle=0, h_align='left') text.draw(surface) return surface.get_npimage()
def render_keys(keys_down): isdown_layout = set2layout(keys_down) s = gz.Surface(RES[0] + 2 * BORDER, RES[1] + 2 * BORDER) #gz.rectangle(xy=(RES[0]/2, RES[1]/2), lx=RES[0], ly=RES[1], fill=(0,1,0)).draw(s) # greenscreen? gz.rectangle(xy=(RES[0] / 2 + BORDER, RES[1] / 2 + BORDER), lx=RES[0], ly=RES[1], fill=BORDER_RGBA).draw(s) row_height = RES[1] / len(chars_layout) xy = v([BORDER, -row_height / 2 + BORDER]) for row, downs in zip(chars_layout, isdown_layout): xy += v([0, row_height]) # place pen at start pos for row tot_chars = sum([len(col) for col in row]) for col, is_down in zip(row, downs): col_width = RES[0] * len(col) / tot_chars xy += v([col_width / 2, 0]) # advance pen if col != ' ': fill = (0.5, 0.5, 1, ALPHA_PRESSED) if is_down else (0.2, 0.2, 0.4, ALPHA) gz.rectangle(xy=xy, lx=col_width, ly=row_height, fill=fill, stroke=BORDER_RGBA, stroke_width=BORDER).draw(s) gz.text(col, 'Arial', 60, fill=(1, 1, 1, ALPHA), xy=xy).draw(s) xy += v([col_width / 2, 0]) # advance pen xy[0] = BORDER return s
def render(self, time): """ create gizeh object :param time: current time :return: gizeh object """ alph = get_alpha(self, time) circle = - 5, xy=self.position, stroke=(*self.border, alph), stroke_width=5, fill=(*self.color, alph)) num = gizeh.text(str(self.num), fontfamily="Impact", fontsize=self.radius, fill=(0, 0, 0, alph), xy=self.position) appr_circle = approach_circle(self, time) return [circle, num, appr_circle]
def make_frame(t): frame = int(math.floor(t*60)) print(frame) #Essentially pauses the action if there are no more frames and but more clip duration if frame >= len(events["A"]): frame = len(events["A"])-1 #White background surface = gz.Surface(W,H, bg_color=(1,1,1)) #Pucks for label, center in zip(labels, centers): xy = [center[0], center[1]] if events[label][frame]==1: #Event ball =, fill=(1,1,0), stroke=(0,0,0), stroke_width=1).translate(xy) ball.draw(surface) # text = gz.text(label, fontfamily="Helvetica", # fontsize=25, fontweight='bold', fill=(0.2,0.2,0.2), xy=xy) #, angle=Pi/12 # text.draw(surface) elif events[label][frame]==2: #Action/intervention ball =, fill=(1,1,0), stroke=(0,0,0), stroke_width=6).translate(xy) ball.draw(surface) text = gz.text('+', fontfamily="Helvetica", fontsize=35, fontweight='bold', fill=(0,0,0), xy=xy) #, angle=Pi/12 text.draw(surface) # timeline = gz.rectangle(251,201, fill=gz.ImagePattern(image), xy=xy) # timeline.draw(surface) elif events[label][frame]==0: #Inactive ball =, fill=(.7,.7,.7), stroke=(0,0,0), stroke_width=1).translate(xy) ball.draw(surface) #Letters # text = gz.text(label, fontfamily="Helvetica", # fontsize=25, fontweight='bold', fill=(0.2,0.2,0.2), xy=xy) #, angle=Pi/12 # text.draw(surface) #Mouse cursor # cursor_xy = np.array([this_events['mouse']['x'][frame]*RATIO, this_events['mouse']['y'][frame]*RATIO]) # cursor = gz.text('+', fontfamily="Helvetica", fontsize=25, fill=(0,0,0), xy=cursor_xy) #, angle=Pi/12 # cursor.draw(surface) return surface.get_npimage()
def epoch_finished(self, epoch): num_words = len(self.words) surface = gizeh.Surface(width=1200, height=self.height) background = gizeh.rectangle(lx=1200, ly=self.height, xy=[600,750], fill=(0,0,0)) background.draw(surface) gizeh.text('%s epoch %s' % (self.title, epoch), fontfamily='Arial', fontsize=20, fill=(.6,.6,.6), xy=(70,40), h_align='left').draw(surface) weights = self.rbm.weights.get_value() for block in range(self.tuplesize): for word in range(num_words): x = 40 y = 70+22*(block*(num_words+2)+word) gizeh.text('%s %s' % (block, self.words[word]), fontfamily='Arial', fontsize=12, fill=(.7,.7,.7), xy=(x,y), h_align='left').draw(surface) for block in range(self.tuplesize): for word in range(num_words): for h in range(self.num_hidden): vis = block*num_words+word w = weights[vis, h] r = math.log(1+abs(w))*4 x = 100+22*h y = 70+22*(block*(num_words+2)+word) col = (1,1,0) if w < 0: col = (.4,.4,.4) circle =, xy=[x,y], fill=col) circle.draw(surface) surface.write_to_png("epoch-%03d.png" % epoch)
def render(self, time): """ create gizeh object :param time: current time :return: gizeh object """ alph = get_alpha(self, time) slide = self.slide(alph) ball = self.ball(time, alph) appr_circle = approach_circle(self, time) numb = alph if time <= self.action else 0 num = gizeh.text(str(self.num), fontfamily="Impact", fontsize=self.radius, fill=(0, 0, 0, numb), xy=self.position) return [slide, appr_circle, ball, num]
def draw_text(self, text): props = self.props( text.props, 'stroke', 'fill', 'font_size', 'font_family', 'font_weight', # 'dominant_baseline', # 'text_anchor', ) string = text.text gtext = gizeh.text(text.text, xy=text.position, **props) gtext.draw(self.surface)
def draw_list(list, count): length = len(list) for index in range(length): color = (random_color_r + list[index] * 0.2625, random_color_g + list[index] * 0.123625, 0) circle =, xy=[80 * (index + 1), 100 * (count + 1)], fill=color) text = gizeh.text(str(list[index]), fontfamily="Impact", fontsize=40, fill=(0, 0, 0), xy=(80 * (index + 1), 100 * (count + 1))) group = gizeh.Group([circle, text]) group.draw(surface)
def make_text(self, text, where='bottom'): if text is None: return None if where == 'top': xy = (self.bgr.size[0] // 2, int(self.bgr.size[1] * 0.1)) else: xy = (self.bgr.size[0] // 2, int(self.bgr.size[1] * 0.9)) return gz.text(text, xy=xy, fontfamily='Impact', fontsize=self.font_size, fontweight='bold', fill=(1, 1, 1), stroke=(0, 0, 0), stroke_width=2)
def make_frame_1_r(t): sentence = sentence1 surface = gizeh.Surface(width=w, height=h, bg_color=(1, 1, 1)) # dimensions in pixel try: word = str(sentence[sentence.label_cumsum > t].word.iloc[0]) except: word = '' text = gizeh.text(word, fontfamily="Helvetica", fontsize=140, fill=(0, 0, 0), xy=(w / 2, h / 2)) text.draw(surface) return surface.get_npimage()
def make_frame(t): global fsize #create image on the surface im = imageio.imread("Liger.png") surface = gizeh.Surface.from_image(im) #grab width and height x = im.shape[1] y = im.shape[0] #start in the middle xmid = x/2 #have the text move up y = y - t*130 #increase font size by 1 fsize = fsize + 1 #set the text font, font size, font weight, color, and starting x and y position txt = gizeh.text(letter, fontfamily="Impact", fontsize=fsize, fontweight='bold', fill=(0,0,1), xy=(xmid, y)) #draw the text on the surface txt.draw(surface) return surface.get_npimage()
def make_frame_u(t): sentence = sentence_u surface = gizeh.Surface(width=w, height=h, bg_color=(1, 1, 1)) # dimensions in pixel avg_wps = (sentence.index.max() + 1) / su_pred_time i = floor(t * avg_wps) try: word = str(sentence.word.iloc[i]) except: word = '' text = gizeh.text(word, fontfamily="Helvetica", fontsize=140, fill=(0, 0, 0), xy=(w / 2, h / 2)) text.draw(surface) return surface.get_npimage()
def text_curve(server_no, message, angle, spacing, ts): cr = server_no * ring_rad + (ring_rad / 5) + (ring_rad * start_ring) # Start in the center and draw the circle # circle =, xy = [w/2, h/2], stroke=(1,0,0), stroke_width= 1.5) # circle.draw(surface) # We must keep track of our position along the curve arclength = -10 # For every letter for i in reversed(range(len(message))): currentChar = message[i] # print(message[i]) # guessing the width of each char # Each box is centered so we move half the width arclength = arclength - spacing / 2 # print("arclength") # print(arclength) # Angle in radians is the arclength divided by the radius # Starting on the left side of the circle by adding PI theta = (-1 / 2 * Pi) + arclength / cr + angle # print("theta") # print(theta) # Polar to cartesian coordinate conversion # add 250 so that the origin translates to center of screen, then add coords x = w / 2 + cr * math.cos(theta) y = h / 2 + cr * math.sin(theta) # Display the character text = g.text(message[i].capitalize(), fontfamily="Georgia", fontsize=ts, fill=(1, 1, 1), xy=[x, y]) text = text.rotate(theta + (Pi / 2), center=[x, y]) # rotation around a center text.draw(surface) # popMatrix() # Move halfway again arclength -= spacing / 2
def make_frame_mask(self,t): """ Creates pointer mask. """ surface = gz.Surface(self.width, self.height, bg_color=(0,0,0)) # rect = gz.rectangle(lx=150, ly=5, xy=(250,250), fill=(1,1,1), angle=3.1415926/(2*t+1)) rect = gz.rectangle( lx=self.p_length+2*self.p_glow_margin, ly=self.p_width+2*self.p_glow_margin, xy=(self.p_rot_center_x+self.p_length*self.p_shift, self.p_rot_center_y), fill=(1,1,1)) rect = rect.rotate(self.speed2angle(t), center=[self.p_rot_center_x, self.p_rot_center_y]) rect.draw(surface) if self.g_text_visible: txt = gz.text( '{0}'.format(int(self.gps_speed[int(t)]*self.unit_conversion_factor)), fontfamily=self.g_text_fontFamily, fontsize=self.g_text_size, xy=(self.g_text_x, self.g_text_y), fill=(1,1,1)) txt.draw(surface) arr = surface.get_npimage() if self.parent is not None and self.parent.cancelExport is True: raise TypeError('Canceling...') return arr
# white keys white_count = 7 white_size = (width / white_count, height) for i in range(white_count): w, h = white_size rect = gz.rectangle(lx=w-5, ly=h-5, xy=[(i + 0.5) * w, h / 2], stroke=(0.8, 0.8, 0.8), stroke_width=2) rect.draw(surface) # black keys for i in (0, 1, 3, 4, 5): w, h = white_size[0] * 0.85, (white_size[1] * 0.65) rect = gz.rectangle(lx=w-5, ly=h-5, xy=[(i + 0.5 + 0.5) * white_size[0], h / 2], fill=(0.1, 0.1, 0.1)) rect.draw(surface) for i, label in enumerate(('C', 'D', 'E', 'F', 'G', 'A', 'B')): text = gz.text(label, 'Helvetica', white_size[0]*0.4, xy=[(i + 0.5) * white_size[0], height * 0.85]) text.draw(surface) for i, label in ((0, 'Db'), (1, 'Eb'), (3, 'Gb'), (4, 'Ab'), (5, 'Bb')): text = gz.text(label, 'Helvetica', white_size[0]*0.35, xy=[(i + 0.5 + 0.5) * white_size[0], height * 0.55], fill=(1,1,1)) text.draw(surface) surface.write_to_png('piano-octave.png')
import gizeh as gz import numpy as np # PARAMETERS L = 600 # Picture dimension r = 100 # Size of the triangles angles = np.arange(3)*2*np.pi/3 # directions 3h00, 7h00, 11h00 # INITIALIZE THE SURFACE surface = gz.Surface(L,L, bg_color=(1,1,1)) # DRAW THE TEXT txt = gz.text("Gizeh", fontfamily="Dancing Script", fontsize=120, fill=(0,0,0),xy=(L/2,L/9)) txt.draw(surface) # MAKE THE FIRST TRIANGLE gradient=gz.ColorGradient('radial', [(0,(.3,.2,.8)),(1,(.4,.6,.8))], xy1=(0,0), xy2=(0,r/3), xy3=(0,r)) triangle = gz.regular_polygon(r, n=3,fill=gradient, stroke=(0,0,0), stroke_width=3, xy = (r,0)) # BUILD THE FRACTAL RECURSIVELY fractal = gz.Group([triangle.rotate(a) for a in angles]) for i in range(6): fractal = gz.Group([fractal.scale(.5).rotate(-np.pi)