Exemplo n.º 1
def condition_for_function(f, abi, all_not_in_ABI):
	"""Create a C-preprocessor condition for the function.
	There are two modes of operation.  If all_not_in_ABI is set, a
	condition is only created is all of the entry-point names for f are
	not in the selected ABI.  If all_not_in_ABI is not set, a condition
	is created if any entryp-point name is not in the selected ABI.

	condition = []
	for n in f.entry_points:
		[category, num] = api.get_category_for_name( n )
		if category not in abi:
			condition.append( 'defined(need_%s)' % (gl_XML.real_category_name( category )) )
		elif all_not_in_ABI:
			return []

	return condition
Exemplo n.º 2
def condition_for_function(f, abi, all_not_in_ABI):
    """Create a C-preprocessor condition for the function.

    There are two modes of operation.  If all_not_in_ABI is set, a
    condition is only created is all of the entry-point names for f are
    not in the selected ABI.  If all_not_in_ABI is not set, a condition
    is created if any entryp-point name is not in the selected ABI.

    condition = []
    for n in f.entry_points:
        [category, num] = api.get_category_for_name(n)
        if category not in abi:
            condition.append('defined(need_%s)' %
        elif all_not_in_ABI:
            return []

    return condition
Exemplo n.º 3
	def printBody(self, api):
		abi = [ "1.0", "1.1", "1.2", "GL_ARB_multitexture" ]

		category_list = {}

		print '#ifndef NULL'
		print '# define NULL 0'
		print '#endif'
		print ''

		for f in api.functionIterateAll():
			condition = condition_for_function(f, abi, 0)
			if len(condition):
				print '#if %s' % (string.join(condition, " || "))
				print 'static const char %s_names[] = ' % (f.name)

				parameter_signature = ''
				for p in f.parameterIterator():
					# FIXME: This is a *really* ugly hack. :(

					tn = p.type_expr.get_base_type_node()
					if p.is_pointer():
						parameter_signature += 'p'
					elif tn.integer:
						parameter_signature += 'i'
					elif tn.size == 4:
						parameter_signature += 'f'
						parameter_signature += 'd'

				print '    "%s\\0" /* Parameter signature */' % (parameter_signature)

				for n in f.entry_points:
					print '    "gl%s\\0"' % (n)

					[category, num] = api.get_category_for_name( n )
					if category not in abi:
						c = gl_XML.real_category_name(category)
						if not category_list.has_key(c):
							category_list[ c ] = []

						category_list[ c ].append( f )

				print '    "";'
				print '#endif'
				print ''

		keys = category_list.keys()

		for category in keys:
			print '#if defined(need_%s)' % (category)
			print 'static const struct dri_extension_function %s_functions[] = {' % (category)
			for f in category_list[ category ]:
				# A function either has an offset that is
				# assigned by the ABI, or it has a remap
				# index.
				if any_entrypoints_in_abi(f, abi, api):
					index_name = "-1"
					offset = f.offset
					index_name = "%s_remap_index" % (f.name)
					offset = -1

				print '    { %s_names, %s, %d },' % (f.name, index_name, offset)

			print '    { NULL, 0, 0 }'
			print '};'
			print '#endif'
			print ''
Exemplo n.º 4
    def printBody(self, api):
        pool_indices = {}

        print '/* this is internal to remap.c */'
        print '#ifndef need_MESA_remap_table'
        print '#error Only remap.c should include this file!'
        print '#endif /* need_MESA_remap_table */'
        print ''

        print ''
        print 'static const char _mesa_function_pool[] ='

        # output string pool
        index = 0;
        for f in api.functionIterateAll():
            pool_indices[f] = index

            spec = get_function_spec(f)

            # a function has either assigned offset, fixed offset,
            # or no offset
            if f.assign_offset:
                comments = "will be remapped"
            elif f.offset > 0:
                comments = "offset %d" % f.offset
                comments = "dynamic"

            print '   /* _mesa_function_pool[%d]: %s (%s) */' \
                            % (index, f.name, comments)
            for line in spec:
                print '   "%s\\0"' % line
                index += len(line) + 1
        print '   ;'
        print ''

        print '/* these functions need to be remapped */'
        print 'static const struct gl_function_pool_remap MESA_remap_table_functions[] = {'
        # output all functions that need to be remapped
        # iterate by offsets so that they are sorted by remap indices
        for f in api.functionIterateByOffset():
            if not f.assign_offset:
            print '   { %5d, %s_remap_index },' \
                            % (pool_indices[f], f.name)
        print '   {    -1, -1 }'
        print '};'
        print ''

        # collect functions by versions/extensions
        extension_functions = {}
        abi_extensions = []
        for f in api.functionIterateAll():
            for n in f.entry_points:
                category, num = api.get_category_for_name(n)
                # consider only GL_VERSION_X_Y or extensions
                c = gl_XML.real_category_name(category)
                if c.startswith("GL_"):
                    if not extension_functions.has_key(c):
                        extension_functions[c] = []
                    # remember the ext names of the ABI
                    if (f.is_abi() and n == f.name and
                            c not in abi_extensions):
        # ignore the ABI itself
        for ext in abi_extensions:

        extensions = extension_functions.keys()

        # output ABI functions that have alternative names (with ext suffix)
        print '/* these functions are in the ABI, but have alternative names */'
        print 'static const struct gl_function_remap MESA_alt_functions[] = {'
        for ext in extensions:
            funcs = []
            for f in extension_functions[ext]:
                # test if the function is in the ABI and has alt names
                if f.is_abi() and len(f.entry_points) > 1:
            if not funcs:
            print '   /* from %s */' % ext
            for f in funcs:
                print '   { %5d, _gloffset_%s },' \
                                % (pool_indices[f], f.name)
        print '   {    -1, -1 }'
        print '};'
        print ''
Exemplo n.º 5
    def printBody(self, api):
        pool_indices = {}

        print '/* this is internal to remap.c */'
        print '#ifndef need_MESA_remap_table'
        print '#error Only remap.c should include this file!'
        print '#endif /* need_MESA_remap_table */'
        print ''

        print ''
        print 'static const char _mesa_function_pool[] ='

        # output string pool
        index = 0
        for f in api.functionIterateAll():
            pool_indices[f] = index

            spec = get_function_spec(f)

            # a function has either assigned offset, fixed offset,
            # or no offset
            if f.assign_offset:
                comments = "will be remapped"
            elif f.offset > 0:
                comments = "offset %d" % f.offset
                comments = "dynamic"

            print '   /* _mesa_function_pool[%d]: %s (%s) */' \
                            % (index, f.name, comments)
            for line in spec:
                print '   "%s\\0"' % line
                index += len(line) + 1
        print '   ;'
        print ''

        print '/* these functions need to be remapped */'
        print 'static const struct gl_function_pool_remap MESA_remap_table_functions[] = {'
        # output all functions that need to be remapped
        # iterate by offsets so that they are sorted by remap indices
        for f in api.functionIterateByOffset():
            if not f.assign_offset:
            print '   { %5d, %s_remap_index },' \
                            % (pool_indices[f], f.name)
        print '   {    -1, -1 }'
        print '};'
        print ''

        # collect functions by versions/extensions
        extension_functions = {}
        abi_extensions = []
        for f in api.functionIterateAll():
            for n in f.entry_points:
                category, num = api.get_category_for_name(n)
                # consider only GL_VERSION_X_Y or extensions
                c = gl_XML.real_category_name(category)
                if c.startswith("GL_"):
                    if not extension_functions.has_key(c):
                        extension_functions[c] = []
                    # remember the ext names of the ABI
                    if (f.is_abi() and n == f.name
                            and c not in abi_extensions):
        # ignore the ABI itself
        for ext in abi_extensions:

        extensions = extension_functions.keys()

        # output ABI functions that have alternative names (with ext suffix)
        print '/* these functions are in the ABI, but have alternative names */'
        print 'static const struct gl_function_remap MESA_alt_functions[] = {'
        for ext in extensions:
            funcs = []
            for f in extension_functions[ext]:
                # test if the function is in the ABI and has alt names
                if f.is_abi() and len(f.entry_points) > 1:
            if not funcs:
            print '   /* from %s */' % ext
            for f in funcs:
                print '   { %5d, _gloffset_%s },' \
                                % (pool_indices[f], f.name)
        print '   {    -1, -1 }'
        print '};'
        print ''
Exemplo n.º 6
    def printBody(self, api):
        abi = ["1.0", "1.1", "1.2", "GL_ARB_multitexture"]

        category_list = {}

        print '#ifndef NULL'
        print '# define NULL 0'
        print '#endif'
        print ''

        for f in api.functionIterateAll():
            condition = condition_for_function(f, abi, 0)
            if len(condition):
                print '#if %s' % (string.join(condition, " || "))
                print 'static const char %s_names[] =' % (f.name)

                parameter_signature = ''
                for p in f.parameterIterator():
                    if p.is_padding:

                    # FIXME: This is a *really* ugly hack. :(

                    tn = p.type_expr.get_base_type_node()
                    if p.is_pointer():
                        parameter_signature += 'p'
                    elif tn.integer:
                        parameter_signature += 'i'
                    elif tn.size == 4:
                        parameter_signature += 'f'
                        parameter_signature += 'd'

                print '    "%s\\0" /* Parameter signature */' % (

                for n in f.entry_points:
                    print '    "gl%s\\0"' % (n)

                    [category, num] = api.get_category_for_name(n)
                    if category not in abi:
                        c = gl_XML.real_category_name(category)
                        if not category_list.has_key(c):
                            category_list[c] = []


                print '    "";'
                print '#endif'
                print ''

        keys = category_list.keys()

        for category in keys:
            print '#if defined(need_%s)' % (category)
            print 'static const struct dri_extension_function %s_functions[] = {' % (

            for f in category_list[category]:
                # A function either has an offset that is
                # assigned by the ABI, or it has a remap
                # index.
                if any_entrypoints_in_abi(f, abi, api):
                    index_name = "-1"
                    offset = f.offset
                    index_name = "%s_remap_index" % (f.name)
                    offset = -1

                print '    { %s_names, %s, %d },' % (f.name, index_name,

            print '    { NULL, 0, 0 }'
            print '};'
            print '#endif'
            print ''

Exemplo n.º 7
	def printBody(self, api):
		print 'struct gl_function_remap {'
		print '   GLint func_index;'
		print '   GLint dispatch_offset; /* for sanity check */'
		print '};'
		print ''

		pool_indices = {}

		print '/* this is internal to remap.c */'
		print '#ifdef need_MESA_remap_table'
		print ''
		print 'static const char _mesa_function_pool[] ='

		# output string pool
		index = 0;
		for f in api.functionIterateAll():
			pool_indices[f] = index

			spec = get_function_spec(f)

			# a function has either assigned offset, fixed offset,
			# or no offset
			if f.assign_offset:
				comments = "will be remapped"
			elif f.offset > 0:
				comments = "offset %d" % f.offset
				comments = "dynamic"

			print '   /* _mesa_function_pool[%d]: %s (%s) */' \
					% (index, f.name, comments)
			for line in spec:
				print '   "%s\\0"' % line
				index += len(line) + 1
		print '   ;'
		print ''

		print '/* these functions need to be remapped */'
		print 'static const struct {'
		print '   GLint pool_index;'
		print '   GLint remap_index;'
		print '} MESA_remap_table_functions[] = {'
		# output all functions that need to be remapped
		# iterate by offsets so that they are sorted by remap indices
		for f in api.functionIterateByOffset():
			if not f.assign_offset:
			print '   { %5d, %s_remap_index },' \
					% (pool_indices[f], f.name)
		print '   {    -1, -1 }'
		print '};'
		print ''

		abi = [ "1.0", "1.1", "1.2", "GL_ARB_multitexture" ]
		extension_functions = {}

		# collect non-ABI functions
		for f in api.functionIterateAll():
			for n in f.entry_points:
				category, num = api.get_category_for_name(n)
				if category not in abi:
					c = gl_XML.real_category_name(category)
					if not extension_functions.has_key(c):
						extension_functions[c] = []
		extensions = extension_functions.keys()

		# output ABI functions that have alternative names (with ext suffix)
		print '/* these functions are in the ABI, but have alternative names */'
		print 'static const struct gl_function_remap MESA_alt_functions[] = {'
		for ext in extensions:
			funcs = []
			for f in extension_functions[ext]:
				# test if the function is in the ABI
				if not f.assign_offset and f.offset >= 0:
			if not funcs:
			print '   /* from %s */' % ext
			for f in funcs:
				print '   { %5d, _gloffset_%s },' \
						% (pool_indices[f], f.name)
		print '   {    -1, -1 }'
		print '};'
		print ''

		print '#endif /* need_MESA_remap_table */'
		print ''

		# output remap helpers for DRI drivers

		for ext in extensions:
			funcs = []
			remapped = []
			for f in extension_functions[ext]:
				if f.assign_offset:
					# these are handled above
					# these functions are either in the
                                        # abi, or have offset -1

			print '#if defined(need_%s)' % (ext)
			if remapped:
				print '/* functions defined in MESA_remap_table_functions are excluded */'

			# output extension functions that need to be mapped
			print 'static const struct gl_function_remap %s_functions[] = {' % (ext)
			for f in funcs:
				if f.offset >= 0:
					print '   { %5d, _gloffset_%s },' \
							% (pool_indices[f], f.name)
					print '   { %5d, -1 }, /* %s */' % \
							(pool_indices[f], f.name)
			print '   {    -1, -1 }'
			print '};'

			print '#endif'
			print ''
